Valley Of Glamorgan (29 page)

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Authors: Julie Eads

Tags: #animals, #royal, #shapeshifers, #fantasy 2014 new release

BOOK: Valley Of Glamorgan
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Smiling I remembered the medium sized, mixed
matched cobble stone house down the road. It was the perfect house
for Maggie who had said she had always wanted to live in it. I
couldn’t help but feel real joy for my sister, tomorrow she truly
would get everything she wanted, and all in one day. I wasn’t going
to allow myself to be jealous of her for she had given up so much
for me and everyone else around her, so she deserved every moment
of pleasure. Smiling I said to my mother, “That is a great idea.”
Eleanor squeezed my arm and I could picture her smiling widely at

“There is something else,” she said, “We
will have to have Eirnan move into Maggie’s old room. Without Knoll
here you will be unprotected and, given the recent events, I can’t
allow that!” I could feel Declan tense next me and hoped I didn’t
have to tell him not to say anything that would mess up Thora’s
public humiliation. “Don’t worry though,” Eleanor reassured us,
“Taya can come and visit him whenever she wants! They are growing
into such a wonderful couple. It makes me so delighted to see you
all so happy.”

Suddenly I felt Declan take hold of my hand
under the counter and lightly squeeze it; reassuring me that all
was ok. Trying very hard I put on my best fake smile to reassure my
caring and oblivious mother that everything would go smoothly for
Maggie the next day. ‘No matter what tomorrow brought it was to be
Maggie’s day,’ I reminded myself and nothing was going to screw
that up.

Finally Eleanor, practically having pushed
Declan out of the door, watched me as I made my way up to my room
and the door shut behind me. Throwing my clothes off, I headed for
the shower. Once again I found peace and comfort from another one
of the elements the earth offered. Wallowing beneath the flow of
water I stood enjoying the peaceful silence around me. Tomorrow
would change everything. Some people would be hurt, but some
happier than ever before. Sadly, I was going to be among those who
were hurt; all for the people I love.

Chapter 18









The following morning I woke to the loud
screeching of the alarm in my ears. Today was to be Maggie’s Party;
the day that I gave Knoll to her and allowed Thora to humiliate me.
I lay with my eyes closed, this time welcoming the darkness. I lay
imagining that once I opened my eyes I would be able to see the
bright stained-glass ceiling allowing the warm sun to shine down on
me. Maybe it was my choice not to see when all I had to do was open
my eyes and allow the world to open up around me once again. But,
as I finally opened them filled with hope, there was only the same
blackness I was growing accustomed too.

Slowly I crawled out of bed and headed for
the closet, thankful that I was capable of selecting my own clothes
now. That was all thanks to Maggie who had spent endless
afternoons, teaching me the new system she had come up with on a
whim. In order for me to tell which clothes were which, she had
carved letters and shapes into the hangers. That way I could tell
what item was hung up and what color it was. She had even put a
minus or plus sign which would let me know which hue of color the
article was. Running my hand along the hangers I stopped when I
felt a triangle carved into one of them along with the number 4 and
three minus signs alongside. That told me that I had chosen a green
dress that was three shades lighter than a dark green color. It
sounded a lot more complex than it really was, but I had soon got
the hang of it. I loved having the independence by not having to
ask my mom or sister to select my clothes for me every day, which
made me feel like a helpless child, pulling the dress over my head.
I slipped on a pair of sandals and slowly made by way

Entering the kitchen I went to pour myself a
glass of orange juice, happy to hear my mother moving around the
kitchen. “Good morning Mina. I’ve made pancakes, if you would like
some,” she announced. I wasn’t used to Eleanor making breakfast as
she was usually away doing whatever it was Queens did. It was nice
of her to offer me breakfast but sadly I had to decline as my
stomach felt uneasy, and eating pancakes wasn’t going to help it
any. Sitting on the same stool I had the previous night I thought I
would at least keep her company while she cooked.

"I see that you’re having a bad hair day,"
Eleanor stated.

I nodded. Ever since I had lost my sight my
hair had been roaming free, bushy curls and all.

Eleanor said, “I can cut it for you if you
like.” I was surprised by the offer. Running my hands over my long
thick hair I thought maybe it’s time for a change so I agreed to
let her cut it. Fetching the scissors I sat still whilst she
chopped the inches away. After she had finished I timidly touched
it, finding how strange it felt. But somehow it was as if some of
the stress I had lying on my shoulders today was now thrown away on
the white marble floor, along with the inches of hair that had been
cut. Running my hands through my hair I thought how nice it felt to
have such an easy style to take care of. I did wonder if I looked
worse than I had before it was cut. For as long as I could remember
I had always been partial to long hair and the thought of having
the dead ends chopped off would often send me over the edge.
Strangely it felt freeing. Thanking Eleanor I stood up ready to go
and check on the progress of Maggie’s party decorations when
Eleanor caught me by my arm. “You do look beautiful,” she simply
said. “It makes your eyes stand out. They remind me so much of your
father’s eyes but they are so unique, just like you.” I could hear
the smile and love in her voice. She was a good mother, and I was
sad that I hadn’t been able to grow up with her instead of the
monsters that had raised me.

With care I made my way to the ballroom
where the party was being held, thankful that I had planned most of
it before losing my eye sight. I had selected a beautiful golden
horse fountain and golden, shimmering table clothes complete with
white roses that sat in crystal clear vases for the center of each
table. Fortunately I had also selected Maggie’s gift early as well.
Having come across a local artist in town I had asked him to paint
a photo that I knew she would love. It was of a beautiful white
horse with a chocolate brown star on its forehead. I had never seen
Maggie transform but Eleanor said I had done a wonderful job in
capturing her animal. The artist had painted a large meadow full of
lavender and wild flowers around the horse and lying right next to
her was a graceful lion, his mane thick and golden. It was a gift I
hoped expressed to her that she could be free with Knoll and never
have to feel as if he was putting someone else above her again.

Thinking about the preparations I was glad
that Knoll and my father had agreed to keep Maggie occupied in
town; having taken her out for lunch. Suddenly my phone vibrated in
my pocket and running my hand across the screen I searched for the
sticker Maggie had placed over the talk button so I would know
where it was. “Hello,” I answered.

“Hey Mina,” came Knoll’s voice over the
speaker. “I have bad news, Maggie is onto us and we are on our way
home now!”

“I thought I had at least a few more hours
to get ready,” I barked at him, sounding grumpier than I intended.
Having finished the call I rushed back to my room and searched
through the well-organized closet. Although I liked the dress I was
wearing it wasn’t really party worthy. Besides I had picked my
dress out weeks ago and was very happy that I had. Feeling along
the rail I found the special hanger the dress was hung on and
pulled it down, picturing it in my mind as I slipped it on. The
dress was a light, golden tan color with a deep v neckline,
reflected at the front and back. Iridescent sequin accents
fluttered across the bodice and a satin, empire waistline created a
contrast between the bodice and the soft chiffon pleated skirt. The
back also featured a keyhole cut out. It was truly a beautiful
dress and I had fallen in love with it instantly; I just wish I
could see how it went with my new haircut.

Running my hand along the shelves of my
closet I found the basket that housed my small hair pins. Carefully
I slipped two into my hair, twisting them along the sides.
Fortunately they made my hair look as if I had spent more time on
it than just five seconds. Next, I slipped on a pair of black
strappy heels; at least I hoped they were the black ones and once
ready I carefully raced done the stairs. I knew I still needed to
put makeup on but no matter how hard I tried that was something I
still couldn’t do on my own.

Gratefully I discovered Eleanor was still in
the kitchen. “Oh, Mina Bear you look amazing,” she praised me as
she grabbed my arm and spun me in a circle to get a full view of my

“I was hoping you would do my makeup
please,” I asked. I felt a little awkward asking her to do it,
especially after she had just cut my hair but if it bothered
Eleanor she didn’t show it as she pulled me towards the small
bathroom that was hidden away under the stairs.

As we walked along she joked, “I know just
the thing that will make that dress pop. Or at least I think that
is what you kids are saying these days.” It felt strange trusting
someone so much that I would allow them to have free range over the
makeup I wore, not that I was ever big on wearing much. At least
only on special occasions such as this one. No, normally I usually
went around in more natural colors. Once done my face felt a little
heavy with the makeup and I was nervous that she had made me look

“I’ve done a simple cat’s eye with the light
pink lip stick. But, don’t worry it will last 24 hours and Declan
won’t have to worry about wearing it off,” she announced, being
especially comical today. It wasn’t like she was never any fun; it
was just that she tended to be the more, sterner parent; whereas my
father was more of the joker. I wanted to ask her why she was being
so nice, yet I hated doing so. It was strange that recently I had
found myself questioning people’s motives.

Leaving the small bathroom I could hear
people coming in, seeming to rush to get to the ballroom in time
for Maggie’s arrival. Joining the long line of people I was careful
not to bump into anyone. Finally, having made it to our table I
realized how much I wasn’t looking forward to small talk with Taya
and Eirnan, whose voices I heard echoing near me. It wasn’t that I
was angry with them but still, it stung a little that they had kept
Thora’s plan to humiliate me to themselves for so long. Taking my
seat I was happy to feel Declan’s hand touch mine. “You look
breath-taking,” he whispered as he laced his long thick fingers
through mine.

Shortly afterwards the room grew quiet and
before I knew what was happening everyone around me was shouting
‘Surprise!!’ Maggie had arrived and I wished I could see her face
right now; as it was I just pictured her pale skin turning red as
she was a very shy person. Then I heard her heels clicking along
the floor as Knoll led her to their designated table at the front
of the room. My mind pictured her stopping and looking around in
awe, but especially at the large golden horse fountain that stood
in the middle of the room. Sitting silently I suddenly felt tired.
I was not looking forward to hurting Knoll and the loud chatter
around me was making me feel disoriented. All of a sudden I was
ready for the night to be over with.

Suddenly everyone grew quite as Eleanor’s
voice echoed throughout the room, “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you
so much for joining us tonight to celebrate my eldest daughter
Maggie!” There was such adoration in her voice. Then she continued,
“At this time,” she announced, “We have a few people who have
special announcements to make before Maggie opens her gifts.”

Silently I listened as groups of people made
their way to the stage, praising Maggie. I only really tuned in to
listen to those I felt were genuine; it just felt as if everyone
wanted their moment in the spot light. When Willow began speaking I
knew that she was one of those whose words I would take to heart.
“Maggie has been like a daughter to me,” she started. “We have
worked endless days and nights together; maybe not always seeing
‘eye-to-eye’.” She laughed before, with softness in her voice, she
went on to say, “But I couldn’t ask for a better apprentice or a
better friend. Maggie gal, you are an extraordinary person, enjoy
this night. All of this is for you.” Willow’s speech was heartfelt
and I could hear the love in her voice which showed how much she
really cared for Maggie. I was happy that my sister was the center
of attention for once. As for me, I wasn’t sure when I should make
my announcement as Knoll hadn’t proposed yet and, I figured that
maybe it would be best to wait until after he did.

When Maggie began opening her presents, I
asked Declan to tell me when she got to mine. Although I couldn’t
see her open it maybe I would be able to hear her appreciation. As
I waited I found myself lightly tapping my foot against the floor
impatiently until finally Declan informed me she was opening my
gift. I could hear the curious whispers all around me and the paper
tearing as she ripped it from the painting. Despite my anticipation
I was disappointed when I couldn’t hear anything, until all of a
sudden a pair of arms went round my neck and my delighted sister
was whispering, “Thank you so much,” in my ear. It was a better
reaction than even I had expected.

Suddenly Knoll spoke, “I have one more gift
for you. Can you come here please Maggie?” This was it, he was
going to propose and I waited as Maggie made her way back to

“Maggie Roselyn,” he began, sounding a
little nervous as he continued, “I have always known that this day
would come, the day that just being yours wouldn’t be enough. The
day that I would ask you, the most beautiful and kind hearted woman
in the world to be my wife, so that I can love and protect you for
the rest of our days together. Will you marry me?” In my mind’s eye
I could picture every girl in the room wanting what Maggie had.
Knoll was not perfect but it showed the depth of his feelings for
her that he was willing to stand up in front of the entire village
and announce his love so openly. Maybe that wasn’t much too some
people, but I knew him; it was a lot for any guardian to admit that
he had a weakness and for him that was Maggie.

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