Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1 (12 page)

BOOK: Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1
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Nikoli’s heart sank, even as his need for Regina flared. An objection rose to his lips as her mouth abandoned him. What she was doing, thinking?

Without words she told him, cradling his cock in her palm, guiding it into her mouth, taking him in so deeply the tip of her nose touched his dark curls.

She was so hot, so wet, sounds of surprise and pleasure stalled in Nikoli’s throat. Fisting her hair in his hand, he confined her, demanding she deliver all that she could.

She accepted his imprisonment, suckling him hard, then soft, inching away, though not to release him. Oh no. She swept her tongue over the back of his crown, the area that delivered the most sensation.

His jaw tightened and his body shuddered. Scarcely able to withstand the sensations rocking through him, Nikoli fought for air, the intensity of Regina’s desire and his approaching orgasm undoing him.

He whispered in a mixture of her language and his, revealing the depth of his feelings, what he’d experienced for no other woman, what nothing on his dimension could match—not duty, honor, professional recognition, or the promise of a long life, free of disease and the mildest inconvenience.

All of what Nikoli had once accepted as norm seemed worthless now, so clearly foolish when there was a chance to fill his barren soul. His traitorous thoughts should have shamed him. They did not. During the last hours he was alive, he’d know only Regina.

Flicking her tongue, she teased his flesh, encouraging it to respond. With all of his will, Nikoli resisted, needing to draw out the moment.

She suckled faster, working his cock in her mouth as he would in her cunt.

A bead of sweat ran down his temple. His lungs burned from holding his breath. He’d tightened his knees to the point of making them ache. But he wouldn’t allow himself to come. Not yet.

Regina seemed to discern his intent. Her tongue stalled on his crown. Rather than pull away as Nikoli feared, she cupped his sac in her hand, squeezed gently while sucking and licking his rod, her movements synchronized, maddening.

The room spun. Nerve endings fired throughout his body, prickling his skin. On a labored cry, Nikoli climaxed. His life fluid—what the men in this dimension called come—spurted into Regina’s mouth.

She accepted it as a gift, not pulling away as Sazaar had always done. She drank him dry as though she’d never tasted anything better.

How had he existed so long without this?

Regina’s acceptance of him released something else inside Nikoli, emotions held so tight they all arrived at once. He felt young, alive, hopeful in a way he never believed possible. As though there was nothing he couldn’t do…nothing that would defeat him.

He bellowed his satisfaction, allowing himself to truly feel.

Still holding on to his balls and ass, Regina released his cock from her mouth. The sounds of her gasping mingled with his. “You okay?” she asked.

There weren’t words in the entire universe for what continued to sweep through Nikoli. He wanted to tell her that, but the reality of their situation precluded it. At last, he patted the top of her head to reassure her all was well.

Regina nodded as if she understood. “Then it was…”

She didn’t finish.

Nikoli cleared his throat and swallowed. “Was what?”

“My God,” she said.

At her obvious shock, Nikoli’s passion evaporated like smoke. He glanced at the tops of the windows unprotected by the vegetation. There, despite the protective rain, he fully expected to see Andris or Sazaar watching. Their mouths open and thirsting, fangs exposed.

Drizzle fell on the deserted grounds. No monsters or humans were anywhere within sight. Not understanding, struggling to slow his sprinting pulse, Nikoli looked at Regina.

Her hands fell from his ass and sac. She stared at his penis.

He regarded it in the fire’s muted light. The moisture from her mouth sparkled on its length and meaty crown. A pearl of his come filled the small slit. “What is it?” he asked.

Her eyes jumped to his, their color breathtaking. In the flickering light, her hair was a deeper, richer red. She spoke on a whisper. “You’re still hard…unless you’re hard again.”

He was uncertain how to respond.

“Already,” she added.

Nikoli said the only thing he could. “I’m aroused.”

Her brows arched. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“Isn’t that good?” he asked.

She laughed. “It’s great. Hell, on this side, men go limp after they come, which happens a minute or two out of the gate. Some stay that way for up to an hour.”

Nikoli wasn’t entirely certain what she meant by “out of the gate”, nor had he known that men in this realm were so fragile. “How awful for the women,” he said, then boasted, “On my side, men get hard and stay that way for hours.”

“Get out.”

Nikoli stared at her. Had he said something offensive? Weren’t the men on this side allowed to boast? “What?”

“Oh no.” Clearly catching his dismay, she rubbed her nose over his flat belly. “I didn’t mean—that is…” She fought a smile. Her shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. “I wasn’t telling you to leave. It’s an expression. I’m just surprised—no, actually, I’m pleased that you don’t have any downtime like other men do.” Staring at his cock, she licked her lips.

Nikoli grinned at the hunger he saw on her face. “And what do the men on your side do during their downtime?”

“Snore, mostly.”

“What’s that?”

“They make a noise in their throats that’s similar to gasping or choking.”

He frowned. “Sounds unpleasant.”

“It is. Boring too, for the woman. Take these off.” With her hands beneath his pants and boxers, she shoved them to his calves. “Let me help you with your shoes and socks. Put your hand on my shoulder.”

“I’d rather undress you.”

“In a sec.” She lifted her face.

Her smile weakened any objection Nikoli might have had. Her willingness to touch him, her eagerness to have him inside of her was nearly beyond Nikoli’s comprehension. She was more than he ever dreamed possible, and everything he couldn’t have.

Unwilling to think about that or the morning, he allowed her to undress him. Twice, she paused to kiss his cock. Twice, he forgot to breathe.

She tossed his shoes aside. They hit the floor with two hard whacks, then tumbled across the wood, coming to a stop at the base of the sofa.

After stripping him of his socks, she flung them in the same direction. “Step out of your pants and boxers,” she said. “I have you.” She placed her hand on his.

With her fingers warming him, he did as she asked.

Regina shoved his clothing aside and grinned at his naked legs and feet. “You have really long toes,” she said.

Nikoli smiled, then laughed as she stroked his feet, tickling them.

Eagerly, she asked, “Are you getting even harder?”

He was. “Joy like this makes me hard.”

With a radiant smile, Regina asked, “You’re happy?”

It was more than that. With her, he was home. A sense of belonging, of being whole in a way he’d never imagined filled Nikoli, along with intense frustration because it couldn’t last. It was a myth, no different from the orderly world his people had built on E2. So perfect, it had left him wanting for nothing, until he’d seen Regina.

Then he’d realized just how deprived he’d been, hoping for a woman out of his reach, for the one person who would make life worth living. The one love he could never have.


“I’m happier than you could possibly know,” he finally said, speaking as he never had to another woman. “I regret nothing about crossing over to be with you. I wanted it from the start, the first moment I knew you existed.”

Delight transformed Regina’s features, followed by a challenging smile. Lifting her chin, she said, “Then show me. I want you naked.”

And he didn’t want the same of her? Sensing she was playing a carnal game, perhaps a mating ritual on this dimension, Nikoli crossed his arms over his chest and cocked one brow. “I believe those on your side would say fuck that, or—you first.”

At his response, Regina’s delicate nostrils flared, betraying her mounting passion. Even in the muted light, her skin flushed with desire.

“Very well,” she said, a blend of meekness and wantonness in her response.

How Nikoli treasured that. A woman so filled with emotion she couldn’t contain them all or decide on simply one.

Easing down to her right hip, she brought her legs around, pulling off her high heels and the sheer knee-length stockings that covered her narrow feet and calves.

Her toenails were polished the same shade of red as her hair. He really liked that. She unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. Nikoli enjoyed that even more. Wiggling out of them, Regina dropped the garments on his topcoat and jacket.

He stared at her legs, even more beautiful now than when he’d seen them this morning as she showered.

“You like?” she asked.

The way she asked the question told Nikoli she already knew his answer. Even so, he nodded, his attention captured by her black panties. Made of a delicate material, they were sheer enough for him to see the reddish curls between her legs.

Already beating too hard, his heart slammed into his throat.

Keeping her legs parted—a deliciously arousing pose—Regina pulled her sweater over her torso, past her head and flung it behind her.

In his peripheral vision, Nikoli saw it land on the arm of a chair. The rest of his attention remained on her breasts, the creamy globes confined by her black bra, her stiff nipples pushing against the lustrous fabric.

With a deliberateness that told him Regina knew exactly what she was doing, she ran her hands beneath her hair, lifting it off her shoulders. The movement caused her breasts to wiggle within their satiny prison.

Was she trying to kill him? Didn’t she know his control was at an end? That he needed this game to finish? They had too little time left for them to be separated for even a moment more. Uncrossing his arms, Nikoli yanked off his sweater, pitching it in the same direction as hers.

Regina’s pale pink lips parted as she glanced from his cock to his offered hand. She took it, her fingers curling around his.

Not bothering to temper his strength or demanding need, Nikoli pulled Regina to her feet and into him. Her body softened immediately.

Enjoying the feel of her weight, comforted by it, he leaned down. Mouth pressed to her ear, he murmured, “How does this come off?” He ran his finger beneath the edge of her bra cup, touching skin.

Regina trembled, then sighed at his tongue licking her lobe. She whispered, “There’s a clasp in the back. I can get it.”

“No.” He brushed her hands away. “I’ll do it.”

Her head lolled to the side as he found the fastener and released it, resting his hands where it had once been. At the feel of her smooth, hot skin, Nikoli could barely control himself. Regina’s breathing picked up.

When he eased back, she moaned. “What are you doing? Don’t make me move.”

Nikoli stopped himself before he laughed, sensing she wouldn’t like it. “I have to in order to get this off you.”

On a groan, she inched away, moaning brazenly when he pushed the straps over her shoulders and down her arms. They caught briefly on her hands, and then the item fell to the hardwood floor.

Partially naked, she regarded him through hooded lids, her expression both excited and questioning, as though she wasn’t certain Nikoli would prize what he saw. “You like?” she asked.

How could she pose such a question? “Of course,” he said, then paused to clear the catch in his throat. “How could I not? You’ve already given me so much.”

“I have?”

“Yes.” He cradled her face in his hands. “Your passion, your willingness to be with me tonight, your concern. It’s worth more to me than anything I’ve ever known.” His thumbs stroked her cheeks. “You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met. And it’s not only your coloring or temperament.”

“No kidding?” Her hand covered his. She smiled. “Then what is it?”

“You don’t want to listen to reason. You argue against anything logical.”

Her brows drew together. “And you like that?”

“It exasperating and magnificent.” Exactly what he craved.

“If you say so.”

“I do. Now, let me look at you.” He stepped back. Regina’s dusky nipples, puckered with arousal, enhanced and complemented her fair skin. The lush globes of her breasts wiggled with her uneven breathing, begging for his hands to hold and possess them, as did her womanly hips.

Sinking to his knees, Nikoli pushed his thumbs beneath the edge of her panties to strip her bare so that nothing separated their flesh.

Regina’s belly quivered.

“Take them off,” she said. “Now.”

“And if I don’t?” he teased.

“You don’t get this.” She ran her finger up the length of her cleft. “Want to risk it?”

“Do you?”

She gave him one of those looks men in her dimension knew not to challenge.

Unfazed, Nikoli took his time undressing her, noting her impatient sigh. At last, he tossed her panties aside and stared at her reddish curls. Unused to scents, he caught her musk instantly, his mouth watering at the delicate yet thrilling fragrance. A more powerful urge than one for safety, food or drink consumed Nikoli, urging him to bury his face between her legs as she had done with him. To burrow his cock into her sheath and remain there for the time they had left.

Realizing it would never be enough, resolved to prolong their pleasure for as long as he could, Nikoli wrapped his arms around her hips, resting his cheek against her torso. He heard the wild beating of her heart, the rasp of air in her lungs, so like his own. He smelled her need. It called to the male within, to everything he had never been allowed to be but yearned for now. So foolishly. So hopelessly.

A growl of dismay and anticipation escaped Nikoli’s throat, roughening his words. “Tell me what you want.”

“You,” she said without hesitation, her hands on either side of his head, keeping him close. “Anyway you want me. Anyway you know how.” She paused to swallow and spoke on a ragged sigh. “Make love to me, Nikoli…take me…fuck me.”

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