Unmaking Hunter Kennedy (20 page)

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Authors: Anne Eliot

Tags: #contempoary romance, #sweet high school romance, #kindle bestselling authors, #social anxiety, #Fiction, #Romance, #Anne Eliot, #recovering from depression, #depression, #Almost by Anne Eliot, #Children's love and romance, #teens, #teen romances, #Ann Elliott, #suitable for younger teens, #amazon best sellers, #Love Stories, #best teen love stories, #teen literature for girls, #first love, #General, #amazon top rated teen romances

BOOK: Unmaking Hunter Kennedy
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“Yeah.” Dustin swallowed. He hated hearing the truth about himself. He realized then how much his presence here really did—and could—affect them all.

“Thanks for the honesty.” He sighed. “I will do my best to not treat the Roth family involvement in my crap-ass life lightly,” he said quietly, meeting Charlie’s gaze. “And you’re right, I’ve got a load of bullshit bigger than you can imagine. I won’t dump any of it here permanently. I promise.” He couldn’t help but be humbled by what they’d all already done for him.


He pictured Vere cringing in front of a press mob. Then Aunt Nan with her slow moving gait, trying to get away from a crowd, and he shuddered. Suddenly, his disguise,
really mattered. And not for him. But for them.

“I’ll help Vere. Any way I can. Tell me what you need as it comes up. I could ask her directly what she thinks she needs? That might be easiest.”

Charlie grimaced, then laughed. “It will be ugly. But yeah direct is best. Ask her about something called ‘the incident’. She’s going to flip, though. Be afraid.”

He shrugged. “I’ve got nothing to lose, and according to you she’s got everything to gain. I’m happy to help. I feel like I owe her a bunch already. Hell, I owe your whole family for helping me, especially Vere. So...thanks for even dealing with me at all.”

Charlie nodded solemnly. “Cool. Good. I’m glad you understand.” Charlie let out a long breath of air. “Let’s stop talking about this. I’m not going to hug you, dude, so don’t ask. And don’t you dare try to man-hug me, either. You’re too damn ugly to even touch in that outfit.”

“Whatever.” Dustin chuckled. The guy was funny.

Charlie grinned and shoved at Dustin’s shoulder.

Charlie laughed when Dustin shoved back.

“You know once school is open, our friendship fades to nights and weekends. And only when zero witnesses are present. I will have to brutalize you in public on Tuesday, and every day after that to make this believable,

“Nice.” Dustin smiled. “Let’s hope this costume works.”

no one
is going to know that it’s you. I promise. And...don’t worry, I won’t let anyone bully you too much.”

“Why thank you for your protection Mr. Jock Popular, but I think I can take care of myself. I do look forward to your future ridicule, though.”

Dustin hopped back up the steps and walked the length of the porch. “Check the new walk. The slouching was killing my back, so we came up with a way to highlight my height to the worst effect.”

He swaggered, but with his body rigid and straight, keeping his head high, a little too high, as if he were a robot on some red carpet. “I still have to work on it.”

Charlie busted out laughing. “Oh, no. No, you don’t. It’s perfect. You are one wound-tight weirdo. Once you get that retainer in,” Charlie sputtered with more laughter, “you won’t even recognize yourself!”

“I already don’t. It’s kind of fun being someone else.” He returned his laugh and took a deep breath.

Vere rushed back onto the porch, hauling four, dripping water bottles. The bottom edge of her oversized, shapeless, grey t-shirt was soaked, as were half of her shorts from the swimsuit she still wore.

“Sorry it took so long. Dad had to pull these out of the storage area. I stopped to wash them and fill them to the top with ice. Dustin, this is going to be the best water you’ve ever tasted. Just you wait.
The best!
It’s from the well out back!”

Her cheeks were flushed. And she seemed to radiate pure light. Adding to the effect were small wisps of light-blonde curls, rioting like a sunburst around her face.

His chest tightened at the sight of her. Dustin blinked, struck dumb. Something had changed with her, and inside of him. He felt light headed and hollow. Like he’d been pumped full of helium. Similar to the thing he’d felt yesterday.

He also felt better. Way better. Like he’d finally landed on two feet in this upsidedown, sideways and backwards universe. Maybe it was because he was now calling himself
inside his own head, and it felt perfect. It also was cool that everyone else was calling him

Or, maybe the feeling had more to do with the smiling girl standing in front of him. A girl who found, peaches—and baby ducks—and now plain water—to be
the best things in the whole world

Damn! Had she been this beautiful a few minutes ago?

Maybe he felt this great because Vere obviously believed her new bestie,
would agree with her excitement about how everything ordinary was actually extraordinary.

Was that why he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her glowing profile? Her smile? Or was it because he was happy the
thing between them seemed to be working out.

Just friends...just friends...but damn...

I’m feeling way more than the just friends feeling.

Maybe he should call Barry at Falconer to find out what in the hell was going on in his head right now. Barry would gush straight away, “Oh! You’re having a
. Finally, a real

But what feeling is this? Hell...not something I want to talk about with Barry, that’s for sure.

He glanced at Vere again, and his heart froze, starting back up double time. She’d turned her smile on him and his heart almost stopped beating.

Shit. Am I getting a crush on this girl? Is that what this is?

He shook it off as impossible. He figured friendship with a girl must feel close to a crush. Since he'd never had a girl that was only a
, he must be simply confused.

The heart beating thing was gratitude to Vere.

He owed this girl for the first taste of raw happiness he’d felt in years. His feelings, getting all sappy like this, must be his friendship shooting back at her. They would lose intensity once he got used to her—this place—and his new self.

Charlie was watching him closely.

Could the guy tell everything he’d just said about Vere—
being his type
—had possibly morphed into a complete lie? That he had a brand new type? That all he wanted to do was kiss Vere Roth’s cute upper lip right now?

Dustin shook his head to clear it.

He might be the newly born, Dustin McHugh, but thankfully, he still had Hunter Kennedy’s press-mode-mask working for him. He couldn't forget he owned Hunter Kennedy’s twisted and jaded heart under this damn plaid shirt.

It didn’t matter what he was feeling about Vere Roth.

This girl liked someone else. He’d promised to be her friend.

And that was all his heart and his mind had room to hold.

Plus, she was way too innocent for a guy like him.

She moved closer to him then. He could smell sunscreen mixed with lavender-sage coming off her warm skin. He felt extreme guilt for even thinking about her at all. Like he needed to go straight to a church and beg forgiveness. And right now.

She peered at his face. “Dustin, you’re looking really flushed. You’re going to die from heat and we haven’t even started hiking yet. And I mean

“Everyone dies, Vere,” he evaded, crossing his arms in case he suddenly went nuts and tried to touch her.

She moved closer. “Come on. You know what I’m talking about. Take off that long-sleeved shirt. Please, or I’m going to take it off for you.”

She did not just say that. Shit. And double shit.

He went on the defensive. “Don’t even come near me, you crazy pixie. Worry about your own shirt, if that’s what you call that giant, soggy nightgown
planning to hike in.”

“Hey. This is my dad’s old college shirt, and it’s awesome.”

“Your words, not mine.”

Charlie laughed, heading off the porch steps. “He tagged it, Vere. You’ve got to stop wearing all of Dad’s Goodwill pile.”

Vere’s gaze had never left his face.

“I know you’re trying to change the subject, Dustin. Hand over the shirt. It’s a matter of personal safety. Honestly. Don’t be so stubborn.”

He pushed away from her, grabbed his pack and headed down the trail, following Charlie. “The shirt stays on. Bury me in it. Is she always this bossy?” he asked Charlie.

“You have no idea,” Charlie answered.

Dustin's mind had gone wild with images of Vere’s delicate fingers working on his shirt buttons. Blood surged in every area it shouldn’t. Luckily, the heavy canvas of his shorts, and the fact they were walking single file, hid all of that.

But how am I going to hide the fact that I think I've truly got a crush on this girl?

Behind your dark glasses, dumbass. She’ll never know.

How hard could it be? You’ll be gone in a few weeks.

Live with the feeling. It’s cool, and it makes you feel alive.

He put a hand over his racing heart.

Does it? Because I kind of feel like I also might be suddenly dying right now.

“Wait up!” Vere called after him. “Your legs are too long. If we walk this fast we can’t talk or search for cool rocks.”

He slowed his pace even though he wanted to run as fast as possible in the other direction.

When she caught up, half-gasping, he’d recovered his control. “Promise to not bust on my shirt?”

She rolled her eyes, and softly punched him in the shoulder. “Promise. But let the record show, you’re being stupid.”

He grimaced. “You’re still indirectly, busting on my shirt.”

“Fine!” She fell into step beside him. “What should we talk about, then?”

Hunter stared down at her and sighed. “According to Charlie, sometime today, we should talk about a kid called
Curtis Wishford
? Charlie thinks I can help you with him.”

She flushed so immediately red, he felt kind of bad for bringing it up.

“What? What?!” she gasped out, her eyes going wild. “Charlie—
oh my God
—I’m going to kill you!” she hollered ahead.

Charlie disappeared around a bend in the trail, and Vere tossed Dustin another wild glance.

“What did he say about me and Curtis? What lies did Charlie spew!!”

Dustin shrugged. “Tons. But not enough.”

Concentrating on his footing as the pathway became steadily steeper, he watched the dust settle into his hiking shoes. It made them not look so new. Like this wasn’t his first time out in the woods.

She startled him when she cupped her hands to make a small megaphone. “Charlie...you suck!

There was no answer from Charlie. He waved as he hit one switchback above them.

“Come on. How tough could it be to talk about this Curtis with your new
?” he cajoled.

Vere made a strangled cough-choke sound, and her face flamed even brighter. “No! No! It’s not the appropriate time or place. We’re hiking.” She stopped walking then, blocking his path.

“Ehem. We aren’t hiking now. Did you notice that?”

“Why do you have to use that voice on me?” She crossed her arms and blinked at him accusingly.

“I wasn’t using any voice. You’re going to have to get used to it, I guess. It comes with me everywhere I go.”

He smiled and took off his glasses to wipe the sweat off the bridge of his nose, and cleaned the moisture off the lenses with his shirt. He paused, catching her gaze.

When she didn’t move, he leaned closer, scanning her face for some response. She appeared to be trying hard to breathe. He remained still and acted as though her behavior seemed completely normal. He totally got how it sucked when you were simply trying to breathe and people refused to wait for it to happen.

Is this what Charlie had meant about Vere having anxiety?

Could I have set this off with a couple of simple questions?

“Vere?” he asked softy.

Her eyes widened all huge and round, just like the deer that had been caught in their car headlights last night. The girl was miles from him at this moment and showed no signs of coming back.

Charlie wasn’t kidding.

This had to be brutal if it happened to her in public, and it sure as hell would scare off any guys.

Guys who were possible jerks, that is.

Vere made the same strangled sound and blinked as though it were starting all over again. Her face hit licorice-red and her bun had slipped far to one side.

Unlike all the other times, Vere’s hands remained uncharacteristically motionless by her sides while her expressions ranged from doubtful, to trusting, to completely freaked out.

Damn. But she’s so adorable like this.

Girl kills my heart.

Dustin’s throat went dry. He had the sudden urge to hug her...fix the bun for her. Anything to help her out of this. But he wasn’t allowed. And after yesterday’s hand-holding moment—plus today’s secret-crush admission—he no longer trusted himself to go near her.

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