Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) (7 page)

Read Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again) Online

Authors: Emma Grayson

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Unbeautifully Loved (Breathe Again)
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“Well Colt, sounds like a douche twat, don’t let him get into your pants. But Adam sounds kind of sexy, and he does seem to have the bad boy thing going on,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.

I burst out laughing. “Sure Molls,” I said, turning and walking back to the mirror to finish getting ready.

“You better hurry, you gotta go,” I heard her say through her laughs.

I finished getting ready and looked at myself in the mirror. My hazel eyes were smoky dark with now noticeable small gold flecks that I just recently started to notice. My usually straight, dark brown hair hung down my back and over my shoulders just past my breasts in soft curls. The tight white tee’s Colt made us wear was for his own pleasure I’m sure, and they really did leave little to the imagination. Swiping some lip gloss across my lips, I exited the bathroom.

“Okay baby, I gotta get to work,” I told Finn as I kissed him on the top of his head. “Be good for auntie.”

He sat on my bed playing one of his video games. “I will.” He said, his eyes not moving from his game.

I ruffled his hair. “Not much longer on that thing okay, I’ll see you in the morning. Love you.”

“Okay, love you too mommy.”

“Moll’s don’t forget he needs –”

“A bath, I know his routine. Now go, get outta here or you’re going to be late.”

“Okay, okay I’m leaving. You two have fun and enjoy your pizza. Remember, not too late,” I said with my back turned to them as I slid my boots on then grabbed my purse off the chair.

“Oh shoot, does that mean beer and
Die Hard
are out of the question? Because you know how I love me some
Bruce Willis
and explosions–”

“Mollie!” I whipped my head around.

She threw her head back laughing, “Geez
I was just kidding! It’s pizza, some Avengers then bath and bedtime.”

I shook my head, “Love you both, see you in the morning.” I rushed out of the room hearing both of them yell that they loved me as I made it down the stairs and out the front door.

The place was packed. I was only half way through my shift with every table in my section full including a group of guys, who Abby the tall red head with wild hair, had told me came in every Saturday night. DJ Sami set up playing while the girls on stage kept every guys attention on them.

I was waiting at the bar for another round for the group of guys when someone bumped my shoulder. “Hey sweetheart, if any of these guys start giving you a problem let me know, I brought my bat- it’s just in my truck,” Bobby said with a chuckle taking the last empty seat at the bar.

I smiled, shaking my head lightly. “I was beginning to wonder where you were, haven’t seen you all night. I thought maybe you decided to stay home tonight.”

“Not a chance darlin’, who’d watch out for you if I wasn’t here,” he grumbled with a crinkled wink.

“Now I know that’s a lie, it’s the free beer Danny gives you that keeps you here,” I joked.

Danny bellowed, “Free beer my ass Lexie,” as he finished loading my tray with drinks.

I winked at Bobby sliding my tray off the counter then headed towards the table full of guys “Here you go gentlemen, can I get you guys anything else?” I asked as I placed the glasses down. I watched each of them shake their head before I turned to walk away only to stop when a hand shot out and wrapped around my arm.

He was sitting a few spots away from some of the guys at the table. His red hair all over the place and his boring, glazed over puke green eyes looked back at me, he was drunk. “You could bring me something...sexy,” he said slurring his words.

“A breath mint maybe?” I asked trying to shake his grip.

Amused, he grinned up at me, a lazily grin that made my skin crawl. His hold on me tightened as I tried pulling away from him as his eyes were traveling up and down my body and he was unable to stand in one place; another drink definitely not a good idea.

“How about you bring your sweet ass at the end of the night to me and we go back to my place, finish the party there,” he said trying to be seductive, failing miserably as he began to laugh.

“Um... I don’t think so. But how about you let go of my arm, I walk away and we act as if this didn’t happen?” I said unimpressed, trying again to shake my arm out of his grip as he stood up facing me.

His eyes changed, boring now gone, only hard and frightening. His grin fell, “Such a fucking tease,” He hissed.

His grip was so tight and his nails were digging into my skin that I thought he was going to break through my skin. Panic swept through me. I turned my head towards the back of the bar hoping to grab Danny or Bobby’s attention but Danny was busy with a customer and Bobby’s stool was empty.

“Let go, you’re hurting me,” I said surprisingly calm.

Next thing I knew a hand wrapped around the guys forearm pulling it off mine and my arm finally free. I began rubbing the area that he had gripped. Definitely gonna leave a mark I was thinking to myself.

That’s when I heard Bobby’s angry voice.

Thank. God.

“When a lady tells you to let go, you fuckin’ listen to what she says, she sure as hell shouldn’t have to ask you twice boy. Now, you’re lucky I left my bat in my truck or I would knock your fuckin’ knee caps out,” Bobby sneered, his grip tightening before giving him a shove back into his seat.

Bobby turned to me motioning for me to walk. I turned and moved towards the bar, Bobby following close behind then taking his seat back. “Fuckin’ prick,” He muttered as he grabbed his beer and tossed it back. “You alright darlin’?”

I smiled weakly, “I’ll be fine, thanks for that, was beginning to think I was in deep shit before you came.” I tried ignoring my trembling body.

“You sure you’re okay sweetheart?” he asked looking at my arm, his face turning red. I followed his eyes to the red mark ready to bruise over.

“I’m fine, Bobby, really,” I lied.

“Danny!” Bobby barked not taking his eyes off me.

“What do you need Bobby, another beer?” Danny asked joking, planting his hands flat on the counter looking between Bobby and me.

“Table of guys over there,” Bobby jerked his head in their direction “red head on the end, got rough with Lexie.” He motioned to my arm.

“I’m fine really; he’s just had too much to drink. Don’t worry about it,” I urged looking between Danny and Bobby, not wanting a scene to be made.

Danny’s eyes hardened as he took in the mark on my arm before whipping his head to the table, narrowing in on the creep, who was looking back at us; with a drunken smirk. “Fuckin’ hell, he’s gone. I’ll go
ask him to leave,” Danny growled as he stalked out from behind the bar, on a mission.

“Shit,” I said under my breath as I watched Danny approach him, say something then grab the guy by the arm, and pulled him up and towards the front door.

“You fuckin’ bitch!” he yelled turning his head in my direction before Danny pulled him roughly through the door.

“Looks like I’m here till closing.” Bobby muttered and my head turned to look at him.

“What? Why?” My brows knitted together in confusion.

Bobby glared at me before answering, “After that, you never know what could happen. Someone’s gotta make sure you make it home safely.”

“Oh Bobby, I’ll be fine don’t worry about me. Please don’t stay because of me, I don’t want to be the reason you miss your bedtime,” I said smiling, joking, trying to lighten the mood.

“Fuckin’ hell, busting my balls about my age and bedtime,” Bobby muttered.

My head cocked to the side as I laughed. “Bobby you are a sweet man, thank you for helping me out. But really you don’t have to stay, I’m sure Danny wouldn’t mind walking me out.”

He took a pull from his beer then looked at me, contemplating. “He walks you to your car sweetheart, you understand, he
you to it.”

I nodded my head, agreeing. Other than Mollie I’d never had anyone watch out for me, especially not my father but here was Bobby, a man I hardly knew, who I just met a few days ago, and he was looking out for me, making sure I was safe and there if I needed him. I felt a lump form in my throat and my eyes began to burn. “Thanks Bobby.” I whispered, swallowing the lump.

“Well that’s one asshole gone; my work for the night is done,” Danny announced stepping back behind the bar. “Lexie, you okay?” his eyes drifted between my arm and face, his face full of concern.

I nodded my head. “Can I get another round for tables twenty four and thirty seven?” I asked changing the subject. “I’ll be back for them, just gonna run to the ladies room,” I said, quickly turning and walking away before either Danny or Bobby could say anything.

I rushed into the back room and into a stall, slamming the door behind me, locking it. I fell back against the stall door, lifting my hands up to my face, and watched them shake. “Get it together Lexie, it’s fine, everything is fine,” I whispered to myself, feeling my heart pound against my chest, like I was on the verge of having a panic attack. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths until I began to calm down.

I shook out my arms then unlocked the door and walked to the sink to splash cold water on my face. “He can’t hurt you anymore,” I mumbled to myself, my mind on Dex. Every hit, slap, grab, punch, kick, cruel word was about to come rushing back. I closed my eyes and gave my head a shake, refusing to let the bottle buried deep inside me open. The thoughts were gone, buried deep; I took another breath then headed back out.

I was back on the floor for less than an hour when I got a feeling, a strange feeling like I was being watched. I felt it in every step I took, at first I didn’t think anything of it, thinking it was Bobby and Danny keeping an eye on me but it wasn’t. They were busy and had their focus elsewhere and looking around, I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary so I brushed it off.

Forty minutes after last call was made and all tables were empty, we were able to close up for the night. Abby left as soon as her last table left since she was a single mom to a five year old and had to get home to relieve her sitter. While Danny and I cleaned up he told me Abby’s life story of her now ex-husband, who cheated on her then left her and their daughter Ruby for Siobhan, an ex-waitress and friend of Abby’s. Danny told me how she worked two jobs and only saw her daughter in between, yet still made time to play around with Colt from time to time.

Surprising, she didn’t come across as that type.

I sat at the bar and waited for Danny to be done. I watched him move around, taking all the booze down then locking it up. He moved smoothly, gracefully around the bar. Danny was good looking, tall– at least six foot two maybe three, tousled brown hair that was shorter on the sides, it reminded me of James Dean and deep blue eyes. His wide shoulders and narrow hips were proof he worked out and was most likely hiding a six pack under his shirt.

“All done, let’s roll,” Danny said walking out from behind the bar, sliding on his leather jacket, and his eyes on me. “You sure you’re doing okay?”

“I’m good, just tired,” I somewhat lied, sliding my purse over my shoulder.

I followed Danny out the back door, and searched my purse for my keys while he locked up. It was quiet and calm outside, almost eerie like, with a small chill in the air, the back was lit with a few lights connected to the building. Opening the passenger side door I threw my purse and apron on the seat and turned to Danny who was a few feet away from me, hands in his jacket pockets, grinning at me.

“Thanks again for tonight,” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“No worries, it’s one of my favorite parts of my job, tossing assholes out,” He grinned. “Plus Bobby said if I didn’t walk you to your car he’d take his bat to
knee caps,” he chuckled lightly.

I laughed. “Well at least you can sleep easy tonight not worrying about losing your knee caps, ‘cause I’m pretty sure he’d actually do it.”

Danny smiled. “That’s nothing I don’t already know. That man is one protective son of a bitch, but in the good way.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of nice. Don’t tell him I said that though,” I teased.

He smirked then lifted his chin, motioning to my jeep. “You should get home; I’ll see you Thursday.”

I nodded. “See you Thursday,” I confirmed walking around to the driver’s side, climbing in, and closing the door behind me. I heard Danny’s truck come to life then watched as he backed out and drove off, with a small wave before he rounded the building and disappeared.

As I thought about taking Finn to the park in the morning my door flew open.

A small scream sounded as a rough hand wrapped around my elbow and ripped me out of my jeep. I was thrown up against the side, my back to the person and my forehead slamming into the side window.

I cried out, pain shot through my skull as a heavy body crushed into me, pushing me into the hard, cool metal, pinning my arms to the side. “Get off me!” I yelled struggling to get away, my check planted against the cold window.

“Scream again bitch and I’ll find a way to shut that pretty little mouth of yours up,” he hissed into my ear, his voice unrecognizable. From the corner of my eye I could see his face was covered in a black ski mask.

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