Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (20 page)

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Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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I try to hold back the smile that emerges on my face, but it’s useless. I bite my bottom lip while looking up at him. “Does that mean you like it?”

“It means I fucking love it, but you are not leaving my side,” growling at me. Jamie bites my chin, then kisses my lips. He takes my hand leading us toward the buffet. I get chicken fingers and fries. I need to eat something before I start drinking. I didn’t eat lunch today because I was nervous about what Jamie would think of my costume. But seeing the lust in Jamie’s eyes when I walked through the door was well worth my hunger pains.


Camryn is wearing that outfit. It is so outside of her comfort zone. My girl has never been one to flaunt her body. She is more on the conservative side, unless pushed to be a little riskier by Morgan. Camryn has always been one to dress for comfort, rocking a pair of worn jeans, a t-shirt and her chucks or Nike’s. It’s the norm to see Camryn with a baseball cap on with her ponytail pulled through the back. That is one of the many things that I love about her. She never tries to impress guys. She is the ‘what you see is what you get’ kind of girl.

When Camryn walked through the door to the private room tonight, I knew she was there before I had even turned around. It’s as if I can feel her inside of me when she is near. There is a current that runs through my body making me aware of her closeness. It’s a feeling that I will never get tired of.

Jerking my head back, I stare at her costume. A burst of arousal tingles through my body. My mouth immediately begins to water. My pulse races and my heart rate increases. There’s satisfaction in her eyes. She knows she would get a reaction from this outfit tonight. She notices that I am watching her intently until she walks over to me. The handcuffs on her hip have caught my attention. We agreed to take things slow, but my mind begins to think of the naughty things we can do with those tonight. With the visions of Cami cuffed to my bedpost, I can feel myself becoming aroused. Trying to clear my head of those images, I adjust myself hoping that no one else has noticed my sudden discomfort. This outfit won’t hide a damn thing if I’m walking around here with wood.

Once we are finished with our meal, we all head down stairs to the dance floor, with the exception of Lincoln and Parker who stay in the private room.

My hand is intertwined with Camryn’s as we push our way through the crowd to find an area on the dance floor. Redemption is packed tonight. Everywhere you turn, it is wall-to-wall people. Most of the girls have fancy masks on, where the majority of men either have some sort of Halloween mask on or their face is painted with make-up.

Camryn is already moving to the beat of the music before we even find a spot to dance. Morgan has Lindsey’s hand, navigating her through the crowds. Looking over my shoulder, Christian is right behind Lindsey. Shaking my head, thinking of the trouble he may get into tonight with Lindsey. The attraction between the two is evident, but neither one of them have said anything. Christian claims he isn’t ready to settle down with one girl. He hasn’t found that special someone who has piqued his interest enough to make him want to. With the studio’s business growing, the countless hours he puts into it, he says he doesn’t have time for a relationship.

When we find a clear spot, the music changes.
Down on Me
by Jeremih & 50 Cent blares through the speakers. Morgan yells over to Camryn, “This shit is my jam.” Morgan instantly starts grinding up against Christian. Her little body is moving a mile a minute, as her hips do not miss a beat. The way she sways those hips should be illegal. Hot damn, Lincoln must be losing his shit up there. Although the more I think of it, he knows his girl is safe with us. Christian loves Morgan like a sister. They have been friends since they were five. There isn’t any sexual tension or history between the two.

Camryn looks at me, raising her eyes to mine. She starts to move to the music. Camryn moves closer to me, where she has one leg between my legs so she can dance without any space between us. Her hands are slowly making their way up my chest. She runs her fingers through my hair at the base of my neck. She continues her assault on me, moving her hands down my back, cupping my ass, pulling me closer to her. My hands are on her hips while we are dancing, guiding her to the beat. Camryn breaks away from me. Turning herself to me, her back is now against my chest as she grinds that tight little ass against me. The outfit she has on is driving me nuts. The tiny skirt she has barely covers her ass. When she bends over, I can see her tight black shorts under her outfit. Thank the Lord, my girl was smart enough to wear those. If she didn’t, and she did that little move on the dance floor, I would have thrown her over my shoulder and carried her out of this place.

While the song plays, Camryn continues to work my body over. Glancing over her shoulder, I see Morgan and Lindsey with Christian in between. With a wicked grin on his face, he raises his eyebrows, throwing his hands in the air, letting the girls do whatever they want with him. Hope he has the willpower to reign his shit in wearing those green tights.

All of us dance a few more songs. Lincoln makes his way down to the floor and stands by one of the tables. He motions for the waitress, who already has a tray filled with drinks. She places the bottles of beer on the table, so the girls will either have to drink those, or head back upstairs to the private room to grab their fruity mixed drinks or whatever bottled drinks that Morgan has set up for them.

Leaning down, I tell Camryn that I need a drink and point over to where Lincoln is. She nods her head and crooks her finger for me to lean down. She cups her hands around her mouth as she yells over the music in to my ear. “I am going to stay here and dance with the girls, okay?”

Pulling my head back so she can see my response, I nod. Cupping her face between my hands, I place a soft kiss on her lips, then her nose.

When I approach the table, Lincoln asks, “What’s your poison? Beer or shots.”

Taking the shot on the table, I toss it back. The liquid burns my throat as it goes down. Leaving a warm trail behind it, I shake my head, exhaling a deep breath.

Grabbing the beer, I take a long swig to ease the burning sensation. Lincoln pats me on the shoulder. “You should have asked what was in each shot glass. You had the choice between vodka, tequila, or fireball.”

Laughing I say, “Sure, now you tell me.”

Lincoln and I stand there for a little while watching the girls dance. Lincoln puts his hand to his ear, listening to whatever is being said in his earpiece. He nods his head in the direction of the bar, “I’ll be right back. There is a problem at the bar in the back.”

Nodding my head to acknowledge that I heard him, I turn my attention back to the dance floor. Christian is walking in my direction. Leaning to the side, looking around Christian, the girls are all dancing. Each of the girls has an infectious smile on their faces. Lindsey is working the crowd of guys that have formed around her since Christian left. Lindsey is in her own little world out there. Her arms are in the air, then she slowly runs her hands down her body, giving everyone around her a show. When one man attempts to get a little too touchy feely for Lindsey’s liking, she reaches for Camryn’s belt taking the baton. When she turns around to face the man, he is quite surprised by what stands before him. Lindsey has the baton pressed against his chest. Seeing her give him a few jabs to the chest makes me laugh. The man retreats, taking a few steps back, holding his hands up as if in surrender.

Morgan throws her head back laughing as Camryn just shakes her head at what Lindsey just did. Lindsey turns to face the girls, innocently shrugging her shoulders, handing the baton back to Camryn who, in turn, returns it to her belt. Laughing at what I just witnessed, all I can do is shake my head at my group of friends. They are an amazing group of people whom I have known almost my entire life.

Christian and I drink a few more beers while the girls continue to dance. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see Tabitha, my ex-girlfriend, standing in front of me. She pulls me in for a hug before I even realize what she is doing. When we broke up, it was mutual. Neither of us walked away with ill feelings toward the other. Tabitha wanted things that I wasn’t able to give her. She wanted the happily ever after, with a huge wedding, big house, white picket fence and children. When realization hit her that I wasn’t that guy, that I didn’t have those feelings for her, we decided to go our separate ways, wishing each other happiness in the future. I pictured a petite brunette with hazel eyes, a girl who I have known for most of my life. She is who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I hate drama, so having an ex-girlfriend who wasn’t going to go all psycho on me whenever we ran into each other was great.

Tabitha releases me from her lingering embrace, leaning back she takes in my appearance. A huge smile emerges on her face when she notices that Christian is my trusty sidekick, not just in life, but as my bud in costume as well. She points a finger at Christian, then smacks her hand across her mouth trying to contain her laughter.

“Oh my goodness. You’re in green tights . . . which are showing off your balls. Why in the world are you wearing that? You could have opted for a pair of green sweatpants, or something . . . other than those.” She gestures with her hand up and down Christian’s body.

Forcing a smile to his face, “It’s nice to see you, too, Tabitha. Oh, how I have missed you,” Christian murmurs, his disdain evident.

Raising her brows as if his comment insulted her, she replies, “I’m only speaking the truth. It is probably what every girl in this place is thinking, but none has the courage to say anything. Hey . . . I’m not complaining. You look hot. I always thought you had a nice body.” Raising her brow at Christian when she finishes her sentence.

Christian looks at me, then back at Tabitha. I shrug my shoulders at Christian. Hey, he can say whatever the hell he wants to her. She isn’t my girlfriend anymore, he owes me nothing.

“Thank you, Tabitha. It’s nice to know that you were ogling my body while you were dating my best friend. It’s a good thing, that the two of you didn’t work out, now isn’t it?”

Laughing at his comment, I look at Tabitha to see her reaction. She isn’t fazed at all. She simply laughs and shrugs his comment off.

“So, boys, what have you been up to lately? I haven’t seen or spoken to either one of you in months.”

At the same time Christian and I reply, “Working.”

Tabitha helps herself to one of the bottles of beers that are sitting on the table that the waitress dropped off a few minutes ago. The three of us stand around the high top table, having small talk.

After what seems like forever talking with Tabitha, my eyes drift toward the dance floor. Not seeing Camryn or Lindsey, my eyes dart around the room, trying to see if they are near the bar. Where the hell did they go? They left the dance floor and didn’t even come over to where we were standing? That’s odd. At least Lindsey and Camryn are together. They probably went upstairs to the private room to get a drink, or something quick to eat.

I throw a beer cap across the table hitting Christian in the hand. Nodding my head up toward the private room, I yell, “The girls aren’t on the dance floor anymore, I’m gonna head upstairs to see if they’re up there. You coming with me, or are you staying here?”

“Nah, I’ll head upstairs with you. The music is loud as shit down here. I could use a break. Plus, I wanna grab some wings. My ass is starving.”

“Alright, boys, it was nice catching up with you,” Tabitha says before making her way over to her friends in her naughty nurse outfit.

The two of us make our way through the crowd. Once we get to the stairs leading to the private room, my stomach clenches. A strange feeling washes over me. Taking two steps at a time, I reach the top fast. Walking down the hall quickly, I push open the door. Parker is sitting at a table with Lindsey who has her feet kicked up on an empty chair next to her. Licking her fingers of the sauce from the chicken wings, she says, “Hey, boys. You have got to try these. They are crispy just like I love them and not to mention, delicious.”

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