Unbreakable (15 page)

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Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“What’s that?” He says looking at the folder
in my hands.

“Do you know anything about this property?” I
ask handing him the deed. I had asked him to go to all of daddy’s
properties a few months ago to check up on things. He was to take
pictures so I could go through them to decide which ones I wanted
to keep, and which ones I wanted to sell. He takes the deed
studying it.

“No, this one wasn’t on the list,” he
answers. “I didn’t know about this one,” he says looking at me with
confusion. “Where did you get this?”

“It was in the safe. There is no record of
money coming in or going out for it,” I tell him as he hands the
deed back to me. I take it and look at him waiting for his thought
as to what it’s about.

“That’s strange. Your father was very good
about keeping logs of his properties,” he says scratching his head.
He’s baffled, too. “I can drive over tomorrow and see what’s there
if you like,” he offers.

“I’ll let you know. I’m going to call Elliott
and see what he knows about it,” I tell him. “I’ll let you get back
to your mowing,” I turn away with a puzzled look on my face.

"I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation
for it, Lil,” he encourages me seeing my concern.

As I walk back toward the house, I see a new,
shiny black truck pull in the drive. It’s a huge Ford F250.

Jeffrey runs to catch up with me seeing the
truck. “I wonder who that is.” He says as he catches up, walking
with me. “I don’t know that truck,” he says cautiously, and I can
tell he is being protective.

“Well, that is Luke’s new truck I bought
him.” I look at him smiling from ear to ear.

“What?” He asks astonished. “What did he do
to deserve that?” He questions and then immediately looks away.
“Never mind I don’t want to know.” I nervously chuckle at his
comment, and think to myself,
no you don’t want to know

“I want to surprise him with it tonight,” I
say as we reach the driveway and Jacob hops down out of the huge
vehicle. “Pull it into the garage. I don’t know when he’ll be back
and I don’t want him to see it yet,” I tell Jacob and he climbs
back in. Jeffrey walks to the garage door and punches in the code
to open it.

“Is it what you had in mind?” Jacob asks
after getting out of the truck again, joining Jeffrey and I after
we walk into the garage to admire it.

“It’s perfect, Jacob, thank you.” I give him
a quick hug.

“That’s a nice truck, Lil,” Jeffrey says,
“but Luke is not going to accept it you know.” He looks at me
eyebrows raised, and gives me the I-know-my-son look.


“Because it’s too much, and he’s way too
proud to take such an extravagant gift,” he explains.

“We’ll see about that. I think I can be
pretty persuasive,” I say, Jacob and Jeffrey looking at me

“Lilly we don’t need to hear about how you’re
going to ‘persuade’ him.” Jacob rolls his eyes and starts

“Well, that’s my queue to leave,” Jeffrey
says uncomfortably, laughing at Jacob.

“Grow up, would you.” I push on Jacob’s arm
after Jeffrey leaves the garage and we walk into the house.

“Sorry sister, you bring out the worst in
me,” Jacob retorts. “What’s that?” Jacob asks about the folder
still in my hand. I explain to him that it was in the safe and it’s
a deed to a mystery property.

“Do you want me to go check it out?” Jacob
asks suddenly more serious.

“I don’t know, maybe. I want to check with
Luke first and see what he says.” I tell him, which makes him
instantly pout.

“I remember when my opinion was all you
needed.” He sounds like a little boy. “But I guess I’ve been
replaced with lover boy,” he grates.

“No you haven’t. I value your opinion just as
much, but I just want to discuss it with him. I might want to go
check it out first anyway,” I point out and head toward the study.
“I have some work to do, so stop distracting me,” I tease to
lighten the mood.

“Change the subject, I see how it is.” His
joking mood back, and we go our separate ways in the house.

I spend the next couple of hours calling
references for some of my must interview applicants. I decide on
two that I really want to have come in. Calling the numbers listed,
I set up two interviews back to back to take place in a few



Chapter 17



I walk into the kitchen when I hear Miss
Finnegan in there. It smells so good. She’s making some clam

“Hi dear,” she greets me as I sit on the
stool at the kitchen island. I notice it’s almost four, and Luke’s
not back yet. I check my cell, no texts or missed calls.

“Hey!” I greet back, feeling a little
depressed that he has been gone all day.

“You want something to eat, honey?” Miss
Finnegan offers as she chops some vegetables.

“I’m good thanks. I’m going to sit on the

I walk out the French doors and sit in one of
the Adirondack chairs on the patio. Crossing my legs, because my
short dress doesn’t leave me much modesty, I thumb through my phone
checking emails. I hear the loud roar of Luke’s truck pull up the
drive to the cottage. Finally, I’m so glad he’s back. I stand and
walk over to meet him. He gets out of the truck and my heartbeat
quickens at the sight of him.

“Hey baby,” he grabs me by the waist lifting
me so I am eye level with him. “You are a sight for sore eyes. You
look beautiful,” he says and makes his way to my lips, his tongue
instantly in my mouth with intensity. I wrap my hands around his
neck and return his kiss with the same passion. My belly tightens,
that familiar burn starts rushing through me.

He pulls away from the kiss and rubs his nose
against mine smiling. “That makes my bad day so much better,” he
coos, our foreheads touching.

“Why was it a bad day? Where have you been?”
I ask him as he sets me down. We walk towards the patio, his arm
around my shoulders and mine around his waist.

“I’ve been to about four banks to get a loan
for a new truck,” he admits and frowns. “No one will give me one,
no credit. So I guess I’ll just tape the old one up some more and
live with it.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I can tell he’s

“You went to banks for a loan?” I ask
instantly mad. “Why didn’t you ask me for the money?” The anger in
my voice throws him off.

“Calm down baby! I’m not taking your money,
Lil!” He exclaims firmly.

I stand up and grab his hand with so much
force. He doesn’t say a word, and I lead him around to the garage
door that his new truck is behind.

“Now I am only going to say this once!” I say
firmly so he will take notice, which he does.

“And I am not going to take no for an answer,
understand?” I stand there and wait for him to respond. I am very
nervous that Jeffrey was right and he won’t accept my gift.

“Okay, calm down. You’re very sexy like this,
you know, all feisty,” he chuckles and pulls me toward him, kissing
the top of my head. I wiggle away from his grasp so he knows I’m

“I bought you something and you will accept
it. There will be no arguing. What’s mine is yours, Emma’s,
Jeffrey’s, Miss F’s, Jacob’s, and whoever else I choose to spend my
money on,” I finish taking in along breath. He has that wicked grin
on his face at my little tantrum. I walk over and punch the code in
and the garage door starts to open revealing his new shiny

“Wow! Lil, I can’t.” He stops when I whip
around and face him, upset that he is about to turn me down.

“You can.”

“I really don’t think I can accept this,” he
says sheepishly. “This is a very expensive truck, Lilly.”

“Well, I inherited all this money, and have
no family. So I guess I should lock myself up in my big mansion
keeping every damn cent for myself.” I frown sticking out my bottom
lip in a pout.

“Lilly, come on. I just don’t feel right
about this,” he says grabbing my hand swinging it back in

“I guess if I can’t share my wealth with the
people I love then I might as well give it all up.” I pour it on
thick still pouting. “I bet Jacob would be happy to take it off
your hands.” I change up my strategy.

“Not fair,” he points his finger at me.

“Well I bought this truck and it is staying.
You can either accept my gift or I’m giving it to Jacob,” I say
triumphantly knowing I have him.

“Oh, you are good.” He smiles shaking his
finger at me and steps closer. He grabs my bottom lip with his
index finger and thumb pulling gently. “You’re so damn cute.” He
leans down and kisses the tip of my nose. “I love the truck and I
love you.”

“Now, how about we take it for a drive?” He
does an instant 180. I love the excitement on his face now that he
has decided to accept the truck. He takes my hand and leads me to
the passenger side door and opens it for me.

“Up you go,” he says as he lifts me up into
the very tall truck.

“Oooh, I like this.” As I get in my legs
spread a little and he can see up my dress.

“Blue lace panties? I’ll be looking forward
to taking those off later.” He grins at me raising his

“As will I be looking forward to you taking
them off.” I giggle.

“Oh, what you do to me.” He growls, his voice
low and sexy. Hot pools run through me. He runs around to the
driver side and climbs in.

“This is a really nice truck. Is there
anything it doesn’t have?” He asks impressed, as he looks around at
all the amenities. It has leather seats, moon roof, towing package,
and the list goes on and on. “This is exactly what I would have
picked out, you know.” He smiles at me telling me I did a good

The keys are on the dash and he grabs them to
start it up. “Wow! I only have to turn it once and it starts. I can
get used to this!” He smiles at me taking my hand and kissing my
knuckles. I am so happy he is accepting my gift.

“Well, let’s see what this baby can do!” I
smile at him. He backs out of the garage and we’re off. He speeds
down the lane and turns onto the road.

“She’s got some power,” he excitedly tells me
as he punches the gas on a clear stretch of road.

Chapter 18



We drive around for an hour telling each
other of our day.

I tell him about the deed and he listens
attentively, but I can tell he is upset about something.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him.

He tells me his experience at Grand National
Bank and how everyone was very rude to him. “They were so stuck up
in there. They wouldn’t give me the time of day. The woman took one
look at my application, saw my occupation as a handyman, and told
me this was not the bank for me,” he looks sad as he tells me the
story. “The woman was so snotty and rude. She actually scoffed at
me when she saw my application, like how dare I waste her time.
She never even ran a credit report. “We will not
be loaning you any money, and you can show yourself out,” is all
she said. I can’t believe people treat other people that way,” he
continues his story almost looking ashamed of the

“I can. Jane and her friends treated
everyone that way,” I say remembering how horrible they were to me
and everyone they thought wasn’t ‘good enough.’

“I even heard her say to a coworker that I
was nice to look at and that she wouldn’t mind having me alone for
an hour. That maybe I should consider another profession, a gigolo.
And, the worst part is, I think she wanted me to over hear it. They
were so catty and mean,” he says obviously hurt by how they thought
of him.

“It was so humiliating to be berated in
front of other people, and all I could think of was you,” he
admits, sorrow in his voice. “You lived with that your whole life,”
he looks at me with admiration. “I don’t know how you did it. I was
only in that bank fifteen minutes and I wanted crawl in a hole and
hide.” He reaches over pulling me to him and kissing the top of my

“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” I
tell him, “but you know what has healed me these last few months?”
I look at him and smile, “Getting even.” He can tell I’m getting
keyed up. “I have millions of dollars in that bank. First thing
tomorrow, I’m going over there and pulling it all out.” I smile at
the thought, I can hardly wait. I’ve been having so much fun
putting rich snobby people in their places.

“Lilly, I don’t need you fighting my battles
for me,” he states kissing the top of my head again before I pull

“It’s not about fighting any battle. I don’t
want my money at any bank that treats people like that,” I defend.
“I am doing it, and you can join me for the show if you want, but I
am going with or without you!” I exclaim.

“I like it when you’re all fired up,” he
winks at me. “I think it’s time I get you home, you ruffian, and
channel that passion into something else,” he growls raising his
eyebrows and grinning at me.

“How about after the bank tomorrow, we head
to Lafayette to check that situation out,” he adds and my stomach
drops, unsure if I want to know about the mystery property. I can
handle anything with Luke at my side so I agree.

Since Luke is going to be in my bed at
night, I brought up the idea of moving some of his clothes to my
room, so he doesn’t have to leave half naked in the mornings to
shower and change.

“That sounds like a good idea to me. It only
makes sense, since I plan to spend every night with you for the
rest of my life.” He beams at me when I ask him.

When we get back to the mansion, Luke
decides to move some of his stuff in before supper. I go to my room
to make room in the closet and the dresser. Someday I will take
over the master, and we will have all the room we need then, but we
can squeeze for now. After I’m done, I walk into the kitchen
wondering why Luke hasn’t brought anything in yet. I look out
toward the cottage and I see Jeffrey and Luke having a heated
conversation. Simon’s standing back awkwardly and I remember
hearing that his car was broke down so he is relying on Jeffrey for
a ride. I step out on the patio and hear part of the argument.

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