Vampires Never Cry Wolf (10 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Vampires Never Cry Wolf
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“Things change, Killian.” Christina shrugged. “Speaking of which, I think we should change the name. The Loup Garou seems a tad obvious, don't you think?”

“I think it's my club and I'll decide what to name it.” Killian kept his voice quiet but firm. “You may be an investor, Christina, but I still hold the controlling interest. This is my place.”

“That may be true, Killian,” she sang in a deceptively sweet voice. “But if my daddy withdraws his funding, you won't have a club to name. Will you? From what I hear, you put every penny you had into this little investment.” Before he could tell her to stick it, she yelped and glanced at the gold Rolex on her wrist. “Would you look at the time? I have to be going.”

Killian gritted his teeth when she kissed him on the cheek, and she brushed past him to the door where Linda and Diana were chatting with David. Killian's mind raced. How the hell was he going to get out of this mess? Sucking in a deep breath, he shifted his eyes back to their human state, but he kept them fixed on the meddlesome she-wolf.

“We're staying at the Ritz, Killian.” Christina stuck her nose in the air and gave him a wicked grin. “Why don't you and the boys come pick us up around nine?”

“For what?” His body hummed with anger and frustration, and he barely got the words out.

“Your daddy tells me you've been spending quite a bit of time at that
—The Coven? I suppose it's wise to have a solid understanding of the
.” Her lip curled with disgust, making her feelings about vampires quite clear. “I believe some research would do me good. Because unlike what your father told you, I'm not going to be a silent partner. Pick us up at nine and don't be late.”

Without another word, she flounced outside. The door slammed loudly behind her.

“Motherfucker,” Killian said, slamming his fist onto the table.

“Is she for real?” David asked, moving cautiously toward the prince.

“I think so.” Killian ran his hands over his face and let out a shout of frustration. Hands on his hips, he looked at David and Ivan, who'd emerged from the back office. “I can't believe my father did this to me.”

“I can.” Ivan studied him, his expression serious.

“Me too,” David said evenly. “The king just gave you a ball and chain named Christina. He probably figures one of two things will happen.”

“Like what?” Killian shouted. “What could he possibly have been thinking?”

“Option one,” David began. “You get fed up with her meddling, pack it in, and head back to Alaska. He's got a better chance of getting you mated if you're back there. If it isn't to Christina, you'll find another she-wolf.”

“Not happening.” Killian shook his head and folded his arms over his broad chest. “What's your other theory?”

“Option two?” David stuck his hands in his pockets and shot Ivan a knowing look. “By forcing you and Christina to spend all this time together, maybe he thinks that the two of you will hook up. Then he gets the future queen he always wanted.”

“Also not happening.” Killian rolled his eyes. “I'm not remotely attracted to her. And even if I was, this little stunt she pulled would have snuffed it out. Trickery and deceptive behavior are not a turn-on.”

“Would it be so bad?” Ivan asked with a shrug. “Christina's hot.”

“Then feel free to mate with her,” Killian said flatly. “You have my blessing, Ivan.”

“Me? That's crazy.” Ivan shrugged awkwardly and looked away, making Killian immediately regret his remark. “I'll go patrol outside. Let me know when you're ready to leave, and I'll pull the car around.”

Killian let out a frustrated sigh as Ivan headed to the door and out of the club. He seemed to be fucking things up at every turn.

“Yeah, well, you know she's not my type.” David let out a short laugh. Killian gave him a wry smile and nodded. “What's your next move?”

“I'm going to play along.” Killian glanced to the doors of the club and a smile curled his lips. “Believe me, David. By the time I'm done with Christina, she'll want nothing to do with the club, this city, and—with any luck—me.”

“What's the game plan?” David asked with a tone that betrayed his unease with the situation. “If I'm going to be able to do my job, it would be helpful if I knew what you're up to.”

“For starters, we're going to do what the lady wants and take her to The Coven.”

“Holy shit.” David looked at Killian like he'd lost his mind—and maybe he had. “Are you serious? She hates vampires.”

“Absolutely. Fighting with Christina will get me nowhere. For now, my best bet is to keep her happy, at least until I can figure out what will make her give up and go back to Alaska.” Killian's lips curved as his mind drifted to Sadie. “If Christina wants to do some research and get to know the competition, I'm more than happy to oblige.” He slapped David on the shoulder and gave his friend a reassuring smile. “In the meantime, I'm going to have a look at my office, and then I'm gonna call the sign company and find out where the hell our sign is.”

Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Killian walked toward the back of the club as David's concerned voice drifted into his mind.
you're referring to has nothing to do with the club?

* * *

The sun was setting as Sadie stared at her cell phone and a knot of nerves rumbled in her gut. After what happened at the pool last night, there was no way on earth she was going with him to his club. Being alone with Killian in any way was a really bad idea. Fingers shaking, she punched in a text message and hit Send.

I can't make it tonight. Something suddenly came up. Sorry. Maybe another time.

Relief wafted over her once the message was on its way, and she stuffed the phone in the pocket of her jacket. About two seconds later, the damn thing buzzed with Killian's response.

Isn't that the same excuse Marcia used in an old
Brady Bunch
episode to blow off her date so she could go out with another guy? Next thing u know, you'll say u have a date with George Glass, Jan's imaginary boyfriend.

Sadie laughed out loud as she texted him back.

LOL. Nope. No other werewolf clubs to inspect.

Nibbling her lower lip, she rubbed the smooth surface of the screen and waited for his response. After what felt like forever, his text buzzed through.

Promise you'll come tomorrow.

His handsome face drifted through her mind as she texted back.

Okay. C u tomorrow.

What the hell was she doing?

* * *

Normally, when The Coven was this crowded with humans, dancing and spending money like it was going out of style, Sadie would be riding high. Tonight, however, she felt anything other than normal. Part of it was probably because she hadn't slept all day. She'd been too preoccupied with thoughts of Killian Bane.

She could have slept. God knows she was exhausted, but she didn't. Insomnia wasn't keeping her awake—it was fear. Sadie was terrified that she'd dream.

Given everything that happened so far with Killian, she knew that if she slept and dreamed of Killian, it would seal her fate as his bloodmate.

That possibility meant no sleep for Sadie.

She stayed awake all day, keeping herself busy going through the books for the club and placing more booze orders with her distributors. Sleep deprivation aside, she'd also been unable to shake the distinctly woodsy scent of Killian Bane and it flirted along her senses all day. Just when she thought it was gone, the warm enticing aroma would curl around her like an invisible mist, making her weak at the knees. Sadie had hoped that focusing on work and surrounding herself with the noise of the club would scrub her brain clean.

No such luck.

In fact, she could swear his scent was getting stronger as the night wore on. The only saving grace was that, so far, Killian and his crew hadn't shown up. With any luck, they wouldn't show at all. Walking toward the DJ platform, Sadie flicked a glance at the empty red-leather VIP booth and a pang of longing struck her. God help her. In spite of the insanity of it, she still wanted to see him.

I'm such an idiot.

Trixie's voice touched her mind suddenly.
now? Forget to smile and wave to a customer?

Oh, stick it.
Sadie thought back with a laugh when the familiar sound of Trixie's voice filled her head. After the cleaning crew settled earlier today, Sadie had finally found the courage to try and telepath to Trixie. She'd never been so happy to hear from her friend in all her life. When Trixie's sleepy voice came in loud and clear, Sadie almost wept with relief. She could still telepath with her siblings, which meant there was no bloodmate bond with Killian. The telepathy with him had been a fluke, a side effect from tasting his blood.
I'm just missing the DJ position, that's all.

you're not missing a certain werewolf hottie and his buddies? That VIP booth does look awfully empty.

Sadie shot Trixie a look over her shoulder as she climbed the steps to the DJ platform. She hadn't told Trixie or the others about her little run-in with Killian last night, and if she had her way, she never would. That moment of weakness would stay a secret until the end of time.
bar? Do we need to pull anything from the stockroom?

vodka, a bottle of Jack, and maybe another case of Michelob Ultra.
Trixie flipped a bottle and caught it before pouring three shots.
we're going, you're gonna need to double next week's order.

it. I'll make a run down to the storage room for you in a few minutes.

busboy? Even a human one would be helpful, because the owner of the club shouldn't have to make product runs.

Trixie was right. They did need to hire more help, and first thing tomorrow, Sadie was going to remedy that particular problem.
You're right…I'll place an ad tomorrow.

“What's up?” Sadie shouted to Justine over the bone-rattling music. The girl loved tunes that were heavy on bass, and the current choice was reverberating through her chest.

“Hello there, gov.” Justine linked the headphones around her tattooed neck and smoothed the long waves of her blue-and-yellow-streaked hair. She was wearing only a white tank top, no bra, and black leather pants, which put her lean, wiry frame on full display. Her green eyes, lined with dark, heavy makeup, stared back at Sadie with unmistakable mischief. “I have a favor to ask you.”

“I knew it.” Sadie laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. “You want a raise already.”

“Nah.” Justine leaned closer and smirked. “Was hopin' I could have Sunday night off.”

“Nope.” Sadie pressed her lips together and shook her head firmly. “I'm sorry, but you can't take it off.” Justine's face fell and before she could start begging, Sadie smiled and patted her on her bare shoulder. “You can't take the night off because we're closed on Sundays. Remember?”

“Balls!” Justine smacked her forehead and laughed loudly. “I can't bloody believe I forgot that.” She shook her head and flicked a sheepish glance in Sadie's direction. “Sorry.”

“What? Do you have a hot date?” Sadie peered out over the crowd and elbowed her DJ playfully. “You do have the best view of the crowd from here, and I was always able to spot the best-lookin' humans. Not that I ever fed in the club,” she added quickly. “Because that's a big no-no.”

“No worries.” Justine held up both hands in surrender. “My handsome hottie is not out on the dance floor. He's kind of shy and sweet. Dancin' in a club ain't his style, gov. Funny thing is, you'd never guess it by lookin' at him. He's a huge bloke.”

“A big brute, is he?” Sadie asked with genuine curiosity. Justine was new to their little group and Sadie knew it was in her best interest to get to know her. “Tough guy?”

“Oh yeah.” Justine waggled her pierced eyebrow as she put her headphones back on. She gave Sadie a wink. “You might even say he's an animal.”

“Right.” Justine's remark was not lost on Sadie, and based on the look that werewolf, David, had given Justine last night, Sadie knew to which
the DJ was referring. She'd also bet a million bucks that's who Justine had been texting with last night. Sadie leaned over, pulled her headphones off her ear, and whispered, “Just don't forget the rules, Justine. You can play with the animals but don't feed on them.”

Justine nodded her understanding and gave Sadie a thumbs-up before grabbing the microphone. Sadie descended the stairs and wove her way through the crowd as Justine riled the humans up into a frenzied mob. Glancing over her shoulder, Sadie watched her colorful and talented DJ. Bathed in the flickering lights of the club, she looked like a wild woman, but a glimmer of concern covered her face. Sadie winked, hoping to put her at ease. Who she hooked up with was Justine's own business. Shit. Sadie certainly wasn't in any position to pass judgment on anyone.

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