Too Naughty (7 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Too Naughty
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After being deprived of my rest, starved, and ordered to give more blood, I walked out of the darn hospital last night. I had Stephon come pick me up, and he took me home so I could get some for-real rest. He left around 1:00
, and I slept like a baby.
I couldn't wait for Monday to arrive, even though I had no intentions to show my face in court. It was too messed up; and for the time being, I didn't want Jaylin to see how much damage he'd done. On my behalf, the attorney that Frick recommended came to see me. He decided to take my case and promised me that I had nothing to worry about. With that in mind, I woke up early and waited to hear from him. I knew the court hearing was at 9:00
, but I was anxious to find out how things would turn out—so anxious that after looking at my watch a million times, I decided to go see for myself. Of course, with how messed up I was, I had to disguise myself. I figured I could wear some dark shades and wrap my head neatly with a scarf. I did just that, and when I looked in the mirror, I knew no one would recognize me.
By the time I reached the courtroom, several cases were already in session. The courtroom was crowded, so I took a seat in the far back. I sat between a fat white woman who looked like trailer trash and a black man who could have easily been a bum on the streets. As I looked around, I didn't see Jaylin. My watch showed 10:15
, and it was evident he was late. I did see my attorney, which was very good news to me, but he appeared to be quite nervous. He kept looking back at the double wooden doors, continuing to adjust his tie. The judge was an older white woman, and she, apparently wasn't up for a bunch of bullshit. Several times, she ordered people in the room to be quiet and got frustrated with an attorney who didn't have his shit together.
Soon, in walked Frick; and I'll be damned if Jaylin wasn't right behind him. They had to be the most arrogant team I'd ever seen, and damn that fool Frick for lying to me about taking Jaylin's case. When they took a seat up front, he was all over Jaylin—whispering in his ear, grinning, and kissing his ass. Jaylin didn't seem nervous at all, but he sure as hell did look spectacular. So spectacular that even the judge had stopped to take a peek. His healthy, curly black hair was trimmed and lined to perfection. The gray suit he had on fit every curve in his muscular frame, and the goatee he wore had every woman in the courtroom nudging the person next to her. I listened to two ghettofied sistas in front of me as they giggled and talked about taking him home with them. The silliness seriously worked my nerves, and when their heads turned to the back of the courtroom, that was when I saw Shane. They giggled some more and gave each other high fives.
Shane searched around for somewhere to sit, and when he looked in my direction, I dropped my head and started to lightly cough. Hopefully, he'd think I was contagious, and when I looked up again, thank God he took a seat on the other side of the room. The courtroom got a tad bit louder again, and the judge slammed down her gavel.
“Quiet, please,” she yelled.
What a bitch,
I thought. I hoped that she had PMS and was ready to give Jaylin exactly what he deserved.
Rushing the judge, once she finished laying down a five-thousand-dollar fine to a felony shoplifter, Frick stood up and approached her. Whatever he said to her caused her to roll her eyes, and she asked for the paperwork on Jaylin's case. For only a few minutes, she scanned the paperwork, then called my attorney up front. There was a lot of whispering going on, but I really couldn't hear much. When Frick talked, she peered over her black-framed glasses at Jaylin and then looked back at Frick. Her eyes scanned the paperwork again, and then she asked for Jaylin to come up front. When he stood up, somebody whistled. The judge's head snapped up, and she looked over at the bailiff.
“If that happens again, find out who it was and throw them out of here. I said quiet,” she yelled.
Once Jaylin was up front, the prosecutor rose up and stood beside Jaylin. It was a double whammy to have both the prosecutor and my attorney working on this case. That sucker Frick had his work cut out for him, and when I heard Jaylin's voice rise, I knew all hell was about to break loose.
“Flight risk,” he said, loud enough for everyone to hear. Frick placed his hand on Jaylin's chest and said something to my attorney and the prosecutor. The judge tuned in, shaking her head from side to side.
“I'm not going to deal with this right now,” she said, loud enough for everyone to hear, too. “Your client will receive no special treatment, Mr. Frick, and he will have to wait.”
Just then, I could have fainted when I saw “stand by your man no matter what” Nokea. The bitch was too proud to take a seat, so she stood by the door with her arms folded. The only thing I could say was the ho was clean. She wore a dark blue suit with a short skirt that hugged her curvaceous hips. Underneath was a hot pink silk blouse, a matching scarf was thrown around her neck, and she wore strappy dark blue stilettos. Her layered hair was cut short and was spiked a bit in the front. Makeup was flawless, and the ring on her finger was blinding. As his wife, she didn't have to let it be known, because “property of Jaylin Jerome Rogers” was written all over her.
I thought. Years of lying on her back had surely paid off.
Frustrated, I turned my head, and things got even more heated. Apparently, Jaylin's interruptions were out of line, and the judge made it perfectly clear to him that if he didn't shut his mouth, she would ask him to leave.
“Well, if I leave, I'm going home,” he said.
The prosecutor quickly spoke up. “This is why Mr. Frick's client is considered a flight risk. If he leaves, I assure you that he's going to become a fugitive.”
Normally, Frick would've spoken up, but he didn't say nothing. Jaylin was fired up, and when he turned around to calm himself, he looked to the far back and saw Nokea. He stared without cracking a smile, and so did she. When she rolled her eyes and looked away, he turned back around. I was cracking up inside because this was so hilarious. It was obvious that Nokea was mad at him, but I was sure that it wasn't nothing that a little ... big dick wouldn't cure.
Either way, Jaylin got what he deserved. His mouth kept running, and not only did the judge deny his request to go home, but she also threatened to have him jailed for a long time if he didn't “play by the rules.”
Nokea was so angry that she walked out. Jaylin was about to rush after her, but the judge stopped him before he stepped away.
“When I see you again, Mr. Rogers, make sure you're on time in my courtroom, and do not interfere when I'm speaking. Do you understand?”
Jaylin didn't respond, so Frick spoke up for him. “He understands, Your Honor.”
She got loud and ignored Frick. “Mr. Rogers, do you understand what I just said?”
The courtroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Jaylin turned to the judge, held his arms in front of him, and looked at her. “Sorry, but I don't take orders.”
There were more than a few snickers, so she slammed down her gavel and quickly called for the bailiff. “Get him out of here. I don't have time for nonsense today. Next!”
I wanted to stand up and jump for joy, but I had to contain myself. The bailiff took Jaylin away in handcuffs, and Frick followed behind him. I leaned forward and whispered to the ghettofied chicks in front of me.
“Y'all won't be taking him home tonight.” I laughed.
They looked at me like I was crazy, and I stood up to exit. As I made my way to the door, so did Shane. I quickly dropped my head, held my fist to my mouth, and coughed. He made it to the door without noticing me. I stood for a few minutes and then left.
When I made it to the elevator, I saw Shane and Nokea standing close by and talking. I would've given anything to be a fly on the wall, but I didn't want to get too close to them. Instead, I observed her playing her normal role, the pure and innocent wife. She appeared to be shaken up by what Shane said to her, and it surely didn't take him long to make his next move. His arms eased around her waist, and she moved in close, very close, to him. It was almost sickening to watch, and if Jaylin stayed behind bars for long, I could only assume what would happen.
Jaylin sure in the hell messed up the perfect opportunity to go home. I couldn't believe his arrogance, but then again, what did I expect? Nokea was just as furious as I was, and she expressed her anger while sitting in my kitchen, drinking coffee.
“Sometimes, I don't understand him, Shane. All he had to do was cooperate, and he couldn't even do that. You have no idea how sick I am of all of this. At this point, I don't know what to do.”
“Well, you can't go giving up on your marriage. Like I told him, sometimes things happen that are beyond your control. Everything will work out, trust me.”
Nokea sipped the coffee and dropped her head back. She closed her eyes, as if she was in deep thought. “What is going on between you and Scorpio? I didn't know the two of you were dating and it was serious.”
“Yes, our relationship is pretty serious.”
“Are you in love?”
“Yes, I'm in love.”
She shook her head and looked at me with disgust. “How did a man like you manage to hook up with such a ... a ... I don't even want to disrespect her in front of you.”
“I appreciate that, and I know you ain't trying to hear this, but Scorpio has many good qualities, too. If she didn't, you know that Jaylin wouldn't have been with her for as long as he was.”
“Jaylin was pussy whipped, Shane. Scorpio never gave him the security I've given him, and that's what a man like him needs.”
“Maybe, but you're speaking for Jaylin. You can't speak for me or for how I feel.”
Nokea stood up and walked over to the sink. She washed the coffee mug and placed it in the cabinet. She then turned around and folded her arms in front of her.
“Why did you leave the two of them alone in your house? Don't you think something may have happened?”
“I left them alone because I trust the both of them. Are you saying that you don't trust Jaylin?”
“At this point, I don't trust him. When I called, they were close. The way Jaylin spoke, I could tell something wasn't right. Didn't you sense something ... anything?”
I didn't want to upset Nokea, but she was right. Hell no, I didn't trust either of them, and something still didn't sit right with me. “Nokea, I don't know what to tell you. At times, I see a little something, but that's to be expected. I know Scorpio loves me, and that's what I have to hang on to. You know how Jaylin feels, too, so don't waste too much time tripping off their past feelings for each other.”
“I guess you're right,” she said. She came over to the table and picked up her purse. “I'm going to the hotel to get some rest. I'm so upset with Jaylin that I can't even speak to him right now. If he calls—”
“If he calls, I'll let him know where you are, okay?”
Nokea nodded, and I walked her to the door. It bothered me to see her so upset, and I hoped like hell that Jaylin got his shit together.
Before leaving, Nokea turned to me at the front door.
“Shane, what if Jaylin and Scorpio decide to be together? Have you given any thought to that scenario? I know you have.”
“I... . No, I haven't. It amazes me, though, that you're so insecure. Maybe losing the baby has you like this, but Jaylin loves you, Nokea. He doesn't love Scorpio, and if he did, then he would be with her. Even though I'm his friend, I can't convince you that he loves you. That's something you have to know and feel for yourself.”
“Well, right about now, I'm feeling betrayed.” Her eyes watered. “I'm losing him, Shane, and we have fought for so many years... .”
I reached out for Nokea and comforted her in my arms. “You're not losing each other. Damn, baby, I wish you would understand—”
“Nobody understands,” she said sadly. “You don't understand unless you've walked in my shoes. I hate Scorpio. I hate what she's done to Jaylin, and I hate what she's going to do to you.” She pulled her head back, looking up at me with her watery eyes. “Don't you know what she's going to do to you? Can't you see that you deserve better?”
Before I could say another word, shockingly, Nokea's lips touched mine. They tasted too sweet to back away from, so I indulged myself while holding the sides of her face and wiping her tears with my thumbs. It didn't take long for me to back away and come to my senses.
I placed my hands behind my head and spun around. “Damn! What in the fuck am I doing?”
Nokea stood and watched me panic.
“I'm sorry,” she said. “I'm so, so sorry.”
She hurried out the door, leaving it wide open.

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