Unexpected (10 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Unexpected
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Eli took in the new clothes with a discriminating eye. She was now dressed in a skimpy black tank top that left her throat and arms completely bare. She had a dark green vest similar to the one she'd given to Eli pulled on over it. At least that hid her breasts, which ought to help him keep his mind on the task at hand.

Very loose, well-worn fatigue pants were cinched around her waist with the bottoms tucked into a pair of scuffed brown lace-up boots. Her face appeared pale as she shoved ammunition into the vest pockets with practiced ease. Eli felt his heart twist, looking at her.

In that moment, he hated himself. He should have found someone else, should have canceled the damn idea as soon as she'd shown up. Strangely enough, it wasn't just because Ray was female. Another woman might not have affected him so strongly. But he'd connected with her, whether she wanted to admit it or not, whether he was comfortable with it or not.

If things somehow went wrong and she got hurt . . .

Buddy must have read his thoughts, for he roughly shoved Eli's shoulder. In a low voice that didn't carry over the roar of the plane, Buddy told him, “Relax. She knows what she's doing. This assignment is a breeze. Think of it as a vacation, okay?”

“Then why all the damn ammo?” Eli grunted. “She looks like a female Rambo, for Christ's sake.”

Buddy snickered. “Hell, she's much cuter than Rambo any day. And she has a better rack.”

“Buddy,” Eli snarled in warning.

“Down, boy.” Buddy laughed. “The weapons are just a precaution. There are scary critters, both human and animal variety, in Central America. Drug runners, crooked officials, thieves. Odds are you won't have to deal with any of them, but only a fool goes in unprepared.”

“Then there

Buddy rolled his eyes. “Nothing she can't handle. Do you think I'd let her go in if I didn't know she'd come back out with her sweet little backside in one piece? Here.” He reached across Eli to withdraw a small photo wedged behind a control. “There's my girl.”

Eli accepted the photo. It showed Ray in full combat mode, complete with a bandana around her head, a black eye, and an enormous grin. She stood between two trussed-up, truly reprehensible looking characters. “What is this?”

“Ray's job that day was to distract the men while others got inside the compound and retrieved two little-known but valuable Russian diplomats. They weren't very gentlemanly about finding a woman alone and unprotected.”

Eli squeezed his eyes shut, which only made Buddy laugh.

“She went along with it, even let them tie her to a chair with her hands behind her. But when one of the idiots tried feeling her up, she canceled all bets. There'd been just enough time to get the diplomats safely on their way and Ray knew it, so she quit faking Little Miss Innocent and let 'em have it.”

“You said she was tied up.”

“Her hands, yeah. But the fools hadn't figured on her feet. Ray's damn good with her feet. Better than anyone I've seen. She still had her steel-toed boots on, too, and she let the first guy have it right in the balls. Probably emasculated him for good. Ray said any guy who tried to force a woman deserved no better.”

“I agree.”

Buddy shrugged. “Me, too. The other guy hit her—see her eye?”

Eli saw, and wanted to kill someone.

“He got Ray's boot in his chin. She got on her feet while they were both down, broke the chair apart by crashing it into a tree, and once she was free . . . well, Ray can be like the Tasmanian devil. She's all fast motion, damn near a blur. And nimble—that girl can twist in ways that defies explanation.” He winked.

Eli had a hard time restraining himself. Only the fact that Buddy appeared to have some influence over Ray kept the anger and unreasonable jealousy in check. “Why do you let her go? You seem to care about her.”

“Hell, I love her. I thought you already figured that out.”

Eli took the words like a blow on the chin. Every muscle in his body clenched in preparation for a fight. He'd claimed her; she was
—she just didn't know it yet. “You've got a hell of a way of showing it. I don't care how good you both think she is, she's still just a woman.”

“Oh ho! Don't let Ray hear you say that. Her temper is a very nasty thing.” Then he chuckled. “Besides, you misunderstand, Romeo. I love her, but like a sister. She was never my woman. There was a time when I would have changed that but . . . now I have my own wife who I happen to love a lot, and she loves Ray, too. So you can quit bristling.”

Amazingly, Eli did feel some of the tension seep away. “You're happily married?”

“Hard to believe anyone would put up with me, huh?”

Eli smiled. “Maybe. But I was talking about how you interact with Ray. It sure as hell looked like more than friendship.”

“Yeah, a lot more. Hell, more than family even.” He pursed his mouth in contemplation of their relationship, but ended with a shrug. “I guess we have a pretty complicated past.”

How complicated? Eli wondered.

“As far as the other, you need to give Ray more credit. She isn't like ordinary women. Not by a long shot.”

Did Buddy say as much to Ray? If so, maybe that'd help to explain why Ray refused to see herself as a woman with a woman's needs. But despite her skills, she was just that—a woman. An extraordinary woman, but female all the way down to her toes.

Sensing that Buddy might reveal more than Ray ever had, Eli reluctantly settled himself. “I noticed that she has special talents.”

“Naw. You've only seen surface stuff.”

“She got into a barroom fight.”

Buddy nodded. “That's my girl.” He gave Eli a quick, knowing look. “Kicked some ass, didn't she?”

“She is fast.”

“Like greased lightning,” Buddy drawled with pride. “Was she smiling while she fought? Ray always smiles, which can be pretty damn daunting.”

Remembering their skirmish in the bed, Eli heard himself say, “She didn't smile when—” Belatedly, he caught himself.

Buddy, of course, didn't let it go. “Oh ho. You two get into it? Oh, to have been a fly on the wall . . . But hey, if she wasn't grinning like a loon, then she wasn't really mad, and wasn't really out to hurt you. Trust me, you'll know if Ray is ever pissed and out for blood.”

Since he had only pleasure on his mind, Eli shrugged. “Tell me how she's different.”

“Her training, for one thing.”

“I understand she was in the service, but she's never really said which branch.”

Buddy snorted. “I'll just bet she hasn't. She doesn't like going into it much. Now me, I don't mind at all. Maybe that's because I'm more settled now. My life is totally different from then. I have a different job, a wife, and a home that I love. But Ray . . .” He glanced back to make sure Ray wasn't listening before continuing in a lower voice. “She went to work for that damned agency, so she still hasn't separated herself from that time.”

“You were army?”

“We weren't really any particular branch, at least not the way you'd figure it. They used us for specialized missions. Very covert stuff. Hell, most of the brass didn't know we existed, and other soldiers would have only dreamed us in a nightmare. We were . . . like cleanup crews. When things didn't go the way the diplomats wanted them to, we bypassed all chains of command, went in, and set things right.”

“If no one knew about you, then what happened if you got into trouble, or couldn't make it out?”

“You said it yourself. No one would ever know.”

“Jesus.” Eli felt sick—and shaken. What if Ray hadn't made it? What if something awful had happened to her?

“Ray was perfect for the missions. She's so focused, so self-contained, she fit right in.” Buddy's hands tightened. “That wasn't the tough part.”

Eli wanted to tell Buddy to turn the plane around, but he knew Ray wouldn't allow it. This was the closest he'd come to understanding her, so he might as well take advantage of it. “What was the tough part?”

Buddy gave a grimace. “We were trained as teams.”

Eli knew he was missing something. “Isn't that how most military units work?”

“I guess. But usually they keep things platonic. They don't push intimacy.”

He didn't know what to say to that, so Eli just waited.

“They called our unit the ‘Adam and Eve.' They paired up men and women they believed were compatible, based on mumbo jumbo pulled from these long series of in-depth tests. There were six in our unit. We were trained to work hand in hand, to rely on one another. For everything. At the time, before I met my wife, I thought it was almost like being married—except that they dropped us off in volcanic situations and told us to not only survive, but to carry out our orders.”

“You and Ray were . . . ?”

Laughing, Buddy shook his head. “Nope. Ray had already been paired with Kevin for about six months before I was recruited for the program. They were the original Adam and Eve team, the very first. But they worked out so well, other teams were formed until we had three separate units.”

It sounded like something out of a far-fetched spy novel, giving Eli a sinking feeling about it all. He dreaded the answer to his next question, but he asked it all the same. “What happened to Kevin?”

Buddy no longer looked amused. “He was captured in Central America. It was so damn different then. The country was explosive. Leftist guerillas and the army were battling in the street, with innocents getting shot down in the cross fire. Tourists were raped in broad daylight. Right before Kevin was captured, a German businessman was brutally murdered. Six of us went in to retrieve a kidnapped ambassador, but only five of us came out.”

“The government did nothing?”

“To them, we didn't exist. We knew if we were caught, we were on our own. Most of us accepted it. If Ray had been caught, she would have accepted it, too. But this was her partner.”

“And she wouldn't let him go?”

Buddy's throat worked as he swallowed, his gaze faraway, remote. “Ray insisted on going back for him, but our superiors vetoed it. They were having negotiations, or so they claimed, and didn't want to rock the boat.”


Buddy wiped his brow, his eyes now narrowed. He took the photograph of Ray away from Eli and carefully, gently, replaced it. “She went ballistic. I'd never seen her like that before. Ray was always calm and methodical, but suddenly, no one could console her or calm her down. She resigned her position, said to hell with the military, and made plans to go get him.”

Eli couldn't ask. His chest ached just thinking of how difficult it must have been for her, a lone woman in emotional turmoil. He was oblivious to everything else at that moment. He didn't see the clouds floating by, didn't hear the gentle roar of the engine, didn't notice the way Buddy watched him.

Needing the visual contact with her, he turned in his seat to soak up the sight of Ray. Sitting on the floor, she had her knees drawn up, her head resting on her folded arms. Her face was turned away from him. To the casual observer, she appeared to be relaxing, but Eli already knew her better than that. From the first, he'd seen so much when he looked at Ray.

Where her hands clasped, her knuckles were white. Muscles in her shoulders were pronounced, showing her tension. More than anything, Eli wanted to go to her, to hold her. He wanted to somehow offer comfort for what had happened so long ago.

But he didn't. He understood how Ray would react to a gesture of sympathy. She'd probably squeeze his larynx again. That thought made him smile gently. If Buddy hadn't been there, a witness to her weakness, he would have gone to her anyway and said to hell with it. But her pride was important to her, and that made it important to him.

“How can she bear to go back?”

Buddy rolled his shoulders. “She remembers how helpless she felt when she tried to get funding or aid for her own rescue attempt. She came to me as a last resort, but only to fly her over. She wouldn't let me go in with her. Hell, like I said, I was in love with her then. I'd have done anything she asked.”

“Including waiting behind?”

“She'd have found another way—without me—if I hadn't agreed.” He glanced at Eli. “So I snuck in behind her, just to keep an eye out. I'd already decided to kill them all if they hurt her.”

Hating to ask it, but unable not to, Eli said, “And did they?”

Buddy snorted. “It wasn't pretty, what she found that day in the guerilla camp. Those bastards didn't stand a chance. Ray damn near took the whole place apart. Before she left, there wasn't a cell standing, a jeep unturned.” He laughed. “Rambo looked like a pussy in comparison to Ray that day. She didn't need me, that's for damn sure. She razed the place—and still that didn't seem like enough for her. The rescue was successful, but she blamed herself for not getting there quicker.”

A lump the size of a watermelon lodged in Eli's throat. “What happened to her partner?”

Quietly, Buddy said, “For about six months, Kevin was hospitalized. Ray paid all his bills, visited him daily, took care of him. But once he'd recovered, he couldn't bear any connection to what he'd once been, to what had happened to him.”

“And Ray was a part of that.”

“Yeah. He saw her only one more time, to thank her and say good-bye.”

Eli closed his eyes and swallowed hard. “She must have been crushed. After all she'd done for him . . .”

“You don't know Ray if you believe that. She was hurt, that's true. She loved Kevin and had done her best for him. But to this day, she thinks she failed, that she somehow didn't do enough for him. That's what bothered her then, what bothers her still, even now.” He drew a slow breath. “Especially when she goes back.”

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