Undeniable Love (10 page)

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Authors: Emeline Piaget

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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She always blew my mind.  She looked so beautiful when she was looking up at me.  Those big beautiful brown eyes, they always made me lose it.  She pushed me back on the bed and I grabbed her hand.  I pulled her to me.  She sat on my lap and slid herself on to my cock and then wrapped her legs around my back.  We barely moved for a minute, just looking into each’s eyes.


“I love you too Wyatt Bradley Greenlaw.”


Slowly I rocked my hips back and forth and she did the same.  She grabbed my face and kissed me.  I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her tight.  Slow and deep, she felt so good.  I could feel her getting wetter so I rocked a little faster and harder.  She threw her head back, and I kissed her neck.  Her arms were wrapped around my neck.  We stayed like that for what seemed like an hour. Neither of us wanted to move or break that position because it felt so good, so right. Then I felt it, her body started that slow shudder that meant she was on her way to an orgasm.  I rocked harder and faster, her body shivered.

“Yes baby.  Give it to me, please.  Look at me Steph.”


Harder and faster I rocked until she threw her head back again.


“Look at me baby, tell me you love me.”

“I love you Wyatt.”


And with that her body shook and shuddered and I felt a flood of her essence run down my shaft.  I kissed her.


“I love you too.”


I grabbed her waist and slammed her up and down on my cock until I had my own release.  I kissed her again, and we sat there entangled with each other until body of our bodies stopped convulsing.  I gently lifted her off of me and laid her in the bed.  I crawled in next to her and pulled her into my arms.


“Good night baby, thank you for my wonderful birthday.”

“Good night Wyatt.  You are very welcome.  I love you.”

“I love you too.”



Phil told me earlier in the week that he was taking me out for beers on Friday for my birthday.  We were supposed to meet at the Gold Rush at 7, but he text me Friday afternoon.


Phil:  Change of plans bud.

Wyatt: Ok what’s up?

Phil:  These dudes at the office were telling me about a new place. They said its crazy wild.

Wyatt:  Ok, sounds good.  Where is it?

Phil: It’ll just be easier for me to swing by and get you.  I’ll be by after work about 5:30.

Wyatt:  Alright bro, see you then.



I couldn’t wait to get out of work and grab a few beers.  Stephane and I were doing great but April had started calling and texting again.  I told her to leave me alone but she wouldn’t stop.  My guess is that she must have seen pictures of Stephane and me on Facebook or Twitter and she wanted to ruin it.  My second guess was she and Todd broke up and she figured I’d take her back.  There was no way I was going to fuck up what I had with Steph for that cheating bitch.  She was relentless though.  When I had stopped responding to her she started sending nude pictures, saying things like “I know you miss this,” or “I miss the way you make me feel.”  The worst was a photo of her using a toy and the message said, “I wish this was you instead.”  I figured if I kept ignoring her, eventually she would stop.


Phil picked me up, and we drove downtown, he pulled into what looked like an old warehouse.  There were cars out front but no lights or signs.


“What is this place again?” I asked.

“It’s brand new.  Let’s just try it out.  If you don’t like it we’ll go back to the Gold Rush, cool?.”

“Yea ok cool.”


As soon as we opened the door I saw a bright light and heard “SURPRISE!” 
Holy shit What the hell?
  It took a second to register what was going on.  Then I saw her standing front and center with a big smile on her face.  I instantly knew she was responsible.  Stephane had thrown me a surprise party.  I couldn’t believe it.   She walked over and hugged me.

“Surprise baby!  I hope you love it.”

I was still in shock.

“I do baby, I do.”


This woman was fucking incredible.  What did I do to deserve her?  Every day I realized more and more why I loved her.  I hugged her again and kissed her.  I punched Phil in his arm for being in on it. 


“Happy birthday dude,” he said. 

“Thanks man,” I said as we hugged.


Just then Sydnee walked over to give me a hug.

“Happy birthday dumbass,” she said.  Sydnee, ever the wise ass, I laughed.

“Thank you Sydnee.”


I was wondering how Steph managed to reign those two in long enough to pull this off and I was about to ask her when people started coming over to wish me “Happy Birthday.”  I was having a great time. Steph had hired a DJ and a bartender.  The party was live.  I even got out on the dance floor for a few songs after a few beers.  I was having a great time.


“Hey baby,” Steph said.

“What’s up doll?”

“Where’s your phone? I want to take some pictures so you can send them to your parents.”


I reached in my pocket and pulled it out and handed it to her without even looking at it.  Big fucking mistake!


“Umm…Wyatt what is this?”

“What is what baby?”

She handed me the phone.  It was open to the message screen. 
  I knew what it was before I even saw it.  It was a message from April.  She was naked holding on to a cupcake and sucking on a candle.  The message read “Happy Birthday Sexy.” This fucking bitch couldn’t even get my birthday right, she was late and now my whole world was about to be screwed.


“Wyatt, what is that?”

“Babe, I don’t know.  I’m seeing this for the first time just like you.”

“Who is that Wyatt?  I know a complete stranger isn’t sending sexy birthday messages.”

“Baby I promise it’s not what you think.  Can we talk about this later?”

“Later?  No we are talking about this right now Wyatt! Who is that in the picture?”

A crowd gathered around us.


“Baby can we go somewhere and talk about this?”

“Why so you can try to lie to me? Sweet talk me? No Wyatt, we will talk about this right here and right now.  Who the hell is in the picture?”

“Baby, please calm down.  It’s really not what you think.  The girl in the picture is my ex April.”

“What!  Why are you talking to your ex? Why is she sending you pictures?”

“I’m not talking to her baby.  I don’t want her.  I haven’t wanted her since the day I met you.”

“I’m supposed to believe that she’s just sending you pictures.”

“Yes, yes you are.”

“Why would I believe that?”

“Because it’s the truth. Have I ever lied to you before?”

“You just conveniently failed to mention text messages from your ex-girlfriend. The one that broke your heart.”

“Baby I didn’t say anything because there was nothing to tell.  She’s probably seen us on Facebook and she started calling and texting.  I don’t talk to her.  I don’t want her!”

“Let me see your phone Wyatt.”

“Ok, if that will make you feel better. If it will help you believe me.”


I handed her the phone, another mistake.  I didn’t realize that April had sent more than one photo.  I deleted all the past messages as she sent them.  I had no need for them but I didn’t catch this one. 


“If you aren’t interested in her why do you have all of these pictures of her?”

“Steph, baby she sent those while I was here with you.  I didn’t know she sent them.  I’ve been here with you, the woman I love, enjoying my birthday party.  I had no reason to check my phone.  I have told her to stop calling. I have told her to stop messaging.  Please baby, don’t do this.”

“Do what?  I’m not the one getting nude pictures from my ex.”

I reached out for her but she pulled away. 


“Please don’t Wyatt.  I think I need to go.  I’ll talk to you later.  Happy Birthday!”

“Stephane, stop!”

“Good night Wyatt!”


Sydnee walked over to Stephane, hugged her and they walked out together.  I couldn’t believe what was happening.  When we were together April was a total disaster and now that we were apart and I was happy she was still screwing me over.  I walked over to the bar to grab a drink, Phil followed behind me.

“Dude, are you ok?”

“No Phil I’m not.  Can you just leave me the fuck alone right now, please?”

“Wyatt man, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Not now Phil, seriously.  Leave me alone.”


I asked the bartender for a shot of tequila.  I sat there drinking at the bar alone while the party, my party, went on. I asked for another shot.  That was the last thing I remembered.




I felt absolutely horrible after Wyatt’s party.  I refused to believe him and I left him, at his surprise party.  Sydnee drove me home and tried to comfort me. I was devastated thinking that Wyatt was cheating on me and with April of all people, the person that had cheated on him and had broken his heart.   How could he?  I was crying to Syd about it when her phone rang. It was Phil, he was calling to check on me and see if he could stop by.   I didn’t know Sydnee told him he could until he was at my door.


“Hey Steph, how are you?”

“How do you think I’m doing Phil?”

“Steph, he’s just concerned.”

“Whatever Syd!  Shouldn’t you be with your man whore best friend Phil?”

“I was, but I felt like I needed to come and talk to you.  Look Stephane, I know you think that Wyatt is cheating on you but he’s not.”

“Yea so he said.  Why should I believe you?  He probably just sent you here to do his dirty work.”

“If there was dirty work to do, then hell yea I’d do it because he’s my best friend.  In this case, he really did nothing wrong.  April started texting him right after Valentine’s Day.  She must have seen his pictures with you on his Facebook page or something.”

“So he’s still friends with her on Facebook?”

“No, he’s not, but they were together for five years and had mutual friends.  She’s been stalking his page for months.  She can’t stand the fact that he’s happy without her.  Stephane he talks about you non-stop.  He really loves you.”

“That doesn’t explain the pictures.”

“You should know something about April.  She’s a conniving, manipulative bitch and I mean that with every fiber of my being. I’ve never liked her.  That’s an understatement, I hate her!  I always have.  She was using Wyatt the entire time they were together, and she cheated on him the whole time.”

“That’s why I don’t understand why he would sleep with her again.”

“Steph, he’s not sleeping with her!”

“The pictures Phil! What about the pictures.”

“Again, April is a manipulator.  If she thinks it will get her what she wants she will do it.  In this case she figured Wyatt would see her and want her back. He doesn’t.  Steph just talk to him.  I promise you, he’s not sleeping with her.  He can’t stand her.”

“Fine Phil, I’ll talk to him.”



I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating.  I reached out to grab it from my night stand but it wasn’t there.  Oddly enough my night stand wasn’t there either. I felt around the bed and realized that I wasn’t in my bed. 
Oh shit not again, where the hell am I?
  I stepped out of the bed and tried to find a light.  I wandered into the hallway, looked down and realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes.  I recognized the hallway. I had been there many times before.  I was at April’s house!
Shit, shit, shit. What did I do? Fuck!
  I knew my way around that place like I knew my way around my own.  I found my way back in to her room.  She was in bed sleeping.  I grabbed my clothes, stepped back into the hallway and got dressed.


“Good morning sexy,” I heard just as I was walking to the front door.  “Leaving without saying good bye?”

“Umm…April, look.  I don’t know what happened here last night but whatever it was, was a mistake.  I love Stephane.”

“Yea, yea, you said that several times last night.  Don’t worry what we did had nothing to do with love,” she smirked.

“April, please.  I shouldn’t be here.  I don’t even remember coming over!” She smiled wide.

“Oh I do.”

Fuck, I can’t believe I did this.  What the hell is wrong with me?

“Look April, I can only assume what happened and I’m sorry. It never should have.  I am with Stephane and I love her.  I have to go.”

“See you later lover!”

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