Unraveled - A Short Story Collective (6 page)

BOOK: Unraveled - A Short Story Collective
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“Ideally?” he asked and she nodded. “To love, and to be loved, without games and without drama,” he replied softly never taking his eyes from her.

Damn, what a perfect answer
, she thought to herself sharing the sentiments he’d just expressed. Why couldn’t it be that easy? Why did everything always have to be struggle? She questioned as her mind answered for her. It doesn’t, you’re going to make it that way though, she thought, Lathan immediately coming to mind
. Let him go Chriss, and give this man a chance
, her mind charged once more.

“I’d like to be with you Chrissalyn,” Devon told her after she didn’t respond to his earlier statement.  “In a relationship,” he added quickly, not wanting her to think he was just looking to bed her.

Chrissalyn smiled slightly, still not sure what she wanted to say.
Take the chance Chriss, stop letting Lathan keep you on lockdown
, her mind told her once more. She sighed gently and reached out to stroke his face.

“OK, let’s see what happens,” she told him quietly.

His smile illuminated the entire car. It warmed her heart that she had the ability to affect someone so positively. Devon took the opportunity to kiss her softly, then more insistently after she didn’t protest.

“It’s gonna be good Chriss,” he told her still looking into her eyes.

She smiled again and they embraced holding each other tightly. Chrissalyn took a deep breath getting out of the car and making a silent pledge to honestly give the relationship a chance and to let any feelings she had for Lathan go, permanently. A few moments later they were laughing and enjoying their cones, making plans for next week.


“Woo, that’s my song!” Kina said as they music began and the crowd started bumping to the beat.

he and Alisha were having a great night, enjoying free drinks and plenty of male attention as they partied. Oasis was almost at capacity. Tonight was DJ Steele’s birthday party and everyone was in attendance. They’d spotted a couple of local celebrities before they disappeared into the VIP section. The club was huge with an expansive bar and knowledgeable bartenders. The drinks were stronger than most, but diluted more than Alisha would have liked. Still, she was beginning to feel her high and that was all that mattered.

“Come on girl, let’s dance,” the guy told Kina as she sat swaying in her seat. She immediately smiled and accepted his proposal, heading out onto the floor with him.

Alisha watched as her friend worked the guy over, gyrating against his groin and dropping it to the floor, definitely arousing him. Alisha chuckled knowing she was only teasing the man, Kina was picky as hell about her men and he didn’t fit the bill. She liked them tall and damned near transparent. This guy had the height, but he was midnight.

She was so engrossed watching Kina, she never saw Sammy approach the table. He eased the chair out and sat down beside her. “Wassup baby?” he asked softly in her ear as his hand slid up her thigh. Alisha jumped slightly startled by his presence.

“Hey Sammy,” she replied pushing his hand away.

He chuckled and moved even closer to her. “Mm, you smell good as hell,” he told her once again placing his hand on her thigh and boldly sliding it under her dress. Alisha felt her body begin to respond and knew she needed to stop him. “Why you still tryna act Alisha?” he asked again, kissing her neck softly.

As if on cue, the music slowed and the lights dimmed. The guy Kina was dancing with managed to talk her into having the next dance with him, pulling her close and caressing her as they danced.

“Stop Sammy,” Alisha told him, her resolve becoming weaker the more he touched her.

Lathan will kill you. Stop it
, her mind told her as Sammy continued to kiss her neck. He took the extraordinary step of sliding his hand further up her dress finding her thong and rubbing her through it. Alisha moaned involuntarily and Sammy smiled to himself knowing he was affecting her.

“Come on, let’s go,” he told her as he rubbed even more vigorously.

Alisha sighed and told him again to stop. “You want it, stop playin’,” he replied as he pushed her legs open wider and made contact. She was wet and he knew hotter than hell right now. “If you don’t move, I’ma take it right here,” he warned and Alisha knew he would. Sammy had absolutely no inhibitions.

“OK,” she whispered quietly and he helped her from the chair.

Kina saw them leaving and knew what was going to happen. She turned away and returned the kiss from her dance partner as his hands slid down her butt and his tongue entered her mouth.

Alisha and Sammy went into one of the darkened back rooms of the club and he immediately pulled her to him, kissing her deeply as he lifted the mini dress and removed her thong. Alisha was on fire with the things he was doing, bringing her almost to orgasm. She undid his pants and freed his erection. Sammy stepped back and pulled her down to her knees.

She willingly took him into her mouth and began sucking him gently. He sighed deeply.
Alisha always did give good head
, he thought to himself as he gently moved in rhythm with her. She let him go long enough to take each of his balls into her mouth, sucking them gently, before returning to his member and bringing him new pleasure.
Mm, shit
, Sammy thought feeling himself nearing the end.

Alisha wasn’t worried about him coming and leaving her wanting. Sammy always had at least three orgasms before he went limp. She felt him thrusting faster and knew he was about to come. “Aww yeah, yeah,” he groaned as Alisha felt the warmth in her mouth. She swallowed as he continued to come.

Sammy finally pushed her away and pulled her to her feet. He removed the condom from his pocket and she looked at him hard. “You still fucking with old boy,” he said plainly and she could only sigh. Alisha loved the feel of Sammy inside her, but she understood. She was already playing Russian roulette with Lathan, not being on the pill and them going raw sometimes.

Sammy made her quickly forget any of that when he began rubbing her breasts and fingering her once again. Alisha removed the condom and deftly placed it on Sammy as he leaned her over the counter and entered her, thrusting deeply and forcefully inside her. Alisha loved it. The first wave of the orgasm hit her and she cried out. Sammy smiled knowing he was even closer to breaking up her relationship. After he came, they gathered themselves for a moment before he was inside her again, this time enjoying the pleasure she brought him from anal sex.

“Its time for you to stop fucking around,” Sammy told her the irritation obvious in his voice.

Alisha simply sighed softly and told him she’d enjoyed tonight, but she was in love with Lathan.

“Yeah, right,” Sammy returned and kissed her deeply as he fingered her again, arousing her once more to drenching wetness. “That’s bullshit and you know it,” he told her as he left her standing there, aroused and frustrated.




You knew it wouldn’t last
, Chrissalyn thought to herself once again having to deal with Alisha’s attitude. It’d been a month since she and Devon started dating and today they were celebrating their anniversary. She chuckled again looking at the sunshine bouquet he’d sent her. He was arriving in town today from the business trip he’d been sent on a week ago and they were going to dinner. Chrissalyn was completely at a loss at to what she’d supposedly done this time to garner the unwanted attention.
You would think she would be okay now, seeing as how I barely even talk to Lathan anymore
, she thought sighing deeply.

“What you so deep in thought about?” Jackie queried as she walked by. Chrissalyn caught herself and told her nothing. “Nice flowers,” she said again giving the woman a sly look. “Devon has good taste,” she added calmly. Chrissalyn blushed slightly. She hadn’t told anyone they were dating, but she knew sooner or later it would get through the work grapevine. “Girl, Devon is fine, and he’s a nice guy, so I think you made a good choice,” Jackie told her laughing at her discomfort. “Oh, did you hear bout miss thang?” she asked nodding toward Alisha and Kina’s space, Chrissalyn told her no.

“Seems someone filed a complaint about how she talked to a couple of the clients that called in, and she got wrote up,” Jackie told Chrissalyn as a light went on in her head.
Of course
, she thought as Jackie left and returned to her own desk,
she thinks I’m the one who told on her
. She sighed deeply knowing that once again she was going to be the culprit in something she was otherwise completely innocent about.

“Can I ever catch a break?” she mumbled aloud.

“What’s wrong Chriss?” Lathan asked.

She hadn’t seen him walk up and his presence startled her. “Nothing, just griping again,” she returned not wanting to get into a conversation about Alisha.

“Those are nice,” he told her nodding toward the flowers. “Devon send them?” he questioned and she told him yes. Lathan grunted noncommittal before speaking again. “Can we go to lunch today?” he asked calmly never taking his eyes from her.

Chrissalyn was surprised. Normally, they didn’t do anything to draw attention to their friendship or cause drama for him with Alisha. Where was he going with this
, she wondered as she answered him.

“Yeah, that would be okay I guess,” she replied and he smiled telling her they would leave at one.

What’s on his mind, Chrissalyn wondered for a few moments before returning to her work. The email came shortly afterwards. ‘You need to stop being a snitch and mind your own business’ it read. It’d come from Kina’s email, but she was pretty sure Alisha was the sender. Chrissalyn immediately deleted the message and turned up her headphones.


Lathan was watching Chrissalyn closely as they enjoyed lunch. He’d been careful to bring her here to Harrigan’s far away from the job and anyone who might disturb them. It was a combination sports bar and grill with excellent food which Lathan enjoyed each time he came, today being no exception.

“Can I ask you something?” Lathan began and Chrissalyn looked up.

“Sure, you know that,” she replied amiably.

He sighed lightly.
Okay. Here we go
, he thought as he spoke. “Why are you with Devon? I mean on the real?” he asked and Chrissalyn gave him a perplexed look.

“Why would you ask me that?” she threw back, this time she was the one watching him closely.

“Because I’m curious obviously,” he replied evasively.

She didn’t answer right away and he thought she might not, when she finally spoke. “I actually like Devon, and he makes me happy

“Are you in love with him?” Lathan asked plainly, scared to death of the answer.

“No, I don’t know him well enough yet to say that,” Chrissalyn replied calmly.

Lathan seemed to think about her answer for a moment, when she spoke again.

“Are you in love with Alisha?” she threw at him and he immediately frowned.

“No, but you already knew that,” he replied becoming defensive.

It was what he did whenever she brought up his significant other, Chrissalyn noticed and she wanted to know why.

“So why are you with her, I mean really,” she asked throwing his own question back in his lap.

Lathan was getting angry. This wasn’t the way the conversation was supposed to be going. He took a deep breath and looked at her again. “I want to talk about you and Devon,” he told her, his tone suggesting any other subject was off limits.

Chrissalyn sighed deeply. “Why?”

“Because your happiness is important to me Chriss,” Lathan said softly.

She weighed that for a moment before addressing him again.

“Have I given you the impression I’m unhappy Lathan?” she asked and he told her she hadn’t. “Is there something you want or need to tell me about Devon?” she tried again having no idea what the point of the conversation was. Again his answer was no. “Well, okay,” she told him and returned to her baked potato.

“Thanks for lunch Lathan, it was wonderful,” Chrissalyn told him as they returned to the office.

“Anything for you, Chriss,” he replied softly and hurriedly walked away into his office before she could answer.

Chrissalyn didn’t want to think about the implications of the things he’d asked. She’d closed that door and wasn’t trying to set herself up for that kind of hurt again. She returned to her desk finding her messages and returning to work, locking away once again all that was Lathan.


"Where were you?" Alisha questioned as she stood inside Lathan's office. "I looked for you to have lunch and you were no where to be found".

Lathan sighed deeply and looked at her hard for a long time before answering. "I was at lunch obviously," he replied sarcastically.

Alisha could tell he was in one of his moods, but she couldn't figure out why. They hadn't fought lately and she'd gone out of her way not to say anything negative in his presence about Chrissalyn. "Lathan, why are you being so mean?" she asked quietly. "I only wanted to eat with you, that's all

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