TYCE 3 (2 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Well, of course we qualify.” Richard replied smugly.

The salesman stroked his thick salt and pepper mustache. “Yes Mr. Stout, you do. What I would need from you is ten thousand dollars down, and we are prepared to give you five thousand dollars for your trade in. That would put you at a payment of eight seventy two a month on a 60 month purchase loan. Now, you wouldn’t be able to get the new Range Rover Sport,
we could get you in one that was just returned from a 24 month lease. What do you think?”

April snarled, “I think that’s ridiculous!”

“You want us to take a
Range Rover
cough up ten grand?” Richard pointed his thick finger toward the truck I was sitting in. “We want that one for no money down!”

The salesman sighed heavily and shook his head. He didn’t even look at the glossy SUV; his eyes remained focused on Richard.

“Mr. and Mrs. Stout, you simply don’t earn enough money and your credit score isn’t high enough to qualify for no money down. That kind of loan would raise your payments to well over a thousand a month, and your credit score is about 75 points too low to qualify for that model.”

With blushed red cheeks, April turned to her husband. “We can’t very well pull up to our house with a two year old model while Greg and Sheryl ride around in a brand spanking new Range Rover Sport!”

“Don’t worry honey. We’re not leaving here without that truck!”

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. The trumpet sound of the horn echoed throughout the vast showroom. I was laughing as I took my hand off the middle of the steering wheel. I wanted to get the attention of the salesman but all three of them walked over to me.

“Excuse me sir, my apologies. I didn’t see you sitting inside, but if you would be so kind as to wait a few moments I’ll be right with you.” Mr. Thick mustache put on his winning smile impression.

I felt the giggle rising up from my chest and before I could stop it-the laughter came spewing out all in their faces.

Richard’s nostrils flared, “What the hell is so funny? We’re trying to conduct a sale here and you’re rudely interrupting!”

“Why don’t you go back to the basketball court and practice dunking!” His angry wife flipped her hand at me like she was swatting away flies.

Mr. Stout placed his hand on the hood of the Rover, “Like I said, we’re trying to conduct a sale on this baby right her, so we would appreciate it if you would get out of the driver’s seat!”

My laughter ceased but the smile was still on my face. I casually opened the door, slid out of the cream colored leather seat and stood up.

I approached them nonchalantly. “You aint tryna buy this truck.” I said lazily.

Mr. Stout huffed. “We most certainly are!”

I shook my head, “Let me give you some
advice, since that seems to be the only thing you can afford.” This time I put my hand on the polished hood. “If you can truly afford to buy a car…you don’t need credit.”

That comment took his breath away momentarily. His wife was also stunned at my commentary. She looked at him then turned her gaze back to me. She ran her fingers through her long blond hair and cocked her head to the side irritatingly. Mr. Salesman smiled at my accurate statement.

“What the hell do you know about what
can afford? I’ll bet dollars to donuts that you can’t even afford the key chain! That’s why you’ve been sitting in the truck for the last ten minutes dreaming about what it would feel like to drive this seventy thousand dollar automobile.
All you’re ever going to do is

Out came that laughter again. I couldn’t help it. “Actually, I’ve been sitting inside trying to decide what size rims I’m gonna put on it. April, what do you think, 20’s or 22’s?”

She just stared at me flabbergasted with her mouth slightly opened showing her pretty white teeth.

“I know. It’s a hard decision huh?” I nodded my head.

“Never mind this arrogant ass hole! Now let’s get back to business. We need to structure this deal so that you get the sale and we get the truck we want. Now, I’m sure we can run some numbers and make this work.” Mr. Stout reached in the pocket of his khakis and pulled out his check book.

I reached in the pocket of my baggy shorts and pulled out a cashier’s check for the amount of $78,372.44. I called ahead and found out the exact amount I needed to buy the Range Rover out right.

I smiled at the shocked salesman. “I’ll pay the four hundred dollar dealer handling fee in cash.”

Mr. and Mrs. Stout were speechless. Both of their mouths were open like a patient at the dentist.

I pointed to the salesman. “I’ma need you to throw that key chain in for free. Deal?”

“You got it Mr…”


He shook my hand emphatically. “Yes Sir Mr. Adkins, I’ll get started on the paperwork right away!”

I seen April wet her lips with the tip of her pink tongue. From the moment I pulled the folded up check from my pocket she couldn’t take her eyes off me. I winked at her; not caring that her Ivy League drop out husband was standing there staring a hole in my forehead.

“I bet you wish I would dunk you huh?”

I walked away shaking my head. Little did they know, but I’d just purchased a brand new Range Rover Sport with the money from two insurance claims. One was for my old Range that was shot to hell by Lincoln and T. J. and the other was from my recently wrecked Jeep. So actually the Range didn’t cost me anything.


Damn, I loved going to the dealership. I always had a good time.

Remember Me


“Will that be cash or charge?”


Dallas put her purse on the glass counter next to the register at a swank boutique in Beverly Hills. This was her daily routine. Shopping filled the daylight hours while crowded clubs passed the lonely endless nights. These days she was on the VIP list of all the hottest public clubs as well as the private parties that a select few were invited to. She was known to all the men that ran in those circles by her club name.

Raine was a beautiful, sexy woman that took pleasure in teasing and flirting with men…and women. Despite her flaunting ways, no one had tasted her sweet nectar, or so much as smelled her perfume scented pussy. Contrary to her former profession-she’d remained celibate for the past seven months.

Only one man could quench the growing thirst between her legs and he wasn’t answering her calls. There was only one person her heart called out for 24 hours a day. No matter how many men she met, danced with, or entertained for a second or an hour. They didn’t have an eighth of the swag and charisma that he possessed.

So as she carried two full shopping bags filled with designer clothes and accessories her thoughts remained fixed on him. Dusty purple lip gloss shimmered in the bright sunlight. Loose flowing curls framed her russet colored face. High heels clicked on concrete as her short shapely legs propelled her toward her newly purchased Audi convertible. In spite of her watertight exterior,

Dallas was a tangled knot of mixed emotions on the inside. Academy awards should be given to women that acted like everything was all peachy when in fact everything was fucked up. Each day was a bad day and it was about to get worse as she noticed an anti sexy man who looked like he’d just found Mr. T’s lost treasure chest coming her way. A cheap gold ring was on each of his sweaty fingers as he rubbed his bumpy chin.

“Damn baby you lookin’ fine as frog’s hair. Can I give you a ride somewhere? I don’t care if you goin’ all the way to Egypt.
I’ll take you there

Dallas slowed her stroll a bit. “Now what makes you think I would downgrade?”

Mr. Mack Daddy had the top four buttons of his yellow silk shirt undone revealing his hairy chest. He bounced his chest muscles up and down before he replied.

“Girl, I drive a Benz, so you wouldn’t be downgradin’ to shit.”

“I wasn’t talkin’ ‘bout your car. I was talkin’ ‘bout you.”

Her admirer snarled. “Damn you aint gotta be so mean. You a cold hearted ass bitch!”

Dallas gave an unflinching stare. “You have no muthafuckin’ idea.”

Coupled Up


Who can argue with a pregnant woman? I didn’t even attempt it, although there were times I wanted to snap, crackle, and pop off at Angelique. I just reminded myself that she was entitled to have an attitude cuz she was carrying my seed in her womb, and that was the most important job in the world. So what if she cussed me out when I brought her water instead of soda. Never mind that she rolled her eyes when I told her she still looked beautiful although she’d gained like 37 pounds. I could careless that we hadn’t had sex for the past three month’s cuz she just wasn’t in a sexual mood. We would be back to humping like high school kids in no time, but for now, she was having my baby…and that was just fine with me.

I smiled to myself as I pulled the Rover into the garage. There was something different about coming home these days. Before it was just me in this big ass house and I didn’t have anybody to come home to. Luther Vandross had it right. A house was not a home when there’s no one there. A man is only operating at half capacity when he’s not loving and taking care of a woman. Being single is great at times, but the ultimate goal is to share your life with someone besides your own reflection. Shit, last year you couldn’t pay me to say shit like that out loud, but now my whole attitude toward relationships had shifted. I guess having a good woman that was happily carrying your child could do that to a man.

I reached in the passenger seat to retrieve the grocery bag, proceeded to go inside and closed the garage door behind me. Angelique was in the kitchen making a fried bologna sandwich as I walked in.

“Hey babe. How you doin’'?” I announced myself.

“Hey you, come gimme kiss.” She turned around with a fork in her hand.

She looked like a sexy Easter bunny in her pink full body Snuggy. Only her hands and beautiful brown face were exposed. I walked over and leaned slightly into her placing my lips on hers. A fresh coat of cocoa butter Vaseline transferred to my lips as we parted mouths.

“You jus’ like a school boy playin’ with your Hot Wheels. I swear you take the long way home jus’ so you can spend a few more minutes in that truck.” She poked her shiny lips out.

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