To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (22 page)

BOOK: To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings)
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Lidon marched him out to the bay and straight up to the shuttle.  They followed Tranis into the thoroughly disreputable-looking vehicle.  Degorsk consoled himself with the thought that the thing would probably crash and kill them all before the two men had the opportunity to discipline him.

The interior walls were dinged and dented.  The few seating cushions left in the main cabin were torn.  Most had been removed to make room for extra storage.  A large cavernous space yawned wide in the back of the shuttle with bins lining the walls.  It smelled of earth and fertilizer.  Lots and lots of fertilizer.  Degorsk had smelled sewage nicer than this.  He wrinkled his nose.

He said, “I think this bucket is older than you and me put together, Lidon.”

Tranis moved into the cockpit, which was not separated from the rest of the cabin.  There were two chairs in front of the piloting console.  He started tapping the controls, and Degorsk felt the vehicle shift beneath his feet.  Lidon steadied him as the shuttle lifted off its struts and slowly backed out of the bay.

Tranis grinned at Degorsk.  “It will fly.  It will do a hell of a lot more, too.”

Lidon pushed Degorsk towards a bench-style seat.  “Lay down here.  On your stomach.”

“I’m not exactly tired enough for a nap, you know.”  Degorsk wilted under Lidon’s assessing stare and wished he’d learn to keep his mouth shut.  The dark promise in the Nobek’s eyes had him scared and aroused all at once.

“Fuck me,” he whispered to himself.

Lidon heard and gave him a predatory leer.  “Don’t worry; I’ll get to that.”

He tied Degorsk facedown on the seat, securing his legs and arms to the corners so the Imdiko was splayed.  It was an embarrassingly vulnerable position, and Degorsk kept his face averted so Lidon couldn’t see how humiliated he felt.

As soon as the Imdiko was secured, Lidon swatted his backside.  “Don’t go anywhere.”

“Hilarious,” Degorsk muttered, refusing to look at him.

Lidon went to the cockpit to join Tranis.  Degorsk turned his head to look at the pair. He had a view of the backs of their heads and the vid readouts in front of them.

“All systems are go,” Tranis said.

“Confirmed.  Diagnostics show all functions operational.”

Degorsk felt the lift of the shuttle, and the outside view vid showed nothing but sky.  Moments later, they were looking into the black view of space.

Tranis stretched.  “On our way.”  He twisted around to look at Degorsk.  “Comfortable?”

Degorsk summoned the most withering look he could manage.  “And everyone says my jokes are bad.”

Lidon turned too and gave the Imdiko a slow, dangerous grin.  Degorsk swallowed and was forced to look away.  Sometimes the man terrified him.  And that made him hard.  Damn his weird makeup that turned fear and even pain into arousal.  Presented with the right man, the seemingly negative reactions were a bizarre aphrodisiac.

Surely what the Dramok and Nobek had planned for him wouldn’t excite Degorsk’s admittedly huge masochistic streak.  No, he would certainly not like the punishment he would receive for his transgressions.  They’d see to that.  Yet for the moment, the anticipation of what was to come had his betraying body more excited than was appropriate.

Minutes ticked by.  Tranis and Lidon conversed in low tones, readying for the mission ahead.  Despite the smell and overall condition of the shuttle, Degorsk wasn’t uncomfortable.  It had been a long time since he’d last gotten any rest.  The Imdiko drifted, lulled by the soft voices, and then fell asleep.

He didn’t know how long he’d been out when he was wakened by the sound of the two men talking over him.

Tranis was saying, “That’s going to be a hell of a wakeup call,” when Degorsk opened his eyes. 

“Are we there yet?” the Imdiko mumbled, blinking and trying to make the wisps of his brain coalesce.

Lidon said, “Yes, we are.  We’ve set up the linkage with the defensive satellites and are just waiting for an enemy to show up.”

Tranis moved so Degorsk could see him without having to strain.  “Have a nice nap?”

The Imdiko studied the circles under Tranis’ eyes.  “You need to rest too.”

“We took a couple of stim tabs.  We’ll be good for awhile.”

Lidon said, “Meanwhile, it’s time to get to your punishment, my Imdiko.”

Degorsk was abruptly wide awake.  “Terrific.”

Tranis lowered the seat’s backrest so that it lay flat.  He picked something up off the floor and set it on the extended surface.  Degorsk fought not to cringe as he looked at the first aid kit.  Fuck.  But had he expected any less?

No.  Insubordination was serious shit, and he’d known what he was in for when he’d committed the infraction.

Tranis pulled the back of Degorsk’s tunic up to rumple under his armpits and across his upper back.  A pair of hands that had to be Lidon’s tugged at his trousers.  Cool air caressed his buttocks and thighs as the Nobek exposed him, baring him for discipline.  Degorsk pulled at the cords tying his wrists.  He hadn’t expected them to be loose, but he had no choice but to try anyway.  Lidon had done a good job, as usual.  There was no give.

Tranis walked over to a bin and opened it.  He pulled out two long lengths of braided cord.  They looked like they’d been made of tanned animal hide.  Degorsk’s heart skipped a beat.  Then, true to form, his cocks twitched, heated, and filled.


Somehow keeping his voice steady, Degorsk asked, “What the fuck are those?”

Tranis examined them, took a sniff.  “I think they’re harnesses of some sort.  Smells like animal hide.”

Lidon walked over to take one from the Dramok.  He felt along the flexible cord, smacking it hard against one palm.  It left a blatant red stripe on his skin.  He nodded to Tranis.  “This will do nicely.”

“Shit.”  Degorsk watched long enough to see them each loop one end of their straps around their fists before his courage failed him.  He closed his eyes and pressed his face into the seat he was tied to.  Adding insult to soon-to-be injury, he was hard.  Lying on his erections was miserable torment.

Footsteps let him know the two men were standing on either side of his prone body.  Lidon said, “All right, Degorsk.  I don’t think I have to enumerate the reasons this delicious ass of yours is going to be very sore for a very long time.  Five lashes from each of us for disobeying orders, and another five from each for putting yourself in danger.”

Twenty fucking lashes.  Thank the Mother of All there was a first aid kit on board this tub.  Degorsk snarled, “Just do it and get it over with.”

There was a whistling sound as the strap whipped through the air.  Then the sound of it hitting bare flesh rang out.  An instant later, Degorsk’s ass seemed to explode with horrific pain and fire.

“Shit!” he screamed.

The blistering punishment rained down on him, sending pain blazing down his back, ass, and thighs.  Degorsk couldn’t keep from jerking and howling, all thoughts erased by the monumental torment.  Along with the pain came insistent arousal that only seemed to feed on the agony he was being subjected to.  Somehow that was the worst part of the whole thing.  He was in hell, and yet he was close to climax.

At last the blows ended, leaving Degorsk shaking, writhing, and groaning.  He hurt.  Damn, he hurt.  And still his cocks pulsed insistently, as if begging for more punishment.

Lidon said, “Excellent work, Commander.  Not one bit of broken skin.”

Tranis’ voice was breathless, and at first Degorsk thought it was from the exertion.  His words told another story.  “Welted and bruised all to hell though, isn’t he?  Of course, that’s what we were going for.  Damn.  That was really something.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so hard.”

Degorsk peered up at them through tear-blurred eyes.  Tranis was indeed magnificently aroused, his cocks straining mightily against the fabric of his formsuit.  One look at Lidon showed he was just as erect.

The Nobek’s face was filled with a softness that was so alien it almost made him unrecognizable.  Degorsk’s heart throbbed painfully at the blatant un-Nobek show of adoration.

Lidon dropped the strap he was still holding and caressed Degorsk’s cheek.  “I’m sorry, my Imdiko.  It’s not that I want to enjoy punishing you harshly.  You just move so beautifully under discipline.”

Degorsk swallowed, but his voice still came out trembly.  “Well, I’m not exactly crazy about being beaten, but laying on this erection is killing me.  If you’re done, please get me the hell up.”

Tranis’ eyes went dark even as he spoke with shock.  “You’re aroused?  After that?”

Lidon licked his lips, and the strange tenderness on his face fled before savage lust.  “I have excellent taste in Imdikos, don’t I?”

They worked quickly then to untie Degorsk.  He lay limp even after he was free, too worn out to move.  Lidon slipped an arm around his waist and lifted him to his knees.  Whether by accident or on purpose, he brushed Degorsk’s livid cocks as he did so.  Pre-cum spat from the Imdiko’s primary sex, and Degorsk shouted as erotic wanting surged brutally.  He needed to come so fucking badly.

Lidon groaned in his ear.  “Damn it, Degorsk.  You’re worth a thousand Pirases.  What took me so fucking long to realize that?”

He rubbed Degorsk’s sore ass roughly, making the Imdiko yell again.  More pre-cum dribbled.

Lidon’s chuckled as he teased Degorsk’s anus with tickling fingertips.  “Your ass is very, very hot from the discipline.  I think I’m going to have to shove my cock in you and enjoy all this heat.”

Degorsk shivered.  He had no strength at all, no way to defend himself.  Having Lidon pound into his poor, beaten ass would only make his fiercely throbbing flesh more tormented, but the need to spill was hurting worse.

He sighed.  “Fine, torture me some more, but at least let me come.”

“Of course, my Imdiko.”

Behind him, Lidon moved, freeing his cocks from his formsuit.  His larger one pressed against Degorsk’s anus, and the Imdiko opened himself.  Lidon slid inside, sighing with pleasure as he filled Degorsk’s tight channel.

Degorsk hissed as his lover’s groin met his bruised ass.  He leaned forward, bracing his hands on the seat, trying to lessen some of the contact.  However, Lidon moved with him, refusing to be separated.  His arm closed round Degorsk’s waist, holding him tight.  “Your ass is on fire, my Imdiko.  It feels good against me.”

“Glad you’re enjoying yourself so much,” Degorsk groaned.  His back, ass, and thighs were on fire, all right.  He couldn’t believe the beating hadn’t broken his skin.  And still the pain continued to feed that strange part of him that seemed more Nobek than Imdiko in its enjoyment of torment.

Lidon offered, “His mouth is free, Tranis.”

Tranis stood at the end of the bench seat, his arms folded over his chest as he watched them.  “Thanks, but if you don’t mind, I’ll wait for his ass.  I’ve never wanted an ass so bad in my life.”

Lidon sighed.  “You won’t have long to wait.  Damn, he moved so well under my discipline.  I wish I had my cockring.”

Degorsk growled, put out of temper by pain and arousal.  “Would you fuck me already?  Damn it, you two talk too much!”

Lidon grabbed his braid and yanked the Imdiko’s head back, forcing it onto his shoulder.  “As you wish,” he growled, watching Degorsk’s face.

The Nobek worked his cock in and out of Degorsk’s ass, pounding hard against the sore flesh.  Degorsk yelped with every thrust, but the sounds were more need than pained.  Lidon had found that spot, and just beneath the Imdiko’s second cock, something pulsed with every surge into his body.  The whole while he was forced to look into Lidon’s face, that deadly, beautiful face.  The Nobek’s eyes drank in the sight of Degorsk’s erotic suffering and grew darker with every cry the doctor made.

The pressure beneath Degorsk’s cocks was swelling, growing larger, threatening to burst.  One wail bled into the next as it fed into his pricks, making them so hard they curved up against his body and bounced off his belly with each strong shove Lidon made into him.

Sweet fire pooled at the base of his front cock.  Degorsk was coming.  As if in slow motion, he felt the delicious burning slide up the shaft, filling it up as a muscular contraction squeezed it tight.

Thick streams pulsed out, fountaining as he shrieked.  Bursts of agonized elation poured out, raining down on the seat before him.  There was a low roar behind him, and the throb of Lidon’s eruption inside his ass joined in.  The Nobek’s howl rang in his ears.

Degorsk’s body sagged in Lidon’s grip as the last expulsions left his body.  It was only then that he realized he had come without a hand on his cocks.

Lidon pulled free in a stream of cum.  “Damn, I haven’t gotten off that hard in a long time,” he said.  He stood, tucking himself back into his formsuit.

Tranis had two handfuls of cloths he’d found in one of the bins.  He wiped the seat clean and tossed them away.  Then he opened the crotch of his formsuit, letting his rigid cocks spring free.  “Lie on your side, Imdiko.”

Degorsk was a shaking mess after the one-two punch of punishment and fucking.  However, he obeyed without a thought against the Dramok’s orders, though he actually fell over instead of gracefully lying down.

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