Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (5 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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Jixie smiled and left with Sam.

Mitch looked at Pixie, “I can’t believe I called you stupid.”

“You didn’t. You said you thought I was intelligent.”

Mitch shook his head, “Same thing.”

“Not really.”

“Why did you…never mind. I know why.”

“I couldn’t let others know. I had to do it on my own.”

“I understand.”

Pixie smiled, “Somehow, I knew you would. Now I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d escort me to the spire.” Pixie took his arm and led him to the portal. Sam stepped through with Jixie on his arm and heard the giant roar of the crowd as the Duke and Duchess waved at the millions below. Jixie held his arm and pulled him with her until they were beside her parents. She waved with her free arm and the roar swelled into a greater volume. All of the millions of monitors on Ross came in for a close up view of Pixie and everyone was scrambling to find out who the handsome man was with her.

“Dad! Come here now!”

Arthur Callaway ran into the family room and saw the news channel with the Ross’ Royal Family on the screen. He looked and suddenly fell back in his chair. Emily said, “That’s Mitch.”

Arthur shook his head. “It can’t be.”

Emily clapped her hands and said, “It is him, Dad. Look at the small freckle on his cheek. It’s him.”

Arthur shook his head. Emily said, “Now sit there and tell me you’re not proud of him.” Arthur stared at Emily and then pulled his chair closer to the monitor.

• • •

Mitch was overwhelmed by the adoration being shown to the three standing with him. He leaned over and whispered, “You know this will blow your cover.”

Pixie laughed out loud, “No it won’t. You’re going to tell all your buddies that start calling you after this that you knew me but was asked to keep it secret.”

“Pixie, I don’t lie very well.”

“What’s a lie? You knew me from the start of training and I’m asking you to keep it a secret.”

Mitch started laughing and shook his head. Billions in the Realm wondered what the two had said that caused them such happiness. No one ever guessed what it was.

• • •

Finally the Duke addressed the crowd and informed the citizens of Ross that new traffic patterns had been approved that would allow more than six million more vehicles to occupy the space above the giant city. The roar was enormous and the Royal Family waved again and departed the spire. Pixie held on to Mitch’s arm even after they exited the portal. Gregory walked up and said, “Will Mr. Callaway be staying at the Castle?”

Mitch said, “I can’t do that, Gregory.”

Pixie looked at him, “Why not?”

Mitch said, “You’re a single young woman and I’ll not risk anything that would even slightly tarnish your reputation. It’s just not appropriate, Pixie.”

Jixie looked at Sam and saw his smile. Sam said, “Take him back to the hotel, Greg.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Pixie said, “Mitch, hundreds of people stay at the castle all the time.”

Mitch looked into her eyes and smiled, “Have any of them ever been seen with you holding their arm in public?” Pixie stared at him and shook her head. “Trust me on this. The newscasters will know if I stay.”

Gregory said, “They’ll know.”

Pixie said, “You don’t want to stay.”

Mitch shook his head, “And I thought you were intelligent.”

Sam and Jixie burst out laughing. Pixie looked at them with a stern expression and then laughed with them. “Alright, I understand. However, Pixie the Life Warrior is coming to your hotel tomorrow and will show you around Ross. You got that!”

Mitch smiled, “That sounds exciting.” Mitch turned to the Duke and Duchess and bowed, “You have provided a memory that will live with me for my entire life. Thank you so much, Your Highness.”

Sam said, “Please rise and we thank you for helping Pixie during training.”

Mitch straightened and said, “She really doesn’t need much help in anything.” Mitch turned and followed Gregory out of the room.

Sam looked at Pixie, “That is an extraordinary young man, Pixie.”

Pixie watched him leave and said, “Do you know that I didn’t realize that until this moment?”

Jixie said, “What do you mean?”

Pixie turned to her parents and said, “My reputation is more important to him than being here. That tells me how much he truly respects me. You don’t find that very often.”

Sam said, “You’re right. You’d have to force most men to leave.”

Pixie sighed, “I do still wish he had stayed.”

Sam looked at Jixie and saw her smile.

• • •

Later Sam said, “What did you see?”

“Sam, he has the heart of a warrior. The only one that he comes close to reminding me of is you. He will do the right thing or die in the effort. His heart is pure.”

“Do you think he and Pixie…”

“They’re so young. It’s far too early to even guess about that. However, Pixie sees his heart. Everyone else will pale in comparison. The real question is whether or not he would allow himself to be worthy of her. His ego is not inflated.”

“He’s not Royalty.”

Jixie smiled, “Neither was I. That might be his finest quality.”

• • •

Mitch boarded the ship and noticed eight White Warriors on board. He looked at Gregory, “They’ll know you’re on board.”

The eight Warriors activated their armor and exited the elevator into the crush of newscasters that fell away from their force fields. Gregory came out and said, “The Duke has respectfully asked that this young man’s privacy be respected and that all of you exit the building.” Silence descended on the mass of reporters and Gregory said, “Now!” The rush was immediate and in seconds the floor was cleared. Mitch stepped off the ship and said, “How long do you think this will last?”

“You’ll not see any of them again.” Mitch tilted his head and Gregory said, “Oh, they’ll photograph you from a distance but you’ll not see any of them.”

“What happens if I do?”

“They’ll be escorted off the planet and they and the agency they represent will not be allowed back. They won’t take that risk.” Mitch shook his head and Gregory smiled, “We take the treatment of our guests very seriously on Ross.”

Mitch said, “Thank you again, Gregory.”

“Enjoy your visit, Sir.”

Mitch went into his room and sat down on the balcony looking out at the Castle. It was like another world.

Pixie stood on the spire and stared at the hotel Mitch was staying in and found the room he was occupying. She focused on it and saw him looking out at the castle. She saw he was troubled and she knew it had to do with her. She pressed her wrist unit and saw him start and lift it, “You’re not going to chicken out on me now are you?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll meet you tomorrow morning at nine A.M. in front of the Art Museum. I’ll be sitting on a bench and you look confused and ask me directions. I’ll take it from there.”

Mitch sighed, “Pixie, you are so far out of my …”

“Now there you go chickening out. I’m a Life Warrior, just like you. That is what you have to remember. Besides, who’s going to teach you the ropes when you finally make it to Scout Training?”

Mitch chuckled and shook his head. Pixie saw him and felt something in her heart, “Sometimes you have to accept what’s in front of you and go with it.”

“Good! Nine A.M.” Pixie ended the call and watched him stare at his wrist unit for a long moment before he stood and went inside. She had to talk with her mother. She ran downstairs and found Jixie waiting for her in the family room. “How did you know?”

“I looked at him, Little One.”


“I don’t have to tell you. You know.”

“Was it like this with you?”

“No, it wasn’t.” Pixie furrowed her brow and Jixie said, “Remember, I was an alien in a human body and had to learn what love was. You are a human in an alien body. You know it naturally.”

“My body is human.”

“Just like a starship is a form of a loading vehicle. The thing is; you can see him. Really see him if you choose to look. You didn’t choose to do that until tonight, did you?” Pixie nodded. “This is not something that needs to be rushed. Take the time to make sure.”

Pixie nodded and rushed into her happiest place in the universe; Jixie’s arms.

Chapter Four

itch showered and changed into his normal clothes; jeans, a pull over shirt, and running shoes. His hair had been washed and was back in its normal fly away pattern. He rang the receptionist’s number and said, “Is there any way for me to leave without being seen?”

“Everyone in the hotel is being watched today. However, I might be able to get you out.”


“Go to the elevator and press the B-F-R button. When the doors open you step out the rear door and pick up one of the bags and take it out to the heavy loader behind the building. Get in the passenger seat and the driver will take you to a transportation hub where you can go wherever you want.”

“I don’t know if I have enough to pay for a transport.”

“There is a card on your dining table that will pay for any transportation needs you may encounter.” Mitch stared at the young man and he said, “The Castle sent it over early this morning.”

“Thanks. Let me know when the truck is ready to leave.”

“It’s waiting for you, Sir.”

“Oh…well, I guess I better get moving.”

“That would be wise, sir.”

Mitch went to the basement and exited the rear door. He saw the bags and picked one up. He took it out and threw it into the heavy hauler and climbed inside the cab. The huge vehicle lifted and blew its horn at a couple of vehicles parked at the rear of the building. The cars scrambled to get out of the way and the driver made a gesture at them as he pulled away. He said, “You should do the same.”

Mitch mimicked the gesture and the people around the cars did the same and ignored the truck. They drove out into the city and the driver gave Mitch a running commentary on the giant metropolis. “More than a hundred million citizens live in the city. The most remarkable thing is that we don’t need a police force.”


“We have a division of Armored Warriors on the planet but living here is a hereditary right and no citizen would do anything that would jeopardize that privilege. This planet is special.”

Finally the loader stopped and Mitch shook the driver’s hand. “Thank you for assisting me.”

The driver handed Mitch a number and said, “I’ll meet you back here later. Just call me when you’re ready.” Mitch looked puzzled and the driver smiled, “Getting you out is only half the job. You have to get back in.”

Mitch smiled and exited the truck to find a transport pulling up, “Need a lift?”

Mitch said, “Indeed I do. Can you take me to the Museum of Art?”

“Get in.”

The trip was quick and Mitch saw that it was five minutes until nine AM. The driver said, “Follow that path and it will take you to the front of the building.” Mitch gave him the card and the driver ran it through his machine and handed it back. “Have a great time.”

“I will.” Mitch started walking up the path and arrived in front of the building at exactly nine AM. He wondered if every step he had taken was planned out to the last detail. He shook his head at the type of control that would require. “Are you lost?”

Mitch looked to his left and saw Pixie sitting on a bench feeding nuts to the local birds. “I think I am.”

“Well sit down and I’ll see if I can help you.”

Mitch sat down and Pixie smiled, “You weren’t followed.”

“Pixie, how do you live in such a controlled environment?”

“It’s easy for me. I don’t look like the Lady Pixie. You on the other hand…” She looked at him and smiled, “Don’t look like the man at the castle either.”

Mitch said, “I don’t know about that. Now that I know who you are, I can see the similarities.”

“Umm, I need to sharpen my disguise.”

“Can you make yourself shorter?”

“I guess. Why do you ask?”

“Almost every scanner looking for an individual throws out anyone shorter than their target. One can always add height; taking it away is not so easy.”

Pixie smiled, “How much shorter would do it?”

“About three inches.”

“I don’t know if I would like being that short.”

“That’s why shorter is always thrown out. Most people hold on to their height. I wondered why Gregory had me wear those boots with the two inch heels last night. It appears he is something else in taking care of the small details.”

“That he is. Let’s go see some art.” Mitch stood and saw that Pixie was not even in line with his shoulder. He did a double take and Pixie said, “What? Did you expect me to wiggle my nose of something?”

Mitch laughed and said, “You could be really dangerous.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, I am.”

“You do have a point.”

• • •

Pixie took Mitch around Ross and his wide eyed enthusiasm made the day memorable. He couldn’t get enough of the city and they spent the entire day walking among the people and enjoying all of the planet’s history. Pixie took his hand and pulled him through a crowd and held on to it for the rest of the day. She had never seen him smile during training and now loved seeing it.

• • •

They sat in a restaurant and Pixie said, “You know about my family. Tell me about yours.” Mitch’s smile vanished. “Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry.”

“No, no, it’s not like that. My mother died giving birth to my sister fifteen years ago. My father just lost his heart. Six months ago he lost his job and now he sits at home and mourns his life. He told me if I joined the Warriors he would disown me.”


“I went home before I came here and he threw me out. Emily is taking care of him and I’m sending eighty percent of my pay to her to help with expenses.” Mitch looked at Pixie and said, “I come from a poor family.”

“That’s why you joined.”

Mitch nodded. “I really didn’t expect to make it through training. I was lucky.”

“No you weren’t.” Mitch looked at Pixie. “Mitch, every one of us lowered our weapons and allowed that single survivor to shoot us. We did it because we knew if you were going to do it; it was the right thing to do. They didn’t even question the decision. You have more than you know. Unfortunately, you judge yourself by your past and where you come from instead of who you are.”

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