Too Naughty (6 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Too Naughty
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“Fortunately, I have what I want every morning, day, evening, and night. Just in case you forgot, her name is Nokea. You can talk all the bullshit you want, but I can see right through it. Right now, I feel your heart beating, I see the sweat forming on your forehead, and I feel the warmth between your legs. If I put my dick inside of you, there would be no denying me, and you know it. Instantly, Shane would become history, and you know for a fact that I speak the truth.”
“Why don't you stop talking shit? Try and let's see.”
“Ah, you would like that, wouldn't you?”
“Not as much as you would.”
Neither one of us made a move or said another word. If anything, we both had something to prove, but we continued to lie there in a very compromising position. After several more seconds, the phone rang and we looked at it. That was my cue to move from between her legs, so I did. Scorpio pulled her shirt down and stood up. She walked over to the phone and picked it up.
“Hello,” she said in a soft voice. “Yes, he is. Hold on.” She handed me the phone. I didn't hesitate to take the call, because I thought it was Frick. Instead, it was Nokea.
No doubt, she couldn't wait to ask. “Who was that who answered the phone?”
I was at a loss for words. I watched Scorpio as she left the room, closing the door behind her. “That was Scorpio.”
“Who ... who did you say?”
“I said Scorpio. She's Shane's guest, not mine.”
“Well, where is Shane?”
“He's at his mother's house.”
“Oh, really? And just for the heck of it, he left you and Scorpio alone at his house? Is that what you want me to believe?”
“Damn, baby, it's the truth. Scorpio and Shane are now dating, and you don't think I'd—”
“Jaylin, after seeing that CD, I don't know what to believe. I do know that before I called, you and her must have been close, because within seconds you were on the phone. Baby, I am seriously mad about her constantly being a part of our lives. When is it going to stop? Please tell me. I really need to know.”
“You are just so, so wrong. If you don't believe me, why don't you come to St. Louis so that you can see for yourself what's going on? I need you, please!”
“I'm not coming to St. Louis,” she shouted. “To hell with St. Louis, Jaylin! Since you're having such a spectacular time, why don't you just stay there!”
I was taken aback by Nokea's tone—even more when she hung up on me. I tried to call her back, but she wouldn't answer. After a few more calls, I got a busy signal. I knew she was mad, but damn! What the hell was I supposed to do? If Scorpio wanted to answer her man's telephone, who was I to tell her not to pick it up?
Frustrated, I hurried to call Frick so I could get the hell out of here. My marriage was at stake, and I wasn't about to lose Nokea over no bullshit. I needed to get home and fast!
This time when I called, Frick answered. I quickly asked why he hadn't returned my calls, and he told me to meet him at his office around 2:00
I ended the call and then phoned Brooks Brothers so they'd get my clothes to me as soon as possible. My measurements and credit cards were on file, so the process went pretty smoothly.
In an effort to distance myself from Scorpio, I stayed in the guest room until the doorbell rang. I thought about talking to her about going to see Mackenzie, but I decided against it. I also wanted to know where Mackenzie was, but I kept telling myself that it was no longer any of my business.
I hurried to the door, and Damion from Brooks Brothers came in, handing over a black garment bag.
“Jay, you are going to like this suit and the other items I picked out. I'm very familiar with your taste, and it's good doing business with you.”
I knew Damion was working on a tip, so I already had two hundred dollars in my hand. I gave it to him, and he was all smiles. He thanked me and left.
Wanting to see how well he knew me, I unzipped the bag, and sure enough, the dark gray pin-striped suit that he'd accessorized with a black, lighter gray, and fire red tie was one hell of a combination. And when I moved the suit aside, the casual tan and black linen pants sets worked for me, too. He had hooked up shoes and socks that matched everything, and had even thrown in several belts. Just for the hell of it, I looked at the receipt. I chuckled and balled it up in my hand. In Shane's opinion, that much money would've been money out the window.
On my way back to the bedroom, Scorpio saw me and called my name. When I looked into Shane's bedroom, she held the telephone out to me.
“Shane would like to speak to you,” she said.
I held the garment bag over my shoulder and went into the room to get the phone.
“What up?”
“I thought you were supposed to call me when you made arrangements to go see Frick.”
“I was about to call you, but you beat me to it. My appointment is at two. Can you make it by then?”
“I'm on my way there now. It shouldn't take long for me to shower and change.”
“Well, put the pedal to the metal and hurry it the fuck up, all right?”
“I am. And I hope when I get there, I don't have to kick no ass before we leave, do I? I hope you've been nice to my woman.”
I looked at Scorpio, who was for damn sure listening to our conversation. “Yeah, I was real nice to her. Maybe even too nice. But let's just say that while you were away, things got pretty hot, hot, hot. If you don't make your way back here soon, I anticipate them getting even hotter.”
Shane laughed and cleared his throat. “I anticipate you getting your hot ass out of my bedroom.” I turned around, and he was behind me.
“Negro, your woman invited me in here to use the phone. If you got a beef, you'd better chat with her about it.”
Scorpio stood up and walked over to Shane. He looked a bit uncomfortable with what she had on, but he would never let me know it. She gave him a peck on the lips and eased her arms around his waist.
“Baby, can you drop me off at Jay's before you go with Jaylin? I'll get a ride home from Jamaica. We have inventory to do today, and I should have been there hours ago.”
“I don't think Jay and I will have time. You can use my car, and I'll just ride with him.”
She nodded and stepped away from him. Giving me one last look, she walked into the bathroom and closed the door.
Shane placed his keys on the dresser and pulled the white T-shirt with paint blothches over his head. His painter's pants were messed up, too, along with his boots.
“This shouldn't take long,” he said. “Give me about fifteen minutes and I'll be ready.”
“If you use the same bathroom that Scorpio is in, you could be hours. In fifteen minutes, I'm out the door.”
Shane nodded and agreed. He headed toward the bathroom in the hallway, and I made my way to the guest room. Frick had better be talking what I wanted to hear, and if not, I was leaving town. Warrant or not, St. Louis would soon be history.
Yes, I hated to do it, but it had to be done. As much as I cared for Scorpio, I wanted to know for sure if she could remain true to me with Jaylin around. I wasn't completely safe with the situation, but a part of me felt as if I could trust Jaylin more than I could trust her.
There was still just a little fire in her eyes for him, but I guess that was to be expected. As for Jaylin, personally, I think the thought of losing Nokea was affecting him more than he was willing to admit. He told me about how cold she'd been toward him, and when he told me about Scorpio answering the phone, I told him that was a bad situation to be in. There was no way for him not to look at it from Nokea's point of view. She had to be frustrated with the whole damn thing; and at this point, he was one lucky man that she hadn't already given up.
We sat in Frick's office, waiting for him to end a call. As soon as he did, Jaylin made it clear that he was anxious to get this over with and be back at home with his wife and kids.
Frick tapped a silver pen on his desk and looked overwhelmed with the whole thing. “Jaylin, this is not going to disappear overnight. I wish I could make it go away, but as of today, Felicia has filed charges against you. The prosecutor is going to try you for carrying a weapon, but I don't think the attempted murder charges will stick. Assault charges may be filed, and even though your gun was licensed, the building you were in doesn't allow it.”
Jaylin arrogantly stood up and placed his hands in his pockets. “Assault and carrying a weapon? Man, make arrangements to pay somebody off so I can get the hell out of here. Those are tedious charges, and I've seen people get off with those charges every single day of my life.”
“I'm hoping that you'll get probation, but I don't know. You were carrying a loaded weapon, Jaylin, with the intentions of using it. As for Felicia, she's very persistent, and she's not going to let this—”
Jaylin's brows scrunched in, and he darted his finger at Frick. “Fuck Felicia! She deserved what she got, and I'm not going to be apologetic about it. If she wants to meet me in court, then so be it. Any jury will see right through her bullshit, and she'll be the one doing time in jail, not me!”
I cleared my throat. “Mr. Frick, have you considered that Felicia illegally taped us in Davenports? You know the CD is what caused all of this mess.”
“Shane, of course I've thought about that. But it didn't give Jaylin the right to come here and do what he did to her.”
Jaylin snapped at Frick again. “Are you defending her?”
“No, I'm just being honest with you. And the truth is, I have to remove myself from this case. There's too much—”
“Wha ... what the fuck did you just say?” Jaylin was furious, and I personally didn't blame him. Frick appeared to be bullshitting around. “Remove yourself?”
Frick took a hard swallow. “Yes. Only because of the position I'm in. I will refer you—”
“Refer, me, my ass!” Jaylin yelled. He leaned forward and placed the palms of his hands on Frick's desk. “How fucking long have you known me?”
Frick looked away and didn't respond.
“Let me refresh your memory, Mr. James Cortell Frick. You've known me since I was seventeen years old. Back then, you were a white man with a dim future. Because of me, my connections, and for damn sure my money, you've become one of the most prestigious and wealthiest attorneys in St. Louis. Now, I've gotten myself into a li'l trouble. Trouble that I am positive you can get me out of. After tomorrow, if I'm not back at home with my wife and kids, shit gon' get real ugly. So, my only question for you is, what time shall I meet you in court?”
Frick was pissed. His forehead wrinkled, and his green eyes shot daggers at Jaylin. He spoke calmly and pointed his finger. “Don't you ever come in here and speak—”
Jaylin slammed his fist on Frick's desk and spaced his words as he yelled, “What time do you want me in court!”
Frick remained calm. “You're not listening to me, Jaylin. I—”
Jaylin reached for his checkbook and started to write. He ripped the check out and slammed it in front of Frick. Frick picked up the check and was taken aback by what was written on it. He then looked at Jaylin and cracked a tiny smile.
“You know, my wife and I could use a new yacht,” he said.
Jaylin stood up straight and rubbed his goatee. “And all my wife wants is a really good fuck. I can't give it to her if I'm still here, can I?”
“I guess not,” Frick said, standing up. He reached out for Jaylin's hand. “Nine o'clock, Jaylin. And don't be late.”
Jaylin just looked at his hand and turned his head toward me. “Let's get the fuck out of here. I'm getting screwed by everybody but Nokea, ain't I?”
I stood up and reached for Frick's hand. “See you tomorrow, Mr. Frick.”
“Good-bye, Shane. And take your friend somewhere for a drink. I need him on good behavior tomorrow, all right, Jaylin?”
Jaylin cut his eyes and walked out. I knew everything would be cool with him and Frick, but at times, they had their moments.
On the way out of Frick's office, Jaylin and I felt like a million dollars. Two black men sharply dressed, clean shaven, and smelling good were enough to turn many heads. No doubt, I loved the attention and so did Jaylin. It was rather funny to see so many folks with big bright smiles, but underneath it all, we knew some were fake.
Since Jaylin had a big day ahead of him, I suggested going to get a bite to eat and heading back home. He agreed, so we stopped at Morton's of Chicago for dinner.
The waiter seated us quickly, and when Jaylin's cell phone rang, he stepped away to take the call. I looked at the wine menu and ordered a bottle of expensive wine. When Jaylin returned, he sat across the table.
“That was Frick, ole punk ass. He wanted to ask me a few questions so he could have everything prepared for tomorrow.”
“That's cool. Are you worried?”
“A li'l bit, man. I will just be glad when it's over.”
“I feel you. After tomorrow, everything should be cool.”
The waiter came back, and we ordered our food. After he took our order, he leaned down and whispered, “There's two lovely young ladies sitting nearby who would love to join the both of you for dinner. I told them I would ask, but it's completely up to you.”
Jaylin didn't bother to look. I turned to the side and noticed two attractive black women sitting at a table behind us. They waved, and I waved back.
“What do you think, Jay?”
“Haven't you already got me in enough trouble? Besides, I don't think Scorpio would appreciate you having dinner with another woman, would she?”
I turned again, taking another glance. “Naw, she wouldn't approve. But take a bottle of wine to their table,” I suggested to the waiter. “Tell them that we appreciate the offer, but maybe some other time.”
The waiter nodded and walked away.
“I had no idea you were still a playa,” Jaylin said. “I thought you'd chilled, since things have taken off with you and Scorpio.”
“I ain't no playa. I haven't been inside of another woman for quite some time.”
“Hey, who needs another woman when you got somebody like Scorpio? She makes herself available to you twenty-four-seven, and all she likes to do is fuck, doesn't she?”
I wasn't too pleased with Jaylin's tone, and I tried not to trip. “You know, I really wish you wouldn't make those comments about her. It's kind of like a low blow, don't you think?”
“Low blow or not, I'm just being honest. When I was shaking her down, I recall you and Stephon saying all kinds of shit about her. But as soon as we ended it, it didn't take either of you long to pick up where I left off.”
“Listen, I thought you were cool with the situation. You sound bitter or, if not, jealous. That's the reason why I choose not to discuss her with you. You wouldn't understand how I felt if your life depended on it.”
“So, how is it that you feel, Shane? Is she the woman of your dreams? Do you see yourself married to her, having more children? What about Mackenzie?”
“I haven't figured all that out yet. Our relationship is still young, and that's why we decided to not involve Mackenzie. Scorpio doesn't want her hurt again, and neither do I. As for being the woman of my dreams and marrying her, all I know is that I have feelings for her that I've never had for any other woman. In love? Yes. Also, I'm very protective of her. So, when you make your comments, I'd rather you keep them to yourself.”
“Shane, whether you take it or not, I'm gon' give you some words of advice. There are some women who simply cannot be in a committed relationship. For months, maybe even years, they do all right. But there comes a time when one man is never enough. Scorpio just happens to be one of those women. She is slick, and she uses her body and that magic she's got between her legs to manipulate men. If you lose focus, and it's obvious that you have, you will find yourself in a fucked-up situation.”
“You know what's funny, Jay. Exactly what you just said is a description of you. I don't think one woman is enough for you, and you're the one who's always referring to your thang as a ‘magic stick.' I don't need, nor have I ever allowed, my dick to keep me in a relationship. I come with the ultimate package, and aside from all of that, I treat my women with respect. It goes a long way, and my advice to you would be to stop stressing yourself about my relationship with Scorpio. If it doesn't work out, then so be it. Love will come and go, and as long as I stay true to myself, I will always have someone decent to look forward to.”
Jaylin took a sip from his glass of wine, and so did I. No doubt, the tension was thick. “Very good answer, Shane. And even though we are very good friends, you really don't know much about me. And the most insulting thing of all is your doubting my loyalty to Nokea. I've had more pussy than ten ... fifty men put together. At times, I allowed pussy to be my driving force, my decision maker ... just about my everything. But when I decided to make Nokea my wife, she became all of the above. That's what you do when you love somebody, and I—in no way, shape, form, or fashion—see Scorpio as being your driving force, your decision maker, or your everything. I see her as being your sleep-in pussy. Nothing more, nothing less. Dispute it all you want, my brotha, but you will soon find out what I mean.”
“Excellent comeback, but I guess only time will tell. We are incapable of predicting the future, so we just got to sit back and let shit happen.”
We lifted our glasses of wine, and we clinked them together. My insides were boiling; and if Scorpio ever betrayed me, especially for Jaylin, I would hurt her.

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