Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (15 page)

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Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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I watch Christian’s eyes widen. “Let’s get one thing straight. I don’t have an issue with you dating Camryn. But I don’t ever want to hear the word cock and
sister’s name leave your mouth in the same sentence.”

Jamie laughs and raises his hands in surrender.

While driving back to New York City, I am in the backseat not paying attention to Jamie or my brother while they talk about the studio time Troubled Pasts has scheduled over the next few weeks. Morgan and I are texting back and forth.

Me: You are not going to believe what happened while I was in Boston.

Morgan: Fill me in then, bitch.

Me: Jamie and I kissed. Like really kissed.

Morgan: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did that happen? How was it? Was it everything you imagined it would be? Come on, give me the dirty details. Did you guys do the nasty?

Me: Slow down there, girlfriend. You just shot off 100 questions. I don’t know how it happened. He kissed me in the bar while I was there checking out the band. Then when we got back to the hotel afterwards, one thing led to another, and it happened again.

Morgan: One thing led to another??? What does that mean? Did you sleep with him? I am dying to know how he is in bed!!!! Give me details, bitch!!!!!! NOW!!!!!

Me: LOL ;)

Morgan: Why are you avoiding my questions?

Me: I am not avoiding them, you are just asking them faster than I can respond. NO, we did not sleep together, not in the true sense, at least. Not for my lack of trying. Jamie and I agreed to take things slow to see where things go. He was my first kiss when I was fourteen, but, boy . . . has he changed. The things he does with his tongue and his hands . . . My body quivers just from him kissing and touching me . . . GIRL . . . I can only imagine what it will be like when we do sleep together.

Morgan: Okay, I am fanning myself now. I want to know EVERYTHING when you get home. Don’t forget we need to go look for costumes for the Risqué Halloween Masquerade when you get home. Any ideas on what you are looking for?

Me: Nah, when I see it, I’ll know. But I want it to be something that will make Jamie’s jaw drop. BUT nothing too skanky.

Morgan: Girl, then just stand naked in front of him, that will do the trick. Gotta run, I’m at Redemption tonight going through stock to get this week’s liquor order together. Love ya, girl.

Me: Love ya, too. I’ll text you tomorrow.


solid at the studio for the entire next month. I need to figure out when I can squeeze practice in with the band. Troubled Pasts is scheduled for studio time every day this week. Great, that means I get to see that douche, Chad, more than I want.

I don’t know why they are on the schedule again this week, I was under the impression they got the tracks that they needed in order to approach a few record companies hoping to sign a deal last week.

The more time I spend with Chad, he rubs me the wrong way. I can’t exactly put my finger on why I don’t like him, I just don’t. He is paying for studio time, and every opportunity that arises, he is asking questions about Camryn. For someone who only met her once last year when she did a piece on them, and again by coincidence by sitting next to him on a plane, he acts as if they are long lost friends. Once again he asked Christian for his sister’s number and as Christian said before, “If she wanted you to have it, she would have given it to you. You’re here to work on your record, not inquire about my sister.”

I just sat back and listened to the dude make an ass out of himself. The more he asked Christian about Cami last week, the more pissed off I got. I think Christian is becoming a little annoyed with Chad’s persistence with Camryn. Christian usually lets shit roll off his back, but he is very protective of Camryn. I just sat back and watched the situation unfold before me, knowing that I was the one who would talk to Camryn before she closes her eyes at night, that my voice would be the last she heard before she falls asleep. Camryn and I have always talked on the phone, lately we talk into the wee hours of the morning.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I shift in my seat and pull my phone out. Immediately, I am pleased with who the text is from.

Camryn: Meet me in your office.

Me: What? When?

Camryn: I didn’t stutter. Meet me in your office. Hurry.

Me: I’m on my way.

I stand from my chair, straighten my shoulders and clear my throat. “I’ll be right back. I have to make a phone call in my office.”

Christian looks over from the sound board, “Sure, Troubled Pasts should be here at one o’clock. We’ve got time.”

My footsteps thunder down the hall. With each step, my pulse increases. What is Camryn up to?

When I open my office door, my eyes widen. Camryn is lounged casually against my desk, in a tight grey skirt, a white blouse tucked in and those damn fuck me heels. Her feet are crossed at her ankles and her palms flat against my desk.

“Lock the door,” she says seductively.

I do as I’m told, the click of the lock echoing in the silent office.

She straightens her body, curling her finger, “Come have a seat.”

I walk over, spread Camryn’s leg with mine and stand between them. My arms wrap firmly around her waist, pulling her body against mine. My mouth needs to be on her. I whisper in her hair “To what do I owe the honor of having this mid-afternoon visit?”

She leans in, her lips touch mine lightly. “I missed you. I wanted to see you.”

My lips capture hers, more demanding this time. Searing a path down her neck, I nip her earlobe. It doesn’t take much and my erection is pressing against my zipper. “Do you feel what you are doing to me?” My voice rough and raw with arousal.

Camryn laughs and her hand pushes against my chest, putting distance between us. She withdraws from my arms and shifts her ass off my desk. I reach out to her, “Where do you think you’re going?”

She moves to the right dodging my grasps. She wiggles her finger at me. “Have a seat Mr. Banks.” She motions toward the couch in the corner of my office. I like where this is going.

I make my way over to the couch. Camryn stops me before I sit down. Her shaky hands reach for my belt buckle, unfastening it. She doesn’t waste time and unbuckles my pants. The sound of my zipper echoes through the silent room. The only other sound is my heart pounding against my chest and the hiss that escapes my mouth when her hand wraps around my hard cock.

After a few strokes, I am hard as steel. Withdrawing her hand from my cock she pushes my pants past my ass. “Sit,” she says, pushing her hands against my chest. I do as I’m told.

Never undressing herself except for undoing her hair, letting it fall free around her shoulders, I am not prepared for what Camryn does next. She gets on her knees, wrapping her fist around my cock again. I’m not sure if I hoped she would climb on top of me and straddle me, but I surely didn’t think she would be on her knees in front of me, in my office.

She licks her plush pink lips. Damn those lips, I am not prepared for what she is about to do. The moment her lips wrap around my erection, I just about lose my shit. Slowly her tongue moves around my head, while her hand massages my balls. It’s not gonna take long for me to come. I try to think of anything other than her soft lips wrapped around me. The tingle begins at the base of my spine. My balls tighten to my body. My hips jerk up off the couch when Camryn hums against me. I push against Camryn’s shoulder. “Baby, you gotta slow this train down. It’s been a long time and I’m not going to last,” saying this through gritted teeth, I continue, “I’m gonna come. Stop. Please.”

She doesn’t stop, she does the exact opposite. She sucks harder, her hand begins to work up and down my shaft. “Tink, you’re gonna make me come.”

My dick pops from her mouth, “Not yet, I’m not finished.”

Her tongue slowly traces my head. She nips it lightly with her teeth. I lean my head back against the couch, I close my eyes, savoring this moment. She takes my entire length in her mouth. I hit the back of her throat and there’s no holding back my orgasm. I moan and fist her hair as I move her mouth to the rhythm of my hips. Fucking hell, what she’s doing to my dick is beyond my wildest fantasy. I feel her swallow around my dick as I swear she took me in even deeper and I damn near lose it.

I look down at her, her wide eyes staring back at me. Unspoken words pass between us. She’s giving me permission to come in her mouth. When her tongue swirls my head, I growl. “Fuck, you look beautiful.” My hands grip her hair tighter as her hand works its way over my shaft. She tightens her grip, sucking harder making my hips jerk in wild spasms. I can’t hold it any longer. I see stars. Fucking stars as I come.

And this goddess takes every last drop, even when she’s finished she slowly wraps her tongue around my shaft as she slides that glorious fucking mouth all the way up my dick.

Camryn sits back on her heels. “Mr. Banks, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.”

I can’t even speak, my chest heaves. Once I am able to get my bearings, “Tink, you have no idea how much I enjoyed that.”

She smiles shyly.

“I don’t even want to know where you learned to do that.”

Camryn laughs. “I read a lot of romance novels.”

I raise my brow at her. “What are you saying?”

“Read between the lines, Jamie.”

“Was I your first?”

She nods, avoiding my eyes, she picks at the hem of her skirt. My Tink is embarrassed.

I’ve just fallen even deeper in love with her. “Baby, I love that I was your first.”

I hear my phone vibrating. Camryn picks it up off the floor and hands it to me. “Shit, Troubled Pasts just got here. They have studio time scheduled.” My eyes drop to Camryn who is still sitting on the floor.

“It’s okay, Jamie. You’re at work, so go work. I just wanted to stop by and help you relax for a little bit.”

“Oh, trust me, I’m relaxed. I just wish I didn’t have clients here. I would love to lie you on the couch and return the favor right now. I will be returning the favor. I wish you weren’t staying with Morgan tonight.”

I quickly tuck myself back in my pants and stand, extending my hand to Camryn, helping her up from her knees. My hands circle her hips, pulling her against my chest. I look down at my little Tink, “I missed you and thank you,” I say and place a kiss on her forehead.

She leans on her tiptoes kissing me on the lips. “I missed you more. You can make it up to me another day. Now get out there, I’ll be out in a few. I need to freshen up. I can’t go seeing my brother, looking like I do.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that is a great idea. Your hair is a mess and your lips are swollen.” Smiling I know I’m the reason she has that just fucked look. Just the way I want her to look.

“Then my job here is accomplished, Mr. Banks,” she says as she walks into the adjourning bathroom in my office.

The door to the studio opens and in walks Chad like he owns the place. The band follows in shortly behind him. Christian tells them to get set up and we would be with them in a few minutes.

“I haven’t seen Camryn, how is she?” Chad asks.

“Camryn isn’t your concern.” I say calmly, not letting this douche know he works my last nerve.

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