Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (20 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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“How many know about my title?”

“Only those that survived the cliffs and I’ve ordered them not to reveal your identity. So far, none of them have. All of them are now in Captain Clarke’s Company and the other three don’t know.”

“I really prefer to keep it that way, Sir.”

“I’ll do what I can. I’m really glad you came back.”

Pixie looked at Russell and didn’t say anything. Russell saw her expression and said, “It’s not what you think.”


“I’ve fallen in love with Ana Tarver and there is no one else for me.”

Pixie smiled, “Congratulations.”

“I guess the close brush with death pushed both of us to do what we can to love each other with whatever time we have. I know she fills my heart and I miss her every moment she’s not with me. That tells me what you are enduring and I wish there was some way to help you through your grief but I know there’s not much I can do.”

“There is one thing.”

“What is that?”

“Release me to do whatever I see that needs doing.”

Russell leaned back in his chair, “Tell me what you mean?”

“If we go back into combat, allow me to go and take a full look at everything instead of just our responsibility. I need to see it all. I could also soften up the forces we’re going to face before the Battalion arrives.”

“I hate to ask this question, but I need to know if this comes from a death wish?”

Pixie laughed, “No Sir. It comes from a desire to explore my talents and to have a good time doing it.”

Russell smiled, “You are free to do whatever you deem is needed. However, there will be occasions where I’ll need you to provide me specific information.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

“I’m having the command tactical channel fed directly to Clarke’s armor and he will make assignments based on what you send him. I expect the two of you will be working together during our future missions.”

“That will also not be a problem. Am I being assigned to his company?”

“No, he doesn’t want that to happen. You will report to me and you’ll have freedom of movement to take whatever action you think is appropriate.”

Pixie frowned, “Why didn’t Clarke want me in his company?”

“You don’t really know him. Take a look at his files and you’ll understand. He makes decisions that I have to struggle with understanding what his motivation is but this one made sense. You outrank him by seniority and after I thought about it, it became clear that his Warriors do know who you are and he doesn’t want there to be any confusion about who is in command. Having the two of you in the Battalion really strengthens us in remarkable ways. Welcome back and again, I’m glad you decided to return.”

Pixie stood, saluted, and left Russell’s office. She went to Sgt. Major Caldwell and said, “I want to see Captain Clarke’s files.” Caldwell stared at Pixie and she said, “The Major told me to take a look at them.” Caldwell turned and pulled a disc out of the file and handed it to Pixie, “Get this back to me when you complete it.”

Pixie looked at the disc and handed it back, “Thank you.”

Caldwell stared at her for a moment and said, “You’re welcome.” Pixie walked out and Caldwell wondered how she could look at the disc and see what was on it. He shook his head and put the disc back into the file.

Pixie looked at the information and began to get angry. Clarke was lazy. She turned and went out to the field where his company was training. Clarke saw her coming his way and Pixie saw him smile. “What’s so funny?”

“You just saw my files.”

Pixie’s head went back and she said, “And just how did you make that determination?”

“Well, you didn’t get to know me during the fight at the cliffs so your obvious displeasure couldn’t have come from there. You are coming from the direction of Headquarters so it must be something you either heard or saw there. I’m reasonably certain Major Slade wouldn’t take the time to really discuss me on your first day back so that means you were given permission to see my files and you did.”

“And you saw that by the way I walked up?”

“Well, there were about fifteen other nonverbal clues but I won’t bore you with the details.”

“Why do you think I’m so angry?”

“For assumed inadequacy on my part.” Pixie stared at Clarke and he saw her confusion. “Captain Mille, my company is ranked number one in this Battalion and at the Cliffs I lost the fewest Warriors. Where some units lost more than fifty percent, I only lost three. The company you were with lost ninety percent. Before you start assuming things and take the stance that you know better than me, you should do your homework. If you doubt that, take a company and I’ll kick its backside all over the field. Until you can actually back up your indignation with facts, you should hold your comments…Sir.”

Pixie stared at Clarke, turned, and walked away. Semy watched her go and said, “You know who she is?”

“I do and perhaps she’ll get me kicked out of the service where I can start to relax again.” Semy stared at Ken and he said, “Lieutenant, all I see is another Captain that has a superiority complex. I don’t have time to waste on that.”

Semy shrugged and said, “We just beat Skylar’s Company.”

“I told you not to do that.”

“They just didn’t cooperate. They made it too easy.”

“Are the men getting that much better?”

“Yes Sir, they are.”

“Well, it looks like Mosby. This fish has gotten off the hook. Carry on Lieutenant.”

“Yes Sir.”

• • •

Pixie listened to Clarke’s thoughts and felt her temper rise but then became curious. She took another look at his training records again and saw the speed of his analysis of enemy formations. This idiot was a weird concoction. She went back to headquarters and pulled all the training records and saw Clarke was right. His unit was the best. She leaned back and wondered if they were that good in spite of him or because of him. She decided to find out. She also noticed that she had not thought about her sorrow since she had left Russell’s office. That was a good thing.

Chapter Fifteen

am and Jixie sat in Sprigly’s office and listened to him, “You’re right; one would think that the new armor and ship’s skins would just absorb the Carnivore’s beams and not be harmed. But their beams are different from any we’ve encountered and there are ten more aggressive civilizations that use a similar beam.”

“I thought you told us that the beam would just pass through without damage?”

“An energy beam would.”

“Well, isn’t their beam an energy beam?”

“Yes and no. It is a combination of high energy with physical particles accelerated to the speed of light. It is a hybrid of energy and physical. The skin can absorb energy or physical items. It can’t do both at the same time. That makes us vulnerable.”

“Can our normal force fields stop it?”

“No, it’s too powerful. We still don’t have a force field to handle that amount of energy.”

“Then how have we managed to defeat them?”

“The fleets have outnumbered them and the Warriors fire first. Whoever fires first wins.”

“That sounds dangerous.”

“More than you know. Those creatures are extremely fast and have lightning reflexes. We’ve found that if we teleport a ship in and immediately out, another ship can come in instantly on the other side and get off a shot. It’s still a crap shoot. We lose ships when we face off with them.”

“Can they see us?”

“This is the first species we’re run across that can see a teleport signature.”

“That’s not good.”

“No, it isn’t. Our ships have to teleport in and immediately teleport to a different location and start attacking. There can be no delay or the ship is dead.”

“Have you come up with anything to defeat their technology?”

Sprigly leaves turned light brown, “No and the other species we’ve uncovered are worse than the Carnivores. Their technology is even more advanced. We’re staying away from them at the moment.” Sprigly thought a moment and said, “Why all the questions; are you planning something?”

Sam looked at Jixie and turned to Sprigly, “I want to kill their home worlds. We can’t just continue to react to their invasions.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that. Those particular nuts will not be cracked easily.”

“Can they be cracked?”

“Let me get with Admiral Mirabal and see what he has collected from the Zord. Give me few days.”

“Do you have some ships I can use?”

“I’ve had twenty of the latest model sent here for you to start training on.” Sam and Jixie stared at Sprigly and he said, “I saw your announcement and figured you would be here shortly. I went ahead and ordered them.”

Jixie smiled, “You know us too well, Sprigly.”

“This time I’ve had enough time to trial them.”

• • •

An Algean appeared and said, “The Realm’s Fleet is preparing a preemptive strike on a planet the Carnivores have been occupying.”

Sam said, “I didn’t think they attacked an entire planet.”

The Algean said, “They don’t. But they’ve consumed the largest city and are mobilizing their forces to attack a city two hundred miles from the one they’ve just killed.”

Jixie said, “That planet is not designated by the Blue Ships or they would have already removed them.”

Sprigly said, “You are not ready to take part in any action at this time. You need to select your pilots and familiarize yourselves with your new ships.”

“Do you know what unit of Life Warriors they’ll be sending?”

“The First Regiment of the Twelfth Division.”

Jixie said, “That’s Pixie’s unit.”

Sprigly shrugged, “They are the ones most familiar with the Carnivores. It makes sense they would be sent.”

Sam looked at Jixie and said, “We need to get Jason moving on getting a squadron of pilots for us.”

Jixie nodded, “I wonder if there are any that were in your old unit still around.”

Sam did a double take and said, “Now that might be possible.”

Jixie looked up at the ceiling and said, “Senior, I apologize for interrupting your study but I have a question I need your help in answering.”

“What is it, child?”

“Am I allowed to use my invisibility field when fighting with my playmates?”

“Have they invented it?”

“I thought the convention didn’t say anything about the playmates inventing it. I thought it only said they had to be using it.” Jixie waited and only heard silence. “My daughter is human and she is currently using it. Does that allow me to use mine without violating the convention?”

“That is a fine distinction you are trying to make. She received it from you.”

“Yes, but she is not restricted in using whatever she received from me. Since it is being used here, I won’t be doing anything they are not currently doing.”

“I must also look at the spirit of the convention as well as the letter, Jixie.”

“When has that ever been done? You know the last Senior ignored any spirit of the convention in his efforts to make me go home.” Jixie paused and said, “You know what they’re fighting for here, Senior. That is the spirit that should direct your decision.”

“I will allow you to use it but only in your immediate vicinity.”

“You better tell me what that means. I don’t want to guess what that distance might be.”

“Twenty of what they call a mile.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“I honor your determination to follow our conventions. I can defend this with the others. The people are very proud of you and your family.”

Jixie looked at Sam, “Find us some pilots, Sam. We can help our fleet if we can get moving.”

Sam raised his wrist unit and started speaking.

• • •

Russ’ wrist unit buzzed and he saw Sam on the display, “Your Majesty, what do I owe this call to?”

“I need you to fly one more mission. Are you up to it?”

What’s going on?”

“Your son’s unit is going to attack another Carnivore invasion and I want to assist the fleet. Are you in?”

“Send me the coordinates.”

• • •

Russ looked at Gabriella and said, “If you say no, I won’t go.”

Gabby looked at Russ and smiled, “I’m the one that made the mistake of leaving you. I won’t make it again. I know who you are. Now go and save our son.”

Russ pulled her close and kissed her deeply, “I love you so much.” Russ hit his unit and disappeared. Gabby sighed and called Ana, “He’s being sent in again.”

Ana’s expression showed her fear and Gabby said, “You can live with this. I’ve been weak in the past but you’re stronger than I am. I lost all those years of love because of my fears. You can do this.”

Ana took a deep breath and nodded.

• • •

The alarms went off and the First Regiment teleported in to their assembly rooms. Pixie arrived right behind Russell, “Where are we going?”

“I’ve just sent you the planet’s coordinates.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

“Make sure you send Clarke what you see.” Pixie nodded and disappeared. “Clarke, our Scout has just left to determine what we’re up against. She’ll be sending you a live feed as soon as she arrives.”

“I’m on it.”

Col. Paz-din came on Russell’s display and said, “I’m going to depend on your unit to take on the core of their forces. The other two battalions are not near your level of readiness.”

“I notice we have the right flank and the second brigade is taking the left.”

“That is how this is shaping up, Major.”

Russell looked at the Sycian and saw his skin color was changing color rapidly. It was a survival trait of his species and he knew the Colonel could not control it. It wasn’t good that the Warriors under him could see his nervousness. “Sir, then I humbly request that I be allowed to assign the targets to the other battalions and the First Brigade.”

“Fleet normally makes those assignments.”

“They won’t be able to do it as effectively or as quickly as I can, Sir. I ask that you trust me on this.”

Paz-din stared at Russell. He knew Russell’s history fighting the Carnivores and he wondered if the Major was really able to do what he was asking. He fought his fears and said, “Send the assignments.”

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