Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (22 page)

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Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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I feel my black shorts being torn from my body. I hear something being torn behind me. “Be thankful, I’m using a condom,” he says in my ear. When he steps away to put it on, I try to turn around to see his face. He quickly shoves me back into the wall face first. He curses under his breath, “You stay right there, sweetie.” He pushes his erection against my bottom. I’m going to be sick.

“Your boyfriend is one lucky guy. He gets to touch this body all the time. He doesn’t know how lucky he truly is,” he says against my ear as he grinds his erection into me.

With his left hand, he shoves my legs apart even more. He takes his finger, shoving it into my mouth, saying, “lick my finger.” Instead, I bite down with the force I put behind the bite earlier.

“You bitch,” he yells withdrawing his finger from my mouth. He punches me in the side, immediately feeling like he fractured a rib, I can’t breathe. I gasp for air, feeling like my lung won’t expand.

He takes his finger, shoving it violently into me. I whimper as he moves his finger around inside of my body.

“Oh, baby, you are sooooo ready for me. I know you’ve been wanting me all night, I could see it every time you looked my way. Get ready, cuz I’m about to give you the best time of your life.”

He removes his finger, then thrusts his penis inside of me. My stomach churns and I close my eyes, sobbing. What did I do that would make him want to do this to me?

“You’re tight, baby. Just like I imagined you would be.” He grunts against my ear.

My body hurts with every thrust . . . so badly. I feel so broken. I try to fight more, but the more I fight, the harder he pushes himself into me. I feel his breath on my neck. He kisses my neck as he jerks himself in me. He thrusts so hard, my feet are lifted off of the ground. My entire body is shaking as I sob. I want to die. I wish he would just kill me. Move the knife against my throat, slice my carotid artery, anything. I would rather die than live through this.

He thrusts a few more times, then grunts as he reaches his climax. He withdraws himself from me, but not before kissing my cheek. I fall to the floor, curling into the fetal position.

“Now that’s how it’s done, sweetie,” he says, and tucks himself inside zippering his pants.

I can’t see out of my one eye. I try to look up at him to get a glance of the monster who did this to me. When he opens the door, I see that he is wearing all black, a black cape and what appears to be the
Phantom of the Opera
mask. One side of his face is covered. The only thing I see is a smirk across his lips. He turns and walks out of the room, and leaves me lying on the floor. It’s the guy I saw that was watching me at the end of the bar.

I don’t know how long I’ve been physically and emotionally dying here, before the door opens. I tighten my hold around my legs, praying it isn’t him again. The light flicks on, blinding me. I hear a gasp, then my name. “Cami, oh my God.”

I recognize the voice immediately, it’s Lincoln. He kneels next to me. “Cami, who did this to you?” I don’t answer him, I just shake my head back and forth. I hear him talking to someone, “Call a fucking ambulance, Jason. Now!” he screams.

I flinch away from his touch to my arm. “I’m so sorry, baby girl. I’ll get you help. Don’t move, Cami, your head is bleeding really badly.”

I hear Lincoln talking again. He is telling Morgan to get her ass to the storage room and bring a blanket from the office. Morgan burst through the door moments later. Glancing in her direction, I see her hand immediately cover her mouth. She walks over to me, gently placing the blanket over me. Lincoln barks, “Go get Jamie and Christian now.” Morgan nods her head and runs out of the room.

“Baby girl, I am so sorry. This is my club, you were supposed to be safe in my club. I am so sorry,” he murmurs, and I think I hear tears threatening his words, him bearing the weight of what occurred in this tiny room. I see him looking around the room to find something to cover me with, my clothes ripped much like the tatters that my very soul is in now.

I see a tear run down his face. “Jason called 911, the police and ambulance are on their way.”

Morgan quickly returns to the room. She comes over and kneels next to me on the floor. She goes to wipe my hair from my face, but I stop her. “Please, don’t touch me. You can’t. He touched me everywhere.”

She covers her mouth with her hand, tears running down her face. Her body shakes as she sobs. “Camryn, I am so sorry. So sorry,” she repeats.

The door is shoved upon, Lincoln jumps to his feet. Jamie and my brother are in the doorway. Jamie sees me on the floor, and hollers my name, “CAMRYN!” The way my name is said, will haunt me forever. The pain in his voice is so raw. He sounds like a wounded animal.

Jamie lunges toward me, but Lincoln stops him. Jamie tries to push Lincoln out of the way, causing Lincoln to wrap his arms around him. Jamie struggles to get out of Lincoln’s hold. “You can’t touch her, man. You can’t. You have to wait for the paramedics to get here.”

“Why can’t I touch her, she’s my girl. Get the fuck off me, now!” Jamie screams. I see Lincoln lean in to Jamie’s ear whispering so I can’t hear. I am guessing he told him I was raped. Watching this scene unfold in front of me is so surreal, like I’m an observer watching the chaos. Jamie gets his arm loose, shoving Lincoln out of the way. He runs over to my side, coming down to my side on the floor.

He lifts his hands to touch my face but stops. “Oh my God, Camryn.” His voice weak.

I can’t even acknowledge his words. Looking past Jamie, I see my brother standing next to Lincoln by the door. Unabashed tears stream down Christian’s face. He doesn’t try to wipe them away. Lincoln didn’t need to tell my brother what happened. He is piecing it all together. His hands are fisted at his side. This is the first time that my brother hasn’t been there to protect me. Looking my brother in the eye, I can only watch him, the effort too much to do anything in this moment.

Christian doesn’t speak, he just shakes his head back and forth. I can see the anger in his eyes. I know my brother better than anyone. He’s gonna blame himself for not being there to protect me.

Bringing my gaze back to Jamie, I lean my body toward him. He wraps his arms around me, cradling me against his chest while telling me how sorry he is.

My head is cloudy and everything hurts. What seems like hours, probably has only been minutes, when I notice the paramedics are in the room. The female medic asks if she can examine me. She tells me they need to try and control the bleeding on my head before they transport me to the hospital. I didn’t realize how bad I’m bleeding.

Looking at my hands, they are covered in my own blood. There is blood pooled on the floor where I was lying. Seeing all the blood, my hands begin to tremble. Their hands on me suddenly feels terrifying. I don’t want them to touch me. I can’t handle another person touching me. I need to get out of here. I squeeze my eyes shut and scream. “Get off of me! Don’t touch me! Get off of me!”

“Camryn, they’re the paramedics. They are here to help you. It’s okay. They aren’t going to hurt you. Let them help you,” Jamie murmurs next to me.

Shaking my head back and forth, tears streaming like rivers of pain, “I don’t want to be touched. Not by anyone. I want to go home and take a shower. I need to get him off of me. I need to wash him away.”

The paramedics step back while Jamie comes closer to me. With his finger under my chin he tilts my head up to look at him. “I know you want to go home, but we need to get you to the hospital. Please, let them look at your injuries, baby.” His voice is filled with so much emotion, my heart shatters into a million pieces. He is trying to be strong for me. Panic is rioting within him, but he is trying his best not to show it. As I look into his eyes, I see it. The despair, the hurt, the anger.

Sheer panic is in his eyes. I see Jamie breaking right in front of me. I know I will never recover from this, and by the look on his face, I don't think he will either.

As if holding all his raw emotions in check, he looks at the paramedics, “Can I go with her? In the ambulance?”

The medic says, “Yes, but we need to stabilize her first. Once we do, we will load her up and head to Mt. Sinai Medical Center.”

Jamie brings his attention back to me. “Did you hear that? They’re going to let me come with you, okay? Let them do what they need to now, so we can get you to the hospital. I won’t leave your side, baby. I promise.”

I nod my head, telling them they can touch me. I don’t say anything, while they press a gauze pad to my forehead. I flinch when they apply pressure to my head. One after another, I see them remove the bloodied gauze, replacing it with a fresh one. I feel them lift me onto the stretcher. When they fasten the straps over my body, I wince from the pain. A sense of desperation almost overtakes me as I feel trapped, like I did in that room. I focus on Jamie, and the fact that he can see me and hear me, his breaths are my anchor in this maelstrom, enough to get me through the torrent of emotions that are threatening to overtake me. After what feels like forever I am rushed out the back door to a waiting ambulance.


to be okay, Camryn,” I keep repeating to her, while I hold her hand tightly. I can’t believe this is happening. This is something you see on TV or the news or something. I can’t wrap my head around what’s happening. Maybe it’s a defense mechanism to help me make sense of . . . of how someone could do this to my Camryn. The paramedic is working on her head wound, trying to control the bleeding. She lets out a painful cry. Her eyes are closed, her emotions in check, her face strained with pain. Camryn isn’t fighting the paramedic anymore as she allows him to tend to her head wound.

I feel like I’m going to vomit. I can’t control the shaking in my hands. I don’t want Camryn to see me like this. I need to hold it together for her. Stay strong for her. The pain in my chest won’t go away. I feel like I am suffocating. The sound of the siren echoes through the ambulance. When we arrive at the hospital, Camryn is immediately ushered into the back, leaving me standing here behind the doors that read ‘PERSONNEL ONLY, DO NOT ENTER’. I hear Camryn crying out my name from the other side. Seeing the nurses’ station, I run over to it. “Excuse me, why can’t I go back there with my girlfriend. Why do I have to stay here?”

The nurse advises me it’s a restricted area and she will be taken care of. Someone will be out to talk to me once she has been evaluated, pointing for me to have a seat. I slam my hands on the counter, and I yell, “This is bullshit!”

Christian hasn’t arrived yet, so I pace the waiting room by myself. I fight the urge to vomit as bile keeps working its way up my throat. I clench my fists as I continue to wait for Christian and his parents.

He also called Karsen, as well, to see if she was working tonight and, thankfully, she is. She told Christian that she would be in the ER waiting for our arrival, which she was. Karsen walks through the doors they just took Camryn through and guides me to a nearby waiting room for families.

When the door closes, she pulls me in for a hug. When she releases me she asks, “How are you holding up?”

“I’m a fucking mess. It’s my fault this happened. I should have never left her on the dance floor.”

Turning to look at Karsen’s face, all I see is shock. She walks over to me, placing her hand on my arm. “Jamie, this is not your fault. Do not blame yourself. Do not let Camryn hear you say that. She needs you to be strong. You need to be her rock. She cannot see you beating yourself up over this.”

Not knowing what to say, I just nod my head.

Karsen takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. “Stay here. I need to get back there with Camryn. I promised her I would stay with her for the exams. I’ll keep you posted on her condition as soon as I hear something, okay?” I nod my head to acknowledge that I heard what she said. I can’t speak past the huge knot in my throat.

A few minutes pass and the door opens again. Karsen walks in with scrubs in her hands. “Here, go get washed up and changed. Camryn doesn’t need to see you with her blood on you.”

Nodding my head, she points to the bathroom on the other side of the waiting room.

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