Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (22 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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Russell sat down and Jason pulled out a file, “I’ve looked at the details of the battle you just fought in and I’m bothered by some details. I understand that you made the attack assignments for the entire Regiment instead of using Fleet’s recommendations.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Tell me why you did that?”

“I have a Captain that is a genius at seeing patterns in enemy formations and developing an effective strategy of attacking them.”

Jason looked at the file and said, “It does appear your assignments were done ten minutes before Fleet had theirs ready.”

“Yes Sir. Does my Battalion making the assignments bother you, Sir?”

Jason tilted his head quickly to the left and straightened it as he said, “Not at all. I can see the assignments were actually more effective than those sent by Fleet computers. What bothers me is that they weren’t carried out as they were directed. First Brigade attacked early and lost large numbers of Warriors due to their early arrival.”

Russell said, “I do regret that happening, Sir.”

Jason looked Russell in the eyes and said, “Well it’s not going to happen again. The Commander of First Brigade assumed he had the authority to follow his own plan and Col. Paz-din didn’t straighten him out. It appears they didn’t trust your plan.”

“It is hard to follow a new Major’s plan when your unit is at stake, Sir. I’m sure they were doing what they thought was best.”

“That’s what’s keeping them from being court marshaled. I’ve relieved them of command and assigned them other roles. Col Paz-din will be moved to Officer Training and Lt. Col. Woodson will be moved to Naval Supply. You are promoted to Colonel and will take command of the Regiment.”

Russell was stunned by the statement and said, “Sir, there are many officers in the Regiment that outrank me or have more seniority that will resent being passed over.”

Jason stared at Russell and said, “Do you seriously expect me to believe that bothers you?”

“It was the best I could come up with on such short notice as I processed this information.”

“I expected you to say you don’t have the experience to do this.”

Russell lowered head and said, “I should have thought of that.”

Jason laughed, “Well, at least I know you’ll tell the truth no matter what the circumstances might be.”

“Sir, I will need to make some changes in the Regiment’s chain-of-command.”

“What changes?”

“I’ll need Captain Clarke to take Command of the Second Brigade.”

“He’s the genius?”

“Yes Sir and I’ll need Captain Mosby promoted to take command of the First Brigade.”

“What’s special about him?”

“He works extremely well with Clarke.”

“Is that all?”

“I’ll want to replace them from within the Regiment and I want my Scout promoted to report to Clarke. They are the ones that make the assignments work.”

Jason stared at Russell and said, “Send me the paperwork and I’ll sign off on all of them at one time.”

“I’ll have them to you in three days.”

“How long do you need to reorganize?”

“I could use all the time I can get. Is there a rush?”

“We’re going to start a major Fleet operation against the Carnivores and if we’re successful we’re going to go to the planets they’ve landed troops and remove them. I need you ready to take part in those operations.”

“Do you know how long before operations begin?”

“No, so do what you can until I call you up.”

“Yes Sir.”

• • •

Pixie and Clarke sat in Russell’s office and neither of them liked what they were hearing. Pixie said, “But Sir, I don’t want a promotion. I like my current freedom of operation.” Clarke stared at Russell not saying anything and Russell knew what he thought of another promotion.

“I want the two of you to shut up for a few minutes and listen. I know that’s not how you normally function but try it; you might learn something.” Pixie sat back in her chair and Clarke looked at her and rolled his eyes.

“Pixie, you will report to Clarke. I’ve seen that the two of you work well together and I don’t expect him to be one that tries to control your every move. He’s not motivated to do it and I suspect by now he’s learned how you’re much more effective being allowed to do your own thing.” Russell looked at Clarke, “Am I right?”

Clarke said, “How would anyone ever try to tell Super Woman what to do? Anything I tried to tell her would limit her in areas that I don’t even know about. She’s best left to her own devices.” Pixie stared at Clarke and he said, “I’d probably give you more freedom than the Major.”

Pixie smiled and said, “Really?”

“Pixie, I don’t know or understand half of what you can do. Why would I want to limit your freedom to use your talents?”

Pixie pushed her lips together and liked what Clarke was saying.

Russell looked at Clarke, “Now for you.”

“Don’t think you’ll convince me that this promotion will make my life better. You know how much I detest more work.”

“I noticed in your files that before joining the service you worked in a fast food restaurant and as a janitor at night.”

Clarke nodded and Pixie said, “Are you kidding me?”

Clarke looked at her and said, “It allowed all the free time I wanted.”

Russell said, “Do you know what the retirement income of a Lt. Colonel is Clarke?”

Clarke’s eyes narrowed, “No Sir.”

“Eight thousand credits a month. You wouldn’t have to work at all after you leave the service. All of your time would be chill time.”

Clarke stared at Russell, “Eight thousand a month?”

“Eight thousand.”

“Where do I sign?”

Pixie rolled her eyes and looked at the ceiling, “Are you that motivated by money?”

“Nope; I could make millions gambling but this money will not be noticed. It will allow me to maximize my chill time.”

Pixie’s head went back as she said, “So you’re willing to work harder to be lazier?”

Clarke looked at her like she was missing the obvious, “Of course. That’s how you enjoy life.” Clarke looked at Russell, “What’s a General’s retirement?”

“A million a year.”

Clarke said, “That means if I can get you promoted to command a division, I might get a regiment with a Brigadier General’s rank.”

“Why do you need to get me promoted?”

“Who else would understand me and not go psycho on me?”

Russell started laughing and after a moment he put his head in his hands and laughed even harder. Pixie tried not to laugh but Russell’s laughter proved to be too infectious and she joined him. Clarke stared at them, “I’m just sayin.”

• • •

Mosby met with Russell that afternoon and Clarke was asked to be present. “Why do you want me there?”

“Because the two of you are frick and frack. I need him to understand his role in the Regiment and I need you to reassure him.” Ken shook his head but agreed.

Mosby looked at Russell after being told he was being promoted to Lt. Colonel and said, “I won’t do this, Sir.”

“Why not?”

“Sir, I’ve only been effective because Captain Clarke and I have been working together as a team. He’s the one that’s made it all work. I’m not good enough to do this.”

Clarke looked at Mosby and said, “Captain Mosby, you’re the most gung-ho person I’ve ever met. You know you’re that way because you want to be promoted.”

“That was true at first, but now I see what’s required and I come up lacking when I see you and the Major.”

Ken shook his head, “Since when do I do anything but give you assignments? You take them and make them work. That last Lt. Colonel couldn’t even do that.”

Russell said, “He’s right Captain. You handle your company and have made it one of the best in the Regiment.”

Clarke said, “Besides, “I’ll still be giving you your assignments.”

Mosby looked at Ken, “You will?”

Russell said, “Of course, that’s why you’re perfect for the job. I need both Brigades working together. No one works better with Clarke than you.”

“That’s because I do all his paperwork.”

“You do?”

Ken said, “Let’s move on shall we.”

Russell looked at Ken and shook his head, “Colonel, you will take command of the First Brigade and work with Lt. Col. Clarke to make the Regiment everything it can possibly be.”

Mosby looked at Russell and said, “Thank you, Sir. I’ll do my best.”

• • •

Two years later the Realm’s combined fleets moved in on the last remaining home world of the Carnivores. The battle lasted twelve hours but at the end the final Carnivore planet was blasted into dust. The Creator’s song was stronger and noticeably louder for those that could hear it.

• • •

Lieutenant General Slade looked at his status board and saw that General Clarke’s division was dropping in on the largest concentration of Carnivores on the planet. The surviving Carnivore fleets had dropped on numerous planets after the destruction of their home worlds and this one had a huge concentration of them. He wasn’t worried about them holding up their end of the massive engagement but he knew Ken’s service would end with this battle. He hated losing him but knew there was nothing he could do to stop him from leaving. The Reluctant General would finally be free.

• • •

Pixie sat with Ken on the transport and said, “I’m going to miss you.”

Ken smiled and said, “Time has really flown. It seems like just yesterday you and the Old Man were laughing at me in his office.”

Pixie smiled, “I was wrong.”

“About what?”

“You’re not lazy. You just don’t like responsibility.” Ken stared at her and then nodded. “Well for one who doesn’t like it, you handle it better than anyone I’ve ever known.” She leaned over and kissed Ken on the cheek and disappeared to scout the Carnivore’s positions.

He put his hand on his cheek and started receiving Pixie’s reports. He made assignments without thought and kept his hand on his cheek. He only moved it when he activated his armor and teleported down to take on the enemy for the last time.

• • •

A year later, Pixie sat on the transport and thought about all that had happened over the last three years. She thought about Mitch and the pain was no longer unbearable. She was better for having him in her heart. This was the final planet that the Carnivores had retreated to after the destruction of their home worlds and the war would end with this mission. She no longer sent reports for assignments after Ken had left the service. No one was able to match his speed so they had gone back to using the Fleet computers to make assignments. She missed him more than ever. She had become more dangerous than a Life Warrior Division and she was allowed to choose her own targets. She had to admit that being a Scout was fun but it just wasn’t the same. The things that she had been able to accomplish working with Ken had been amazing and now it was becoming just a job. She needed a change. Her heart just wasn’t in it any more.

“It’s time, my darling.”

“Time for what, Mom?”

“For you to join us in the Fleet. There will not be many land battles with the next creatures we have to face. You’re needed in the Navy.”

“I’m ready for a change.”

“I can see that. We’ll talk about it after this mission is over.”

Pixie sighed and teleported to the planet. When Slade’s divisions arrived there wasn’t much for them to do. Pixie had decimated the final enemy forces and had moved on to another continent to destroy more of their units. The mission became little more than a cleanup operation for the Life Warrior divisions dropping in.

Russell watched the action unfold on the Fleet’s Flagship and made his decision. He went to his office and punched in Ana’s personal number. Her face appeared and she smiled, “It’s good to hear from you.”

“I was wondering if you had some time to spend with me if I come home.”

Ana’s face lit up and she said, “Yes! How long do I have this time?”

Russell said, “The rest of your life.”

Ana stared at Russell and looked puzzled. “Ana, I should have done this long ago but I didn’t want you to endure what my Mother went through. I am coming home to marry you and I don’t want you out of my sight for the rest of my life; if you’ll have me?”

Ana’s smile was enormous. “I’ll decide when you come and ask me in person.”

“Give me a moment.” Russell punched in Admiral Mirabal’s number and said to him when he appeared on the display, “Admiral, I’m retiring from the service to go and marry the woman I love. I trust you don’t need a notice.”

Jason stared at Russell and blew out a breath, “You’ve done your share, General. Go and have a happy life.”

• • •

Ana waited on hold and suddenly Russell appeared beside her on one knee. He was holding out a ring he had purchased immediately after the fight at the cliffs and said, “Ana Tarver, will you marry me?”

She flew into his arms and hugged his neck and kissed him all over his face. He returned her kisses and after a long moment he asked, “Is this a yes?”

Ana screamed, “Yes,” and kissed him again. Russell kissed her much longer and when he came up for air he said, “Don’t you want to see the ring?”

Ana looked in his eyes and said, “All I want to see is you.” Russell dropped the ring and used both arms to hold her.

• • •

Pixie attended Russell’s wedding and was surprised that Ken didn’t show up. She really expected him to be there. Something must have happened to him. She looked up and began searching for him. She still remembered how his mind felt and after a few minutes she found him in a two room flat in a low income part of the city on Azzelle. She jumped away from the wedding and appeared in Ken’s room. He was sitting on a stuffed bag chair picking strings on a guitar. He fell backwards over the chair when she appeared, “What the…”

“Why aren’t you at Russell’s wedding!?”

Ken scrambled off the floor and looked at Pixie. She saw his expression and said, “What’s wrong?” Ken didn’t say anything. “What’s wrong!?”

Ken sighed, “I didn’t go because I knew you would be there.”

Pixie stared at him and said, “I don’t understand?”

“It’s better that you don’t.”

Pixie felt her anger grow, “You owe me an answer. You can’t just ignore me.”

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