Torn (Torn Heart) (11 page)

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Authors: Annie Brewer

BOOK: Torn (Torn Heart)
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He slows his pace, taking a quick drag of his cigarette.
“Yeah, about that. You don’t have to worry. It’ll be over by then.” He puts the cigarette out on the ground and steps on it.

Right then, I decide to keep the secret to myself. I pick up my pac
e again, heading for his house, even though I’d rather stay right here with him. “It’ll be dinner-time soon. We should go back.” My stomach suddenly growls with hunger. He nods and follows me.


Paul greets us when we walk through the door. “Oh there you two are; dinner is all set and ready.” He sees us together and I don’t miss the suspicious grin peeking through. The dining room table is set with delicious looking and smelling food; chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and dinner rolls. I inhale the aroma.

“This looks amazing! I can’t wait to taste it.” I sit next to my mother. Jackson takes the seat across from me.
Jared next to him. I can finally look at them both without worry that one doesn’t want me in the same room. I pour some tea and take a drink, needing to moisten my suddenly dry throat.

“It was mostly done when we got here; I just helped with the last preparations.” My mom chimes in.

Paul fixes his plate, glancing at my mom with a grin. “Well you were helpful, Rose. It was nice to catch up on things.”

“Yes, it was.
Not that there was too much to tell on my end.” She says sarcastically.

“So, I found an apartment.” Jared announces to the table. We all look at him, and I’m the least surprised. He already told me he was looking. But then again, I didn’t think it’d be this soon. I can’t imagine going to another place Jared calls home; this has been his home forever. Part of me is sad that he’ll be gone.

Paul clears his throat. “That’s great, son. How far is it?”

Jared piles potatoes on his plate and sets it back in the middle. “Oh it’s like ten minutes or so, not far. It’s pretty nice, three bedrooms, two-baths and a killer living room.”
I glance across at Jared; he gives me a wink, filling his plate some more.

Jackson does a
mock cheer, “I get privacy, finally. Woohoo!” I kick his leg under the table. “Ouch.” He yelps. “I was just kidding.” He frowns at me, “Sort of.” And then he laughs. I mock-glare, taking a bite of my food.

We all congratulate Jared, enjoying a good family dinner.

My mom asks between bites, “How’s football this year Jackson?”

“Same as last year, I guess. But it’s my last year to play before I go to college, so I’m hoping I keep my head in the game.” I look up at the same time he glances at me. When our eyes meet, I can’t look away. “I can’t screw it up, this is my year.” He said he’s going to college, where’s he going? Is he
gonna go with a future in football? I thought he was getting tired of it. Questions run through my head and I make a note to ask him about them later. Right now, my taste buds are yelling at me to satisfy them.

After dinner, we have apple pie and vanilla ice cream. It’s a tradition we’ve all had for years, and I’ve never been happier to be here than I am now. Jared and Jackson are getting along, even if it’s for show. I’m hoping one day, they’ll settle their differences and be closer. I don’t know what it’s like to have a sibling or to be as close as best friends like they have. I’d hate for them to have a falling-out.


On my knees, I search for a movie on Jackson’s shelf to watch. “Why are you afraid to tell your dad about football?”

He’s doing homework on his bed. He doesn’t look up from his textbook. “I’m not.”

I twist around to face him, “What college are you planning on going to?”

“Sky, I don’t know yet. I mean, I have a scholarship, but I’m not sure I’m gonna actually go. And until I’m certain, I’m not gonna tell my dad anything.”

I can tell he’s getting frustrated, so I drop the subject for now. It’s not like we’re a couple anyway and need to know our futures. I pull out a movie and show him,

He quirks his brow. “Seriously?”

“I love Avatar.” I take it out of the case and stick it in the DVD player. “Why do you have it, if you don’t like it?”

He laughs and returns to his book, “It’s your movie. I don’t even remember it much.”

I pick up the remote and hit play, getting comfortable on the floor in front of his bed. I grab and hug a pil
low between my body.

Jackson moves to the foot of the bed and peers down at me. “What are you doing?”

I point to the TV, “Watching a movie. What does it look like?”

He rolls his eyes, patting the bed. “Bring the pillow up here and lay down, silly. I’m not
gonna bite.” I don’t argue and get comfortable beside him. We used to always do this, it shouldn’t feel weird. But now that we’re older, it feels different. The tension is palpable.















Chapter 13



Sleep is far off, leaving me restless and irritable. I keep looking at the spot Skylar laid tonight while watching the movie as I did homework; now it’s empty and I wish things weren’t so different. We always watched movies and television together just like that. It was a closeness that never felt awkward. Why did shit have to change and get all confusing?

I close my eyes and will the images of her to go away so I can sleep. But her face stays in my mind; her eyes, her cheeks that blush bright red when she’s embarrassed, her delicate hands that are always soft and p
erfect, her hair. God, her hair; long and shiny, provoking my fingers with an ache to caress the strands nearly drove me to insanity.

I roll onto my stomach, burying my face in the pillow. How do I give in to my urges? I’m afraid of getting close to her and then fucking it up. I’m afraid of getting hurt myself.
I’m afraid of her leaving me for something better. Is love supposed to make you crazy? If so, I’ve been there. I’m there now and it’s a strange feeling.

I know it’s unrealistic for teenagers to be in love and know what love really is. But it’s not like I’ve only known her a short time. I’ve known her forever; literally. Well, as in since I
was brought into the world. I mean, we grew up together. We know everything about each other. Even if we didn’t hang out the last few years, I still watched her, from a distance. Not like a crazy stalker, but admiring the person she’s become. The person I’ve never wanted more. Maybe this year
a year for changes. Maybe it’s a year for chances too. Am I willing to take a chance on her? On us?

I finally give up on sleep and step outside for a cigarette. It’s only eleven-something, so I grab my phone and send a quick text. I get a reply within a couple minutes from Jake.

Jake: Come on over and play some Xbox.

Me: Sounds good, be there soon.


Drinking beer and Xbox helps with my foggy brain. “So, let me get this straight,” Jake muses. “You really do like Skylar.” I don’t answer, but I don’t have to since he knows it’s
true. “I gotta say she’s way better than Amber.”

“I agree.” I hear Monica say from the other room.

Jake chuckles, but then asks, “So are you gonna date her?”

“We’re going to the beach this weekend. I told her it was a date and that I’m done with Amber. God, what did I see in her?”

Jake pauses the game, “You saw a hot cheerleader who’d satisfy your needs… until you realized that you were a shallow jerk who needed to dump the bitch and find someone who’d make you genuinely happy. In other words, you saw the fucking light.”

I stifle a noise of amusement. “Wow, you’re like a walking Hallmark card.
Good God.” I press on the controller a few times, letting him know I’m ready to play and stop talking about this for now. My phone beeps; bringing a scowl to my face.

Jake notices, aware of the culprit. “Ignore her, maybe she’ll go away.” He thinks about his
own comment and shakes his head. “Yeah, Amber going away is a nice dream… but you’re gonna have to break it off with her.”

A nod is all I can muster; finally satisfied with my decision not to date her anymore. I finish off my beer and game with Jake. Monica joins us in the living room, watching us. She’s
pretty, with long dark black hair and brown eyes; petite and about five foot-something, probably four. They’re a great couple.

Another text alerts us, but this one seems suspicious. I look to Jake, who’s as clueless as I am. “Is she sleeping with him?” I ask him.

He lets out a sigh and nods. “I heard rumors about it, but just thought it was a stupid rumor. I’ve shown up at Daniel’s house a couple times and she was there, but you weren’t. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.”

I’m angry at both Daniel and Amber, but another part is relieved. Now I don’t have to make an excuse for why I’m dumping her, or bringing Skylar into my decision. Cheating is the last straw for me.
Although, the fact that she’s asking me to come over and make him leave is pretty fucking ridiculous. She’s so stupid. “Looks like I’m going to take care of shit sooner.”

ke gets up when I do. “I’m coming with you.” He kisses Monica’s forehead. “I’ll be back soon, okay?”

She slips her shoes on. “I
gotta go home anyway. Call me later, babe.” She kisses him and grabs her purse. “See ya later, Jackson.” I wave to her as I walk out of the house.

I get in my car, opening the windows and lighting a cigarette. As soon as Jake gets in, I take off like a bat out of hell. I increase my speed just a little and turn down a winding road and make a right, then a left until I’m at the house.

They’re both out front in a heated discussion before I interrupt. “Well, this is a cozy scene.”

When Amber hears me, she rushes to my side. “Jackson, I told him to get off my property. I didn’t want him to come over.”

I don’t buy her fake act for a minute. She’s good at pretending to be the victim so everyone’ll feel sorry for her. “I don’t care anymore, Amber. I’m glad you texted me. I needed to talk to you anyway.” She looks relieved, but as soon as I drop the break-up bomb, she’ll be making excuses for everything. “We,” I gesture between us, “Are done, Amber. I’m breaking up with you.”

She scrunches her face up, incredulous. “What?” She reaches for me but I pull away. “You can’t be serious.”

“Yeah, we’re done. You and I are history, Amber. I finally see the light and you’re not it. ”

“Jackson, I
—” I hold my hand up to silence her annoying voice.

I whirl on Daniel.
“So. Are you enjoying my sloppy seconds?”

He laughs, “Right, because you’ve really been such a good lay, that’s why she’s had to turn to me for fulfillment, and this isn’t the first time.” He laughs and I feel my face
get hot. Jake stands by witnessing the whole thing.

Amber grits her teeth, glaring. “Shut up, Daniel.” She starts crying and I don’t feel sorry for her, thinking of all the times she made Skylar cry.

  Shaking my finger at her, I say “Don’t say anything, we’re done. You got it? Don’t call me, don’t text me. Don’t even look at me when we pass each other in the hall. Pretend I don’t exist.”

Jackson, wait!” She shouts, as I turn on my heel and start to leave. She tries to stop me but what Daniel says to her gets my attention.

I turn and walk right back to him, “What did you just say?”

He stands tall, unafraid of me and says, “I told her to let you go so you can go run off to your little loser bitch.” The next scene goes by in a blur with my fist connecting with his jaw. The pain shoots through my hand, up my arm. Fuck, that hurt!

Amber screams my name in horror. 

Daniel drops to the ground and I bend over to look at him as he’s grabbing his face, groaning. “You mother fucker!”

“Don’t ever talk about her again, or next time you’ll be in the fucking hospital.” I push him down as he tries to get up.

Jake and I get in my car and drive away. Despite the pain that’s still coursing through my hand, and it’s pretty severe, I feel kind of good. Not that getting into fights are the solution to every problem, but he had it coming. And now, he can have her.
Good riddens!

“You okay, man?” Jake asks, noticing me shake my hand a couple times.

I open my window. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” I’m better than fine.














Chapter 14



Just as I suspected, rumors started to fly
around school that I beat the shit out of Daniel. I could’ve done worse. He’s lucky I only punched his jaw. Every time I turn around, more students congratulate me and tell me how they’ve wanted someone to put him in his place.

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