Unconditional Love (7 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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I heard him in the bathroom that joined my room and the next room. He was filling up the bathtub. I stretched and could feel every muscle in my body, especially in my core. I opened my eyes and watched as Lark came walking back into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Are you taking a bath?” I asked, as I realized I was sprawled out naked on the bed. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it around me. The left corner of his mouth slowly started to move up into a smile and my desire for him bloomed again.
What is wrong with me? Now that I’ve had sex, am I going to want it all the time?

As Lark moved toward me, my eyes were drawn to the tattoo on his chest.
Guarda mi corazón.

I hadn’t meant to read it out loud, but when I heard my lips speaking it I wanted to kick myself. “Guard my heart?”

Lark stopped dead in his tracks as he looked down at his chest, and quickly back up to me. “¿
Hablas español

I let out a giggle and nodded my head. “My father is from Spain. I speak Spanish fluently. I’m going to guess so do you with how you kept calling me
mi amor

His smile faded and he ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable…”

I sat up and practically yelled out, “No! I love it.”

He smiled and walked up to the side of the bed. I could feel the heat coming from his body and it caused a chill to run down my back. “To answer your question.
taking a bath.”

Oh my.
I do believe my heart just landed in my stomach. He reached down, grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up quickly. “After you soak in a hot bath, I’m going to bring you back in here, Azurdee.”

My mouth dropped open and I whispered, “And make love to me again?” God, I was praying this wasn’t a one-time thing. I hadn’t wanted to let go of him after we had finished. I was afraid if I did he would leave and never look back.

He gave me a wicked smile that made my core clench tightly with need. “No,
mi amor
. I’m going to fuck you. Hard and fast.”

I swallowed hard and licked my lips. I never would have thought I would like for a man to talk to me that way, but when Lark talked like that my insides throbbed and I needed immediate relief.

“Oh…I um…” I quickly looked away as I felt his hand move down my arm and grab my hand as he walked us into the bathroom. I went to grab the blanket but Lark stopped and looked at me. “Don’t be ashamed of your body, Azurdee. It is amazing and I could stare at it all damn night.”

I couldn’t form words in my head to even speak. As we walked into the bathroom, I looked down at the garden tub and let out a moan.

Lark dropped his towel and I quickly looked back at him and let out another moan.
Jesus Christ. What is wrong with me?
I was sore as hell and all I wanted was to feel him inside me again.

He stepped into the bath and held my hand as I followed. I slowly sank down into the hot water and let out a long sigh.

“Oh God…that feels so good,” I whispered as I sank down into the water and put my head back. After the long day with the wedding and the most amazing sex of my life…well, hell…the only sex in my life…I was exhausted and my body was beginning to feel it.

Lark grabbed my right foot and began massaging it. I kept my eyes closed and let out another moan.
I wonder how many times he will make me moan tonight?

“Tell me about your life, Azurdee,” he said as he massaged my foot. I wasn’t sure if it was his hands on my body or the massage itself, but I was quickly becoming a loose noodle.

“What do you want to know? You pretty much know everything about me,” I said with a giggle.

“How is the coffee shop doing?”

I lifted my head and smiled. I had just toured the new building the day before yesterday and construction for my new restaurant was set to begin any day now.

He let out a chuckle and said, “I’m going to guess by that smile on your face the coffee business is going well?”

I laughed and nodded my head. “I’m expanding. I’m opening a restaurant.”

He smiled bigger. “No shit?”

“Yep,” as I popped my
loudly. “Nothing big. Just a small place along Cypress Creek in Wimberley. It will be mostly sandwiches, soups and dessert. Of course some of the best coffee in Wimberley still.”

“Azurdee, that is wonderful. I’m proud of you for following your dreams. Your parents must be so happy for you.”

My smile faded and I looked down. “Yeah, well. My mother’s been helping me a lot with things.”

He reached over and placed his finger on my chin and lifted my eyes to his. “Your father still isn’t happy about your career choice?”

I sucked in a breath. “You remember that?”

He chuckled and said, “Yes. I do.”

I sighed as I dropped my head back and relaxed as I closed my eyes. “I don’t think I’ll ever make my father happy.”

Lark moved onto my left foot and began his sensual massage on this foot now. Oh dear Lord…the feeling was somehow moving up and going right between my legs. I had to fight the urge to touch myself.

“Nonsense. Your father is proud of you. He just has a hard time showing it is all,” Lark said as he began to move his hand up my leg. I slowly lifted my head. His eyes captured mine and it felt like he was looking into my soul.

Something changed and his eyes turned to lust. “Turn around and lean against me, Azurdee.”

I didn’t even have to think about it. I had never moved so quickly in my life. Before I knew it I was between his legs and resting my head on his chest. He moved his hands up my stomach and my whole body was covered in goose bumps, even in the hot water. When he cupped both breasts I let out a moan. He began twisting each of my nipples and I’d never felt pleasure like I was feeling. He slowly moved his right hand down and began rubbing my clit.

“Oh God, Lark,” I whispered as I pushed my hips into his hand.
What was he doing to me? Was it always going to be like this now that I had a taste of this pleasure?
I needed it more and more.

“Does that feel good, Azurdee?” he asked with his lips against my ear.

“Oh…God…feels…so good.” I called out as he slipped two fingers inside of me and kept up the endless torture on my left nipple. His fingers began moving in and out faster as I felt his erection pushing against my back.

I wanted him again. I needed him. I was so close to having an orgasm but I wanted to have it with him inside me. I quickly moved away and turned around as I positioned myself on top of him while he made room for my legs to wrap around him.

“Azurdee, I don’t want you…” His voice trailed off as I lowered myself onto him. The way he stretched me open even further was pure hell and pure heaven at the same time. The stinging only lasted a few seconds as my body quickly melted into one with Lark’s. I wasn’t even sure if I was doing this right, all I knew was it felt amazing.

I dropped my head back as Lark took one of my nipples in his mouth and began sucking on it. I let out a long moan and Lark grabbed my hips and forced me to stop.

I snapped my head forward and looked at him. “I don’t want to come yet,” he panted. I couldn’t help but smile. I was doing this. This time I was in control and I loved that I had such an effect on him. I leaned down and slammed my lips against his as our kiss became almost frantic. I wanted to crawl inside his body and stay there forever. I wanted to tell him that but was too afraid I would push him away. I could feel his dick getting harder inside me and I began rocking on him.

“Fuck,” he hissed as he pulled away from my lips. He grabbed me tighter to force my hips to stop moving. He didn’t like me being in control and I wasn’t sure if I should push him or not.

I decided not to push my luck. “Lark…please…I need to feel what it is like when you fuck me.”

I’d never seen anyone move so fast in my life. Before I even knew what was happening, I was out of the tub and a towel wrapped around my body as Lark picked me up and carried me back out to the bedroom.

When we walked up to the bed I let out a gasp. “Oh my God,” I whispered as I looked down at the blood.

Lark slowly put me down and turned me to face him as he placed his hands on my face and looked into my eyes. “That’s me claiming you as mine. You’re always going to be mine,
mi amor

I swallowed hard and wanted to ask what he meant by that. I wanted to be his and for him to be mine. The idea of Lark being with anyone else had my stomach twisting in knots.

“I told you Azurdee, if we did this, I wasn’t sharing you with anyone. I meant it.”

His voice sent chills down my body. “I’m yours, Lark,” was all I could manage to say.

The look in his eyes changed and he almost seemed scared. “I’m…I’m yours, Azurdee.”

As soon as I smiled he slammed his lips to mine and we continued on with the frantic kissing we had started in the bathtub. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there and kissed but our hands moved just as frantically on each other’s bodies.

I pulled away and panted…. “Lark. I need to make the ache go away. Please.”

He quickly pushed me onto the bed and at first I moved away from the blood but once I felt him get on the bed with me I no longer cared. All I cared about was feeling him inside me.

I went to move onto my back and he stopped me. “Get on your hands and knees, Azurdee.” I did as he said, my heart pounding in my chest faster and harder than it ever had in my life.

“You have to tell me if I’m hurting you. Promise me.”

I looked over my shoulder and nodded my head.

“Say it.”

My breathing was erratic and all I wanted was to feel him moving in and out of me.
Oh God. What have I turned into?

“I promise. Lark…please, I need you inside of me.” He grabbed onto my hip as he pushed his fingers inside and primed my body to receive him.

My mind thought back to his words.
I’m going to fuck you hard and fast.

I was scared and excited at the same time. Then his other hand grabbed my hip and I took a deep breath. “Promise me, Azurdee.”

“Yes! Yes! I promise.” I couldn’t believe how needy my voice sounded. He was like a drug I just couldn’t get enough of.

I felt him at my entrance and my whole body quivered. He slowly pushed inside of me as I sucked in a breath of air. This way was going to feel different. He pulled out slowly and then slammed back into me. “Ah!” I cried out as I felt him go deeper inside of me than before.

“Fuck,” Lark whispered. “Am I hurting you?”

I quickly shook my head and felt him grip my hips harder. “No. I’m fine, it was just so much deeper and…”

I hadn’t even finished talking when he pulled out and slammed back into me.
Oh God.
The feeling was both pleasure and pain. I needed more. I pushed my ass back into him and he leaned over my back and began kissing it. “I love the way your body reacts to mine. I love that you want this as much as I do.”

I looked over my shoulder at him and whispered, “Yes. Oh God, yes.”

And with that Lark began taking me to somewhere I’d never imagined. I was beyond aroused and with each hard stroke he began building my orgasm up more and more. When he reached his hand down and began touching my clit, that was all it took. I began calling out his name. I couldn’t believe how hard this orgasm was hitting me. I could feel myself pulsating around his dick.

“Jesus, Azurdee. I’m going to come.” Lark began calling out my name as he gave me every ounce of himself. My legs and arms were shaking and it was taking everything I had to hold myself up.

When he finally pulled out of me, I collapsed onto the bed.
I’m not going to be able to walk.

Lark lay down next to me and pulled me to him. “Every time you move for the next few days you’re going to feel me with you still.”

I let out a small whimper as he turned my body to face him and captured my lips with his. I could very easily have him again with no complaints. I
to feel sore. I
to remember this night forever.

He slowly pulled his lips from mine and I wanted to cry out
. I instantly missed the connection. “Are you sore,
mi amor
?” Lark asked as he pushed a strand of hair away from my face. My heart melted every time he called me that. I slowly shook my head.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he whispered.

I swallowed hard and said, “How amazing you make me feel. How that was beyond my wildest dreams. And how long we have to wait to do it again.”

He smiled and there went my stomach, flipping and turning like I was a teenager in love.

His smile slowly faded a bit and he looked into my eyes. “Azurdee, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and everything I’ve ever feared.”

Everything I’ve ever wanted. Everything I’ve ever feared.

My heart dropped slightly as I thought about the night Scott had told me about Nikki, Lark’s girlfriend who passed away in college. I closed my eyes and fought to hold back my tears.
Why would I be something he feared? Was he thinking of her? Did he compare me to her
? A million thoughts started running through my head.

I felt his hot breath against my lips. I snapped my eyes open and looked into his eyes as he whispered, “I never want to hurt you, ever. Please know that.”

It was almost like he was expecting to hurt me, and that caused an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I tried to smile as I said, “I never want to hurt you either, Lark.”

Something in his eyes changed and he pulled away. He got off the bed and said, “I’m going to take a shower. I’ll run another hot bath for you to soak in.”

I sat up and wanted to argue with him and say I wanted to shower with him, but something had changed. He seemed distant all of a sudden. All I could do was whisper, “Okay.”

I watched as he walked into the bathroom. I was all of a sudden overcome with a sense of being completely alone. I had just given my virginity away to the one man I probably should have guarded it from the most.

The one who had the power to destroy my heart and soul.

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