Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (13 page)

Read Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) Online

Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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Laughing, Lincoln rubs his chin and looks directly at me. When he raises his eyebrows at me, I know I’m going to be part of Lincoln’s dare. He never takes his eyes off of me when he addresses Camryn, “I dare you to make out with Jamieson. I don’t mean a peck, or a kiss on the cheek, I mean a full-on kiss.”

I never break eye contact with Lincoln, he knows I am going to beat the shit out of him when this is done. I can’t believe he put us on the spot like this in front of everyone. Everyone teases us that we like each other, but we’re just best friends. I have Cami’s back and she has mine. I get up and stand in the middle of the circle. Our friends were hooting, and chanting, ‘kiss him, kiss him’. Christian shushes the group, “Hey, keep it down, you’re gonna make our parents come out.”

Camryn got up and came to stand with me in the middle. I took her hand, feeling her shaking. “Breathe, Tink. It’s just me.” I try to calm her down. I don’t know if she ever kissed a boy before. Not that I have kissed a ton of girls either, but I don’t want her to be embarrassed. Camryn squeezed my hand letting me know she’s listening to me. I placed my finger under her chin, gently guiding her to look me in the eyes. “I’m nervous too, but we’ll do this together, alright.”

Camryn nodded her head and continued eyeing me. I was gonna have to talk her through this, so I placed my hands on the sides of her face. I leaned in and whispered, “I’m gonna kiss you. Just follow my lead and do what I do, okay.” She nodded her head again. It’s as if she couldn’t find the words to speak. Camryn closed her eyes, then I kissed her lips softly, once, twice, three times. I gently bit her bottom lip, then licked it slowly trying to soothe the sting. I kissed her lips again, this time moving my tongue across her lower lip. When she opened her mouth granting me access, my tongue moved slowly against hers. I tasted the grape soda that she was drinking just a little bit ago. Camryn moved her tongue against mine and mimicked my moves. She pulled away, kissing me tenderly. When she opened her eyes, I whispered against her lips, “Happy Birthday, Tink.”

She cleared her throat, and whispered, “Thank you,” so only I could hear.

When we both looked around after our kiss, everyone was staring at us. I walked back to my spot and sat down. Cami grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin. The bottle landed on me. Smiling at me, “Jamie, truth or dare?”

“I’ll take the dare,” I say smugly. Camryn laughed, “I dare you to do a cannon ball in the pool.”

I had this, “You got yourself a deal. I’ll even up your dare.” I jumped up, started running toward the pool while stripping out of my bathing suit, then I cannon balled naked into the pool. Everyone in the pool started screaming. Most of them jumped out of the pool. I was naked, I couldn’t get out of the pool, so I started swimming around talking to the few who stayed.

Camryn walked over to the edge of the pool, holding my bathing suit in her hand. “I think you might need these. There is already one moon out tonight, we surely don’t need to see yours. Plus, your butt is Casper white, cover it up.”

Laughing, I jumped out of the pool and snatched my swim trunks from her. She just stood there wide-eyed. I quickly put them on, then I looked at her “Pick your chin up, Cami, you’re gonna catch a few mosquitos. Tonight has been a night of firsts for you. You got your first kiss, and you saw your first naked boy. I’m glad both of those included me.” I leaned in and kissed her on her cheek and jogged off toward the house.


I know Camryn isn’t a virgin, but I do not need a visual of her being with another guy. When I have the towel wrapped securely around my waist, I pull the shower curtain back. Camryn pulls the hairband from her ponytail and fluffs her hair. She is killing me.

I ache to touch her. I need her like the air I breathe. I’m a selfish bastard. I want to own her, claim her as mine. I know she is my best friend, but I want so much more from her.

I step out of the shower, grab my clothes and leave the bathroom. Camryn shuts the door behind me and I hear the water start to run again. I throw on my shorts then stick my head in Christian’s room. Noticing he is sound asleep, I shut the door connecting the two rooms, hoping to talk to Cami tonight about how I feel.

I grab the remote control for the television and put on ESPN to catch the highlights from today’s football games and hop in bed. I prop the pillow behind me, so I’m sitting up. I hear the water shut off, but Cami doesn’t come out right away. I hear the blow dryer, so she must be drying her hair. When she finishes, she comes out in a pair of tiny pajama shorts and a tank top. It’s obvious she doesn’t have a bra on, as her nipples perk up when her warm body hits the AC temp of the room.

I pull the covers back, patting the bed next to me. Camryn stops dead in her tracks and stares at me. She doesn’t move, she just keeps looking between the bed and me. I give her a look as if saying ‘come on’. Seeing my facial expression, Cami rolls her eyes. “Don’t be weird, Camryn. We have slept together a thousand times before. This isn’t any different.”

Cami points at me. My eyebrows raise immediately silently asking, “What?”

“You’re naked in my bed. I am not getting in bed with you naked.”

A deep laugh escapes me. “I am not naked, Cami. I have shorts on. I’m not sleeping with a shirt on. Get your sweet little ass over here. You’ve seen me without a shirt before.”

Cami looks nervous, but she climbs in bed next to me. She grabs her two pillows and positions them behind her, so she can lean against them. Once she’s settled, she turns to look at me. “Things are different, Jamie. For one, we kissed. Two, things seem like they are changing between us. Last week, when we danced together, it felt different. My body felt things that it has never felt before. The way the two of us have been flirting, it’s different than it was before. I feel like there is meaning behind it. Hidden meanings.”

I try to talk, but she presses her finger against my lips, essentially cutting me off. “Let me finish. You can talk when I’m done. If I don’t say this now, I don’t know when I will get the nerve to say it again. Jamie, we’ve shared a few kisses since I’ve been back. I don’t know what this means, or where it is going, but I don’t want our friendship ruined over this. You are my very best friend. I cannot imagine my life without you in it.”

She keeps twirling her hair around her finger, a thing she does when she is nervous. I pull her toward me, wrapping my arms around her. She lays her head against my chest and I start drawing circles on her back with my finger. “Cami, I don’t know what is going on between us, but something definitely is. I want to see where this can go. I’m willing to go as slow as you need to go, but I don’t want you to push me away, or run from me. Is that clear?”

I pull my head back so I can see her. I place my finger under her chin and raise her gorgeous face up so she looks at me. “Do you understand me? No running, Cami. Last night you left the show after three songs. I saw fear in your eyes when I sang
What About Me.
If I’m guessing right, you freaked out when you really listened to the words. I saw it written all over your face, you were never good at hiding your feelings from me. Now you know the meaning behind it. I have to say, I’m a little surprised it took you this long to figure it out.” I place a soft kiss on her head and take a deep breath. “You and I know each other’s quirks, we know how each other ticks. We can make this work, Cami.”

Camryn pulls back so she can look at me. She leans up, placing a soft kiss on my lips. My girl took the initiative to kiss
. “Last night scared me. When I heard you sing that first song it hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t bring myself to look away from you while you sang it to me. I’ve heard you sing that song a hundred times, I never realized it was about us . . . not until last night.”

Camryn’s hands make their way to my face. I never break eye contact with her. Her facial expression has now changed to serious. “I’m willing to give us a try, to see where this goes. Let’s take it slow and see what happens, just promise me that if we don’t work out as a couple, our friendship won’t be affected. If you can’t promise me that, then I can’t give this a try.”

I pull her closer to me and kiss her like I’ve never done before. It is laced with such need and hunger. I have been wanting to kiss her like this for years. Since the moment I realized that I wanted more of Camryn. I wanted her to be mine. Our tongues are entwined. I pull back and look at Cami. She looks at me with hooded eyes, biting her bottom lip. Growling at her, “Stop doing that, it drives me crazy.”

I bite her bottom lip softly and run my tongue along it, then bite it again.

“Nothing will ruin what we have,” I whisper against her lips.

Camryn whimpers, and climbs on top of me. She straddles me and the minimal amount of clothing we both have on is unnerving. I can feel her heat against me as she moves against me. It doesn’t take long for me to get hard. I know in my heart that we are not sleeping together tonight. Her brother is in the next room, so we sure as hell aren’t making love tonight.

I need to slow this down, so I place my hands on her hips to stop her from grinding on my aroused dick. “Trust me when I say that I want you, but we need to take this even slower. For one, your brother is in the room next door. We can’t do this here. And two, when we do make love, when I make you mine, when I claim you, when I mark you, you will be screaming my name each time I make you come and I don’t want an audience.”

Camryn’s beautiful hazel eyes are huge from what I just said. I see her swallow, but she doesn’t say anything. She simply nods her head and climbs off of me and sighs as she puts her head back on my chest. She knows I am not rejecting her, this is just not the time or place for this to happen. After a few minutes she finally speaks, “I’m sorry. We said we’ll take it slow, so slow it is. I have a question though. Can I sleep like this, here on your chest, in your arms?”

I pull her tightly against my body, and kiss her goodnight. “Don’t apologize, Cami. We’ll get there, sweetheart. Trust me, I’m not going anywhere. If I had it my way, you would fall asleep in my arms every night.” With Camryn’s head on my chest, I lean down, placing another soft kiss on her head.

Camryn pulls back looking me in the eyes. “I like the sound of that,” she murmurs. Preparing for being wrapped in my arms tonight, she begins to soothingly run her finger lightly over the tattoo on my chest, following the tribal design with her fingertips. We lie there in each other’s arms as we drift to sleep. This night could not have ended more perfectly.


my alarm clock stirs me from sleep. I hear a groan next to me, then an arm reaches around my waist and pulls me closer. I feel light kisses on the back of my neck. My body is instantly wide awake, feeling Jamie’s muscular chest pressed against my back. Slowly his right hand slips under the hem of my tank top, skimming my navel. Instinctively, my body arches toward him. His hand explores my bare skin. I moan softly as he continues to caress my body. The mere touch of his hand sends a shiver through me. My body is on fire . . . aching to be touched.

It’s been a long time since I have been intimate with anyone. So long that I can’t even remember when it was. I think I’ve had more orgasms, thanks to my trusty vibrator, than I have had at the hands of a man. To be honest, I haven’t had many sexual partners, I’ve only been intimate with two guys.

Jamie nips my right earlobe, bringing me out of my daydream. He bites it again, then sucks it into his mouth to soothe the pain that he just inflicted. My voice is barely above a whisper, “Jamie . . . What are you doing?”

He buries his face against my neck, his voice rings with command, “Just relax, nothing is going to happen. I’m just touching you. Enjoying you.”

His breath is warm on my neck. I can feel his heartbeat thudding against my back. The room is so silent, you could hear a pin drop. I’m sure he can hear my heart hammering against my chest. My breath catches, my body stills when he continues nibbling my earlobe, biting it gently. The mere touch of his hand is making me so very wet.

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