To Clan and Conquer (Clan Beginnings) (12 page)

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“Sensitive there, aren’t you?”

“A bit,” the Imdiko gasped.

“Lidon’s spot is the hollow of his throat.”

Well, that was interesting information.  Degorsk wondered if he’d ever get to use it.

Tranis sucked his earlobe into his mouth, gently biting.  He circled one nipple with his thumb.  Degorsk’s breaths came in sobs as darts of pleasure zinged throughout his body, ending up pooling in his groin.  His dicks swelled until they felt fit to burst with the pressure.

His hips moved forward, making the tight grip Tranis still held on his primary cock slide to the base.  The rocking pulled Tranis nearly free of his ass.  The two different forms of friction had Degorsk’s eyes rolling in their sockets.  That felt good.  Really, really good.

He moved back, enclosing Tranis once more, his prick sliding through the Dramok’s fist nearly to the tip.  Something extraordinarily pleasurable was stroked inside him as Tranis filled him once more.  The hair stood up on his body.

He rocked forward and back again, trying a little more force.  Unfortunately, being trapped between his desk and Tranis wasn’t giving him much room to move.  The pressure against his interior hot spot was good, but it wasn’t enough.  Not by far.

His voice strangled with need, he looked into Tranis heavy-lidded gaze, beseeching the other man.  “Fuck me.  Please, Dramok?”

Tranis’ gaze on him was soft.  His hand moved to Degorsk’s shoulder and gently pushed him so the Imdiko’s stomach and chest rested on the desk.  Degorsk reached up and grasped the far edge.

Tranis pulled almost all the way out, then rammed in hard, his hand on Degorsk’s shoulder yanking him back to make the contact all the more forceful.  Degorsk’s breath left him in a rush as the hot spot inside finally got the pressure he wanted.  Molten heat filled his belly.  He cried out and lifted his butt higher, begging for more.

The Dramok answered his plea.  Flesh slapped against flesh loud enough to echo in the small room.  Again and again, Tranis pounded against that sensitive place inside, making Degorsk feel as if his guts were turning themselves inside out with ecstasy.  Meanwhile the firm fist worked his cock, making things inside draw up tight.  Degorsk sobbed and writhed, nearing crescendo.  He hung onto the desk for dear life.  A primitive part of his brain, the part that wanted to run from a hungry predator, scrabbled to escape.  It shouted at him to get away from the coming disintegration, that the climax would be too much.  Most of him welcomed the catastrophic release.

A deep voice, so kind and yet so dangerous at the same time, called to him.  “Let it go, Imdiko.  Surrender yourself now.”

As if his body belonged to the other, it bowed to his command.  There was an explosive unraveling deep in the pit of Degorsk’s stomach, and fiery heat unfurled.  It coursed in a molten stream through his dicks.  It fired through the primary one in thick, straining bursts.  The hand holding him there so tightly squeezed and pumped, squeezed and pumped, drawing hard to empty him of every shivering, ecstatic drop.  Bliss throbbed in almost painful pulses as the climax came to a slow, reluctant end.

Tranis groaned and drove in hard, grinding himself tightly against Degorsk’s buttocks.  The cock in his ass swelled, and the Dramok cried out.  Degorsk felt the steady rhythm of the other man’s release as he filled him with cum.  Then Tranis laid down over him, covering Degorsk with his body as the last of his pleasure drained into him.

They were that way for a few moments, heaving for breath as they recovered.  Degorsk let himself float in a peaceful space, not thinking.  He was content feeling the warmth and comfort of another, letting post-climax relaxation allow his mind to quiet.

Too soon, the delightful weight of the Dramok lifted from his back.  Degorsk straightened, and realized he was shaking with a fine tremor running throughout his body.  Tranis quickly set his own clothing to rights.  Noticing how Degorsk was having a little difficulty, he helped the Imdiko pull his pants back into place.  He grabbed some cloths from the sanitary cleansing dispenser and set to work wiping Degorsk’s spill from the floor.

Making his tremulous legs walk his body around to the other side of his desk was a monumental effort, but Degorsk managed.  He eyed his chair and set his lips in a grim line.  He’d shown enough weakness for one day.  He would remain standing.

“Give me a moment, and I’ll put in the order clearing you for duty.”  He tapped on his computer.

Tranis deposited the soiled cloths in the disposal.  He stared at Degorsk for an instant before coming around to join him behind the desk.  Before the doctor could react, he was in Tranis’ arms again.  The Dramok’s gentle kiss nearly buckled his wobbling knees.

Degorsk pushed away, breaking the kiss.  “Enough, all right?”

Tranis regarded him with narrowed eyes, then nodded.  “For now.  I think we should talk later.”

As the first officer drew away, Degorsk made himself ignore how much he already wanted to be held again.  It was time to get back to life the way he knew it.  He had work to do and promises to keep.  Getting too involved with Tranis could crumble all the walls that he’d worked so hard to build.

With real regret he thought,
That’s close enough, my warrior Dramok.  We don’t need to get any closer than this

* * * *

Lidon stood at his station, receiving reports from the recon parties on board what was left of the defense station.  The news was as grim as they had all feared it would be.  He took a moment to distract himself with the pleasant scent coming off Tranis, who had joined Piras at the captain’s podium.  It was a distinctive aroma Lidon knew well, having branded it into his memory.  Having it mingled with Tranis’ musk and the remnants of his own scent was a delight.

At least Piras was acting less pissy now.  No doubt the blatant sexual smells coming off his first officer now had him convinced the young, virile Tranis was screwing as many of the crew as he could stuff his dick into.  Lidon had just been one in a line of several as far as the captain knew.

For his part, Lidon was impressed that Tranis had gotten the recalcitrant Degorsk into a second compromising position.  He’d had the good sense to take advantage of it this time.  Some men had all the luck.

He took one more appreciative whiff before making himself concentrate on his work once more.  Very serious work.

“All away parties have reported in and are returning to the ship, Captain.”

Piras nodded.  “Good.  Let’s go over what we have.  Commander Tranis?”

“Cori defense station and the colony of Natamev went silent approximately eight hours ago.  We still don’t know their status.  Cagu defense station went silent approximately four hours ago.  Evidence suggests the attack occurred about an hour later.”

Lidon added, “Communications were jammed prior to them going dark.  That’s indicative of a Bi’isil attack.”

Piras frowned.  “Our relations with that realm have been peaceful for the most part since they joined the Galactic Council of Planets decades ago.  We haven’t had a major dust-up in nearly six years.  Are there reports of any insult recently visited on their people?”

The Bi’isils were a highly ordered, ritualistic society.  Specialists were trained for years to conduct any one-on-one negotiations with them.  To approach a Bi’isil official improperly was cause for violent repercussions from their entire kingdom.

Tranis shook his head.  “None at all, and I contacted our ambassador to Bi’is to confirm that.”

Piras considered.  He sighed.  “All right.  Next item.”

Tranis stared at the vid image of the twisted wreckage.  “Damage to the station shows all the hallmarks of expansion detonator hits.  The weapons signature came back positive for Bi’isil.  At least five ships attacked from the evidence shown.”

Lidon’s brows lowered.  “Expansion detonators are meant to take out heavily armed destroyers like ours.  Hitting a stationary station, even an armed defensive one, is overkill.”

Piras added, “And not at all the Bi’isil approved method of attack.  They like to take slaves since they go through them so fast.”

Tranis glowered.  “They aren’t supposed to be taking slaves from other Galactic Council member planets.”

“They haven’t in a long time.  At least, not that we know of.”

Tranis’ gaze on the station never wavered.  “Internal sensors show the entire crew was accounted for before the station went offline seconds later.  In a matter of minutes, they were hit.  The only bodies not found would have been those blown out into space where the hull was breached.”

“No survivors.  No slaves taken.”

Lidon mused, “And whatever came at them was cloaked from sensors until it was right on top of the station.”

Tranis scowled.  “Bi’isils would never cloak their ships.  They find it cowardly to not offer their immediate targets an opportunity to fight back.”

Piras agreed.  “That’s more of a Tragoom tactic, and they are most definitely cowards.”  “But no equipment was taken.  All of the fighters were still in their docks, even the ones not destroyed in the attack.  Tragooms always steal equipment, especially ships.”

Lidon pointed out, “Tragooms usually can’t get along with each other long enough to coordinate that many ships for such an attack anyway.”  The word usually bothered him about his own statement.

Piras rubbed the back of his neck.  “So what are we dealing with?  Opinions?”

Tranis blew out a frustrated breath.  “I hate to admit it, Captain, but I’m at a complete loss.  It can’t be the Bi’isils.  They are just too ordered to commit this type of an attack.  It’s someone who wanted us to think it was them.”

Lidon nodded.  “I agree with the first officer, Captain.  Take away the obvious, and you’re left with only one real possibility:  the Tragooms.”

Piras looked at him, cocking an eyebrow.  “I tend to agree with you.  However, you said yourself they can’t coordinate well enough to pull something like this off.”

“Indeed, they don’t under ordinary circumstances.  There have been times in the past where a chieftain has become powerful enough to intimidate or bribe several other groups into following him.”  Lidon snorted.  “They’re stupid and nasty enough to attack Bi’isils in order to scavenge ships and weapons from them.”

Tragooms had no loyalty to anyone, including their own kind.  If a chieftain thought he could attack Bi’isils and keep his own hide safe, he’d do so.  If he escaped, it would never trouble his conscience to know the Bi’isils would retaliate, taking out five times more of Tragooms as had been lost on Bi’is’ side.

Tranis didn’t look convinced with the Tragoom theory.  “But the attackers took nothing from the station.  Almost everything has been destroyed.  There appears to be no reason for this assault, unless it’s in retribution for our longstanding feud.”

Piras sneered.  “Tragooms are not honorable enough to attempt to avenge any wrongs.  They have no loyalty to their own outside of from fear or property.”

Lidon insisted, “They are still the most likely candidates for this.”

Piras blew out an exasperated breath and stared moodily at the destroyed station.  “As soon as everyone is back on board, get us to the Natamev colony, First Officer.”

“Yes, Captain.  We will reach our destination in five hours.”

Lidon stared at his reports, tension singing in his body.  He hoped they would find something more than a demolished hunk of space debris to answer the mystery.  Better still would be finding someone alive this time.  Looking at the defense station, drifting like a dark corpse, he had his doubts.




Chapter 6


When the destroyer reached Natamev colony, Tranis checked over the readouts and diagnostics, hoping against hope for any glimmer of life on the small moon below.  He found no power readings.  The quiet was ominous, and he felt a bit ill.  Degorsk’s words echoed in his head.

“Peace never lasts.  War always comes.  Then everybody dies.”

Pushing back his disquiet, Tranis asked, “Colony com status, Weapons Commander?”

Lidon’s voice betrayed no emotion.  “The colony’s communications satellite is intact and appears to be operational, Commander.  If they are receiving our attempts at contact, they are not responding, for whatever reason.”

Piras was equally stoic.  “Life signs?”

Taking his cue from the other two, Tranis was all business.  “None on the surface.  Our sensors do not penetrate beyond ten meters of the underground portion, however.  There may be survivors.”

The captain drew in a deep breath.  “Very well.  Commander Lidon, assemble a team and go down to the colony for recon and possible rescue.  First Officer Tranis will lead the effort.  Captain to Medical.”

Unexpected warmth filled Tranis’ belly at the sound of Degorsk’s voice.  “Chief Medical Officer Degorsk responding, Captain.”

“An expedition is going down to the planet to search for survivors.  You will bring a medical party for triage and to prepare any survivors for transport to the ship.”

“Acknowledged, Captain.”

Tranis heard the half-second of hesitation in the Imdiko’s voice.  He would have to keep an eye on Degorsk now that he had an inkling of the medic’s history.  Not that he thought Degorsk would unravel on a mission.  It was the after part that the Dramok had his concerns about, when the work was done and the doctor had time to think about what he’d done and seen.

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