To Love a Man (17 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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He wiped his face with his hands. “Where the heck did that come from?”

She walked to the four paned window shaking her head.

“I told you it was coming down…”

Ramón stood watching her for a second. Standing at the window in his shirt
and jersey on he found himself getting hard at the thought. He had controlled his instincts ever since he met her but now he was having a hard time not taking her in his arms.

He cleared his throat and she turned towards him he started to untie his shoes.

“I don't know. But I think we better get out of these wet clothes.”

She looked down to herself.
“I guess I just can’t stay dry can I.”

He chuckled as his phone rang he looked at it and smiled.

“Is everything ok mom?” he asked starting to panic.

“Yes I was just making sure you guys were ok that rain came out of nowhere I went out for some air and boom here comes the rain.”
She laughed through the phone.

“Yeah it hit as we got out the car. A blessing I know because no one can drive in that thickness.”
He said glancing over to Desiree who walked outside back onto the porch to see the rain fall.

“A blessing indeed.
” He said still staring at her.

Rachael didn’t miss the unusual tone in her
son’s voice. She decided not to question it. “There is a flood warning on they said the rain will be here half the night.” She said.

“I hope not we need to head back up in a little bit.”

“You will do no such thing. I will not have you putting both your lives in danger once the storm passes you can come back up here. Now have a good night I will call you later.”

She hung up before he could protest.
He moved closer to the door.

“I guess we have to wait out the storm.”

Desiree nodded still watching the storm. Ramón walked behind her and held her shoulders.

“We really need to get out of these wet clothes.”

She held her breath praying that he would remove his hands, wanting to feel his hands all over her. She stopped herself from going weak in the needs. “Ok. Just show me the way to the bathroom and I will be out of your hair.”

They walked back into the
house and he locked the door. She smiled glancing at his rain stained shirt and loved how it clung to his 6 pack and let her eyes travel down his body but stopped herself. She shook it off as he led her down the hall to a vacant room and smiled.

“I will bring something down for you to put on
but I will put your things in the wash now so I will wait outside for your things.”

She nodded
and closed the door. She turned from the door and exhaled deeply laying her head back against the door. She had to catch herself because if she had stood out there any longer she would have hopped on top of that man and let him do whatever he wanted to her. She looked around for a light and when she turned the switch on all she could do was let out a sigh.

sight was simple beautiful. The room was covered in beautiful hardwood flooring and the celling donned a beautiful matching wood ceiling fan. She glanced at the California king bed and noticed the bedding matched the beautiful spiral light and dark blue rug underneath and next to the bed. She observe d the California king platform bed in a deep ebony finish. The hardwood and veneer’s footboard allowed for hidden drawers underneath for storage. With an extended width headboard wanted to just lie in that bed and fall asleep.

She continued her visual journey around the room glancing at the night stand back panels next to the bed she looked to the other side of the huge room and noticed that the
Dresser, Mirror, Drawer, Chest, 2-Night Stands and 2-Wall Panels all matched the bedframe. On the wall above dresser hung a 46 inch flat screen.

She walked towards the bathroom and smiled, it was almost as big as the bedroom with a couple’s vanity and double sinks. The Garden Tub/shower had Jet holes in which Desiree could see Ramón sitting in after a long game. Ramón! She completely forgot his was waiting outside the door. She reached for a light blue towel that was hanging on the towel rack and began to peel off her and Ramón’s clothing. She placed the towel around her and walked back to the door with her things wrapped inside Ramón’s

As she reached the door and opened it she saw Ramón stand up straight. He must have been leaning against the wall she thought.

“I would have asked if you got lost but the room is only so big.”

“Sorry I was looking at the beauty of the room. You have really good taste if you decorated.” She smiled.

What makes you think I didn’t?” he asked.

“I didn’t say that I was just saying…you know what nothing it’s a
beautiful house.” She said hoping they could just drop it.

“Thank you.” He
extended his hands to grab the clothing but Desiree began to have second thoughts.

“Maybe I should wash my own stuff.” She said her face growing red.

No need to be embarrassed we are both grown here.” He smiled at her, he enjoyed seeing her blush.

“Ramón Norris is washing my bra and panties…doesn’t that seem weird to you?”
she asked wanting to know what he thought about it.

It’s no big deal. Go take a shower or a bath ok. There are towels as you see and soap in there as well as tooth brushes, unused of course and deodorant. And before you attempt to make a lame joke about me and women it’s mostly because when Maddie has sleep overs or my family comes they forget something or another so I like to be prepared.

She nodded as sh
e hesitated for a moment then handed him her dress, his shirt and jersey and undergarments which consisted of a pink lace bra and matching panties. He walked away from the room and she headed right to the shower. After removing the towel, and letting the water in the tub run for a moment she added a little of the Japanese Cherry Blossom soap she found in the cabinet and hopped in. She turned on the jets and let the heat hit her all over feeling the warmth of it hit her skin.

She finally felt relaxed after the horrible day she had. As much as she wanted to stay in the bath she knew if she did that would be her home away from home. So instead of continuing to enjoy herself she began to clean herself and a
bout ten minutes later, she was out of the bath wrapped in a huge terry cloth baby blue robe she found in the bathroom. Her phone rang and she ran to her purse she placed on the bed and picked it up with a frown.

She spoke.

“Desi what's going on?”

felt all the calmness leave her and be replaced by anger as she Charles voice boomed over her speaker. “Charles where the hell are you?”

“I am in L.A. is Zachary alright?”
she threw her hands up as if he could see her. He never learned did he?

“Zack is fine no thanks to you. You know I thought when you wanted to come back and be in his life you would pull a stunt like this but your mom said no Charles loves him and will spend every day he can with him. Come to find out you are on a business trip and you hauled your son off to a camp where you don't have to take care of him.”

“Come on that is not fair.” He said feeling the realness of her words.

! What’s not fair is that I had to fly all the way to Charleston because you’re stupid ass is nowhere to be found. So I don't wanna hear it. Enjoy your trip you ass hole.”

Desiree hung the phone up but a couple seconds later, it rang again.

“Piss off you ass.” She yelled into the phone.

“Ummm ok.”
Nikki’s unsure tone sent calming waves throughout her body.

“Oh I am so sorry Nikki.”
She said regretting her words.

“What’s wrong?”
Nikki asked concerned with her best friend.

“Just got off of the phone with Charles.”
Desiree said in a huff. “I cannot believe his stupid dumb idiotic.”

Nikki cut her off. “
You do realize that those all mean the same thing.”

Desiree let out a laugh and Nikki sighed.

“But I do understand the anger.” Nikki exhaled loudly. “Oh by the way thanks for the call I have been up all night worried. You have been gone for hours you know.”

Desiree pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at the time.
It was a little after one in the morning. “Nikki you know I'm sorry I meant to call you as soon as I got to the hospital.”

“How is he?”
Nikki asked wanting to make sure he was really ok.

“He was sleep when I got there.”
Desiree said walking towards the window.

“Oh ok. But he’s fine?”
she asked.

“Yeah they are only keeping him to make sure everything is ok.”

Even saying the word she felt a weight being lifted off her. She finally allowed herself to feel the pain of the day. Tears started to form in her eyes but she waved them off.

Nikki exhaled all the anxiety she felt. She sat on the bed looking
“So where are you?”

“I will give you one guess.”
Desiree said knowing Nikki would never guess.

“What the hospital lobby?”
Nikki asked wondering why her best friend sounded so weird.

“Try in one of Ramón Norris’s bedrooms.”
Desiree bit her lip as she heard Nikki gasp.

“Shut up lying.”

Desiree looked out the window and sighed.

“I wish I was.”

“Girl are you kidding me?” Nikki squealed. “You can’t be serious.”

Oh but I am. When I got there I was so startled because he grabbed me I fell into a mop bucket. He offered to lend me his shower and as soon as we got to his gorgeous house it started to pour down raining so now we are stuck here until the weather clears.”

“Wow you are living every fan of his dream girl.”

“It’s not a big deal.” Desiree smiled to herself knowing that she didn’t believe the words she was saying.

“Not a big deal you are in his house. In his room.”
Nikki said trying to mask her concern.

“A room
, it’s bigger than my living room and so beautiful but I bet not his.” She said continuing to watch the rain fall outside.

“Actually it is mines. Well the one I sleep in mostly after long practices or road trips. And that is my robe.”

Desiree turned to see Ramón standing in front of her; she wiped her eyes as she took him in. heat immediately rushed to her face and body. He was wearing a dark blue robe and he carried a tray with the makings of fresh sandwiches, chips, and glasses filled with orange juice and a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. He smiled at her.

“I know it’s not much but the sweats
hirt should keep you warm for now and I figured you were hungry.”

“Thank you.”

She placed the phone she had removed from her ear back up and heard Nikki’s voice “Girl is that him? Did he say robe? Are you guys naked what is going on?”

“Nikki I am gonna call you back.”

Before Nikki got another word out Desiree hung up her cell. She wanted to smile but the troubles from the day seemed to have held her and consumed her even more at the sight of him. Tears fell down her face and Ramón walked over to her placing the tray on the bed.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah I'm sorry it’s just so much has happened today. It’s just over whelming. Go ahead and finish getting dressed I'm fine.”

Even though she said, she was fine Ramón pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back then backed away.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For taking care of my son, and for helping me out even after I was rude, justifiably rude but rude nonetheless.”

“No problem. I can’t believe you really just hopped a flight.”

“Not without the help of my best friend Nikki, she kept a level head throughout the whole thing cause I was gonna kill the woman at the counter. Today was just a bad day.”

“You had a date it couldn’t
have been that bad.”

He saw her shiver
rub her hands over her arms. He walked over to the fireplace in the room. He lit it and she smiled.

“I didn’t even notice that when I walked into this room.”

“Yeah well come on over so you can get warm.”

He grabbed the food tray and sat in front of the fire
, then he walked over to the vanity opened it and pulled out four big body sized pillows and placed them on the floor. He patted the pillow next to him.

“Come on join me.”

She walked over to him and sat next to him. He grinned his sexy grin.

“This house is huge so it takes a while to warm up. I hardly ever keep the heat on.”

“I hardly ever get cold I don't know why I am so cold now.”

He pulled her closer to him
and tried to help warm her up. She shivered again but this time it was from his touch and not the coldness. She pulled away and he smiled.

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