Under His Protection (9 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #contemporary, #sexy romance, #sensual romance, #contemporary romantic suspense

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He thought the run would help. Empty his
brain, wear out his body. He’d circled the Hewitt property again
and again, not wanting to go too far, not about to shirk on his
responsibility. When really he wanted to run far away from Blake,
take a breather and screw his head back on straight.

Slowing his pace, he walked down the
driveway, straight toward heaven or hell, depending on his mood.
Right about now, he believed it a straight descent into hell. She
stood at the kitchen counter, staring with wide eyes out the large
window, straight at him. Those very windows were a huge security

Hell, his brain was basically fried from
recent events, but at least he was still thinking, always the
agent. Thank Christ for that.

Her gaze didn’t leave him as he came down
the driveway, drawing closer to her. But he wasn’t ready to face
her yet. What would he say?

Damn, I couldn’t stop touching you last
night, didn’t want to either. But we can’t take it that far, babe.

Yeah, she’d appreciate that. Her calm words
last night had sent a chill down his spine after he refused her.
Her eyes like ice, her expression perfectly composed. As if what
happened between them hadn’t fazed her in the least.

was the one always in control
while she flailed around like a lost little puppy. The tables had
turned and he didn’t like it. But he couldn’t do anything to change
his circumstance. He’d just have to deal with it, with him, with

Mason only hoped he was strong enough.

His cell phone jangled in his sweatshirt
pocket and he yanked it out, answering immediately when he saw who
was on the other end. “Good morning, sir.”

“Russell, how are you? I’m trusting
everything is calm on the island front?”

Mason headed into the smaller cabin, away
from Blake’s prying eyes and scrumptious body. It made him mighty
uncomfortable, having such wicked thoughts when he spoke to her
father. His boss.

He hated how he needed to remind himself of
that fact on a daily, no
basis. Only then he could
keep his hands off her.

“Everything is fine, sir. No unusual
activities, it’s calm here. Rather uneventful.”


“Good, glad to hear it. Wanted to check in
and make sure everything’s all right with Blake. I’m hoping you’ll
accompany her when she makes her return to Washington.”

“And when is that, sir?” He had a vague
notion but wanted to confirm it.

“Election Day, of course, or she could
possibly come back the night before. I need her here during the
various events that evening so my family can appear together. It’s
imperative we present that united front.”

Poor Blake. He wondered if her father had
said it to her like that. Knowing her, hearing her father’s words
would’ve upset her.

“After the uproar over those scandalous
photographs, I need her to look like the abiding daughter. And I
told her just that. She was agreeable, thank God. I spoke with her
last evening.”

Realization dawned. Talking to her father
had to be the reason Blake had been crying last night.

“I have no right to ask you of this, but you
need to keep her in line. She can’t really get into much trouble
out there, but knowing Blake, she’ll look for it. Go to some small
town bar and make a fool of herself, hurt herself, hurt me. And
right now, I can’t afford to get hurt. My image is tainted enough

Mason was surprised Hewitt didn’t tack the
words “by Blake” on the end of that particular sentence.

“Can you handle it, Russell? I don’t mean to
imply you’re her babysitter but...we know she needs one.”

Right. He was the babysitter who wanted to
strip every article of clothing from Blake’s gorgeous body and
sample her slowly. The word babysitter made him feel like a
complete pervert.

If anything, he was the one who needed to
stay away from Blake. Not become her overbearing protector.

Closing his eyes, he muttered a quick, “yes,
sir,” and scrubbed a hand over his face.

He was in for the long haul. And he didn’t
think he could take it.

Chapter Six

“Why didn’t you want to eat at the café?”
Blake flashed her new friend a wicked smile, making Suzanne laugh
in answer.

“Please. I’m sick of that place. The food is
good, but when you nibble on it practically every day forget it.”
Suzanne picked up her slice of pizza and took a delicate bite.

Blake watched her then studied her own
uneaten slice of pizza sitting on the plate in front of her. They’d
ordered it loaded with all kinds of toppings from the one and only
pizza place on Whitney Island and her stomach growled loudly.

Pete’s Pizza Parlor was well known and
always packed, no matter what time of day it was. They’d agreed to
get together for lunch and considering she’d hardly touched her
breakfast, she was starving now.

She blamed her earlier lack of appetite on
what happened with Mason. She’d kicked him out and they still
hadn’t really spoken to each other, with the exception of a few
cursory greetings and general questions. He both infuriated and
aroused her until she couldn’t think straight.

He made her feel like a fool.

Giving in, Blake took a huge bite, the
flavors and heat dancing on her tongue. She chewed with
enthusiastic glee, a little moan of approval sounding from her
throat and Suzanne giggled.

“You sound like you’re having sex with that
piece of pizza.”

Blake swallowed, couldn’t help but laugh
with Suzanne. “It’s delicious. And considering my sex life as of
late, this is the closest thing to it.”

“Amen to that, honey. I’m afraid I might dry
up and blow away like all the leaves around here.”

“But you’re so pretty.” She was. Exotic
looking without any cosmetic help, Suzanne never wore makeup
besides a swipe of lip gloss and she was still prettier than many
of the women Blake had encountered in her life. And she’d seen a

Suzanne waved a hand. “I appreciate the
compliment, but please. I’m no big deal. Besides, did you happen to
notice the great dearth of men around here? This place isn’t packed
with young, handsome, available men, if you haven’t noticed.”

Blake didn’t answer. Of course, she hadn’t
noticed. She’d been too entranced with Mason. Not that she would
ever admit it.

“I thought you were anti-man anyway,” Blake
finally said, wiping at the corners of her mouth with a napkin
before she grabbed another slice.

After picking at her meals for the last
couple of days, she was downright starving.

“Oh I am, trust me. That’s why this island
is so perfect. But that doesn’t mean I don’t notice what’s going on
around here, because I do. I notice everything.” Suzanne polished
off her slice of pizza and held up a hand in front of her plate
when Blake indicated if she wanted another one.

“Well, I’m sure that makes you very popular.
Everyone on this island loves a good bit of gossip.” Blake wondered
if they gossiped about her.

Oh hell, who was she fooling? Of course,
they gossiped about her. They knew who she was. It was like the
celebrity come to town every time she showed up, though they never
acted like she was any big deal. They kept to themselves and
respected her privacy. She liked that.

“They sure do.” The mischievous glint in
Suzanne’s eyes got Blake’s guard up. “For instance, I learned a
thing or two about you.”

Her heart sunk into the pit of her stomach.
This was exactly what she didn’t want to deal with. So she decided
to play it cool. “Really?”

Suzanne nodded, taking a sip of her soda. “I
thought you looked familiar. Now I know why.”

“So you know.”

“I sure do, Miss VP’s Daughter. I can’t
believe you didn’t tell me!” Suzanne’s tone was almost

And that was the last thing Blake wanted to
do, offend her new friend. Talk about starting off on the wrong

“It’s something I don’t really like to talk
about. Especially here.” Blake shrugged and set down her pizza
slice. She wasn’t hungry any longer.

“Why not? It must be cool having your father
be the vice president of the United States. Is he going to run for
president someday?”

Oh, good lord, she hoped not, but knowing
her father that would be a big ol’ yes. “I have no idea.”

Suzanne’s entire expression dimmed and she
looked down at her plate. “Would you rather not talk about it? Did
I make you uncomfortable, bringing it up?”

“No. No, no, no.” Feeling contrite, Blake
reached out and rested her hand over Suzanne’s. “It’s just so
awkward talking about my father. What he does, who I am. Well, I’m
really nothing, but the media wants to make me into so much

“Do you live in Washington DC?”

“I do. I sort of grew up there. We moved
there when I was in my early teens. And I never left. Only when I
come here do I get to escape.”

“Is that what Whitney Island is to you? An

Blake nodded. “Escape, sanctuary, both. I’m
always ‘on’ back home, you know? It’s all about putting on a show,
trying to be perfect, though the paparazzi always manages to catch
me making mistakes. Here I can relax, let my hair down and just be.
Not wear makeup, not wash my hair for a couple of days and hang out
in my sweats.”

“You wear sweats?” Suzanne wrinkled her
nose. “So far I haven’t seen you in any.”

Blake glanced down. She was dressed in jeans
and a black cashmere sweater with a Burberry coat tossed over the
back of her chair. Definitely not sweats. She reeked of money, even
when she tried to be discreet. “Well, when I’m home I do the
sweats. Trust me, I always look a mess.”

Realization seemed to dawn on Suzanne and
she snapped her fingers. “The guy who follows you, is he Secret

“Sshh.” Blake shook her head, glancing out
the window, spotting Mason in the distance. He had a sandwich in
hand and was eating it while sitting on a park bench, his gaze
trained directly upon the restaurant. Even in his supposed relaxed
state, he looked ready to pounce.

Hmm. Just once, she wished he would pounce
on her.

“Well, he is, isn’t he?”

“Okay yes, he is. Keep your voice down.”
Blake looked about the restaurant, but no one looked in their
direction. “As an adult child of the Vice President, I’m not
automatically given Secret Service protection. Considering the
intensity of this campaign, my father felt it best if I received
protection for the duration.”

“Interesting.” Suzanne nodded, then dabbed
at the corner of her mouth with a napkin. “So once the election is
finished, you lose the guy?”

“It depends on if they win or not.” She
secretly wished they wouldn’t, just so she could get out of the

But that meant Mason would leave her.

Suzanne watched her, her gaze practically
boring holes into Blake. She squirmed beneath her new friend’s
scrutiny. “Do you want to lose the guy?”

“Yes,” Blake answered a little too

“Uh, huh.” It sounded as if Suzanne didn’t
believe her whatsoever.

“I’m serious. I hate having someone tag
after me all the time.” And she had. Before Mason.

“I’m sure it’s rather strange, always being

“It is.” Especially being watched by someone
who ran so hot and cold as Mason.

No, she wouldn’t call it strange. More like
frustrating beyond belief.

“Does he stay in your house?”

“Yes.” She didn’t want to elaborate. It
really was confidential information and she didn’t know Suzanne
that well. “Well, close. He’s camped out in the smaller cabin we
have on the property.”

Blake frowned. Should she have said that?
That could be an automatic assumption, so she wasn’t revealing
anything too private, right?

“Wow. I bet you have a pretty nice place,
huh?” The expression on Suzanne’s face was wistful. “I won’t even
bother inviting you over to my little shack. It’s pitiful.”

Blake winced. She hated this part. Usually
the people she hung out with—she certainly couldn’t call them
actual friends—were on equal footing with her, money-wise. She’d
never been friendly with someone who had less before.

It made her uncomfortable, guilty for having

“The property has been in my family for a
couple of generations. My great-grandparents originally bought the
land, and my grandparents built the second cabin. You’ll have to
come over sometime and check it all out.”

Suzanne’s face brightened. “I would love to.
Maybe we could get together next week.”

Blake returned the smile, relief flooding
through her. She was so lonely, she really needed this new friend.
“That would be wonderful.”

* * * *

They’d come to a silent compromise, he and
Blake. It wasn’t something they’d discussed or fought about. They
simply dealt with each other, staying out of each other’s way and
spoke politely to each other only when needed.

Mason freaking hated every overly civil
minute of it.

He watched her, seething inside. It appeared
she was enjoying herself with her new friend. Joy was written all
over her beautiful face. That genuine smile curving her luscious
lips hadn’t disappeared pretty much the entire time she sat at the
little table in the restaurant eating lunch. And she’d devoured a
couple of slices of pizza in record time. Blake normally wasn’t
much of an eater.

Always so careful of what she put in her
mouth or how much she weighed. He thought she was friggin’ perfect.
In fact, he’d always liked a woman with a little meat on her

He could only conclude she was happy,
laughing and spending time with her friend. And damn, it upset him
he didn’t have anything to do with her newfound good mood.

With a grunt, he shifted his position on the
park bench, adjusting his sunglasses with the nudge of a finger. It
was sunny but cold, hovering around fifty degrees and his ass was
falling asleep. She’d been in that pizza joint for nearly two
hours, and on top of being uncomfortable and grumpy, he was hungry,
despite the sandwich he devoured earlier.

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