Unbreakable Bonds (24 page)

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Authors: Taige Crenshaw,Aliyah Burke

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unbreakable Bonds
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Ta-Mara didn’t say that fear out loud. In her thoughts was bad enough. The ghost smiled then faded.

Ta-Mara rubbed her fingers along the bridge of her nose as she whispered, “Yeah, I’m really losing it. First, I get a man from the past coming to me, I fall in love with him and don’t want to be without him. Now I’m having dreams about another woman’s life. Then to top it all off, I’m seeing a ghost of said woman. And damn if she doesn’t look like me too. There is just so much a psychiatrist would have to say about that.” She chuckled wryly. “Pull it together, Ta-Mara. Come back to sanity. All of this is a dream.” Looking at Levi, she amended, “God, I hope it isn’t a dream because it would hurt me if he wasn’t real.”

Ta-Mara lay beside him and put her hand on his chest. The rise and fall as he breathed steadily made her believe the reality of him being here. She snuggled against him and Levi pulled her close, not waking. Even when he was asleep she felt cherished and protected. She listened to him breathe and finally went to sleep.


* * * *


Ta-Mara yawned as she shuffled around the store. Thankfully they were not so busy today. She paused and stared off into space. As they had all day, her thoughts turned to last night and all that happened. She still couldn’t explain the dream that had felt so real or the ghostly visitor. When she’d woken, this morning she’d still been feeling a little weirded out about it. But just a little, since with all that had been going on lately in her life, and Levi appearing as he had, and her knowing he was from the past, she wasn’t really that shocked that more shit was happening. At least last night she hadn’t dreamed again.

Don’t let it happen again. Don’t let me dream about her again.
Ta-Mara repeated what had become her mantra since she’d woken this morning.

The sound of the bell ringing as the door opened made her turn and head back toward the front. Entering the area, she was surprised to see Matthew and his fishing partner John. She smiled in welcome and went to them but Ta-Mara noticed that John had a sneer on his lips and a nasty look on his face. In the next moment, it was gone and he was the same jovial man who had come in before with Matthew. She shook it off as she imagined it.

“Hey, Matthew and John, nice to see you again.” Ta-Mara stopped before them.

“Ta-Mara.” Matthew’s greeting was warm.

John nodded curtly but didn’t say anything. Uneasy, Ta-Mara glanced at John and she couldn’t put her finger on it, but he seemed different. The first time he had come to the store he had seemed friendly enough, but now she wasn’t so sure. Cautiously, she glanced at him then focused on Matthew.

“What can I do for you?” Ta-Mara slid her hands into the pockets of her blue sundress.

“I’ve been telling John about your great collection of military books you have.” Matthew grinned. “I saw some really good ones the other day and we were talking about it so we came here to browse.”

“Feel free.” Ta-Mara gestured. “Do you need me to sh—?”

“Nah. I know where it is.” Matthew touched her shoulder. “You go back to work, we can help ourselves.”

Ta-Mara nodded and they went down the aisle. John glanced back at her and Ta-Mara tried to still her unease. When they disappeared from view, she went to the counter and straightened up. Soon the men returned to the front with their books. As she checked them out, Ta-Mara answered their questions and she felt silly, as John was his charming self.

“Have a great day.” She waved as the men departed.

With them gone, she sat on the high stool and drummed her fingers on the countertop. She checked the time and seeing it was only an hour until she usually closed, she decided to leave early. Quickly she completed the shop closing and headed out. Moments later in her vehicle, Ta-Mara tapped her finger on the steering wheel as she drove. She’d make it home before Levi for a change. She smiled at the thought then considered how she could greet him when he arrived. Ta-Mara licked her lips, thinking of what she wanted to do. Meet him naked and get their night off to an invigorating start. She hummed along with
We Got Hood Love
by Mary J Blige on the radio as she went. Deliberately she kept her mind blank and didn’t let any of her worries intrude. She kept up her humming and tapping through a few songs.

When she pulled up into her driveway, she turned off the engine mid-song and got out. Shaking her hips, she went up the drive singing the last song that had been playing under her breath softly. She went up the steps quickly then, bypassing the door, she went to the back, planning to relax on the swing for a little while before putting her plan in action—to be ready, willing and waiting for Levi to return. As she turned the corner of the wrap-around porch, Ta-Mara inhaled, enjoying the familiar scent of her gardens and home. She went toward the swing but stopped when she spotted the man sprawled on the porch on one of the seats she kept by the back door for just such a thing. Levi was asleep and Ta-Mara went closer, studying him. In sleep, he was still sexy as hell and she loved him with all her heart.

She stopped standing over him, gazing at him. Levi smiled and opened his eyes.


“So you were playing possum.” Ta-Mara smiled.

“I heard when you came around the side of the house.” Levi put his hand on her ankle. He rubbed his finger along her skin.

Ta-Mara shivered and heat pooled in her belly. Levi’s slow smile made her know he was aware of what he did to her. He slid his hand up the back of her lower leg then down. She bit her lip.

“Ta-Mara,” he said in that husky voice she so loved.

Levi put his other hand on the front of his jeans. He rubbed along the bulge growing there. Then with his one hand, unbuttoned and zipped his pants. Ta-Mara stared at the bare skin he revealed.

“Get naked,” Levi said softly.

She didn’t need any further urging. She took off her sundress then pushed down her panties. Levi groaned, sitting up as he stopped touching her. He reached for her and Ta-Mara stepped over his legs then lowered herself onto him. They kissed urgently and she moaned as she felt his strong thighs between hers. Levi slid his hand down between them and sank his fingers into her wetness. Ta-Mara whimpered as he touched her just how she liked it—deep and firm. She rocked onto his fingers, widening her legs to give him deeper access. He didn’t disappoint as he delved into her, making her arch her back and shake at each motion. The sensation of pleasure raced through her and she wanted him inside her.

With that intent in mind, she lifted up slightly then held his cock in her hand. Levi stroked her clit then pulled back. He held her hips as she sank onto his erection. She gasped and he groaned as she took him in. Shuddering, Ta-Mara closed her eyes briefly, enjoying the feel of him within her. She braced her hands on his chest then went up and down, setting a fast pace. Levi clenched and unclenched his hands on her hips as he let her take the lead.


She stared into his face, loving each and every line there. She tightened around him and the muscles in Levi’s neck went rigid as he arched under her. Ta-Mara did it again and the power of having him at her mercy filled her. Ta-Mara dug her nails into his chest and his hiss pleased her more.

“Mine,” she said firmly.

Levi stared at her and nodded sharply. Ta-Mara rolled her shoulders and continued to move on him. Each push of his cock inside her set off tremors of need and warmth in her belly, spreading throughout her body. She went faster, wanting the release that awaited her. Levi licked the side of her neck then nibbled on her pulse. She trembled and goosebumps came over her skin. Levi rubbed his hands gently along her back and she pressed into the touch. She rotated her hips then moaned as she came.

“Ta-Mara.” Levi grunted as he, too, found his release.

His eyes glazed and his harsh breath tingled along her skin. Ta-Mara cupped his face and kissed him. Levi opened for her and met her tongue with his own. He lay back and Ta-Mara stretched out over him. She rubbed her toes up and down his legs. Slowly she pulled back from their kiss and stared into his warm gaze.

“Love you, Ta-Mara,” Levi said softly kissing her nose.

“I love you too.” Ta-Mara wrinkled her nose.

Levi chuckled and held her close. She rested her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

“So are you going to feed me?” Levi asked.

“Why am I the one who needs to feed you?” Ta-Mara snuggled in.

Levi cupped her ass. “It’s your turn to cook.”

Ta-Mara couldn’t dispute that. Since she’d taught him to cook, they’d started splitting the duties in the kitchen. Actually now that she thought about it, they shared so many things—the household chores, grocery shopping and since Levi was making his own money, the bills for the house. She and Levi had melded their lives together. Ta-Mara sighed in contentment then got up. At the loss of him inside her, she wanted him there again. She reminded herself she would have him soon.

“Let’s get you fed.” Ta-Mara held out her hand.

Levi rose and accepted her hand, lifting it to kiss the knuckles. He led her inside and Ta-Mara smiled.

I don’t have anything to worry about. I have a man who loves me and we’re happy.

They parted ways inside to get dressed again then came back into the kitchen. Ta-Mara couldn’t believe she was worried about some silly dream or ghost. She went to the fridge and pulled open the door. Reaching for the vegetable she wanted to cut up, Ta-Mara started to hum.

The knife felt familiar in her hand and she gripped it, cutting the carrot. She stopped, setting it on the counter before she wiped her forehead.

“Get back to work.” The harsh voice of the man she dreaded ever being alone with reached her.

Forcing herself not to stiffen, she grabbed the knife then started to cut vegetables again. All the while, she could feel him staring at her and even though she couldn’t see him, she knew in his gaze there would be lust. It made her skin crawl yet she could not do anything about it for fear of Levi.

Levi, I have to bear this for him. Soon we will be free of this place. Of this man who although he hates my very color wants me in his bed.

“Calliope,” the man said with longing in his voice.

She kept her head down and continued cutting, willing him to leave. He came closer and her skin crawled at his nearness. Suddenly he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. Calliope gasped as she looked into the eyes of a demon and wished he was in hell instead of here in her presence. She clenched her hand on the knife, wanting to plunge it into his chest.

“Ta-Mara, what is for dinner?”

Ta-Mara jerked, shaking.
John—the demon is John.
Lifting a hand, she pushed back her hair from her face, breathing deeply. She pushed it away to think on later and forced a smile on her face. She couldn’t let Levi know anything was wrong.

Ta-Mara turned to him and said, “Some grilled chicken and stir-fry.”

“Yummy. I love your stir-fry.” Levi came closer. “What can I do to help?”

She gave him something to do that would buy her some time. Even when it was her turn, she knew he would have offered to help. She did the same when it was his time, for they enjoyed cooking together.

Ta-Mara grabbed the vegetables then set them on her board. Then she retrieved a knife and got to work. In moments, she was in the rhythm of preparing the food.

What the hell is going on? How does John fit in with Calliope and Levi?
Ta-Mara stilled as she recalled the story of men chasing them and wondered if John had been one of them.
Even if he was, that is past. John isn’t like that now.
Ta-Mara recalled the brief look on John’s face earlier in the store.

No, she would not think like that. She would not make assumptions on someone. Ta-Mara blew out a breath. She had bigger things to be worried about. The dream she thought she’d had wasn’t a dream after all.
A flashback. I had a flashback to someone else’s life. No, Calliope’s life. Fuck, I don’t need this. I have my own shit to deal with. I don’t need someone else’s too.

“Ta-Mara, the chicken is ready.” Levi brought her attention to him.

“Good.” She kept cutting.

Levi touched her waist. She jumped then relaxed.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Levi asked.

She glanced at him and forced a smile. “Yeah. I’m fine.”

Levi frowned and Ta-Mara hoped he wouldn’t push. When he didn’t, she breathed a sigh of relief.

I’ll deal with this. I can’t let him know I’m reliving what Calliope went through. He doesn’t know I even know things about them.

Her decision made, Ta-Mara took up the vegetables and went to the stove.


* * * *


Glancing inside Roberta’s Reads, Levi looked on as Ta-Mara helped a customer near the window. He frowned at the lines of strain and the tiredness on her face that was plain to see. Something was wrong, yet each time he asked, she said she was okay. Ta-Mara was hiding something from him and he had no idea how to get her to open up.

“Lurking around, I see,” a familiar male voice said.

“What is your problem with me?” Levi turned to face the owner of the store.

Reggie crossed his arms over his chest. “Ta-Mara is too good for you.”

“Yep.” Levi stared at him, waiting for what else he would say.

Reggie narrowed his eyes then scowled. “She should be with someone who appreciates her.”

“Like you.”

“Blunt. I like that. So let me be blunt too.” Reggie rubbed his hand over his head. “I’m not good enough for her either, but I’m a better bet than some yokel like you who came out of nowhere.”

Levi wondered what Reggie would think if he knew really where Levi had come from. He smiled at the thought.

“This isn’t funny. Ta-Mara deserves to be happy.”

“And with me she is.” Levi stared at Reggie. “Look I know you’ve known Ta-Mara a long time. Do you really think she would be with someone who she didn’t think was right for her? Someone she chose to be with.”

“Namely she didn’t choose me and had an opportunity to if she wanted to.” Reggie glared at him. “I know that. But there is something fishy about you, Levi, and I can’t put my finger on what it is.”

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