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Authors: Emeline Piaget

Undeniable Love (11 page)

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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Wyatt must be really upset with me.  I had tried calling most of the night until I fell asleep. I started again when I woke up and still no answer.  I decided to let him cool off.  I figured I could try again later.  My stomach was in knots.  I tossed and turned all night.  As I walked into the kitchen to make myself a pot of coffee and there was a knock on my door.


“Wyatt!!  What are you doing here? You look terrible.”

“Baby, listen to me.  I love you and only you!  I want you and only you!  Please believe me. April is nothing to me.  Since the day I met you, you are all I can think about!  You are my world!  You have to believe me!”

“I do.”


“I do, I believe you.  Phil came over last night to talk to me.  I’ve had time to stop and think about it. And I’m sorry for the way I reacted. I just love you so much, and I’m not normally jealous but it’s her and she’s so beautiful and when you two ended you were so hurt.”


He hugged me so tight that I struggled for breath.  I think he forgets how strong he is sometimes.

“Baby, I love you.  She is nothing but a mistake in my past.  I told you before and I will keep telling you, I’m not letting you go anywhere, anytime soon.”


He carried me from the front hallway over to the couch and set me down gently.  He pulled my night gown over my head dropped to his knees and kissed my stomach.   He ran his tongue along the top of the trim of my panties.



I needed to feel her, to taste her and touch her.  I didn’t know for sure what happened the night before but I figured it couldn’t have been good and at that moment I just needed the woman that I loved.  I didn’t know what would happen after that day, but I knew right then I was going to make love to Stephane.  I wrapped her leg over my shoulder and kissed her through her lacy panties.  Knowing Steph, she had probably picked those out for me the night before.  She figured I would come by after my party.  She tasted so good. I loved the way she tasted first thing in the morning. I couldn’t get enough sometimes, I knew today was one of those times.  She rested her hands in my hair and I could feel her getting wetter through the fabric.

“Damn, I love the way you taste baby.”


I pushed the fabric to the side so that I could have full access to what I wanted, her hot sweet center.  I wasn’t in the mood to play around this morning.  I stuck my tongue deep inside of her.  Working in, out and around I slowly fucked her.  I felt her clinch around my tongue.

“Oh baby,” she moaned.


I took my tongue and gently flicked her clit, then shoved my tongue deep back inside her.  I wanted to taste her release run down my throat.  Her legs shook.  She was getting close.  She loved when I would kiss and suck on her lower lips.  I did too, her legs shook more. Licking, sucking kissing I was enjoying every minute of it.  The tremble that started in her legs spread through her whole body, she screamed and collapsed into my arms.  I would always be there to catch her.  I just hoped she always wanted me there.  I picked her up and laid her back on the couch, pulled her panties off of her completely.  I wanted her to cum for me again.  I need to taste her one more time before I filled her with my with my hard throbbing wanting cock.  I dipped my tongue in her again and growled at the taste.  It was like a drug and I needed my fix time and again.  After I made her cum again I undid my pants, and she used her feet to push them down my hips then she reached for my dick and guided me inside of her.  We both sucked in deep breaths.


“Baby, I missed you last night,” she said.

“I missed you too baby, I’m so sorry about the misunderstanding.”

“Me too baby.  I need you to show me how much you missed me.”

“My pleasure,” I said.


I rarely just want to fuck her with such savage intensity but I needed it at that moment and so did she.  It was like we were connecting on a raw, animalistic level.  She scratched my back and bit my neck and I responded by slamming deep inside of her repeatedly with such ferocity I thought we might break the couch.  I didn’t give a shit.  I could buy her a new couch. I couldn’t replace her and she need to know I loved her.  She needed to feel it.



I couldn’t believe I had gotten so upset with Wyatt.  After that night we put the whole incident behind us and moved on.  Before that I guess I always worried that I wasn’t enough for him but I put that fear behind me, mostly.  It was around the end of April, beginning of May that I finally met Wyatt’s parents in person.  I had spoken to them on the phone on plenty of occasions and even Skyped a time or two but that was the first time we had actually met in person.  His father was wonderful.  He gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and told Wyatt how beautiful I was.  His mother was a little standoffish.  I guess I understood.  He was her baby boy after all.  She told him initially that she worried for us being so “different.”  “Mom, it’s a different time than it was for you.  Even if it wasn’t I’d still love her and fight to be with her.”  They only lived forty-five minutes away but between their schedules and Wyatt’s, it could have been four hours.  By the end of their visit his mother and I were on much terms.  It would take some time but she was trying.


In June for my birthday, Wyatt took me to Toronto.  I’d told him so many stories about visiting there when I was growing up.


“It’s a cleaner version of New York City,” I said. 

“Really? But it’s Canada,” he teased.

“From the boy that’s barely left Tennessee,” I laughed.  “There is absolutely nothing wrong with Canada. It’s really beautiful. Don’t be a typical American baby!” He chuckled.


He surprised me with the tickets in a really cute way.  For my actual birthday, the four of us went to one of my favorite restaurants, The Melting Pot, for dinner.  For dessert we all went to the Cheesecake Factory.  He gave me a stunning diamond necklace and matching earrings.  I was so ecstatic.  We came home and I thought that he and I would have some alone time, but Phil and Syd followed us.  They said they just wanted to hang out for a bit and Wyatt suggested watching Netflix.   We were watching one of mine and Wyatt's favorites shows “Flashpoint,” which is based in Toronto, when he surprised me with the tickets.


“It would be cool to go see where they used to film,” he said.

“Oh yea that would be awesome,” I replied.

“We should go.”

“You’re funny Wyatt.  You’d actually have to get on a plane AND leave the country.”

“I know, but we should do it one day.  What do you think?”

“I’d love to!  Maybe one day!”

“What about at the end of the month?”

“What?  What are you talking about?”

“Let’s go to Toronto at the end of the month.”


He pulled the plane tickets out of his pocket.


“It’s all set.  I spoke to your supervisor and got your vacation days all taken care of.  What do you say?”

“Yes! Absolutely!”


I realized then why Phil and Syd came over.  It was because they wanted to see my surprise.


Their relationship was an odd one still.  They didn’t want to date but neither of them was happy if the other tried dating someone else.  They had some weird sexual arrangement.  Wyatt and I just let it go because it seemed to be working for them.



Toronto was amazing.  I really don’t know what I was expecting, but it was great.  I can’t wait to go back again.  In July we went on the Riverboat and watched the fireworks.  I had only heard from April once since that night I woke up at her place. 


April: Hey sexy. I miss you.

Wyatt:   I don’t miss you April.  We’ve been over since you cheated on me. Whatever happened was a mistake.  Leave me alone.

April:  I wonder how you’re little girlfriend would feel if she found out.

Wyatt:  There’s nothing to find out.  If you fuck with Stephane it’s over for you.

April:  Are you threatening me Wyatt.

Wyatt:  No I’m letting you know what will happen.  Guaranteed!  Leave Stephane the fuck alone.


I guess she took it seriously because she went silent.  I still got nervous every once and a while when my phone rang, especially if Steph was on it but nothing ever came.


In the middle of August I called Sydnee to ask for her help.


“Hey Wyatt, what’s up?”

“Sydnee I need your help.”

“Okay what’s going on?”

“Syd, I want to ask Steph to marry me.”

“What!!!! Omg! Are you serious?  OMG OMG.” Yes she screamed OMG at me about fou more times.

“Yes I’m serious.  I need your help.  Can you meet me to help me pick out a ring?”

“You don’t even have to ask, I’m so there.”


Sydnee and I picked a Saturday afternoon and went to one of the high end jewelry stores in town.  We spent almost half of the day there.  Stephane and Syd were had lunch plans so she ended up leaving but promised to keep my secret.  I finally picked out a one and a half carat princess cut, in a platinum setting.  I hoped that she would love it. I had formulated my plan. I would propose to her at the annual Halloween party.  I felt like it was perfect.  It was where we began so why not make it where we take our next step.



That dreaded time of year was coming again.  Halloween! Phil and Wyatt were planning their annual party.  It was going to be at Wyatt’s this year.  Sydnee wanted to do a “couples” costume this year.  Her idea was Salt and Pepper, but with a twist.  She would be dressed in all white 80’s gear and I would be dressed in all black 80’s gear.  Attached to us both were little mini shakers bottles.  We were going to be salt ‘n pepa shakers.  I laughed so hard when she told me her idea.


I hated parties, but for the ones I love I endured them.  There was last year’s Halloween party for Syd. The “Blessing and Booze Blowout” at Wyatt’s, his surprise birthday party in April and now the annual Halloween party again.  I was not looking forward to this at all.


Wyatt decided to go as Steve Rogers aka Captain America.  He slicked his hair back, put on some khakis and a Captain America t-shirt with some boots.


“Real creative babe.  You put a lot of thought into this didn’t you?”

“Baby when you look this good you don’t have to put much into it.”

I laughed. He was such a cocky ass sometimes but I loved it.  He was joking a little, but he was mostly serious. 


The party was in full swing.  This year Wyatt hired a DJ instead of them using Spotify like last year.  Syd, Wyatt and Phil were all in their element, mingling and having a good time. I hung around the kitchen most of the night pretending to do the dishes.  About 9:30 he came in the kitchen and asked me to dance as a slow song came on.  How could I tell Captain America “no?”  A second slow song came on and he wouldn’t let me go.  As we were dancing I noticed it was Elliot Yamin’s “A Song For You.” 


“Do you remember the first time I heard this song?” He asked.

“Yes, it was our third date, when you came over for dinner.”

“Yes and you promptly schooled me on “Eli Yamming” and American Idol.”  I burst out laughing.

“Yea I remember.”

“And you’ve been schooling me ever since.”

“Someone has too.” I laughed.

“Steph, I knew from that first date at Coco Café that you were something special and that I’d never be able to get enough of you.  I’ve been telling you from the beginning that I have no plans of letting you go anywhere, anytime soon and I mean it.  You have changed my world for the better.  You are in my thoughts when I wake up and when I go to sleep.  I spend my days thinking of ways to make your life better, like you’ve made mine since the day that you walked into it.”


As Wyatt was talking, I saw that the people surrounding us were starting to stare.  Then I realized that everything he was saying seemed amplified, but I figured it was my extreme discomfort of everyone watching us. 


“I didn’t know it at the time but one year ago I met the woman of my dreams who became the woman that I get to see every single day and I never want that to end.  I don’t want to ever not have you in my life.”


Then he dropped down on one knee in front of the entire room.


“Stephane Renee Trudeau would you make me the happiest man in the world and give me the honor of being my wife?”


He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and opened it.  Tears streamed down my face.  I was speechless.  All I could do was nod.

BOOK: Undeniable Love
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