Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1 (11 page)

BOOK: Unending Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 1
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His long, thin fingers loosened on Sazaar’s wrists, his thumbs stroking her palms.

Grateful for his small kindness, she parted her lips, groaning softly when Andris filled her mouth with his tongue. Those surrounding them murmured their approval as he mounted her, his hard, thick cock plunging into her channel, forcing it to accommodate his size.

She moaned shamelessly.

Releasing one wrist, he brought his hand down to her clit, stroking it.

It was too much. Sounds of ecstasy gurgled in the base of her throat, turning into a helpless whimper. Andris responded by filling her even more, silencing her with his tongue.

He continued to stroke her nub to give her the greatest pleasure. An unselfish act he hadn’t indulged in since the night he first claimed her.

Passion for what he was, hope for what he could never be, competed within Sazaar. Her mind advised her to be cautious. She refused to heed the warning. She touched his golden hair, sinking her fingers into its satiny length.

With endurance no human owned, he pounded into her, his finger on her clit keeping pace.

Excited murmurs surrounded them, followed by the vampires’ crude comments, their desire to participate.

“Take me next!” one of the men shouted.

“Fuck us both,” the man’s male lover begged.

Andris didn’t acknowledge them. His full attention remained on Sazaar, bringing her to climax. She cried out, the sound joyous and so high-pitched no human could hear. Andris hissed, the sibilant noise unearthly, shameless.

Remaining inside her, barely panting from his exertion, he lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Did you enjoy that?”

Unable to speak, Sazaar managed a nod.

“You want more?”

In answer, she tightened her strong inner muscles around his cock.

A gruff sound rumbled in his throat, one she’d heard when he fed on his victims. Not only was it a grunt of pleasure but one of amusement at how effortlessly he could entice what he called his willing fools.

Is that what he considered her?

The thought hit Sazaar like a slap to her face. She’d given him her life. She delivered her soul. And he was laughing at her during such an intimate moment? How could he?

How dare he.

Anger like none she’d ever experienced surged through her. She wanted to sink her fangs and claws into him. To hurt him as he so effortlessly humiliated her.

After which, he’d destroy her.

Leaving nothing, not even the hope that someday she might matter to him. The same stark need she’d lived with too long—unending and unquenchable—curbed Sazaar’s anger, keeping her beaten, submissive. “I want everything you have to give.”

He murmured, “And I’ll give it, as soon as we’re back in our true home.” He continued quickly, before Sazaar could speak. “You witnessed how the richness of your blood invigorated me. I didn’t have to hunt or feed again for a week. On this side, the nightly searches take me from you, forcing me to seek other women.”

He cupped her breast, his fingers trailing over the soft swell, his thumb flicking the nipple.

Without pause, Sazaar arched her back, offering her body to him.

Gently, he fondled her, his words soothing. “On E2, we can breed individuals for their blood, eliminating our need to hunt or feed so frequently. With an endless supply of their fluid, you and I will never have to part. We can be together like this for all time.”

Yes, for all time.

Within her cunt, his cock flexed, its root stretching her opening. Intense pleasure snaked through Sazaar, causing the room to spin. She moaned loudly.

Andris whispered, “All you have to do is find the woman and tell me where she is. She’ll lead us to Nikoli.”

With Andris’s coaxing words, an image of Nikoli crowded Sazaar’s thoughts. She recalled their years together, his polite acceptance of her and their life, empty of emotion, filled with duty instead. Only when she crossed over had she witnessed Nikoli’s inner fire, the capacity of his heart.

Though not for her.

The truth pained Sazaar. The memories assaulted her. She’d seen his hunger for Regina, not for her. He’d crossed over to kill her, failing at the last moment—driven not by love but his inability to harm anyone. Tonight, he’d arrived prepared to risk his life in order to save Regina.

Sazaar’s throat tightened at the surge of emotions she’d witnessed between them. What she’d sought all of her life and failed to obtain.

“Just tell me,” Andris encouraged.

Passion sang in his words; excitement rippled through his body.

She wanted to believe it was for her. That she’d finally found a mate who wanted and adored her above all others. Clinging to that fantasy, she whispered, “Tomorrow evening, when the rain ends, I’ll find her for you.” As her lids slipped down, she added, “I’ll have enough time before dawn to deliver her and Nikoli.”

She’d gamble everything in the hopes of obtaining Andris’s unending desire.



Outside, the lingering night threatened. Damp air barreled past, spattering rain on the vegetation, rattling branches. Several brushed the windows’ panes, the sounds reminding Nikoli of bat wings striking air.

He remained at the hearth, lighting the fire he’d laid, watching Regina to see if she’d noticed the noise. If she feared.

She gave him an inviting smile.

He returned it easily even as his mind questioned. How much of her desire was given for the man he was? How much was offered because she didn’t want him to leave?

He’d witnessed her loneliness during the times he watched her. He recognized her hunger for someone to care.

Tonight, she’d seen things no human should. She dreaded tomorrow. All he could give them was the next few hours.

It wasn’t nearly enough, but he couldn’t find the will to deny either of them. Not any longer.

Already congested with blood, his cock thickened even more, straining his skin to the point of pain, the same as his tightened balls. Gladly, he endured the discomfort, knowing it would soon end. For a few hours, he would know Regina’s comfort, and she would know his.

After that…

Nikoli refused to conclude the thought, needing to savor this moment and the few others to come.

“Finished?” Regina murmured.

Too aroused to speak, Nikoli nodded and pushed to his feet, replacing the metal poker in its stand.

Hungry flames licked at the logs in the massive fireplace, their light bathing the room in a golden glow, the energy they created sending out currents of hot air. More heat rushed through the vents of the structure’s heating system.

Joining him at the hearth, Regina rested her hand on his cheek, her fingertips avoiding the scratches. The care she took with his injuries, her worry about him, her courage in standing up to Sazaar on his behalf were more than remarkable to Nikoli. It was what made Regina human…what brought him so easily to her side, keeping him there, at least until dawn.

Unwilling to consider what might happen then, he allowed himself to experience the wonder of simply being here. Her touch was a balm, her skin now shamefully warm, just as he’d imagined it to be when he watched her this morning in her bedroom, then later, as she’d masturbated in the shower.

The memory brought a smile.

Without warning, a flicker of doubt crossed her face.

“What is it?” he asked, his smile dying. Had she noticed the branches striking the glass as he had? Had she heard something else?

She glanced around the room. “The security system. I hadn’t thought about it until now. Surely this place has one.” She frowned. “What if there’s a motion detector down here for intruders? What if it’s sensed us and a silent alarm’s gone out to—”

“When I was here earlier, getting the clothing, I took care of it, altering the device.”

“How? To do what?”

“If anyone breaches the periphery of the estate, an alarm will go off in here. The locks won’t open from the outside.”

She stared.

He assured her, “We’re safe from your people.”

“Yeah, I know.” Her mouth widened in a pleased grin. “Is there nothing you can’t do?”

He couldn’t save them both or stay with her past dawn. Keeping the truth and sorrow from her, Nikoli said, “It was an easy matter. Your civilization isn’t advanced.”

Arching one slender brow at his unvarnished comment, Regina moved into him, delivering a wave of her fragrance.

His ears buzzed.

She brushed her lips against his with her murmur. “I know. We’re all about emotion.”

Nikoli spoke on a needy sigh. “Yes.”

Easing her hands beneath his topcoat and jacket, Regina pushed both off his shoulders. “You like that?”

He liked what she was doing. With a nod, he shrugged out of his garments. They tumbled in a heap on the hardwood floor. Arms freed, he reached for her.

Deftly, she escaped his grasp. “I’m not through with you yet. I haven’t even begun.” Sinking to her knees, she pulled his sweater up, her hands going to the circular leather item her people called a belt. With impatience, she worked at the buckle.

Nikoli’s belly quivered at her knuckles brushing his skin. For weeks, he’d fantasized about her touch. Now that it was reality, he could barely endure the pleasure.

Drawing her fingertips over the short dark hairs that arrowed beneath his pants’ waistband to his groin, she purred. “Nice.”

It was far more than that, a word that didn’t exist in her dimension or his. Each stroke of her fingers sent a storm of sensation racing through Nikoli. His scalp tingled, and his legs went watery. Gulping air, he locked his knees to remain standing, then bit back a groan as Regina pressed her face against his flat belly.

“How about this?” she asked. “Is it what you imagined all the times you watched? Having me at your feet, yielding to whatever you wanted? Taking me anyway you desired, anywhere you chose? For as long as you pleased?” Not waiting for his answer, she explored his flesh with her tongue, sweeping it across his navel only to pause on the small depression.

As though she hadn’t expected him to have one.

Drugged by her touch, desperate to keep her at the task, he wanted her to know she had nothing to fear. “Only my palms are different,” he promised, sighing out his words. “There’s no reason to be afraid. We’re all conceived and born the same.”

A small, indistinct sound escaped her. She rested her forehead against his belly. “I was stupid to think otherwise, Nikoli.”

He stroked her hair. “You didn’t know.”

She rubbed her cheek against him. “I want you to understand something—I don’t care how different you are. I’m not afraid.”

As if to prove it, she eased back and took his hand, folding the cuff of his sweater, exposing his wrist.

“Regina, no.”

Willfully, she pressed her mouth to the puncture wounds left from Sazaar’s fangs, her tongue exploring them, her concern only for him, not herself.

Never had a woman honored him like this, driven by emotion not duty. It was too much for Nikoli to comprehend. He knew he should have pulled his hand back, should have simply taken Regina, relieving both of their needs, but he could not. During the time that remained for him, he craved what she’d willingly give.

“Will they ever heal?” she murmured.

Only if he were to live another few months on this side, giving his system a chance to fight all of the poison. Wanting to give her hope they didn’t have, he lied. “Yes.”

She gave his wounds one last, lingering kiss, then finished unbuckling his belt and unzipped his pants. With her fingers beneath the stretchy undergarments known as boxers, she pushed both items to his knees.

Freeing his cock and balls.

He huffed in delight. Regina whimpered, pressing her face to his shaft, licking the dark hair on his groin.

Nikoli’s legs wavered. Fearful of staggering back and putting distance between them, he rested his hand on the top of Regina’s head to steady himself.

Attuned to his needs, she cupped his ass in her palms, her fingers squeezing his cheeks, giving him the support he needed. On a sigh, she said, “My God, you taste good. You smell even better.”

Her words, no more than a husky whisper, touched Nikoli’s soul. For the first time in his existence, he knew what it meant to be truly alive. Not perfect but flawed, with emotions outstripping intellect. A man hungered for and prized by a woman.

Tightening his hand on her scalp, he inhaled sharply, then spoke, his words more a plea than a command. “Lick my cock. Take me in your mouth.” Not out of duty as Sazaar had done, but because Regina wanted to engage in the act as much as he did, unable to help herself.

The throaty sounds she made convinced Nikoli of her unruly desire. They told him her control was at an end.

Slipping her fingers between the seam of his buttocks, she touched his anus, a word unrecognized on his side, her caress unmatched by anything he’d known.

He pushed to his toes, his legs trembling.

Offering no comment on his reaction, continuing to probe the tight ring, Regina took his rigid cock in her other hand, lifting it to expose his testicles. With one slow, continuous lick, she ran her tongue up the length of his balls.

Bursts of heat radiated from Nikoli’s groin to his chest. He raised his chin to the ceiling. A guttural groan poured from his lips.

In response, Regina squeezed his ass. Her tongue continued its journey over his sac, her lips suckling, her mouth taking one of his balls, then the other inside.

How could any man withstand such a thrill? He gritted his teeth and bunched his shoulders. A new noise rumbled from his throat, joyous, incoherent.

She continued her carnal journey, exploring his testicles with a curious mixture of gentleness and passion, making certain not to harm him while also providing stunning pleasure.

He panted at the intense heat and wetness of her mouth.

It didn’t last. With a swiftness that disconcerted him, Regina released his balls, allowing the room’s air, not her lips and tongue, to embrace them.

Why? Had he not reacted as she’d expected? Were the sounds he made too crude or not passionate enough? Was the difference between him and the men on this plane becoming too obvious no matter what he’d said?

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