Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (14 page)

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Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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I can feel his uneven breathing, he is affected by this just as I am. Gently he eases me on my back and his hard body is atop mine. He places a series of slow, shivery kisses on my lips, along my jawline, my neck. Jamie works his way back to my mouth where his lips are warm and sweet on mine. Our eyes lock and our breaths come in unison. My cheeks redden under the heat of his gaze. I bite my lip nervously.

He asks, “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

I shake my head from side to side. Jamie kisses the tip of my nose, then my eyes, and, finally he satisfyingly kisses my lips again. I could stay in bed with him all day and do this. My body is calling for Jamie and I don’t want it to stop here. I know we are taking things slow, but he has me so worked up, my body is screaming. My legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

“I plan on telling you how beautiful you are all the time. You’re mine, Cami. We’re gonna make this work.”

I smile, pulling his face to mine so I can kiss him. “You’re right, I’m yours.”

There is a knock on the door and I hear the jiggle of the doorknob. “Yo, why is this door locked?” Christian shouts before he starts knocking again.

Jamie rolls off of me, “You know, you should have left him home. This would have been a nice trip for just the two of us.” Laughing, I get out of bed and unlock the door. When I pull the door open, Christian is standing there with his arms stretched out with his hands on the top of the doorframe. He has a shit-eating grin on his face. I’m sure my face is flush, and by the look on his face, he knows exactly what we were doing.

“Whatcha doing in here?” he asks. Without answering, I turn and walk over to my bag, gathering my outfit I plan to wear. I have to meet the band at nine o’clock to go over a few things.

Christian walks into the room and flops down into the chair, grabbing the remote control for the television. Neither Jamie nor I answer him. Christian looks at me, then back to Jamie who is lying in bed still with his hands folded behind his head.

“Hold up. Did I interrupt something?” That comment stops me in my tracks.

“Dude, you have the worst timing in the world,” Jamie says as he shakes his head at my brother.

I cannot believe Jamie just said that. It’s not like we plan on keeping our relationship a secret, but it’s not like I was going to broadcast it either. I’m not even sure what we have is a relationship yet. We agreed to see where things go. It’s not like I plan on seeing anyone else, but I need to make sure Jamie and I are on the same page before this goes any further.

Looking directly at Jamie, I say, “Excuse me. Can I talk to you in here for a minute? In private, please.” I point to Jamie, then turn and point to the bathroom. When Jamie gets up out of bed, I damn near die. I can feel the heat on my face immediately.

Christian sees my reaction and busts out laughing. “Damn, I guess I did interrupt something, or do you wake up like that every morning? Can you say timberrrrrrr?”

Jamie adjusts himself, but it’s pointless. “Shut the fuck up,” and throws a pillow at Christian, hitting him in the face.

We walk into the bathroom and I close the door behind us. Jamie pushes me against the door, grabbing my hands, placing them above my head. He swoops down and captures my lips with his as he grinds his erection against me. His lips leave mine and he plants a tantalizing kiss in the hollow of my neck. Immediately, my sex is pulsing. His mouth grazes my earlobe. He lets go of my hands and grabs me under my thighs lifting me against the door. I wrap my legs around his waist as he grinds into me again. I whimper into his neck as I bite down to mask the sounds that escape me.

I can’t disguise my body’s reaction to Jamie. In just the few hours that we have been intimate with each other, he knows what my body wants. We haven’t even had sex yet, I can only imagine what he will do to me when we do.

Remembering that my brother is on the other side of the door, I pull back, placing my hands against Jamie’s shoulders. Once I have his attention, I place my hands on his face and hold it gently. “I need to ask you a few questions, before this goes any further between us.”

His hazel eyes come up to study my face. He is trying to read me before I have a chance to ask him what I need to. I feel his body tense against me. He clenches his mouth tighter, causing his jaw to flex. “Calm down. This isn’t bad. I just need to make sure we are on the same page. If we aren’t, then this stops here before it even starts.”

He releases his hold on me, placing my feet gently on the floor. I walk over and sit on the countertop. “Come here,” I crook my finger for him to come closer.

When he walks over to me, he spreads my legs to stand between them. He places a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

“I don’t like to share, but you already know that. I have shared you all my life with my brother, and I’m okay with that. But I refuse to share you with anyone else. If we are going to see where this goes with us”—taking my finger and motioning between the two of us—“then it’s just you and me. No one else.”

Jamie has a confused look on his face. “What do you mean exactly?”

I take a deep breath and let it out. “Let me make this perfectly clear for you, just so there isn’t any confusion. I won’t have you seeing anyone else while we are hooking up. I don’t know what exactly is going on between us, but I won’t share you. Bottom line. No one else, Jamie. You can’t see any other girls, and I can’t see any other guys. Not like they’re pounding down my door or anything, but you get what I’m saying. I know we agreed to take this slow, but I need to know that it’s just me.”

Jamie places his large hands on the side of my face, raising it to meet his stare. “Listen to me. I will only say this once. I don’t want anyone else, Cami. I told you last night that I want to see where this goes. I meant that. I have no interest in seeing anyone else. You know me better than that. You of all people know that I would never hurt you. We agreed to take this slow. I don’t plan on going anywhere.” He leans down and moves his mouth over mine, devouring its softness. Slowly, I lift my arms around his neck, running my hands through his thick hair. I tug on his hair, not wanting this kiss to end. When he pulls back, he leaves my mouth burning with fire.

With a wicked grin on his face, he points to the shower. “I have to get out of here before I have my way with you. Your brother is out there waiting. Go get a shower, cool off, do what you have to do to calm yourself down. But if I hear moaning, I am gonna be all over you whether your brother is here or not.”

I chuckle knowing what he is insinuating. Before he can move, I bite his lower lip, sucking it into my mouth. I release his bottom lip and place a soft kiss on it. “Mr. Banks, I will have you know, if I plan on moaning, it would be because you made me, it won’t be self-induced.”

I push myself off the counter, walking over to turn on the shower. When I look over my shoulder Jamie is standing there, his jaw clenched, his eyes slightly narrowed.

I am going to give him a show and drive him crazy. He thought he was cute when we were younger when he jumped naked into the pool at my birthday party, I am going to have a little fun with him today.

I pull the hem of tank top up and over my head, leaving me standing there topless. My back is facing Jamie, so he can’t see my breasts. I slowly peel my sleep shorts off of my body, one leg at a time and toss them in his direction. When I turn around his muscle flicks angrily in his jaw. I fix my eyes on his. “Do you like what you see, Mr. Banks?” Knowing that he is going to lose his shit, I quickly get in the shower and shut the curtain behind me.

Peeking around the shower curtain, I squeal at the intrusion into my personal space as Jamie smirks at me saying so quietly that I’m not entirely sure I heard him, “You think you’re funny, don’t you? Two can play at this game. You better pray the next time I see you naked, your brother isn’t in the next room. Cause if he is, he will hear what you sound like when I’m making you come with my mouth.” He reaches out and pauses mid-air as he’s about to stroke my breast. Instinctively, I lean toward his touch wanting his hand there, wanting him in here, knowing my brother is literally steps away from me grabbing him and pulling him into the shower with me. Inhaling a breath, never breaking eye contact with him, I moan, quiet enough that no one hears but he heard. Smirking at me with lust-filled eyes, he pulls his hand back, retreating the hand that was so close to the water beading on my nipple that my skin feels his absence and he never even touched me.

And he stalks out of the bathroom. Just like that.

Holy. Shit. I need to make this a cold shower after what he just said to me, after how he almost touched me. A smile spreads across my face as I hear the bathroom door shut. One for Cami, One for Jamie.

Why did I invite my brother with us again?

After my meeting with the band, I head back to the hotel to hook up with Jamie and my brother. Our plans today are to do a little sightseeing while we are here in Boston. Throughout my meeting with the band, I couldn’t stop thinking about last night and this morning with Jamie. When I walk in my hotel room, Jamie is lying on the bed and my brother is lounging in the chair. Jamie has his journal on the bed next to him while he is trying to figure out a melody on his guitar. My brother is telling him the harmony is off, it doesn’t match the lyrics. Jamie quickly closes his journal so I can’t see what he is working on when I walk over to the bed to sit down. Which is odd, he usually asks for my opinion. If I think the lyrics fit the melody, if the lyrics tell the story that he wants told.

“What are you two working on?” Looking between the two of them.

Christian is the first to speak up, “Nothing, he’s working on a new song. We’re just trying to find the right harmony for it. He’ll figure it out with the guys when we get back home.”

Looking at Jamie, he just nods his head agreeing with my brother. They have this sneaky look on their faces. They’re up to something. Dismissing the two of them, I get up and start gathering my clothes and throwing them in my duffle bag. I head to the bathroom to grab my toiletries. Christian and Jamie’s bags are already packed and sitting by the door. Once I am done packing, I throw the pamphlet on touring the city that I picked up in the hotel lobby at Jamie.

“We are doing a little sightseeing before we head back home later today. I want to go to the Cheers bar and have my picture taken outside of there.”

Once we check out we load the car and head to Newbury Street. Newbury Street offers some of the best of Boston in restaurants and retail shops, small venues from hi-line shops to basic fresh food places. We spend a few hours walking around, shopping, and eating lunch before we head to Cheers and Fenway Park.

As we approach Cheers, I am all giddy in the backseat bouncing around. Christian looks at me in the rearview mirror, “Will you calm down. It’s just a bar that was on a TV show. Relax, will ya.”

My lips pucker with annoyance. “Remind me next time to leave your ass home.”

Jamie laughs, “Don’t worry, Tink, I’m excited to see the place, too.”

Christian scoffs at the two of us and looks at Jamie, “You’re such a kiss ass. Did she cut your balls off while you shared the bed with her last night?”

Jamie replies through gritted teeth, “Watch yourself, my friend.”

Christian looks at him again before looking back at the roadway. “Have you lost your mind? What the hell has gotten into you today?”

Jamie turns and looks at me in the backseat, I simply just shake my head, telling him to drop it. I don’t want us to bicker while we are here. Let’s just enjoy ourselves. If I had to guess, Jamie is probably annoyed that my brother is on the trip with us now that he told me how he feels. Jamie nods his head understanding what I said without actually saying it.

We pull up outside of Cheers and I am the first to get out of the truck. Jamie gets out and walks over to hand his phone to my brother. He advances toward me, but rather than stand next to the sign, he positions himself behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly against his chest. My brother takes a picture.

Jamie leans down and kisses my cheek. I am praying my brother is still taking pictures of us. In one swift movement, he spins me around and places his hands under my arms and lifts me up, so that I am above his head looking down into his eyes. Swinging me around in a circle, I laugh out loud at what he’s doing. As he lowers me, my body slowly glides down his, and he kisses me on the lips, before gently dropping me to my feet again. I laugh as we turn to look at my brother, whose eyes are sharp and assessing us. Christian’s infectious grin appears, “It’s about fucking time. You can thank me for this, you know.”

“Well, thank you, my wise brother. What would I ever do without you?”

“The two of you would still be pussy footing around like you have been for years,” Christian replies.

“I’m sure my awesomeness has nothing to do with it,” I tease.

Jamie laughs, “Thanks, buddy. Maybe we can find you a love interest of your own and you can stop cock-blocking me with your sister.”

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