To Want the School Teacher (9 page)

BOOK: To Want the School Teacher
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“Say it.”
He popped a small chuck of cheese into his mouth. Did you not just
hours ago agree to honor and obey me, Darling.” He was toying with

To say what he wanted to
hear from her would be exposing her soul to him.

She pushing the remaining
food on the plate toward him. Here enjoy the rest. Good night.”

Victoria went to move
passed him and let out a squeal. He entrapped her and pulled her on
to his lap. She fidgeted until she became aware of his

dear. Oh, Thomas.”

His laugh sounded husky
and full of promised passion. Victoria's arm wrapped around his
neck and she placed her lips on his. She began to squirm her bottom
against his lap.

Thomas asked, “Shall we
return upstairs to appease our discomfort?”


He voice changed. “Then,
tell me the words I want to here. Why have you reconsidered the
teaching position?”

He pulled open the top
lace tie on her nightgown. A second tug and the next tie opened.
His hand slipped in between her skin and the fabric. He fondled her
breast. Victoria groaned. She wiggled against him. She wanted more
and moaned softly in response to the things his touch was doing to

Thomas whispered, “Say

right.. I want the position ...
for the
good of town.
And I'll be a damned good one

I think,
for the good of
... I need to take my wife back
upstairs so we can......


The End


Notes from the author


Thank you
for choosing to read
To Want the School
. I hope you enjoyed it. I like the
Historical Romance genre. Researching the historical events or
facts help create ideas that bring realism to the story. It also
can add a plot twist or to.

While researching this tale
I had Victoria cleaning the desks in the schoolroom. I wondered
what that did people in the nineteenth century really clean their
wood furniture with.

I discovered a company that
is still in business today. How could I not incorporate it into the
story. After a few emails back and forth the Manning family gave me
permission to name their product.

Here's the
company's link.
Manning Antique Charm Furniture Polish
Do check out some of their great reviews and
request a sample of the product if you like.


An Invitation

Lisa Day invites you to
check out her other books on Amazon



Wolfkeeper's Woman

Before the sun was high
Cassie's life was in ruins. Her husband dead and infant son
kidnapped left Cassie sobbing in the dirt. Until...

The Warrior Wolfkeeper
returned for her when he realized the child was too small to
survive without its mother. He needed her.

Cassie tried to please him and
follow every order. She will learn the language. She will follow
the rules. She will do anything she needs to get her son back.

Wolfkeeper's fights traditions
and himself when he discovers how deeply he cares for Cassie. He
now fights Cassie herself in hopes of convincing her that she cares
about him.


Follow Wolfkeeper's battle
plan to win Cassie over.
Until... She surrenders
her heart.


Love and
Betrayal on the Santa Fe

Tasa: had only hate and
revenge on his mind since the slaughter of his family by the white
deserters. Once completed, his mission left him a man alone and
without a heart.

Calico: realized being the
downstairs maid had no security or future. In 1859 the
opportunities for women are rare, and one didn't miss an
opportunity for security. Even if it meant traveling across the
wilderness to marry a man she never met.

Calico and five other
women set out on the Santa Fe Trail wagontrain hoping to find love
waiting for them at the end of the trail. They expected the dust,
the bad food, the Indians, and harsh dangerous conditions. What
they didn't expect was the worse betrayal imaginable. Share their
journey in “Love and Betrayal on the Santa Fe”



From the day George's
father brought his new wife and her son home Clint's life would be
filled with jealousy and hate. The situation grew worse as the
years passed. Clint Hawks waited years for the day he'd take his
revenge. He watched Samantha, George's sweet and innocent fiance,
step off the train. Today, would be that day...

More tid-bits

1**The book Victoria was
reading when Thomas approached her for the first time is still in
print today.

George Sand, exemplifying romanticism in its most individualistic
form, in Lelia (1833; Eng. trans., 1978) championed the ultimate
moral claim of passion over convention, though her novels of
country life, such as “
Country Waif


2**Institutes of higher
learning could be found in the 1800's ,but were still far and few

operated in the part of 

that was
once the town of 
. Founded in
1803, Bradford College began as Bradford Academy, one of New
England's earliest coeducational institutions. In 1836 Bradford
chose to devote itself exclusively to the education of


citrus to water was a valid cure for a headaches in the Victoria


times a writer need inspiration. To see my inspiration for the
wedding dress go

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