Under the Stars (22 page)

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Authors: Rebecca A. Rogers

BOOK: Under the Stars
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Sun floods through the open window, casting a glow around Zarek’s head.

I sit up.

“Good morning,” he says.

I blush. “I didn’t mean to spoil last night.”

“Nonsense. Yesterday was exciting. And today will be too.” He kisses me lightly on the cheek and slides off the bed. “I’ve agreed to that hunting trip we talked about over dinner. It seems the Governor hasn’t lost his skills of persuasion.”

“When do you leave?”

“As soon as we can prepare the horses and men. Should be within the hour.” He snatches a loose-fitting shirt from the back of a lonely chair, and some pants from his closet.

“How long do these hunting trips usually take?”

“No longer than two days. And when I return, we will finish celebrating our marriage.” He leans across the bed, taking my hand in his. The way his lips meet my skin makes my stomach flip.

And not in a good way.

“Can I ask you something?” I say, trying to keep his mouth absent from me.

“Anything, my dear.”

I pull my hand away. “Where were Malik and my family yesterday?”

His loving expression withers into aggravation. “I promised you I would send for them, and I did. They just did not arrive in time. Apparently they had a brush with the stars, but I have been told that they are fine and will arrive today.”

“Yeah. A day late.”

He smirks. “At least you’ll have someone to keep you company while I’m gone.”


“Wish my luck on my trip,” he says, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my cheek.

“I don’t think I can do that.”

He holds back a smile. “Of course not. But I’ll see you soon.”

I know it probably looks awful that I’m not there to see him off for his first hunting trip as a married man, but all I can think about is how the one important day of my life couldn’t be seen by the people I love.

As he leaves, I notice the lavender dress hanging beside the door. It’s new. The fabric is still crisp, yet smells like it’s been washed in a bouquet of flowers. I slip out of my wedding dress and slide the casual one over my head. If it’s true that Mama and Mattie will be here soon, I can’t stand to wait inside.

Passing through the boundless hallways, I reach the main doors to the outside. The same way Malik and I entered not so long ago. I’ll admit I’m definitely not used to everyone bowing at me and addressing me with a royal name.

“Nice day out, isn’t it, Majesty?” one of the militia men asks.

“Yes, it is. Do you know if my family will be arriving soon?”

He grins. “Any second now.”

Racing toward the main gate, I note the guards’ armor still has that soft glow, and this time I’m not afraid to ask what it’s made from.

“The stars,” one replies. “We’ve been able to extricate remnants of their protective barrier and use them as reinforcements for our defense.”

“Genius. Pure genius.”

He timidly beams. “Thank you, Majesty.”

“Black Riders!” someone yells.

Ahead, through the clearing of trees, are the same shadowy men that have escorted me, safely, more than once. And with them showing up again, that means my family must be here. I can only imagine Mama’s face when she saw those men at the station. Mattie’s too.

The closer they come, the larger they appear. I can distinguish the outlines of Mama and Mattie on a horse’s back.

“Mama! Mattie!” I run to them, lifting Mattie off the horse. His small arms wrap around my neck.

“I missed you, Andy,” he says, burying his face in my hair.

I squeeze him. “Missed you, too, bud.”

Mama dismounts, immediately taking my hand in hers and kissing my forehead.

“You look absolutely drained,” I say. “Come with me. We’ll get you settled in.”

Mattie lifts his head. “Will we have food here, Andy?”

I glance at Mama in confusion.

“He’s a growing boy who’s always hungry. We’re fine,” says Mama.

“Zarek promised that Legora was taken care of. Was he lying?” I ask.

“He did send supplies, but we’ve had more weary travelers plant their feet and it’s depleting the food quicker than we expected.”

I stop when we reach the steps leading up to the primary entrance. “I can be of help. I’ll have more supplies sent to Legora. But first there are a few things I need to discuss with you. After lunch.”

Mattie’s face light up each time he sees something new hanging on the walls. I haven’t seen him this happy in a very long time. If only I could keep him this way. Mama gasps when she notices the artwork and tapestries.

“I can’t believe you live here,” she says. “I’m jealous.”

“You can live here, too. Zarek says it’s all right with him.”

“Oh, no. We’re happy with our little home back in Legora, aren’t we Mattie?”

He barely nods.

“Mama, you don’t have to pretend everything’s okay. I know we’re used to making it on our own, but Zarek promised he’d take care of me. And if that meant my family living in Valyad, well, he’d take care of you too.”

Her face softens. “Andy, I understand you love it here. For once the burden doesn’t fall on you. But I enjoy the people of Legora; they’re like us. And they don’t hesitate to help someone if they need it.”

Well, I can’t say the same for the citizens of Valyad. These people hate anyone who doesn’t have money or authority.

“If that’s what you choose, then I won’t beg you to stay.”

Mama clucks her tongue. “Oh, Andy, don’t be upset. We’ll visit as often as you’d like. I just think Mattie and me should stay put for now, in Legora.”

“Why?” I ask, leading them to the dining hall. Based on Mattie’s comment, he must be hungry. And it’s not like they brought many possessions with them.

“We’ve got a new life in Legora, not here. I don’t want to continue moving. Mattie needs a solid home while he’s young.”

“Okay,” I say, nodding. “But the door’s always open.”

I love watching their faces explode in marvel at the angels painted on the ceiling, or the lace and crystal positioned in a variety of places around the room.

Signaling for a footman, I order sharsan, quietly. For Mama. And because Mattie’s never tasted it; he’s only heard stories of its rarity.

“How long will you two stay?” I ask while taking a seat in Zarek’s chair. Mama sits to my left and Mattie to my right. This way, we can see each other as we eat.

“Only for a few days,” says Mama. “I still have a job, and they’re beginning classes for the children soon.”

“A school?”

“Parents met last week to discuss education. Our children aren’t getting what they deserve so we voted unanimously that a school system should be implemented. They’ll meet in the town hall three days per week, for five hours per day.”

“Doesn’t sound like enough.”

“It’s better than not learning at all. These kids are lucky to be receiving this. There haven’t been schools since the Old World. Do you remember?”

“I recall bits and pieces, but not enough to stick. Like that one teacher I had in second grade, the one with frizzy hair and wore blush like a clown.”

“Ms. Filipe.”

“Yes! That’s her.” We both grin, but mine soon vanishes when my mind questions what happened to her. I change the subject. “Are you continuing to sell jewelry?”

“No, they’ve moved me to pottery, which I make myself. I think people need plates and bowls more than they need jewelry.” She scrunches her nose.

“I agree.”

The door to the kitchen swings open, three footmen appearing with gleaming, covered trays. They place them in front of us. Mattie looks at me, like he’s asking if it’s okay for him to remove the cover.

“Go ahead,” I tell him. He yanks it off and stares at the food. If he hasn’t had good food in a while, he probably doesn’t know where to start. I’ll make sure he’s fed until his stomach is tight.

“Andy, this isn’t what I think it is, is it?” Mama asks. Her eyes are wide, and they go back and forth between her food and me.

“Sharsan,” I say, slicing mine.

Mama gasps. “This isn’t easy to hunt.”

“No, but Valyad apparently has several very skilled hunters. The King is on a hunting trip as we speak.”

Mattie says, “Is this the meat Mama always talks about?”

I nod.

He immediately digs in.

“Mattie, slow down. I’m sure there’s plenty more where that came from. Just enjoy it,” Mama says.

“Trust me, you two can eat until you die from eating
much.” I giggle, but then realize it might be insensitive for me to mention the irony between food and death when my family is starving.

If Mama notices, her actions don’t illustrate the same. “Tell me,” she says, “what do you have on the agenda for today?”

I shrug. “Whatever you and Mattie feel like doing. I’d take you on a tour, but I’m afraid we’d be lost. The gardens are a definite, though. You can’t leave here without seeing them.”

“Are there carrots in the garden?” Mattie asks. All around his lips is sauce from the sharsan.

“This isn’t
type of garden. It’s more of a place to rest and enjoy the scenery.”


“But they have really pretty fountains that gush water,” I say, hoping it’ll redeem his ideas of what a garden should be. “And sometimes we play games in the garden. There is a maze of hedges.”

He squints. “I might have to see that to believe it.”

“Well, how about I show you after we eat?”

“Okay,” he says, bobbing his head in agreement.

“There’s one hall dedicated to guest rooms,” I begin, “which is where I’ve been staying, but Zarek knew you two were arriving so I’m confident he had them cleaned. If not, I’ll have someone take care of it.”

“You must have some pull with the King to be able to order his people around,” Mama says, eyeing me for my response. Does she know? Mothers always know, don’t they?

“You could say that.”

“Tell me all about it later?”

The way she says
makes me think she wants to speak privately, without Mattie. Which means she’s aware, or has a general idea.

I nod and smile. “Of course.”

Why do I suddenly feel queasy? What will she say if she does suspect I’m married? Surely Zarek wouldn’t have told them; he’d let me be the one.

Mattie’s scraping his plate, which pulls me out of my mental questions.

“Want more, bud?” I ask.

He glances at Mama through his lashes, like he needs permission for more food.

“You don’t have to ask,” I tell him. “If you want more food, I’ll order it for you.”

“No,” he says, lowering his gaze to the empty plate, “I think I’m all right.”

“Well, if you’re hungry later, we’ll have to come back for a late night snack. How does that sound?”

He drops his fork; it clatters against the dish. “Okay.”

“Let’s get you two settled in, and then we’ll go look at the gardens.”

Mama picks up her plate, like she’s about to wash it herself. Mattie does the same. I figure they’re so used to it, they haven’t thought twice about where they’re at.

“What are you doing? The footmen will take them to the kitchen.”

Mama stares at her plate, and then Mattie’s. “It’s all right. We don’t mind.”

“Mama! You’re not in Legora. Think of this as a vacation. You don’t work on vacations.”

But her last vacation was with Dad.

She gently sets the plate on the table. “Put it back, Mattie.” He follows her lead.

“It’s okay.
,” I tell her. “C’mon. Let’s get you two in your room.”

In all honesty, I have no idea which room is meant to be theirs. Zarek never left instructions on what I should do, and this is all new to me.

I poke my head through the doors of my old room, confirming that nobody has temporarily moved in after me. There aren’t bags or belongings.

“In here,” I say. “This used to be my old room.”

“Where do you stay now?” Mama asks. Of course she’d question something like that.

“In a different hallway.”

“Wow,” Mama breathes, “this is definitely nothing like home.” She takes in everything. From floor to ceiling.

Mattie climbs on top of the bed.

“Keep your feet off of there,” warns Mama.

“He’s okay. I wasn’t clean when I first arrived, but the bathroom is connected so you two can bathe whenever.”

“That should be something we do first. We wouldn’t want to leave our odors lingering in the hallways for other people to pick up.”

I shake my head. “That’s not what I meant. You know what it’s like to not be able to bathe for weeks. You also know it makes you feel better once you do. But if you want to parade around here with sand embedded into your pores, then don’t let me stop you.”

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