Under the Stars (18 page)

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Authors: Rebecca A. Rogers

BOOK: Under the Stars
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King Zarek chuckles, a low, reserved sound echoing from deep within.

“What?” I ask.

“You had your eyes closed.”

I smile. “The food is perfect.”

“I’m glad it meets with your approval. I had hoped you would take pleasure in it.”

“Do you have men that hunt your food?” I ask.

He stabs a baby tomato with his fork, pulls it off with his teeth and then bites into it with a
. “I do. But sometimes I join them.”


“This seems to surprise you. I delight in the thrill of hunting. There’s nothing like it.” He leans against the back of his seat, his voice carrying a blissful air. “When I was young, my father would let me ride with him and his men. We had dogs, too. They were mostly for show, but still very useful.”

“Did they kill the animals?”

He shrugs. “Sometimes. We did the majority of it. I had to learn the skill of riding and shooting at the same time, a task which is not simple.”

“I think it sounds daring.” I have no idea why I’m completely engrossed by him talking about chasing wild animals, like I haven’t done the same to keep my family fed. Just not in an exaggerated fashion.

“I’ll have to take you one day,” he says. “But we’ll get you trained first. I can’t have you falling from a horse.”

I grin. “I’d like that.”

“Falling from a horse?” He chortles.

“No, silly. Trained to ride one.”

“Eat,” he says, nodding toward my plate.

Even though he hasn’t mentioned it, I still want to know what’s going on. What is it that he’s eager to offer me? The only idea that comes to mind is him presenting a room in the castle that is permanently my own, and that I stay here and work. Where else can I go? Back to Legora? Surely he won’t send me away before we discuss food and materials the town needs.

When our bellies are full and the moon has danced its way across the sky, King Zarek escorts me through the gardens. In the distance, stars burn brightly as they collide with the ground.

“Do you ever think they’ll stop?” I ask.

“The stars? No, I don’t believe they will.”

“Sometimes I like to think they’re upset with us for one reason or another. But that’s just my mind making stuff up.” I bite my lip. “How do the domes around the cities keep them out?”

He continues watching them, deep in thought. “Scientists, my dear. They are advanced in their skills of keeping us alive. Somehow they have managed to create elements that are reinforced, though tiny. Anything un-human that touches the domes is mechanically ricocheted.”

“Humans have accomplished great things. The good overcomes the bad.”

“Not always, my dear. But I like to believe that is true.” He tightens his arm, which is entwined with mine. We breathe in the night air. Musky. Thick.

“So, what about this proposal?” I ask, hoping we can just get this over with. I’m ready to retire to my room for the evening.

He’s still preoccupied with the stars. “Marry me.”

It’s not a question, but a demand. Takes me a heartbeat or two before I realize what he says. Suddenly everything’s spinning around me. But maybe I’m overreacting. Maybe he didn’t just say those words.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“I said, marry me.”

There. He confirmed it. I did hear correctly.

He watches my facial features. I’m sure I look like a person who’s learned they lost a loved one. Fear and shock have to be written all over my face.

“You seem astounded,” he says, looking away.

I breathe, “I am, a little. I mean, when you said a proposal, I figured you meant something else. Not literally.”

“I don’t mean to frighten you, Andrina. I’m merely offering you a chance at a better life. When we met, I knew there was something different about you. And I truly believe you’d do well for my people.”

“Yeah, but…I’m still trying to help
people.” I sit on a bench near us, taking deep breaths.

“Your people? They’ve already been taken care of. What do you think happened when I met with Lazar? Surely you didn’t think I’d been in there all that time just talking nonsense.”

“Honestly, Majesty, I didn’t know what you two had spoken about. I wanted to imagine that food and supplies were taken care of, but you never said so.”

“Ah, but a King doesn’t reveal what goes on behind closed doors, especially not in business meetings.” He exhales a long-winded sigh. “Just know the people of Legora will be well-fed for many months.”

“Really?” It feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. “So, if they’re already taken care of…you brought me here
to marry you?”

He smirks, like it’s something I should’ve guessed already. “I have never met a girl like you. Most strut around, trying to gain every minute they can with me. But you,”—he stops, his finger tilting my chin up—“you are so different from the rest.”

“How’s that?” My voice cracks.

He takes a few steps away from me. “You make me feel alive. Sometimes I forget how young I am, but you bring that out in me. I am like a child again.”

I’ve never seen him as happy as he is now. It’s not like I can say no after all he’s done for my people. And even if it weren’t for my people, would I have the guts to reject our King? I shudder when thinking of the consequences.

“Are you all right, my dear? I know this is sudden and forthright, but I want you to know I’ll wait for your answer. You don’t have to respond to my proposition right away.”

I shake my head. “No, you’ve been more than generous to me. I should repay you by saying yes. It’s just…it’s all a blur, really. I never imagined this is what you brought me here for.”

“Originally, it wasn’t why I asked for your presence. I’ll confess I had only begun to regard the idea the first night upon our return.”

I huff. “What should I say?” I didn’t mean to say it aloud, but it just slipped off my tongue. I slap my hand over my mouth. “I’m sorry, Majesty. I didn’t mean for it to be taken in that context.”

He chuckles at my brazen mistake. “Andrina, you must stop worrying when you’re with me. I want us to be the best of friends. But know this: you still have a place in Valyad, just like my citizens. There are boundaries, even if you accept my offer.”

I bob my head once. “I understand.”

But I don’t really know the meaning of his words.


What just happened?
I have to tell Malik and Mama.
First two thoughts upon returning to my room. I have no clue what Mama will think about this. I’d like to believe she’d be happy for me, encourage me, but she can be unpredictable at times.

And if it’s not enough to consider, what will happen if I become Queen of the New World? I’ve never received a kind word from the people of Valyad. I don’t know that I want to discern whether they would accept me as their ruler, should I agree to the King’s offer.

Ideas cluster into one big conglomeration.





I’m already awake when Daphne enters my room the next morning, her hands glued to her hips.

“Aye, look atcha. Ready at the crack o’ dawn.”

“Couldn’t sleep,” I say.

“What’s troublin’ ya, miss?” She rummages around in the chest of drawers to find my outfit for the day.

Can I tell her the King proposed? Or is this still between him and me? I can trust Daphne. I

“King Zarek and I…” I pause, searching for a way to word this. “The King has offered that I…” Again, nothing. Now I’m having second thoughts.

“Well, spit it out.”

“The King wants to marry me.” There. Done. Over with.

But nothing can prepare me for the look on Daphne’s face. Terror? Shock? I’m not sure. Maybe a little bit of both.

“That’s, uh, that’s not what I was expectin’,” she says.

“Neither was I. Kept me awake all night just thinking about it. He says I don’t have to give him an answer just yet, that I can take some time to mull it over.”

She calmly nods. “I think that’s best for ya. There isn’t an easy reply.”

“I mean, isn’t that what every girl dreams of? To be a princess or a queen? So, why am I having second thoughts?”

Daphne reaches the side of my bed in a few strides. “There, there, miss. It’ll all work out. You’ll see. Jus’ take some time ta consider it.”

“My mother doesn’t even know yet. You’re the first person I’ve told.”

She smiles. “I feel special now. Should I send a message ta Legora, then?”

I nod. “Good idea.”

Patting my leg, she adds, “Don’ be scared.”

“And Daphne? Maybe I should be the one to tell my mom. I need to think of something to say. I wish she were here.”

“’Course, miss. I’ll go grab some paper an’ a pen.”

How can I explain that I’m getting married? Wait. Am I going through with this? Have I subconsciously decided it’s a yes?

Daphne enters with parchment and ink, and I sit at the vanity so I’ll have a flat surface to write on. Pen hesitates above the frail sheet. Hand is a little shaky. But somehow I just go for it.


I hope you and Mattie are alright. I’m doing fine in Valyad. King Zarek says he helped our people. I can only hope his words are true.

There is something I need to tell you, though.

Last night

The King has

I might be marrying the King. I know. It’s crazy. He proposed to me, and it was completely unexpected.

Mama, what will I do as Queen? I can’t help these people. They don’t even want me here. You should see the looks they give me. I’m just another beggar, an outsider. What should I do?

I wish you were here to give me advice. Hug Mattie for me.

Love, Andy

“I hope she gets this letter,” I say. “I need her guidance more than anything.”

“I’ll see ta it, miss.”

“There is someone else I’d like to speak with.” When Daphne cocks her eyebrows at me, I add, “Malik. I haven’t seen him since he was moved.”

She smirks. “Look at ya, spittin’ out commands an’ yer not even Queen yet.”

My cheeks burn. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“It’s okay, miss. Just cuttin’ a joke. We’ll go see Malik tonight.”

“Well,” I begin, a lazy smile forming on my lips, “how’d last night go with you and Ray?”

Daphne ducks her head, fiddling with her skirt. “Miss, ya shouldn’t ask such questions.”

“Ah, so you did see him. I’ll take the color of your cheeks as an indication that everything turned out the way you had hoped.” And then I burst into a fit of giggles. Daphne joins me.

“Aye, miss. It turned out better.”

I toss a comb at her. “Now
I didn’t need to hear.”

“I’ll see him tonight.”

“Oh, really?”

She nods.

“Well, I guess we have an excuse to go visit the kitchens, don’t we?”

Nothing memorable has happened this afternoon. Daphne and I order some lemonade, and have it brought up while we watch the mangals soar and dive in the distance.

“I don’t remember much of the Old World, mostly what Mama has told me, but it’s hard to imagine that birds were the size of our hands once. Or less than a decade ago we had places where food was served freely, as long as you paid for it. Hunting wasn’t required. And people bought clothes instead of making them.”

“The library here has books from the Old World.”

I snap my head in her direction. “Where? I thought most of them were destroyed in the Age.”

“That’s what most people think. But I’ve seen them.”

“Can you take me there?”

She shakes her head. “It’s forbidden. King’s orders.”

“Why would he keep those treasures from the New World? What if they helped some people? We might learn from them.”

“Ya hafta talk ta the King.”

“That I will do.”

“Maybe he’ll agree once yer his wife.”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“I think ya have.”

“Malik first. Then I’ll decide.”

When dusk pulls its drape over the sky, we meander through the dizzying corridors. I’m glad Daphne knows where she’s going. Even after several attempts, I still don’t believe I could find my way to the kitchen.

Ray and Malik wash dishes in a large sink. Dark circles hang below their eyes, and their hair is stuck to their foreheads.

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