Trefoil (4 page)

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Authors: M C Moore

BOOK: Trefoil
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"Each clan built their strongholds and began to brace for the eventuality of war.  The Talamh built fortress of earth in the mountains.  They have a beautiful city built upon a cliff that is only accessible through a series of tunnels that run deep into the mountain.  The Aeris can control the wind and are quite ingenious.  They have built floating islands that dwell among the clouds.  The Tine have built their homes of fire and metal, using the hottest volcanoes to forge the metals to build their fortresses."

"King Treigold's son, who was known as Trienan Raven, dwelt with the Tine.  He stroked the fires of their jealousy by claiming that Aquinas should belong to them.  They forged weapons and armor and trained to kill.  This was new to the fairies, as it was never our way."

"Trienan created an army that would march across the land killing out whole villages that refused to join his new kingdom.  During this time, King Treigold died.  The kingdom was then passed to Trienan's sister, Evelyn.  She had never intended to rule the kingdom.  Her gifts lay in healing, not leading.  She had three children, triplets, two girls and a boy.  They were being groomed to rule the Water Fae as a Trefoil, a balance of power."

"Evelyn had taken to healing all the refugees who had entered the land due to Trienan’s war.  She would heal dozens in a day.  And as you can tell by Taggart's state, healing takes its toll.  Every time a fairy heals someone, a bit of their essence leaves them."

"Evelyn had gotten herself so worn out, that she could not even eat or drink.  She instructed her children to prepare to take the throne as she would die soon.  The oldest of the three had the ability to see the future.  She foresaw her mother's death and the path that the three must take to bring peace." 

"So they set forth to rule the kingdom in a threefold plan.  One they would build an army.  The youngest, Sarah, was a warrior, she was strong of mind and body.  Sarah raised the army and trained them for the inevitable fight.  The middle triplet, Johan, was a
he set to building up the stocks of healing remedies and healers into a centralized location.  Johan set up a sort of a fairy hospital.  The oldest, Katirin, created a think tank of mind readers and future seers, together they consulted the future and sought out the paths to peace."

"Trienan, hearing of the new government had an idea to grab the throne and the power.  He would assassinate the two younger triplets and take the older one hostage.  He would then marry his niece and take the throne.  Katirin had a dream to this effect."

Meckenzie interjected, "This is the part that we have read, this is when the necklace was created and the powers were bound."

"Yes," said Isabel, "and for generations, the fairy have been without powers, but some powers have come back over the last few years.  Everyone in Aquinas believes the war will come back to our doorsteps soon.  That is why your mother went back.  The descendants of Trienan have begun building an army."

"Do you have powers?" Taggart asked Isabel.

"No, I have been trained in the art of espionage and self-defense though.  So I was volunteered to come and stay with you while your mother was away.  I have always been here to protect you."

"So when Deidra hired you before she left, she knew she was leaving.  You worked for us for two years before our mother left."

"I was being trained to come to protect you since before you were born.  It was known then that there would be a Trefoil.  You three were the first triplets born to a royal family in eight hundred years.  Your mother was never intending to leave you, her brother was assassinated and she had to return to rule."

Meckenzie suddenly stood up.  "Wait.  You said you were our great grandmother's cousin and our mom's great aunt, does that mean that mom and dad were related?"

Isabel laughed, "In a way."

  Kellan said.

"It is not as close as you would think.  Your family tree is a direct line from King Treigold.  His daughter Evelyn's son Johan was the only surviving child from the original Trefoil.  His son Tristan had two son's
and Josiah.  Your mother is the great-great-great-great granddaughter of Josiah. Your father is the great-great-great-great grandson of

Which makes them fifth cousins.

"It may seem strange to you, but the Fae have a tendency to marry their cousins, many human royalty do the same thing.  It is just the way life is.  Your parents’ marriage was, although probably not known to you Lawrence, destined.  When your grandmother came here, it was to protect the lineage so that one day, one of the line of the kings could come here and have the Trefoil in another place.  So they might be protected from assassins.  Your great grandmother Katirin was full Fae, and her son Taggart, whom you are named for, married a full Fae.  Your father married a full Fae.  Now your blood line is only fractional human.  It was the only way to make sure that the powers were passed on, and yet protected."  Isabel continued "You are royalty among the Fae and will be welcomed back as royalty should."

"Wait," Lawrence interjected, "Welcomed back?  You mean to take my children to a place that is in a state of war."

"That was always the plan."  Isabel said.

"No! I will not allow it.  I will not allow you to drag my children into a war that they are not a part of."

"I am afraid that the war will come to them if we don't take them back.  It is only a matter of time until someone figures out they are here." 

Kellan angrily spoke from behind tears that had begun to fall down her cheeks.  "Will we see mom?" 


Meckenzie couldn't believe what she was hearing.  She was expected to go with Isabel, who she had known almost her whole life, but who had been hiding her true identity.  Could she really trust this woman?  Was getting to see her mom enough for her to march off into battle for something she knew nothing about?

"What could we possibly do to help with a war?  We are not even eighteen yet."  Meckenzie added.

"You have more power than you know.  Your simply being there will uplift the spirits of all of Aquinas.  Plus, I will begin training you.  You all have much to learn about what your powers can do."

"Will we go soon?  Will we get to finish high school?  There are only eight weeks left, I mean I have plans.  I was accepted to Harvard and I want to be a doctor."  Taggart interjected.

"I don't know when we will go.  I do know that we have some time.  I hope that we can hold out for a year.  I need to train you as much as possible.  Luckily you are all very smart and physically fit so you should be able to catch on pretty fast."

Lawrence Desmond stood up and left the room.  He knew he was losing his children and he didn't know what to do.  So he decided to go, he thought he might be able to clear his mind if he was away from them for a while.  He needed to stop this, but he could tell his children were being swept up in this new found adventure.  He could not lose them too.  He didn’t think his heart could take it.

Isabel and the trips watched him silently leave the room.  They had seen the look on his face before when their mother had gone and knew he needed some time to himself.  He had lost so much in his
letting him leave was all they could do.




After the day’s events, everyone decided they were a little tired.  Taggart headed off to his room to lie down.  Kellan decided to swim to clear her mind, since Isabel thought it too soon for her to lift weights again.  That left Meckenzie with Isabel.  Meckenzie had so many questions.  Where should she start? 

Isabel motioned for Meckenzie to follow her.  They headed to the
fresh air was definitely what Meckenzie needed.  She was stuck in a swirling vortex of information that she could not wrap her mind around.  Everything kept popping in and out of her
it was a serious case of information overload. 

Isabel sat in one of the patio chairs and motioned for Meckenzie to sit opposite her.  Isabel sat motionless and stared at Meckenzie; it was a little bit unnerving at first.  Why had she brought her here Meckenzie?  Then Meckenzie began to relax.  A wave of relief washed over her as her mind cleared of all the thoughts that had been swirling about. 

"What are you doing?"  Meckenzie questioned.

Isabel smiled, "While I don't have any powers, I have been trained in the art of spell casting.  One of the spells I'm most proficient at is a
spell, it is a calming spell.  It should allow you to focus a bit of that energy you have buzzing around you."

Meckenzie felt wonderful.  She hadn't been this calm in months.  Not since the dreams started.  "Can you teach me that?"

  Let's talk a bit about your dream
d.  When did they start?"

"A couple of weeks ago.
  It was only once a night for a while.  But now every time I close my eyes to sleep the same dream comes.  It went the furthest it has ever gone last night.  I had never seen the part of my mother coming through the archway to New York before.  I can't remember seeing the necklace in the dream before last night either, and the heather plant.  My mother grabbed heather before she vanished and then appeared here.  I had not noticed the plant until last night.  This morning on our jog, I saw some heather beside the Trefoil Arch.  Right before Taggart and I got to the arch we saw someone grab some off the plant and walk into the arch and then disappear."

Isabel looked shocked.  "When was this?"

"This morning right around sunrise."

Isabel stood up and began pacing around the garden.  She looked very worried.  "No more running in the park.  If someone knows the three of you are here, they could snatch you at the arch and take you back to Aquanis.  If it is the Tine Clan then we would lose you forever.  They surely have spies amongst our people.  I think it is best that we send a message to your mother."

"How will you do that?  I'm sure there is not cell phone reception in Aquanis.  I'm sure you can't just text her, or email her.   How will you get her message?"

"The same way I've been doing it for years.  We have curriers that travel between both lands exchanging messages for our people that have come to this world to live without the threat of war.  We have the need at times to hide things in this world as well.  I'll call the currier and have him come here.  Let your siblings know that if they want to send a message to your mother to write it out and I'll include it."

Meckenzie sped downstairs to find Kellan.  She was floating in the pool on her back staring at the ceiling.

"Isabel is going to send a message to Mom.  She said we could write her a note and she would include it." 

Kellan looked at Meckenzie and shook her head.  "I don't have anything to say."

"Don't miss this opportunity because you are being stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn.  I just don't know what to say yet, I need some time.  I need to know what I want.  I spent most of my life relegating myself to not having a mother.  I planned a future and I threw myself into my sports.  I want to play college ball.  I want to work in sports.  I don't want to fight a war."  Kellan said the last part and thrust herself under water so she missed Meckenzie’s next statement.

"I don't think any of us want to fight a war.  I think we will have to though."

With that Meckenzie headed upstairs to find Taggart.  She knew Taggart would want to send a message.  He was always more level headed than Kellan. 
Always forgiving.

Taggart was lying on the sofa in his sitting area reading a book.  He had this intense look of concentration on his face.  Meckenzie remembered that look from when they were kids and would play games. 
Taggart always trying to figure out the easiest way to win.
  He had always been frustrated at Meckenzie's ability to win games, once she started winning, there was no defeating her.  Meckenzie was a born strategist.  She could look at a problem like a puzzle and work out the answer.

"Isabel is sending a message to mom.  She said we could write a note and she would include it." 

Taggart looked up from his book.  Without saying anything he stood up and went into his room.  Meckenzie climbed the stairs to her own room and went in search of a pen and piece of paper.  She sat down at her desk and began to write.

At first she wrote Dear Mom.  Then she wadded it up and took another piece of paper. This time she started Dear Deidra.  That sounded way
impersonal.  She had to decide what she wanted to say with this letter.  Did she want to be forgiving or confrontational?  What good could come from confrontation in a letter?  So she started again.

Dear Mom,

It is so weird to write that.  I don't know what to say really.  I have always wondered what I would say if I ever saw you again.  I have had those conversations a million times in my head.  I guess the one I had most often was the one where we rushed into each other's arms and cried. 

I miss you and it is hard not having a mother.  I am sure it was even harder leaving your children, but I am grateful we had dad.  He is doing well by the way.  He is lonely I think and works way too much and I think he still misses you.

I know we will see you soon.  Isabel has told us that much.  Kellan isn't taking this well.  She has so much to lose by leaving this world, Taggart too.  I still haven't decided what to do with my life, but it seems that destiny has decided for me.  I don't know what else to say, so for now I'll say I love you.  I miss you and I can't wait to see you.

Love Always,


Meckenzie folded the paper and headed downstairs.  She met up with Isabel in the kitchen and handed her the letter.  Isabel placed it into a wooden box along with two more folded pieces of paper.

"Kellan isn't going to write a note."

Isabel shook her head.  She then placed small white flower in the box.  She closed it and said some words that Meckenzie couldn't understand.  As Isabel did this, she began tracing her finger on the box.  It sounded as if she were scratching something into the wood.  Then Meckenzie noticed the gold writing that was appearing on the box where Isabel had traced her finger.  The symbols were not anything that Meckenzie had seen before.  Isabel began getting louder and louder, the box seemed to hum with the energy flowing through those golden letters, then it stopped. 

When she was done, Isabel turned to Meckenzie.

"That is a protection spell.  Your mother and I have a specific way we relay messages about you.  The box is protected by the spell and if it is opened by anyone other than your mother, the flower will turn to flames and burn the letters.  She also knows that notes from me always come with a white flower. 
Sort of secret Fae code."

"So do you often communicate with mom?"

"Not as often as we would like.  There are spies everywhere, in Aquanis, in New York.  We can't risk the enemy finding you, so we send messages only in an emergency.  I haven't actually received a message in months.  I better head out to the park, which is where the messenger will meet me.  You stay here; I can't risk someone seeing you with me and the messenger."

Isabel headed out and left Meckenzie with her own thoughts.  What did she really know about her history? 
Just one story.
  Meckenzie went to the front windows just in time to watch Isabel head into Central Park.  As she sat there lost in her own thoughts, she caught movement in the trees directly across from the window.  Meckenzie could swear someone was there watching her. 

Meckenzie closed the curtains and decided to run upstairs to her father's balcony.  She was sure she was being watched, so she decided to take the higher ground and get a better view.  Meckenzie stepped out on the balcony and walked over to stand in the shadow of one of the large plants flanking the ends of the balcony.  From there Meckenzie could see the trees, the pathway, and well into the park.  She scanned the area looking for anyone suspicious. 

After scanning the area for a few minutes, Meckenzie determined it must be the creepiness of the stories they had heard today that had her thinking someone was watching her.  She couldn't see the Trefoil Arch from here.  Meckenzie wondered who Isabel was meeting.  All these years and there mother had just been one magic box away.  All these years she could have been asking her mother important questions. 

Meckenzie was sure that Taggart would be okay after all of this, he was strong.   Kellan, on the other hand, was sensitive despite her muscular build.  She took so many things personally.  It was possible that Kellan would never trust their mother, or Isabel, for that matter, ever again.  Kellan could hold a grudge. 

Meckenzie remembered one game of hide and seek the trips had been playing when they were younger.  Taggart was it and Meckenzie and Kellan had run off to hide.  Taggart found Meckenzie first and they decided to leave Kellan hidden and went and had a snack.  When Kellan finally gave up, Taggart and Meckenzie were swimming in the pool.  She hadn't spoken to them for nearly two days, which was quiet a fete for a ten year old.  Meckenzie knew that the betrayal Kellan was feeling was a real emotion.  Their mother had been trying to protect them, but it did not make the hurt any less.  It was a gaping hole in their lives where a mother's love should have been. 

At that moment Meckenzie spotted Isabel coming out of the park.  She watched Isabel as she walked cautiously to the cross walk, watching behind her for anyone following.  Isabel crossed the street and continued walking down the side street not to the front door of the house.  Meckenzie began scanning the park for any suspicious movements.  Meckenzie saw a large guy about her age emerge from the trees that she had been watching.  His hair had the reflective darkness of a raven's
it was long enough to cover his face. From Meckenzie’s viewpoint on the second floor balcony, he seemed to be well over six feet tall and must have weighed more than 200 pounds.  He rushed across the street, not waiting for traffic, and down the side street that Isabel had taken. 

Meckenzie ran upstairs and grabbed her phone and her backpack that contained a cane of pepper spray.  As she was headed downstairs, she passed Taggart in his sitting area.  "Someone is following Isabel out of the park."  She shouted as she sped down the stairs. 

Taggart leapt off the couch and ran after Meckenzie down the stairs. 

"What do you think you are going to do?  Isabel is smart enough to keep herself out of trouble.  Don't go getting yourself into some kind of trouble because you think it is your destiny to rescue the world."  Taggart said the last part with spite.

Meckenzie wheeled around, ready for a fight.  "Come or don't come, but don't lecture me.  Isabel has been the closest thing we have had to a mother figure for a big part of our life and I will not let her get hurt protecting us."

Taggart followed her down the steps, already several steps behind Meckenzie.  They headed toward the side street that Meckenzie had seen the rather large man follow Isabel.  As they worked their way down the street, they looked inside the windows and doors of shops looking for some sign of Isabel. 

"What did the guy look like?"  Taggart said as they neared the end of the block.

"He was over six foot tall, 200 or more pounds, and dark shoulder length hair.  He was wearing dark clothes, like a trench coat.  I don't know anything else.  He was a big fella."

As they got to the end of the block, Meckenzie saw the mystery man further down the street.  Meckenzie began to run with Taggart trailing behind.  She got about twenty steps behind the guy, when he suddenly turned around and stared right at her. 

His crystal blue eyes seemed out of place amongst his strong features and dark hair, they seemed so pure.  He had a scar from his right ear to the middle of his cheek that made him look a seasoned warrior.  He was built like a tall boulder, pure muscle rippled under his dirty disheveled clothes.  He seemed to be covered in a thin layer of dust that did not look out of place on him.  It was like it was his second skin.  His eyes searched Meckenzie's for some kind of recognition. 

Taggart grabbed Meckenzie's hand and pulled her inside the coffee shop across the street.  He weaved them through the crowd towards the back where a table with two chairs open faced the door.  Meckenzie protested by trying to pull away from him. 

"We have to avoid him figuring out who we are.  If he is Fae, he might be looking for us through Isabel.  We know he doesn't have her, because he is by himself."  Taggart looked pleadingly into Meckenzie’s eyes with his last statement.

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