Undeniable Love (8 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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She looked amazing with the robe falling off of her shoulders and her breasts in my face.  I slid her down on my cock.  I grabbed her face and looked her in the eyes. 

“You are so beautiful.” She turned her head and blushed.  “Look at me baby.  I want to see your face. I want to look into your eyes when I make you scream my name again.”

I rocked my hips, and she bounced up and down on while she played with her nipples.  She watched as I watched her, she tweaked and pinched them.  She rocked and bounced against me.  I was happier in that moment than I had been in years.  She shuddered again.  I loved the way her body felt when she writhing in pleasure, the way her skin smelled, the sounds she made.  It had only been a couple of weeks but I knew that I would not to let her go anywhere, anytime soon.  I felt her essence run down my shaft again and I knew had cum again.  I grabbed her waist, but she stopped me.  She picked herself up off of me, stood up between my legs and dropped to her knees.  She took me into her mouth and I growled. 


I could taste myself coating his hard manhood.  I could taste the mixture of us and it was amazing, it made my head swim a little, and I got wet again.  I really thought I knew what good sex was until Wyatt.  Correction, I knew good sex, I found amazing, mind-blowing sex with him.   Again I wondered,
why the hell would she cheat on him? What am I missing?
  He was so long and thick, I had to concentrate on not choking on him.  I loved the way he felt sliding in and out of my mouth.  He alternated between watching me and resting his head on the back of the couch. I reached up with one hand and stroked him as I continued to slide him in and out of my mouthing sucking and licking him like a lollipop.

“Mmm,” he moaned.

“You like that baby?”

“Mmm yea, Steph. Damn baby, yes just like that.”


I took my cue and did exactly like he wanted.  Stroking, licking and sucking until I felt a shudder.


“Steph…babe.  Baby, stop. Please stop. I’m about to cum Steph.  Baby.”


I looked up at him, smiled then continued until he exploded in my mouth.  I smiled again then licked my lips.  I had only done that a few times before and I had never let them finish in my mouth.  I always thought it would gross me out but with Wyatt I wanted to try it.  When was he completely finished, I stood up and walked to the bathroom.  I turned on the shower then peeked out of the door.

“Care to join me?”

“I’m on my way,” he said as he hopped up off of the couch.


He stood up and stepped completely out of his jeans and walked toward me in the bathroom.  That man looked like sex incarnate.  He was physically perfect.
Damn I lucked out at that party after all.
  We both got in the shower and took turns washing each other up.  He stepped out first and grabbed two towels from the linen closet.  He wrapped one around his waist and then he waited for me to finish. I turned off the water and opened the curtain.  He wrapped my towel around me and helped me step out of the shower.  We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening being lazy.  Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner, we were going to go out to eat but ordered a pizza instead.  That night we made love until the sun came up, and again we fell asleep all tangled up together.



I left Steph’s late Sunday night. I didn’t want to leave, but I didn’t have any clean clothes and I needed to get some sleep for work.  I couldn’t sleep for long periods of time next to her because I was constantly waking up wanting to feel myself inside of her again.  She never protested. It was unbelievably hot to have someone who always wanted you. Not to compare Steph and April because there really is no comparison but even in the beginning with April sometimes when we were together that I swear she acted like she wanted to be somewhere else.  In the beginning I didn’t give a shit because it was just sex and I was still getting it, but aside from that first time in the office something always seemed…off.  On the way home I texted Phil to check in on him.  Stephane told me about the situation between Phil and Sydnee.



Wyatt:  What’s up kid?

Phil:  Nada man, just chillin’

Wyatt: What’s up w/ you and Sydnee?

Phil:  Nothing. Hooked up a few times

Wyatt:  Mm hmm.  I know you dude. What’s up for real?

Phil:  Just the occasional hook up from time to time

Wyatt:  Does she know it’s just occasional?

Phil:  Yea she’s cool.

Wyatt:  Alright dude, I don’t wanna have to bail my girl outta jail because she kicked your ass over her best friend.

Phil:  Haha nah bro it’s all good.

Wyatt: Lol, alright.  Wanna grab some beers this week?

Phil:  You think you can break away from the wifey for a minute?

Wyatt: Fuck you, you want beers or not?

Phil:  Lmao, yea. Hit me up tomorrow after work.

Wyatt:  Cool. 


I got home, cleaned up in my room, turned my TV on and got into the bed.  As soon as I got settled in, I called Steph.


“Hey baby.”

“Hey gorgeous, I just wanted to hear your voice before I went to sleep.”  She giggled. I loved it when she giggled for me. 

“Sleep well Wyatt. I can still smell you on my pillows.  I wish you were here.”

“Me too baby.  Don’t worry I’ll be back soon.  You never know I might kidnap you after work this week and not let you go.”

“You don’t hear me complaining.”

I laughed.

“Alright baby, go to sleep. You have to get up early and so do I.  I will probably hang with Phil for a bit tomorrow but I’ll call you after and see what’s up.”

“Ok goodnight Wyatt. Sleep well.”

“I’ll be dreaming of you so it will be amazing.”



The next couple of weeks were amazing.  My project at work was a success, at least on the social media side.  Our hashtags were trending, and we were getting mentions all over Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  Wyatt and I saw each other almost every day.  Sometimes for lunch, but usually dinner or a show followed by insane love making. 


Thanksgiving was just a few days away and Wyatt told me that he and Phil had a yearly tradition that was a little different.  They call the “Blessings & Booze Blowout.”  They have a pot luck with all of their friends and everyone brings a dish.  Wyatt and Phil provide the theme alcohol of the year. 


“So this is how it works,” he said.  ‘Before the food is served everyone grabs a shot and has to tell why they are blessed or thankful.  The point of this is to be original so that it’s not a room full people saying the same things like, ‘I’m thankful for my job or my family.’  Those are things everyone is thankful for.  So when it’s your turn, you take your shot and then list off what you are thankful for.  If you repeat what someone else has said, you take another shot.  Life sucks for you if we have a big gathering and you are the last person to go.”

“Sounds…um…quite interesting babe,” I laughed.

“It gets funny after a while.  I just got tired of people being depressed and acting like they had nothing to be grateful for in life.  So I did something different.”

“Ok but why do you have to take shots?”

“It loosens people up and they are more honest.  Anyway, I would like for you to come baby.”

“Syd and I usually eat Chinese and rent movies, can I invite her?”

“Absolutely! How are things between her and Phil?  He says its casual and they are both cool with it.  Is that true?”

“Honestly I don’t know.  Whenever I bring it up she’s says ‘It’s whatever’ and changes the subject.  I really think she likes him but is just taking whatever he’ll give her.  This according to her is just ‘earth shattering sex.’ So I guess she is content for now.”

“Well dinner will definitely be interesting.”

“What do you want me to bring baby?”


“Besides that silly.”

“We’ll have turkey, ham, and macaroni and cheese…hmm…what other sides can you think of?”

“I can bring dressing?  It’s like stuffing you just don’t make it inside of the turkey.”

“Baby, I’m from the South.  I know what dressing is.” He laughed a me..

“Ok, I’ll bring dressing.”

“And your PJ’s I don’t plan on letting you leave after.”

“Who said I plan on wearing pajamas?”

“Ooo baby, I like the way you think.”



I knew something would happen with the Sydnee/Phil drama. I was just waiting to see how it blew up.  The party alternated every year from my house to Phil’s each year.  This year because the Halloween party was at his house, the “Blessing & Booze Blowout 2013” was at mine and set to start around 3pm.  Every year we invited old college buddies, workmates and a few random people that we were cool with and we knew that they would be alone otherwise.  Steph came over earlier in the day to help me set up for the party but it’s impossible for me to keep my hands off of her so we got distracted and lost track of time.  Fortunately it was a pot luck and all we really had to do was hang a few decorations and set out the paper plates and plastic silverware.  I refused to do dishes after that many people.  Phil showed up around 2:30, with the ham and turkey.  I went the day before and picked up several bottles of Patrón Reposado.  I was usually a bourbon guy, Woodford Reserve, if I was going to drink anything besides beer but not everyone likes bourbon.  Besides you don’t really take shots of bourbon, that's more of a sip and enjoy type of drink.


We had everything set up by 3:05 and most of the guests arrived around 3:15.  Sydnee walked through the door around 3:45.  Steph said she likes to be fashionably late for parties.  Phil spotted her before she saw him and walked in the other direction.  Steph and I just looked at each other and shook our heads.  We had no idea what to think about those two.  Everything was going really well for a while.  About an hour later, we heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen, then someone yelled “You crazy bitch!”  That was definitely Phil.  I ran into the kitchen to see what was going on.  Phil was standing against the far wall surrounded by glass.  Sydnee was standing by the door with a drinking glass in her hand.


“What the fuck is going on in here?” I asked.

“She just threw a glass at me.”

At that moment Steph walked up behind me, she heard what Phil said.

“Syd, what is wrong with you?  Why in the world are you throwing glasses?”

“Because he’s a selfish asshole, that’s why?”

“Syd, come here. Talk to me,” Steph said.


She grabbed Sydnee by the arm and dragged her into my bedroom.  I know it was horrible timing, but I snuck a quick look at her ass as she walked down the hall.  I told you I can’t keep my hands off of her and when my hands can’t be on her my eyes are.



“Sydnee Marie Beauchamp, what the hell is wrong with you?”

“It’s not me Steph, it’s him.”

“What on earth does that mean? Would you please tell me what is going on?”

Syd let out a deep sigh and looked like she was about to cry.  I knew this would be a bad situation from the beginning.

“He’s a liar Steph.  When he comes over at night he always tells me that he misses me and that he will do better to keep in touch and then the next day it’s back to the same thing.  No calls, no texts, nothing until the next time he wants to sleep with me.”

“Soooo…Syd you could stop sleeping with him.”

“I tried Steph.  I did.  It’s just too amazing.  He’s a fucking beast in bed.”

“I thought you weren’t interested in him anyway.”

“Oh come on Steph, I know you didn’t believe that bullshit from the moment I said it.”  I nodded.

“Well yea that’s true.”

“I don’t know what to do.  I don’t want to like him but I do.”

“Ok but Syd you can’t just go throwing glasses at people for no good reason.  That’s not like you anyway.  What happened?”

“I saw him when I first got here.  He looked right at me and walked the other way.  I acted like I didn’t see him because I didn’t want to be ‘that girl,’ you know?  So later I walk past the kitchen and he’s in there all over some girl.  Again I didn’t want to be that girl, so I waited.  I waited until he was alone and I asked him ‘why do you come over and say the things you do if you don’t mean it?’  Do you know what he said?”

I shook my head.

“He said 'because you’re a good lay!’ Steph, I lost it. I grabbed a glass and that’s what you heard.”

“Oh damn Syd, I’m sorry.  But I have to ask, is good sex really worth this trouble?”

“It’s not just good Steph. It’s earth-shattering.”

“Ok fine but is it worth it?  That’s the real issue.”

“No I guess not.  I’m sorry.  I think I’m going to head out.  Will you apologize to Wyatt for me?”

“I will, be safe. I love you.  I’ll call you later to check on you.”

“Okay, love you too.”


When I walked out of Wyatt’s room, I walked past the kitchen and he had all the glass cleaned up.


“Do I need to take you to the hospital this time?”

“Nope, I’m a big boy and cleaned the mess up all by myself.  No cuts, not even a scratch.”

We laughed and he kissed me.

“You better stop, you know what happened before the party started.”

“I can’t help it, when I'm this close I just have to touch you,” he said

“Do I need to stand on the other side of the room?”

“You better not get that far away from me.”


Shortly after what we affectionately dubbed “Syd Storm 2013,” we started the “thanks dropping.”  That’s what they called their little drinking game during the “Blessing & Booze Blowout.”  Phil or Wyatt always started things off because it was their party, and they knew the rules better than anyone else.  Wyatt looked around for Phil but couldn’t find him, so he started things off by taking his shot first.


“This year I’m dropping thanks for my killer bod,” he winked at me and the room filled with a loud roar laughter.  “Okay, okay seriously.  This year I’m thankful for some pretty amazing things.  Earlier this year I mentored an awesome kid and I think it helped me way more than it helped him.  I’m thankful for my bosses and my bonus I’ll be getting next month.” Again everyone laughed.  “And I’m thankful for this remarkable woman standing next to me.  I’m thrilled that I met you and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.”

Uh-oh, I was next.  I took my shot.


“Ok so today I’m dropping thanks for Wyatt’s killer bod.”  That got laughs and a few hoots.

“I already said that Steph, take a shot!”

“Oh crap! I was teasing."

“Nope, it doesn’t work like that.  Take a shot.”

“You’re just trying to get me drunk,” I whispered.  He winked

“Maybe.  Now take your shot.”

I took another shot and continued with my list.


“Okay, I’m thankful for a recent project at work that was successful and could result in a promotion.”  Everyone clapped.  “I’m thankful for my best friend Sydnee, she’s not here right now but she’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember.  She knows me better than anyone and I am who I am in part because of her.  Also I’m thankful that this loser let me borrow his shirt on Halloween even though he forgot who I was after.”

“Ouch babe, did you really have to call me out like that?” He laughed.

“Yes I did! You made me take an extra shot!  Next!”


I watched as everyone around the room took their shots and gave their thanks.  Some people had to take multiple shots and by the time we got to the last person, my stomach hurt from laughing.  Wyatt was right it was a lot of fun.  It really forced you to think about all the things you were thankful for. There definitely was no copping out and using the traditional answers here.


After the party was over, I helped Wyatt clean up. It wasn’t too bad because most people brought their food in disposable containers.  Most of the clean-up was throwing away plates and cups.  The garbage was overflowing when we were done and Wyatt didn’t want to leave it in the house because he said it would smell morning.  While he took it out to the can outside, I called Syd to check on her.


“Hey Steph, how was the rest of the party?”

“It was fun Syd.  I wish you would have stayed.  How are you?”  I heard her say “shh” to someone on her end.

“Who are you talking to?”

“Huh? What? No one.”  She laughed.  I heard the low rumble of a man’s voice.

“Syd do you have company?”

“No, no Steph it’s the TV.”She giggled again.

“OMG Syd is Phil over there?”

“Steph don’t be mad.  Please.  He saw me leave, and he called to apologize but I wouldn’t answer so he came over.”

“Ugh you two are so weird.  I love you Syd, good night.”

“Good night Steph, love you too.”


When Wyatt came back in I told him about Syd and Phil. All he could do was shake his head and laugh.

“Those two are so weird.”

“That’s exactly what I just said to her.”

“Oh well, they are grown-ups. It’s their business.  We’ll hear about it later.  Right now I have some other grown-up business I’d like to get to.”


He lifted me and carried me into his bedroom.  We lost track of time again, this time we were so “distracted” that we didn’t fall asleep until the sun was shining bright in the sky. 

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