To Love a Man (15 page)

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Authors: Rontora Nolan

BOOK: To Love a Man
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“It’s $
105 for a one way nonstop.”

“I don’t care here.”

She handed Kathy her credit card and grabbed the ticket from her. She handed the ticket to Desiree.

“Gate 37D. You gotta hurry I think it’s already loading.”

Desiree took the ticket and reached in her purse for her keys. She took the car key off the chain.

“Here I am parked in lot B can you take my car please.” She handed it the key to Nikki. “I will call you as soon as I get there.”

“Be careful. I love you.” Nikki said pulling her best friend into a hug.

Desiree sent off a wave as sh
e shot off like a bat out of hell. As she reached the security check she thanked God that there was only one person in line. She took off her shoes and jewelry and placed them into the basket along with her purse. She walked through the metal detector then grabbed her things and ran to the gate not putting on her shoes. Desiree almost cried when she realized she made it just in time to board. As she walked onto the plane he phone rang.

She said looking around the plane for her seat.

at the sound of Zack’s voice her heart leap for joy.

“Zack baby don't you worry I am on my way I will be there in two hours I am on the plane now.”
She said trying to stop the tears that tried to fall.

Zack said and she could hear the hoarseness in his voice.

“Are you ok?”
she asked feeling a little more relaxed about the situation.

“Yeah my head hurts a little but I am ok.”
He said trying to sit up.

“Well sit tight I'm on my way. I have to turn off the phone but I am coming right to you.”

They shared an “I love you” and she hung up and took her seat. She exhaled looking out the window then placed her head on the headrest.

Zachary hung up the phone and smiled up to Ramón.

“She’s on a plane now.”

He spooned some ice cream and ate it as he looked over to the bed next to his.

“I love chocolate ice cream…what flavor do you have Maddie?” he said smiling.

She said giving the exact same wide smile.

Zack spooned another scoop
“My mom loves strawberry ice cream but her absolute favorite is Oreo’s cookies and cream.”

“My dad likes cookies and cream too don't you daddy?”
Maddie said beaming up to her dad.

Ramón smiled back down to her
“Yes I do sweetie.” He kissed her forehead as someone knocked on the door and Rachael walked into the room. She hugged Ramón, walked over to Madison, and hugged her. She glanced at Zack and smiled.

“How are you guys feeling?”

They both said “better” in unison and continued to eat their ice cream. Rachael smiled as she walked back over to Ramón. “Not that I mind but why are they in the same room?” she asked looking around.

Ramón glanced out the window then back at his mom.
“We didn’t want a big scene. You know people can’t keep their mouths shut and it’s easier to watch both of them then to run back and forth. I don't want the press to get any info.” Ramón said pulling his cell phone out of his pocket looking at the time.

“Well I know your right but you really think they care the kids are here?”
she asked sitting in the blue seat in the corner.

Ramón placed his phone back in his pocket.
“You remember last year when Madison broke her arm. It was a media circus.” He said as the nurse walked into the room.

And how are you two feeling?” she asked giving a wide smile. Zack placed his ice cream on the tray.

“Better I still have a headache though.”

She nodded and looked at Maddie.

How about you sweetie?” she asked giving Madison a little extra attention.

I have a little headache too.” The nurse patted Madison on the arm and smiled.

“I am going to grab you guys some
Ibuprofen and make you guys feel better.” She turned towards Ramón and gave him a flirty wink.

He nodded his head towards her not accepting her advances. Not that she wasn’t pretty.
She was 5’2 and a milky vanilla hue; she had long flowing red hair and green eyes. Her slender well-toned body would usually turn him on but she didn’t do a thing for him because all he could think of was seeing Desiree.

She walked out the room swaying her hips and Ramón laughed taking his phone out again and checking the time.
Rachael smiled.

“So where is Zack’s father?”
she asked grinning wider.

“No one can get a hold of him but Desiree is in flight right now. Before anyone could tell her he was fine and she didn’t need to rush she was on the plane.”

“I thought she might be headed up here…that’s a mother’s love right there. So did you talk to her?” she questioned.

“No Greg called her and so did Zack.”
He said knowing where this line of questioning was headed.

“And are you looking forward to seeing her?”


“What I know you liked her I could see it on your face last month and after that dinner fiasco last week Aj says you can’t get her off your mind.
And well son you have checked your phone three times in the last two minutes you know when her flight lands don’t you?” she asked moving closer to him.


He looked over to the kids and then pulled his mother out the room. Zack looked at Madison.

“So you were right. He does like my mom.”
He boasted.

“I told you so. I heard him talking to my nana after church. And the way your mom yelled at him shocked us all.”
She said happily.

“Yeah my mom doesn’t like when people judge her. My mom-mom calls her a pistol.”

“Who?” she asked squinting her eyes at him.

“That’s what I call my mom’s mom my dad’s mom is my nana.”

“Wow that’s weird.”

He sighed towards the door.
“You think he will ask my mom out?”

Madison smirked
“He might I don’t know. Maybe we can help them?”

“You don’t mind him dating my mom?”
he glanced at her knowing that her answer would determine how he felt.

“I like her. She was nice to me before she knew who my dad was.”

Madison smiled and scoped a spoon of ice cream out of her cup and Zack smiled back at the door. It was about time his mom started dating again. He wanted more than anything for her to be happy and he had a feeling Ramón would do that for her.

Ramón stood
in front of the door looking at him mom.

Mom I know what you are doing and it is not going to work.”

What am I doing?” she asked innocently “I am not allowed to ask a question?” she gave a sulky look to her son.

“I know you when you get an idea in your head you run with it well this is not going to be one of them mom
it’s not going to happen between us.” He said, the words tearing at his heart a little.

She huffed. “D
o you like her Ramón that is the only thing I want to hear and you know that I know that you know I know when you are lying so let’s not do that right now ok. Just be honest with me.”

She stared at him wondering if he could even be honest with himself. As he thought over her question she knew what was on his mind. Desiree was not his type but
Rachael knew that was just what he needed.

Ramón was
never the child who liked girls who agreed with everything he said and being an athlete it seemed that was the only kind of women he brought home. He was like his father and needed his equal someone who could go toe to toe with him with no hesitation. Ramón sighed.

“I do like her but I ruined it mom.” He said looking hopeless.

“Nothing is ruined. If at first you don’t succeed try and try again, if she is worth it then trying won’t be so hard.” She patted his arm before she walked back into the hospital room.





Desire ran into the hospital tucking her change from the cab into her purse
with her heels clicking and pushing a runaway strand of hair out of her face. She ran up to the desk and puffed.

“Excuse me I am looking for my son. His name is Zachary Holloway.”
She said her heart racing with anticipation.

The nurse looked at her but didn’t respond she went back to her phone conversation. Desiree banged on the desk
with her hand.

“Hello I know you see me standing here.
” She waved her arms in front of the woman. “Don't make me come across this desk and find it myself there is no way I am gonna keep being treated this way. You people-”

Before she could finished someone pulled her away from the desk.
Startled she began to pull away from her captor.

“Let go of me.”
She said yanking her arm out of the persons grip. She pulled away so hard from whoever it was and that she tumbled back and landed butt first into a full mop bucket. She screamed out in frustration as the water seeped into her dress and soaked her undergarments. Ramón bent down to pull her back up. She pushed him away from her.

“This is just great. Just freaking great. You had to grab me. I smell like a dirty floor. You jerk. You
self-centered arrogant giant of a jerk!”

amón smiled down to Desiree as she stood trying to shake off the excess water off. The janitor ran over to her apologizing for leaving the bucket there. She waved him off not because she was mad at him but because her anger was boiling over at the man who stood in front of her.

Ramón couldn’t stop the smile that crept onto his face.
Never in his life had he met such an opinionated, smart mouthed woman and he was intrigued by her. She was everything he tried to avoid in a woman but for some reason he liked the way she was. She looked towards him and wanted to wipe that smile off his face.

“You find this funny?”
she said placing her hands on her dripping hips.

His smile grew wider
“I do actually thanks for asking.” He said trying his best to look sincere.

Desiree pushed him away from her.
“This is embarrassing enough do you have to stand here smiling like the Cheshire cat?” she walked past him but he stopped her.

“You know I have never seen anyone so in awe of me the fall backwards into a mop bucket.
I am extremely flattered.” He said placing his right hand over his heart.

She glared at him.
“Oh you have a big head don't you. I fell trying to get away from someone grabbing me. It had nothing to do with who are you.” She stated feeling herself growing impatient with him.

He looked down towards her crossing his arms.
“Oh sure. I believe that.”

She screamed
“Uhhhggg you are the most.”

He cut her off with a wide smile
“What amazing man of your dreams?” he shrugged “Guilty.”

She frowned shaking her head
“No complete ass. How dare you grab me and what gives you the right to even touch me.” She shoved him out of her way but he remained in front of her.

His smile left his face as he noticed the sadness in her eyes.
“I was trying to help you calm down.”

Desiree exhaled and frowned
. “Calm down? I have dirty mop water running down my legs you calm the hell down. Now where is my son?”

“He is in room 2219.”
Ramón said feeling stupid for how he laughed at her earlier. He should have known that she was not in the mood for games when it comes to a mother and child that mother can’t rest until she sees that her child is all right.

“Desiree I am sorry I should have seen you were upset.” She ignored him looking for the room number 2219.  As she walked away
he followed her. Even though she was soaking wet in mop covered water he realized that he enjoyed watching her walk away. When they reached the room, Ramón stopped her.

“Are you ok?” he asked concern in his eyes. She looked away from him.

“I am fine I just wanna check on my son.” He heard the flatness in her voice and realized that she was not in the mood for any of his nonsense. He cleared his throat. you wanna get cleaned up first? I can take you somewhere anywhere you need to go.” He gave her a hopeful look but instead of returning the look she reached for the door

“I would rather stay here
nasty and wet then go anywhere with you.”

As she pulled the door
Ramón grabbed her. He wanted to be near this woman who appeared back in his sight still as angry as the day she left. When she walked into the hospital, he was taken aback at how beautiful she seemed to have gotten within a matter of a week. From the softness of her light brown eyes to the way, her lips curved into a smile. His eyes traveled down to her nice big breast and her voluptuous body. He was even more fascinated when she began to speak again.

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