Trefoil (6 page)

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Authors: M C Moore

BOOK: Trefoil
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The trips began to recite the words over and over again in the same cadence as Isabel had taught them.  The buzzing began in their hands, slowly working its way up their arms.  It was like the hum of electricity coming from the power lines.  It gradual worked its way into their chests.  Spreading down to their feet, and finally working its way into their heads.  As they continued their chant, the world seemed to fade away.  The only thing in existence was the three of them, the humming and the words they were speaking which seemed to hang in the air around them.

Just when Meckenzie began to think that the spell wasn't working, there was a faint red light that was growing in the center of her mind, it began to take shape.  It was the triangles of hearts that Taggart had built.  Each stone became clearer, glowing red like an ember from a fire. 
The glow throbbing in time with the cadence of their voices.

As if some internal alarm had informed them that the spell was complete they finished the last word of the spell and opened their eyes.

"Did it work?"  Kellan asked.

"You tell me, what did you see?"  Isabel answered.

"For me, at least, I saw the hearts appear as they are here, but glowing red.  They keep time with our words, then they
bright red and solid for a moment and we stopped."  Meckenzie responded.

"What did you feel?"  Isabel asked

"It was like a buzzing of electricity.  It started in my hands and worked its way up my arms.  Then, it filled my chest and traveled down my legs with the buzzing sensation.  Finally, it filled my head and that is when the hearts appeared in my mind."  Taggart chimed in.

"Then it is complete.  How do you feel?"

  All three responded at the same time.

"Then let’s place them around the house.  We'll do it together so that you know where they should be.  We will start by leaving one here in the garden, over here near the wall."  Isabel placed one of the hearts in the ivy that grew up the wall that faced the street.

"Then we will need to put one near the front door.  They do better if they are near soil, so preferably in a potted plant.  We will need to move a plant into the elevator and place one there.  Though I doubt an intruder would use the elevator, it is better to be safe than sorry.  We'll place one on every floor."

They set off on their task of setting the protection hearts throughout the house. 
Ending their task on the top floor next to the door that led to the roof patio.
  Meckenzie realized that it would be better if Isabel stayed with them from now on.  She knew she should talk to her father before moving Isabel into the house, but it seemed like an emergency.  They did have the spare room on the top floor and with all that was going on, the more eyes the better.

Just as she was about to ask Isabel to stay, Taggart looked at her. 

"Did you say something?" He asked.  He knew that she had not spoken out loud, but he had definitely heard her.

"No."  Meckenzie replied.

"I heard it too."  Kellan said.

Isabel looked at the three of them.  "What were you thinking Meckenzie?"

"I was thinking that you should stay here, in this room.  That it was better to have you here with all that was going on.  That the more eyes we have here the better."

"That is what I heard,” said Kellan.

Taggart interjected, "Me too."

"Let's try something."  Isabel walked over to Meckenzie.  "Face me, and think of a number between one and five.  Put up the number of fingers so I can see them.  Then try to send the number to Kellan and Taggart."

Meckenzie faced Isabel and thought of a number.  She held up two fingers and concentrated on sending the number to her siblings.

"Two." They said together.

"Good.  Try it again."  Isabel said.

Meckenzie held up a fist.

  They both responded.

"Okay, I think you might have a couple of talents. 
Though it is possible that you share a bond that allows you to communicate with each other."

Meckenzie remembered hearing Kellan's voice this morning while she was laying hurt in the gym.  She had forgotten all about it and she hadn't told anyone that she had heard Kellan.  Could Kellan have been calling out with her mind?

"I heard Kellan this morning in my room.  I heard her call my name, and I went looking for her.  That is when I found her in the gym with the broken arm." 

Isabel smiled, she seemed to be enjoying this day more than the trips.  Every hour revealed something amazing. 

"Let's try it with Taggart.  Turn around and we will do numbers again.  But this time we will use one through ten."

Taggart turned around and put up seven fingers.  He then projected the number in his head.

This time only Meckenzie responded.  "Seven."

Kellan looked confused.  "I didn't hear anything."

"Let's try it again." Isabel said.

Taggart held up one finger and waited.

This time Meckenzie paused to see if Kellan would get it.  Maybe she had just been too fast.

Kellan began to laugh, "One, but it was Meckenzie's voice I heard not Taggart's."

"So it seems that Meckenzie can send and receive messages.  Since you three performed the spell earlier, she may be tied into your brains.  So it is really easy for her to hear.  I think we have all had enough excitement for today.  I'm going to go get my things from my apartment, I'll be back in an hour and then I'll make protection charms for the three of you.  Don't leave the house and try to get some rest, eat something.  You'll need to cast the spell on the charms after I complete them."

Isabel headed downstairs and left the siblings to their own devices.  Meckenzie walked into the spare room to check the sheets and towels.  The sheets would probably need to be changed.  No one had slept in the spare room in a very long time. 

"I'll get some sheets.  You are really loud in my head right now."  Taggart shouted as he headed down the stairs. 

Kellan joined Meckenzie in the guest room and sat down in the chair.

"This is really happening isn't

"Yes it is.  I think we just have to accept it."

"Well at least you got something cool as a power.  I turn into a she-hulk."

Meckenzie’s eyes grew sad as she replied, “I'll trade my drea
m for
your she
-hulk any day."




When their father returned home, he found his children and Isabel preparing dinner.  There was little evidence of all the events that had happened that day.  Everyone seemed to be in a very good mood.

Taggart was setting the table, and though no one had openly discussed it, he set five settings.  Isabel had not previously taken her meals with the family, but since she would be staying as a guest, the trips had decided to treat her as one.  Lawrence Desmond noticed immediately the number of place settings, but did not say a word.

Meckenzie and Kellan began bringing in dinner and took their places at the table.  When Isabel started into the room with the chicken she had roasted, she was surprised to see Taggart holding a chair out for her.

"Sit here beside me Isabel."  Taggart said.

Isabel smiled at him and took her place at the table.

"Let's make a deal not to talk about anything fairy related at dinner this evening."  Lawrence said.

They all nodded their heads in agreement and began serving themselves.

"How was your day dad?"  Meckenzie asked.

"It was very busy.  I have a couple of big deals coming up, so I've been preparing for those.  I have also decided to take a couple of days off for your birthday and I thought I might be able to help with the preparations.  We also have to make a trip to the bank, though I did say we wouldn't discuss that at dinner."

"I was thinking we could change the fabric on the patio furniture.  It might be nice to match it with the color scheme we have chosen for the party."  Taggart stated.

Meckenzie giggled, "Maybe Adam can help you find someone to reupholster the cushions.  He might also be able to show you some fabric swatches that would match what he is going to use."

"Who is Adam?"  Their father asked.

"He is the designer that Doreen is using for the party.  He was here yesterday with her so he could sketch the design for the ballroom set up."  Meckenzie replied.  “He took quiet a fancy to Taggart.”

Lawrence Desmond blushed at this statement.  He cleared his throat as if he was going to talk, when Taggart spoke up to save him the trouble of addressing the issue that his son might have taken a fancy to Adam as well.

“Meckenzie is just trying to start something because she thought he was cute.  So I had to save him from her admiring looks.”  Taggart started to laugh.

“Oh Taggart if only you were into boys, Adam would be such a catch.”  Kellan threw in her two cents worth at this point and the whole table was laughing before dinner was finished.  No fights, no spells, and no fairy talk.

As Isabel began clearing the dishes from the table, Meckenzie took the lead on speaking to their father about the day’s events.

"Dad, I think we need to talk to you about today.  Do you want to do that now?"

"Let's go up to the study."

The three siblings followed their father up the stairs and into the study.  Meckenzie silently communicated with her brother and sister.

"I think we should start with the fact that we sent letters to mom. 
Then the guy in the park.
Then the spell that is protecting the house.
  Then we should tell him that Isabel is going to stay with us."

Taggart and Kellan both nodded in agreement.

Their father sat in one of the wingback chairs and the trips took the couch.

"Well, what has happened?"  Lawrence asked.

"First, after we and Isabel talked, she decided that there was reason enough to warn mom that we might already have been spotted by some of the Fae.  So she sent her a message via a courier that can travel between the worlds.  She allowed us the option of sending a message along with hers.  Taggart and I sent one, but Kellan decided against it."  Meckenzie paused to judge her father's response.  He remained calm and unemotional, so she continued.

"Then when Isabel went to meet the courier in the park, she felt like she was being watched.  She had given us strict orders to stay in the house so that we wouldn't be spotted with her.  I was watching from your balcony when I saw Isabel come out of the park and a guy was following her."

Meckenzie paused again to judge her father's reaction. 

"I guess I acted a little reckless, because I grabbed my phone and pepper spray and went to follow them.  Taggart caught me coming down the stairs and came with me.  We had lost them, but as we turned the corner a couple of blocks away, we ran into the guy.  He saw me, but I don't think he knew anything was up.  Taggart pulled me into World Coffee and we got some coffee and hung out for a few minutes.  Then we continued on away from the house and doubled back a few blocks away.  On our way back we saw Isabel hanging out in front of the Natural History Museum.  She indicated from a distance that we should head home and not acknowledge her.  So that is what we did."

This time Lawrence Desmond could not hold his tongue.  "That was very careless of you.  I am very glad you made it back okay, but you are both still teenagers.  You could have been hurt, or killed.  Neither of you is trained to protect yourself.  I don't want to lose you before I have to."

"That is why when Isabel got
she thought we should cast a protection spell on the house.  So we did.  You might see some little black stones in various locations.  They are part of the spell."  Taggart interjected.

"Spells?  What is a spell going to do?  I think I would feel better if I hired someone to protect you three."

"That might help, but the spells that Isabel taught us really do work.  We did a calming spell this afternoon to help Kellan.  Also, I think it would be hard for one person to guard all three of us, our schedules are so different.  There is just so much going on, how are we going to explain to a security person that we are possibly being followed by fairies."  Taggart was being very level headed with his arguments.  Meckenzie thought it might be better if he informed their father of Isabel's staying.

I think Taggart should tell dad about Isabel staying. 
Meckenzie projected to her siblings.

Taggart took the lead again, "Also, we invited Isabel to stay here in the guest quarters.  She has the most knowledge about what we are possibly looking for.  She also said she could sense the guy this afternoon.  So maybe Isabel would be able to sense if someone was watching us.  She is making some protection charms for us.  I'm not sure how they work, but I'm sure they will help with our safety.  Isabel is going to train us over the next few months, so we need her close.  Also, all of us will carry pepper spray and our cell phones.  I think it is best if we just return to school tomorrow and try to live as normal as possible."

Their father sat silently for a moment.  Then he stood up and went to his desk.  As he shuffled some papers around he seemed to be thinking about what his children had said. 

"I will agree to Isabel staying here.  I will also hire a security guy to follow you to school and home, if possible leave together.  I know that Kellan has workouts after school.  So as long as you call the guy when you are getting ready to leave, I think it will be fine.  I will call the security company tonight, so expect him here tomorrow.  Also, no more running in the park, you can use the treadmill in the gym instead."

They all agreed.  Their father seemed to be dealing with all the day’s events really well.  Meckenzie sent a thought to her siblings.

I think we should not tell him about Kellan's new talent.  I also think that we should avoid telling him about my new mind trick. 

Taggart and Kellan nodded again, this was coming in pretty handy.  The three of them could communicate if necessary without anyone knowing.  Meckenzie wished she had come into this talent earlier.  She might have done better in school for one.  Meckenzie was an above average student, but she could have been way above average.

The three siblings left their father's study and went to find Isabel.  She was still in the kitchen cleaning the dinner mess.  Meckenzie and Kellan began helping her clean up.  Taggart found a pen and paper.  He thought it might be important to write down some of the stuff they had learned today.  He wanted to remember the spells and learn as much about all of their new talents as possible. 

Taggart really did feel like they were on the brink of doing something amazing.  If he could just resolve himself to the fact that his lifelong dream of being a doctor was about to be shattered into a million pieces.  He would still be a healer, but he had just always imagined being able to hang that diploma from Harvard on his wall.

"I'd like to take some notes about the spells and our gifts."  He said to Isabel.

She turned to him and smiled.  "I thought you might say that, so I brought a book from Aquinas that I had in my apartment.  It has other spells and description of gifts that people had in the past.  I think you'll find almost everything you are looking for in it.  I just ask that you not try any spells before talking to me about them.  I don't want something to go awry."

"I think I can handle that.  So should we start on the protection charms?"

"Sure, meet me in the garden?"  Isabel said.

Kellan asked, "Is there a reason we always meet in the garden?"

"Yes, spells like the Fae have created work better among nature.  Especially if you are surrounded by all four elements of the Fae nature, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.  So that is why we sit in the garden, with the soil, the open air, the fire from a candle, and the water from the fountain."

With that explanation Isabel went to grab her bag from beside the front door and they all headed to the garden yet again.

Isabel pulled a candle from her bag and lit it, sitting it in the middle of the open space by the fountain.  She then pulled three leather bracelets out of her bag.  She handed one to each of the trips.  They were intricately woven leather with a clear crystal set in behind two pieces in the center of the bracelet. 

"Tie them on your right wrist, so the stone is against your skin.  Then stand around the candle and join hands.  We will use the same spell from earlier.  It will work in a similar way.  You will feel the buzzing of the spell work its way through you, then in your mind’s eye you will see the clear crystal.  It will then burn bright and change color."

"What color?"  Kellan asked.

"That depends, it is never the same.  The crystal represents your spirit and your spirits are different.  Each of your gifts represents a different color.  I will say that the crystals that are in the Trefoil charms were clear until the original Trefoil transferred their powers into them.  They are now red, blue and green.  I imagine that the same thing will happen with your bracelets."

They took their positions and joined hands.  Isabel began chanting the spell again and the trips joined in.  Soon the buzzing was working its way through their bodies.  They soon saw the crystals in their minds eye.  The bright flash of light that explod
ed from the vision made them
flinch a little,
and then
it was over. 

Each of them flipped the leather over to see the color the stone had turned.

"It seems that your stones have taken on the colors of the Trefoil. Be sure and keep the stone against your skin, it will help fuel the protection charm and keep the stones color out of sight if anyone should see you with them on.  I'm sure that when you receive the Trefoil necklaces that they will match the stones in your bracelets.  Now, I think we should all retire for the evening.  You guys will be going back to school tomorrow and we have the arrival of the security guard your father hired."

"How did you know that?"  Meckenzie asked.

"You are transmitting quite loudly right now.  I think it is because we have done so much spell casting today and because of our familial link.  I'll start teaching you shielding techniques soon.  We will have to start individual training soon.  All of you will need different training, though some spell casting training will be needed.  We'll talk about it tomorrow after school."

With that, Isabel left and headed up to her room.  The triplets all sat down in the garden.  No one spoke for a long time; everyone was caught up in their own thoughts.

Meckenzie was trying to not transmit her thoughts to her siblings.  Kellan was thinking about working out.  It had been a long day and she needed some endorphins to keep her mind clear.  Taggart wanted to study the book Isabel had given him, but he thought his sisters might want to talk, so he had not left to go up to his room yet.

"Can you hear me in your head?”  Meckenzie asked.

"Not since before the spell."  Taggart responded.

"I'm trying not to transmit; I think it might be weird if at school tomorrow someone hears me, since I’m not entirely sure how this works."

"I think I need to swim, or run, or something.  Anyone want to come?"  Kellan asked.

  Taggart responded, "I'm going to take the book Isabel gave me and head up to my room to study it."

"I'm going to try to sleep.  I haven’t' had much sleep this week."  Meckenzie felt tired, but she still had tons of energy running through her body from the spell casting.

"Maybe if we do the calming spell, you'll be able to sleep."  Taggart said excitedly.

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