Under His Protection (11 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #contemporary, #sexy romance, #sensual romance, #contemporary romantic suspense

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But he wasn’t sure if he could restrain
himself for long. Yes, he wanted to take it slow but his racing
mind, his over eager body already refused to cooperate.

He plundered her mouth with his tongue,
slipping his palm over one plump cheek. She gave a little squeal,
squirming against his touch, filling his hand with even more lush

The urge to spank her, tell her to stop
moving filled him and he clamped it down, banishing it away. She’d
tell him to go to hell if he did something like that. She was one
of the most independent and outspoken women he’d ever known.

He usually went for the quiet type, even the
meek type. Blake was anything but.

She tightened her arms around his neck, her
slender fingers buried in his hair. Their kiss deepened, mouths
wide, tongues lashing and he squeezed her ass with both hands, so
hard she yelped against his mouth.

“Too rough? Sorry,” he murmured, his tongue
darting out to lick at the corner of her mouth.

“No. Not too rough. Just...mmm.” Her mouth
drifted down the column of his neck, lips sucking, tongue licking
and he shivered.

“Let’s take this somewhere else.” He
wondered at her comment. Did she mind that he’d handled her a
little roughly? If he had his way, he’d let loose, break free of
all restraint and attack this woman with all of the pent up emotion
he’d kept inside over the last few months.

But he didn’t want to frighten her or freak
her out. He’d done that before a time or two with past women. Women
who didn’t appreciate his overzealousness in the bedroom.

Could Blake take it? Take all of him?

“I can’t believe we’re taking this at

Her comment made him grasp her by the upper
arms and set her away from him. He studied her carefully, not
wanting reality to ruin it for them. “Why can’t you believe

“You didn’t want me before, Mason,” she
said, her voice so soft he had to lean in close to hear her.

“Sweetheart, I want you more than my next

Shifting, he couldn’t help but stare at her
beautiful upturned face. Her blue eyes were wide and glassy with
arousal and surprise. Her cheeks flushed a pretty pink and her

It was swollen and red from his kisses, so
utterly sexy. A fierce possessiveness stole over him. He’d done
that to her, he was about to do so much more to her too. Damn, he
wanted to taste her again, drink from her lips, kiss her for hours
while buried deep inside her.

“Take me to my bedroom,” she whispered and
he didn’t hesitate at her invitation. He lifted her with ease by
gripping her bottom with his hands, giving a grunt of satisfaction
when she wrapped her long legs around him.

She clung to him as he carried her back to
the bedroom, her soft body pressed to his, her breasts nudging
against his chest. He couldn’t wait to set those lush tits free,
cup them in his hands, suck on her nipples until she was writhing
with pleasure.

Sweat broke out on his forehead and he
gritted his teeth, grasping desperately for a shred of control.
Loosening his hold on her, she slithered down his body, her every
curve brushing against him, making him hard, making him groan.

A smile curved her too tempting mouth and
she backed up until she bumped against the edge of the bed. She
tugged at the hem of her black sweater, yanked it over her head
before she tossed it to the ground. Standing before him in just her
jeans and a black lacy bra, she was his every lust-fueled fantasy
come to life.

“Are you going to join me?” She offered a
little pout, her lush mouth spiking his temperature by about a
hundred degrees. “I need your help, Mason. I can’t do this

Her voice, the words she spoke were all he
needed to hear. Taking a step toward her, and then another, he
rested his hands on her hips, the tips of his fingers biting into
her flesh. Wanting to feel, wanting to savor, desperate to

“You’re not alone, Blake. God, you’re
gorgeous like this,” he breathed, his gaze locked on the rapid rise
and fall of her breasts. Her breath came at an accelerated pace and
she trembled everywhere he touched her.

Was she nervous? He sure as hell was. He
didn’t want to screw this up, knew the risk he was taking by having
sex with Blake.

For the first time in a long time, it felt
like a risk worth taking.

Chapter Seven

Mason’s hands felt amazing on her bare skin
and the fierce look on his face stole her breath. Blake watched
helplessly as one hand moved to the front of her jeans, long,
skilled fingers undoing the snap before they slid down the zipper.
He peeled the fabric open, his fingers splaying across her lower
belly and she quivered with anticipation.

“So soft.” His other hand tugged the
waistband of her jeans down, exposing her to his gaze. A fresh gush
of wetness dampened her panties even more when she saw the way he
looked at her. “Beautiful.”

Oh, God, the way he spoke, the way he looked
at her. This was the moment she’d been waiting for. Finally, she’d
know Mason intimately, take him as her lover.

Her earlier bravado and eagerness
disappeared in a flash. He made her nervous. So incredibly nervous,
her entire body began to shake.

Despite her image, the many men she was seen
with, Blake hadn’t had many lovers. She’d always been wary of their
motives. Most of the men she met were too dazzled by her father,
even before he was the vice president.

Having this virile man in front of her,
eyeing her like she was a giant piece of candy he couldn’t wait to
gobble up, was almost intimidating. And the more she thought about
it, the worse it became. She breathed deep, desperate to calm her
racing heart, her whirling mind.

Blake glanced up, her gaze meeting his and
the fire she saw burning in his eyes made her dizzy with need. This
was no silly party boy she was toying with, ultimately landing in
her bed.

Mason Russell was a man. A passionate, in
control man and she suddenly realized she had no idea what she was

No idea what she was in for.

“Take off your jeans.” His deep voice
brooked no argument and she did as he commanded, shucking the jeans
as quickly as she could, though her feet became tangled in them and
she nearly fell over.

Reaching out he stabilized her, his fingers
wrapped tight around her arm as she kicked off the jeans and she
wanted to die of embarrassment. Why couldn’t she be her usual cool
and flippant self? Why couldn’t she flirt and bat her eyelashes and
drive him crazy like she always did?

Because this time, it’s serious. This time,
you’re actually getting naked and having sex with this man. And
it’s going to mean something to you.

“Blake.” Just the way he said her name made
her want to melt to the floor and he slid his fingers beneath her
chin, tilted her face up so their gazes met, locked. He watched her
carefully, as if gauging the situation and she knew she’d seen that
look before. Always when he was analyzing a situation, hard at work
and doing his job—protecting her.

“Yes?” She swallowed hard, uncomfortable now
that he hadn’t said anything but her name. He stared,, as if he
could see straight through her. She wanted to shield herself from
him. Not allow him in.

But if she couldn’t let Mason in, who else
was there? Who else was important enough to show all her faults,
share all of her problems?

“Baby, are you okay? You’re pale.” He
touched her cheek, his fingers skimming down, down until they
teased the corner of her mouth and her lips parted.

She loved the way he called her baby. Had
anyone ever called her baby? She didn’t think so.

Blake wanted to hear him say it again.

“Stop analyzing me,” she whispered, her lips
moving against the tips of his fingers. “And kiss me.”

This was the second time she’d asked him to
kiss her and this time, he didn’t disappoint. His mouth took hers
in a possessive, primal kiss that stole her breath, her thoughts,
her everything. His lips were damp and searing hot, his tongue
tangling with hers, his hands moving into her hair, clutching
either side of her head. She felt consumed, taken over, and she
wanted nothing more but to surrender. Give herself to this man, let
him do to her what he wanted, what she needed.

“God, you taste sweet.” His husky murmur
sounded against her neck once he broke the kiss, his lips blazing a
trail of soft kisses on her throat. “And spicy.”

She circled her hands around his shoulders,
tugging and pulling on the fabric of his shirt and she suddenly
wanted him naked, needed to feel the press of his hot skin against

“Take this off,” she begged and he did,
moving away from her for the briefest second to yank the offending
shirt off.

And stole her breath.

Good lord, the man was built. She knew this,
had seen his naked chest before but never this up close. And oh,
yes, it was a yummy, muscular treat all for her eyes, hands and
mouth to enjoy.

She reached for Mason, fingers trembling,
and when they finally landed on his bare chest, the hiss of
pleasure that came from him was unmistakable. Splaying her fingers,
she smoothed her hands down, over firm pectoral muscles, through
the light patch of dark hair that grew in the center of his chest.
Over the washboard stomach that flexed beneath her touch.

Blake glanced up, watching him. His mouth
was tight and his nostrils flared with his every exhale. She
smiled, her hands drifting farther down until she curled her
fingers around the waistband of his jeans. Her fingertips brushed
against the warm, lightly furred skin just beneath and his muscles
constricted beneath her touch.

She thrilled at the power she held over

Mason crowded her, wrapped his hands around
her upper arms as he walked her backwards until the back of her
knees hit the edge of the mattress. “Lay down,” he said, his voice
sandpaper-rough and really, she had no choice. He gave her a light
push, sent her toppling back onto the bed and her butt bounced on
the cushy mattress.

She watched, hunger clawing at her insides
as he stripped for her, revealing slim hips, muscular thighs and an
impressive erection straining the front of his dark gray boxer
briefs. The pale mid-afternoon shone through the open window,
casting a golden glow to his skin and she had the sudden urge to
ask him to shut the blinds, draw the curtains.

A few weeks ago, she would’ve strutted
around showing all she had, but since they’d arrived on the island,
she’d been stuffing her face with junk and she’d gained a few
pounds. Added some flab, an extra jiggle and wiggle here and there,
especially on her butt and thighs.

Mason, on the other hand, looked like a
Greek god carved from pure marble. Sinew and muscle flexing with
his every movement, his body defined by the gentle light that
filled the room. His dark hair mussed by her hand, the glint in his
eyes as he studied her warmed her from the inside out.

“You’re beautiful in this light. Your
skin...glows,” he whispered and she forgot all about her hang-ups,
her worries over gaining a few pounds. Arching her back and
thrusting her chest out, she rested on her elbows amongst the pile
of pillows. She drew her knees closer to her chest, her legs
curling to the side and she hoped he got a good look at the flash
of her bare ass cheeks with that move.

Thank you, thong underwear.

Finally, he joined her, crawling over her
like a sleek panther, ready to pounce. She stretched her legs out,
sliding them apart to accommodate him and then his face was hovered
above hers. They lay chest to chest, so close, his breath wafted
across her face. Her lace-covered breasts brushed against him with
her every movement.

He pressed her into the bed, bracing his
weight on his elbows so that they rested on either side of her
head. Her head was cushioned by the plump pillows, her lips parted
and ready for his kiss.

She expected his mouth to crash down upon
hers, braced herself for the carnal explosion that would follow,
but instead he kissed her slowly, sweetly. His lips lingered,
learning her texture, his tongue sweeping across her lower lip,
feather-light and fleeting. It felt amazing, took her breath away
and she sighed, enjoying this show of tenderness, of his utter

He didn’t speak but no words were needed.
Somehow, sometime when she hadn’t noticed, he’d grabbed a condom.
Had he planned all along to seduce her today?

The idea of his actually planning this
thrilled her, made her feel even more wanted and she glanced at
that wrapped condom, which he tossed onto the bedside table.
Knowing that it meant he was going to be inside her. A part of her.

But first, he had other things in mind.

Mason moved down her body, his mouth and
hands caressing her, driving her wild. He nuzzled her breasts, his
mouth wet and hot against the thin fabric of her bra, and he tugged
the cups down, baring her skin to his seeking lips.

And when those lips wrapped around her
nipple, she groaned, her hands sinking into his hair, holding him
close. He reached behind her, undid the snap of her bra and with
rapid fire movements, tugged it off. His big hands wrapped around
her breasts, cupping her, like an offering for his mouth and he
took it, sucking first one nipple and then the other, alternating
back and forth while she writhed uncontrollably with pleasure.

God, she had no idea it could feel this
good. Everywhere his hands touched, she burned. Everywhere his
mouth kissed, she tingled. She could come just from this, all of
this undivided attention lavished upon her flesh. Like nothing
she’d ever experienced before. When he trailed his hand down her
belly to rest just over her panty-covered mound, she nearly shot
off the bed.

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