To Love and Trust (Boundaries) (14 page)

Read To Love and Trust (Boundaries) Online

Authors: Katy Swann

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: To Love and Trust (Boundaries)
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“Thank you, Sir.” She waited for him to take her, to plunge his cock deep inside her, but nothing happened. She groaned in frustration, completely forgetting that she was only meters away from the possibility of people walking along the path.

“Touch yourself. Use your fingers to make yourself come.”

What? Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes flew involuntarily open with shock.

“You want me to masturbate?”

His voice was cold when he replied, “Yes, Rachel, and you’ve displeased me greatly by opening your eyes.”

She quickly snapped them shut again and muttered an apology under her breath.


Oh, for God’s sake.
“Sorry, Sir,” she spat. Surely he wasn’t going to make her masturbate out in the open air while he just sat in front of her and watched? Was he?

Unfortunately, his next words confirmed her fears. “Reach your hand down between your legs.

She knew there was a scowl on her face as she reluctantly did as she’d been told.
Oh, shit. This is so embarrassing.
She reached down and brushed her fingers against her mound before slowly moving them toward her opening. She left them hovering over her burning slit then, slowly, she probed into her own sex.

She was shocked at how wet she was. She inserted another finger and slowly moved it around inside herself.

“Deeper, Rachel. Fuck yourself with your fingers.”

“Yes, Sir,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She tried to imagine that it was Adam’s fingers inside her, which helped a bit.

“How does it feel?”

“Embarrassing, Sir,” she snapped.

“Rub your clit with your thumb.”

Jesus! If he was so keen on telling her how to fucking masturbate, why didn’t he just bloody do it for her instead?

She squeezed her eyes tighter and silently cursed him, which unfortunately only resulted in her libido taking a further nosedive.

Adam must have sensed her lack of commitment to the task in hand, because he suddenly spoke again. “Stop a minute. Let me help you get back into that space you were in before. Remember where we are, Rachel.”

How could she bloody forget?

“Remember you’re out in the open air, where anyone could walk past and discover you.” A little bit of her lost arousal returned at his words.

“Now imagine those ropes again. This time, they’re holding you against the tree. You’re trapped, Rachel. Helpless and at the mercy of anyone who might fancy having a bit of fun with you. Anyone can touch you. You’re trapped and exposed, bound to the tree, unable to escape.”

The heat reignited and she moistened around her fingers.

“Good girl. Now imagine that you’re doing it for me. You want to please me, you want to show me what a dirty girl you are by coming for me while I sit back and watch.”

His words had the desired effect and she groaned as she fucked herself harder. She imagined Adam’s fingers inside her, his mouth on her clit. She removed a finger and ran it over her throbbing clit. It was hard. She remembered the feeling of his tongue deep inside her and she clenched slightly onto the remaining finger.

“Good girl. Come for me, Rachel.” His voice was soft, gentle and she imagined what she’d see if she opened her eyes. He’d be sitting in front of her, watching her, smelling her. She was performing for him, obeying him, pleasing him. The tightening of her internal muscles around her finger told her she wasn’t far from coming and she rubbed her clit harder and faster. Then she imagined Adam’s cock inside her mouth and that was all it took to send her over the edge. She clamped her free hand over her mouth when she spasmed around her fingers and her knees buckled as the waves kept coming. Adam caught her in his arms and lifted her up so she was snuggled against him, letting her ride the last of the aftershocks.

“Clever girl,” he murmured and kissed her softly. He took the hand that she had used to masturbate with and held the fingers to his nose. He took a deep sniff and sucked them into his mouth, so he could taste her pleasure.

“I guess we’d better get out of here before someone catches us,” he said, nuzzling her neck before setting her gently down again. “Anyone could come by and see us.”

She laughed and pulled her skirt back down. “Now you tell me.”

When they headed back across the Heath, Adam held her hand and she grinned to herself as she relived their little encounter. Whoever would have thought that a little imagination could fuel such a hot scene?

Chapter Eleven

“I need to go home and get ready for tonight.” They had just returned from their sexy walk on the Heath, the last ten minutes of which Rachel had spent wondering what to wear to the club later.

“Why?” Adam raised his eyebrows and gave her a hard stare.

“We are going to the club, aren’t we?” What was eating him, had she missed something?

“Yes.” He took her coat, hung it on a hook then pulled her into his arms, looking for a kiss and clearly not wanting to continue the conversation.

She wasn’t going to let him put her off, though, so she pushed him away and said, “Well, I need to have a bath, put some makeup on and find an outfit to wear.”

Adam just shrugged. “You can have a bath here. You’ve got makeup in your handbag and as for clothes, you won’t be needing any.” He’d said it so casually he might as well have told her she wouldn’t need milk in her tea.

“What? Adam, I’m not going to the club naked. You may well choose to make me strip once we’re there, but I will
walk in there without any clothes on.” She glared at him, hands on hips, ready to stand up for her modesty.

But Adam just laughed and pulled her back into his arms. “I don’t expect you to walk in naked, but now that you mention it…”

But Rachel didn’t see the funny side and stood her ground. “Well, I’m not wearing the clothes I’m wearing now and I’m not going naked, so I’ll have to go home and change, won’t I?”

Something in Adam’s expression changed—the humor left, leaving him looking darker and more dangerous. Oh shit, he was going into Dom mode.

Sure enough, he cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him. “Are you defying me, Rachel?”

“Yes, I am, as a matter of fact. We don’t have a TPE relationship and I don’t have to obey you outside the bedroom or the club.”

Adam’s face didn’t give away what he was feeling, but she knew he’d be noticing the red blotches that always appeared on her cheeks when she got angry.

“Who said anything about a Total Power Exchange? And when did I say you’d be going naked into the club? Rachel, this isn’t about you obeying me, this is about me wanting to spend a bit more time with you before tonight.” His voice remained calm, controlled, but the hint of danger was unmistakable.

“I’ve bought an outfit for you to wear tonight and, for your information, when it concerns the club, you will do as I say—you will wear what I say and you will do so without complaint. Do you understand?” His eyes were boring into hers now, melting her insides and crushing any remaining defiance.

“Yes, Sir,” she sighed, knowing she would probably pay for her little outburst later. He was right, though, she had been too damned quick to drag the TPE issue into it when he’d clearly only been trying to tell her he’d bought her an outfit and wanted to spend some time with her.

“Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “And thank you for buying me an outfit.”

“You haven’t seen it yet. You might not want to thank me once you try it on.” Adam’s smile glinted with humor again.

She had a bad feeling she had just dug a bit of a hole for herself.

“So, do you still want to go home or will you stay here and go straight to the club with me?”

She didn’t really need to go home, she had only mentioned it because she’d needed an outfit, and as that had clearly been sorted by Adam she might as well stay. Mandy was going with Dawn, so she wouldn’t be home anyway. Besides, Rachel liked the idea of staying with Adam a little longer. “I’ll stay.”

“Good. I’ll cook dinner while you get a bath.” He kissed her hard, taking possession and leaving her in no doubt he was back in Dom mode and not to be messed with. He pulled away and swatted her arse. “Now, scoot”—he laughed—“before I rip your clothes off right now and fuck you on the kitchen table.”

About twenty minutes before Rob was due to pick them up, Adam strode into the bedroom where she was putting the final touches to her makeup. Her breath caught in her throat when she turned to face him—he looked gorgeous. She cast her gaze downward toward his boots, heavy black biker boots, and rode up his black leather-clad legs, pausing at the bulge between them. Her heartbeat gathered pace as she imagined kneeling by those boots, naked, and at eye level with that bulge. He was every bit the Dom now—mean, hard and so very male. The sleeves of his black shirt were rolled up, revealing his tattoos on his muscular arms, and his hair, which was so tidy at work, was unkempt and tousled.

“Stand up!”

Her legs were feeling quite weak at the sight of him, and his rough command didn’t exactly help, so when she scrambled to her feet she was so unsteady she had to grab the back of the chair for support.

“Turn around, I want to inspect you.”

She grinned and gave a flirty little spin. The outfit Adam had bought for her was a black corset with a white apron, giving it a bit of a French maid appearance. The tight, black satin bodice pushed her breasts up, but didn’t cover them, and the only hint of modesty, came from the flimsy and frilly white apron that hung just below the front hemline, meaning her pussy was only exposed when she moved.

Adam strode toward her with a deep, throaty growl, pushed her against the wall and fucked her hard and fast. Just the way she liked it.

As if to offset the rough sex, he then tenderly put the wrist and ankle cuffs on her before placing the collar around her neck.

* * * *

A little later, sitting in the back of the car with him, she smiled to herself as she reached up and touched the leather around her throat. Something about wearing that collar still had a strange effect on her, as if it was enforcing her submission. It was sexy and definitely put her into the right headspace, and she couldn’t help but wonder how it would feel to wear one all the time. She knew it would be impractical—she wouldn’t be able to wear it to work without the world knowing her private affairs and judging her for them. She knew there were special collars, more subtle, that looked like pieces of jewelry that twenty-four/seven subs wore permanently, and she wondered what they were like.

She gazed out of the window and watched a raindrop run down the pane, the orange streetlights reflecting through it and making it almost twinkle. She frowned and wondered why the hell she was even speculating about such a ridiculous thing when there was no way she would ever wear a permanent collar.

“What time are your friends coming?” Adam’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she thankfully pushed the whole collaring idea to the back of her mind.

“Not until about ten o’clock,” she replied, smiling when Adam stroked her thigh.

“Okay. The club will still be closed when we arrive—it doesn’t open until nine o’clock, but I need to be there to make sure all the staff have turned up and that everything is ready.”

“Don’t you have a manager to do that?” The question was a completely innocent one, but it somehow provoked Adam enough that his grip tightened on her leg.

“Yes, but they’re not proving very reliable.” She couldn’t see his face in the dark, but the cold tone in his voice told her that all was not well.

“Adam? Who is Dominique? You said she’s your business partner and she’s always at the club. Is she the manager?” Rachel knew she risked pissing Adam off with the question, but she really wanted to know who this woman was. She strode around as if she owned the damned place, and she certainly made it no secret that she thought she owned Adam as well. A vision of her kissing him sprang back into Rachel’s mind and a nasty surge of jealousy brought a bitter taste to her mouth.

“I don’t want to discuss that woman, Rachel. The only thing I’ll say is that she’s co-owner of the club, but hopefully not for much longer.” He now sounded angry and Rachel didn’t want to risk spoiling his mood for the night so she decided to drop the subject.

Amelia’s warning rang in her head and she knew the woman could be trouble. Rachel’s steely resolve strengthened in her gut. There was no way she was going to let that woman get her hands on him. Her only consolation was that Dominique was a Domme and Adam didn’t switch, ever.

On impulse, she leaned over and kissed him softly on his cheek. She was pleased to find that he hadn’t shaved. Coarse stubble scratched her lips, and she felt a tingle of excitement as she imagined him rubbing it against her bare arse later on.

When they arrived at the club, Rachel was stunned at how different it was without the loud music, heady smells and sexually charged crowds. The lights were turned up and she could even see the hidden hooks and chains that she hadn’t initially known were there.

“Hello, lovey.” Chrissie’s voice boomed out from behind the bar and they crossed the room to greet their friend. “Wow, Rachel, you look hot.”

“Thanks, Chrissie.” She grinned, genuinely pleased to see her. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Chrissie beamed. She was wearing a long red wig and ultra-long, sparkly dangly earrings. Her lips were painted the same color red as her hair and she pouted in an exaggerated kiss.

“Is everything all right?” Adam asked, as Chrissie polished some glasses.

Chrissie nodded solemnly. “She’s in the office.”

“Okay. Rachel, stay with Chrissie, I won’t be long.”

Adam strode away from her toward the office. She didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that ‘she’ was Dominique, and she frowned as she imagined him alone with the witch from hell.

She turned to Chrissie and asked, “What has Dominique done to make Adam so mad?”

Chrissie looked uncomfortable for a moment and put the glass she’d been polishing down onto the bar. She leaned across it and lowered her voice, “What has Adam told you about her?”

“Nothing much. Just that she co-owns the club and that he doesn’t like talking about her.”

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