Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) (25 page)

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Authors: H. P. Davenport

BOOK: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)
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The lights from the skyline grab my attention and my palms grip the windowsill to remain upright. I pray it keeps me here instead of in those streets searching for the asshole who did this to my girl.

The glow of the building lights reminds me of our high school graduation party. The night Camryn’s face beamed with excitement when I surprised her with a graduation gift. The night my life changed forever when Camryn delivered her shocking news.


Huge white tents were set up in the middle of the cul-de-sac where we all lived, another tent off to the side that housed all the food, drinks, and the DJ. The party started around two in the afternoon and lasted well past midnight. Most of the partygoers stayed under the tents while some made their way to the Townsend’s backyard where the in-ground pool was.

Christian and I exchanged gifts, nothing big because I had saved all my money for Camryn’s gift. My parents had offered to loan me the money, but I didn’t want their money to pay for this. All winter I shoveled snow in our development and worked for a landscaper in the spring mowing lawns to earn the money.

I was nervous all day not knowing what Camryn was going to think of my gift. Things were going to change between us when Camryn left for the University of Maryland in August. I wanted her to always be able to look at the necklace that I got her and remember me.

When I saw the necklace I knew I had to get it for Camryn. The platinum necklace held a beautiful platinum heart locket. On the inside, I was able to get a picture from homecoming last year made small enough to fit. We were both smiling at my mom while she was taking pictures. She captured one of me placing a soft kiss on Camryn’s cheek and knowing it was one of Camryn’s favorites I knew I had to use that one. On the back of the locket I had engraved “I’m always with you, Cami.”

When the party started to slow down some, I searched for Camryn. I hadn’t seen her in the tent, so I went looking for her with the box tucked away in my back pocket. I finally found her sitting at her kitchen island with both our moms. I walked up, both our moms looked at me with sadness in their eyes. Immediately, I wondered what was wrong. Had something happened at the party that I wasn’t aware of? Did someone hurt Camryn?

Looking between the three of them I needed to know what the hell was going on. “What’s wrong? Why are the three of you in here and why are you all looking at me like something happened?”

Camryn spoke up immediately. “Nothing happened, Jamie. Everything is fine. I promise.” Looking into her eyes I knew she was lying to me. I stepped up to the island. “Don’t lie to me, Cami. I know you better than you know yourself. You were the one who said no more secrets, no lies between us. Did you not?”

Camryn looked away from me, she knew she was caught.

“Camryn Elizabeth, tell him. I told you that this was going to be a tough decision. He was going to find out eventually or hadn’t you planned on telling anyone?” By the look on her mom’s face and her tone, I could tell she was angry now.

Sighing, Camryn walked over to me. She took my hand in hers, walking in to the living room away from the kitchen. Pointing to the couch, “Sit, I need to talk to you.”

Before I sat down, I reached behind me, pulling Camryn’s gift out of my pocket, placing it on the end table. Looking up at Camryn’s face, I could see this was something she was going to have a hard time telling me. My patience was running thin. Before my brain could think, the filter on my mouth gone, I spat, “Spit it out, Camryn! What are you not telling me?”

She sat in the chair across from me, her thin fingers tensed in her lap. She became increasingly uneasy under the scrutiny of my stare. Awkwardly, she cleared her throat. She looked away again before she spoke. “I don’t know how to tell you this. But you need to hear me out before you freak, okay?” Raising her brow at me, she waited for my answer. I gave her a simple nod. I didn’t even know what to say. I had no idea what was about to come out of her mouth. “I changed my mind about college.” She began to speak, but her voice wavered. “I’m not attending the University of Maryland anymore. Stanford offered me a full athletic scholarship. They have one of the top journalism programs in the country and I couldn’t turn it down. I would be an idiot if I did.” Her voice drifted to a hushed whisper.

My head began to spin. Did she just say she isn’t going to Maryland . . . a car ride away? Rather she is going to California, a plane ride away? I knew one day we were all going to go off to college, but I always pictured the three of us together. I never pictured Cami on the other side of the damn country. I took a deep breath, trying to gain my composure before I said anything that I may regret. “When did you make this decision? Am I the last to know?”

Camryn immediately jumped from the chair, grabbing my hand as she sat next to me on the couch. “No, Christian doesn’t even know yet. Only my parents and, well . . . your mom now. That’s what we were talking about when you walked in.”

Nodding my head she continued. “You know I was offered a scholarship to Maryland last year. I didn’t even apply to Stanford. Coach told me that there was a scout at the playoff game. They came to the game to check me out. I didn’t even know he was there. A few days after the game, the coach from Stanford called my parents, offering me a full ride, Jamie. I didn’t accept their offer right away. I went back and forth for weeks struggling with it.”

She paused to catch her breath, her fears were stronger than ever. “I never imagined I’d decide to go this far from home for school. I always wanted to be able to drive back home when I wanted to. After countless conversations with coach and my parents and weighing my options, I came to the decision that Stanford fit more with my ultimate goal. Their journalism program is one of the best in the country.”

I squeezed her hand, “Camryn, I want what’s best for you. Am I hurt that you didn’t tell me right away, yes. If I said no, I would be lying to you as well as myself. You need to go after your dreams. Christian and I are heading to NYC chasing ours; you need to do the same whether it is in Maryland or in California. You might not be within driving distance for me to visit, but at least now I have a reason to vacation in Cali.”

She smacked me on the chest, laughing at my comment and gesture. She chewed on her lower lip and stole a look at me. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you right away. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I had to follow my heart, Jamie. It might not be the right decision, but my heart is telling me I need to go to California. If I hate it, I’ll transfer, but I can’t let fear keep me from going. My head has been spinning for weeks about how to tell everyone. My mind has been a crazy mixture of hope and fear and I can’t go away with you being mad at me.”

Throwing my arm around Cami’s shoulder, I pulled her close to me. “Listen to me, I am only going to say this once. One, I could never be mad at you. And, two, I would never let you get on a plane with you thinking I was mad at you. You being in California is not going to change that. Got it?” Lifting her chin to look at me. She just nodded her head and threw her arms around me.

Remembering I had her graduation gift, I grab the box from the table. “Here ya go. I got you something.”

She squealed, taking the box from me. She unwrapped it slowly, taking the lid off the box. She gasps as her hand covers her mouth. “Open it up.”

Cami opened the locket and tears well in her eyes. When she looked up at me, they fell down her cheeks. She quickly tried to wipe them away, but they continued to fall. “This is beautiful, Jamie?”

Smiling at my girl, “Turn it over.”

She turned the locket over to read the inscription then looked up at me. Tears streamed down her face, even harder now. She threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me tight.

I whispered in her ear, “Those words couldn’t be more fitting right now. I will always be with you, Camryn, no matter where you go, I will always be with you.”


The door behind me shuts and I’m propelled back into my nightmare. I release a breath and my heart calms when I see Karsen walk over. She pulls Gwen into a hug and the three of us rush to get any information about Cami.

Karsen sits in a chair across from us. She looks down at the floor, then back to us. I can see the sympathy and worry on her face. Gwen grabs Mark’s hand. “Camryn was taken down for a CAT scan. When she’s through there, they’ll take her to her room, and the detectives will speak to her.”

The door to the waiting room busts open. Morgan, Parker, and Lindsey rush in. Morgan takes the lead, “We got here as soon as we could. I had to give the detectives my statement. Lincoln’s still there with them.”

The group of us quietly sit in the waiting room while Cami’s parents speak softly to each other. The eerie sound of the hands of the clock ticking by causes shivers up my spine. Not knowing how much time has passed, Karsen gets up from her seat. “I’m going to go check and see if Camryn is back from her scan and settled into her room.”

“Thank you, sweetie,” Gwen says.

Karsen returns about an hour later, advising us the detectives are through with Camryn and two of us can go back at a time. She’s in a private room, waiting for the doctor to go over her scan results and discharge her. Her parents go back first. They were back there for a while before they return to the waiting room. Mark is holding his wife tight to his chest when they enter the room. Tears are streaming down his wife’s face. With her face buried into his chest he says, “Our daughter will get through this. I know she looks bad, but those bruises will heal, Gwen. We need to focus on her healing emotionally, not the physical injuries.”

Christian stands, “Do you mind if I go back alone?” he asks directing his attention toward me.

“Go ahead. Once I get back there, I’m not leaving her side.”

I don’t know how much time has passed when Christian sticks his head in the waiting room; his eyes are puffy and red from crying. “I’m gonna head home.” Christian shakes his head, “I don’t think she wants everyone to see her like this. She’s pretty banged up. She told me to go home. You might want to wait till she gets settled at home and is up for visitors.”

“I’m not going anywhere!” My voice harsh and raw. “I’m not leaving her. I need to see her.”

Morgan nods her head. Parker and Lindsey raise from their seats heading out with Christian. Watching everyone leave, I follow after them heading down the hall to Camryn’s room.


as my feet slowly keep me moving down the hallway. I’ve been waiting to see her for hours, but now, I’m scared shitless of what I’ll find behind that door. One thing is for sure—I need to be strong for her. She needs all the support she can get. Knowing her, she won’t accept anyone’s pity. Most of all, mine.

My fist lightly knocks on the door and her voice quivers as she says come in. Pushing the door open, I slowly walk over to her bed behind the curtain. It’s now or never. My eyes meet Camryn’s, and the air in my lungs dissipate. Bile rises in my throat as though the asshole punched me. Her small body looks broken as she lies in that bed. If I didn’t see her beautiful eyes, I wouldn’t recognize her. Even though I saw her at Redemption and rode with her in the ambulance, I still wasn’t prepared for this.

As my eyes take in Camryn, I push back the tears wanting to burst. I silently remind myself to compose myself. She doesn’t need to see me upset. I’ll be strong for her.

Camryn’s vision focuses on mine. She slowly lifts an ice pack and places it over her right eye and flinches.

There are bandages placed sporadically on her body, her swollen eye means that fucking bastard beat the shit out of my girl. My fists ball next to my sides begging to hunt him down and kill him with my bare hands. As I approach the bed, her monitors begin to beep louder.

I grab the chair in the corner, and drag it to the side of her bed. I take her cold hand in mine, placing a soft kiss on the outside of it. Cami turns my way so she can look at me. “Hi,” she whispers.

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