Vampires Never Cry Wolf (8 page)

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Authors: Sara Humphreys

BOOK: Vampires Never Cry Wolf
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He expected her to fly off in a furious huff, but to his delight, she met his burning stare with her own as Killian stalked slowly around the edge of the pool toward her.

“What the fuck are you doing here? Spying on me?” Sadie seethed. Her dark, almost black eyes clocked his every move and her lips peeled back, effectively showing her razor-sharp fangs. “How did you know I'd be here?” Her eyes flicked over him quickly. “And why are you naked?”

“Actually, I was going to ask you the same thing,” Killian murmured. He was just a few feet away from her now and he lifted his nose, inhaling her rich, feminine scent. It was a combination of mint and violets. Feminine and fresh. His gaze drifted to her breasts that swayed enticingly. Sweet Mary, this woman was sexy. She was totally and completely comfortable in her own skin and seemingly unaware of her beauty. And that made her even more desirable. “This is my pool and I was going to go for a swim. So, tell me, what are you doing here? Vampire.”

“Your pool? I've been here before and never picked up the scent of your kind.”

“I haven't used my pool yet.”

“When did this become your pool?” Sadie's voice wavered ever so slightly and her brow furrowed. “I thought you lived at that hotel.” She smirked. “

Killian knew she meant the word “wolf” as an insult, but damn if it didn't sound sexy coming out of her mouth. It was a challenge. Like she was daring him to come at her one way or another.

“As of last week.” Killian stopped just a foot away from Sadie and kept his voice low. “Ivan, David, and I just moved in. In fact, I signed a five-year lease.”

“Really?” Sadie arched one dark eyebrow and scoffed. “That's a hell of a commitment. It must be love. I heard your kind was into the ménage à trois. Congratulations. They're both very handsome.”

“Hardly.” Killian held her fiery stare. “I have nothing against a threesome. In fact, I've enjoyed a few over the years and I can assure you—I'm the only male.”

“I knew it.” Sadie rolled her eyes. “Homophobe?”

“Alpha,” Killian growled and shook his head slowly. Sadie's expression faltered briefly. The tough exterior gave way momentarily to a heated look of lust, and that was all the encouragement Killian needed. “Looks like there are lots of things you don't know about me, Ms. Pemberton.”

“I know enough.” Sadie straightened her back and tilted her chin defiantly, steeling her stance and making no move to retreat. Her sharp gaze flicked down to the evidence of his desire, which he was doing nothing to hide. Killian didn't miss the slight widening of her eyes before she met his stare once again. “For example, it's time for me to leave.”


“Don't flatter yourself.” Sadie jutted a thumb to the brightening horizon. “Sunrise. But since I have you here, I want to tell you something. I should have said this to you when you first started coming to the club.”

“Be my guest.” He took one step closer.

“If you sell Maya out or reveal her secret to your father or any of the others…” she said in a firm, steady voice. “Make no mistake about it. Treaty or no treaty, I
kill you.”

“I swore that I would keep Maya's secret, and I always keep my word.”

“The word of a werewolf doesn't hold much water with me.”

“Do you know many wolves?” he asked playfully.

“I've known enough.” Sadie's voice wavered briefly. “They seemed more interested in savagery than promises.”

“If a man doesn't have his honor, then he has nothing.”

“Really?” Her voice dipped to a low, challenging tone. “Like your brother?”

“Yes.” Killian stilled for moment. Bringing up his brother was a low blow and she knew it. “Just like him.”

“Sorry.” Sadie's voice softened and a look of regret flickered across her face. “That wasn't fair.”

“If you don't believe me, then why not taste my blood and read my blood memories?” Killian's voice dipped lower to a challenging tone, daring her to break the rules. Which of them would crack first? “Your kind can do that, can't they? Read the memories of those they feed on?”

“Not wolves. Only humans.” Sadie's voice was tight with restraint. “Besides, I don't get blood memories from anyone. Not anymore. I taught myself how to block that shit out. I have too much of my own history to carry around. I don't want or need anyone else's problems.”

“Interesting. You can shield yourself from blood memories?” He inched closer. “Is that a common ability?”

“That's none of your business.”

“You brought it up,” he murmured playfully.

“Whatever.” Sadie didn't give an inch. “I will do anything to protect my family.” Her eyes seemed haunted by something, a memory perhaps, and she whispered, “Family is precious and too easily lost.”

Silence hung between them with only the sounds of the city filling the air—car horns, wind whistling between the buildings, a siren wailing in the distance, and the savage pounding of his heart.

“I thought you were leaving,” he murmured. Killian leaned closer, ever so slightly, and breathed her in. When her fresh, crisp scent filled his head, a deep growl rumbled in his chest. Sadie held her ground and didn't retreat, although he sensed her body quivering, almost humming. He closed his eyes and reveled in the unique vibrations and musical hum her beautiful body emanated. The erotic pulses thrummed through him, called to him. Damn it all to hell, he itched to touch her. To taste her. “You
leave…and yet, here you stand.”

Eyes still closed, Killian inched his large frame nearer so that her nipples scraped lightly against his chest and the heat of his erection brushed against the cool skin of her belly. His body twitched as flesh met flesh, and still Sadie did not retreat. The vibrations rippling off her damp, quivering body skittered over him like music and, combined with the whisper of her touch, his last ounce of resolve evaporated.

His fists clenched and unclenched at his side until he finally gave in to the driving desire and trailed one finger up her arm. Sadie flinched almost imperceptibly as he traced the curve of her shoulder and then along the line of her collarbone. A moan escaped her lips when he brushed the back of his knuckles up her neck before gently cupping her face.

“I never run from a challenge,” Sadie murmured. She pressed her breasts against him, the soft mounds of flesh searing against him.

Killian felt like he was in the middle of a game of double dog dare—and it was a surefire bet he was going to lose. Sadie sighed, a seductive sound that made his cock twitch.

Oh yeah. Dead wolf walking.

“Me neither.” Killian lifted his head and clapped his hungry gaze onto hers. Her eyes were wild, her mouth parted slightly, revealing the tips of her fangs so there was no mistaking her desire for him. Her body molded against his in all the right places, and the beast inside him fought for control. “This goes against the laws of nature.”

“Yeah? So does a werewolf who wants to live in the middle of Manhattan.” Sadie's lips curled back, flashing more of her fangs. Killian's gut clenched when she popped up on her toes and flicked his lower lip with her tongue. A wicked look twinkled in her eye. “I'd say it's time to nut up or shut up. All this talking is gonna make me think you're all bark and no

“Wouldn't want to let you down.” On a curse, he covered her eager mouth with his, and the world he knew ripped wide open. She tasted cool, sweet, and rich, like ice cream in the summertime, and in that instant Killian knew he would never, ever get enough of her. Laws of nature could be damned. This woman's taste was all he would ever crave. Were there other women? Who the hell cared?

Sadie's soft, pliant lips opened to him as he ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth and she welcomed him in. Grasping her head with both hands, he groaned and took full control of the plundering kiss. He tangled his hands in her long, wet hair, which felt like ribbons of satin as it rushed through his fingers. Killian groaned when her tongue swept along his, seeking him out with the same desperation and urgency.

This was what he needed. This woman. Her touch. Her taste. How on earth could this be wrong?

“Killian?” The sound of Ivan's voice shattered the moment and yanked him from the haze of lust. The fear of discovery was enough to have them both put on the brakes with gut-wrenching speed.

Sadie shoved him away with far more force than he would ever have thought she possessed, and easily extricated herself from his grasp. Breathing heavily and feeling completely stoned from that kiss, Killian stumbled back but caught himself before he fell into the pool.
Ivan's timing suck any worse?

In a blur of motion, Sadie grabbed her pile of clothes. She looked at him, stunned.

“Sadie, wait.”

“No way,” Sadie whispered shakily. Her quivering hand went to her mouth and she stared at him with wide, frightened eyes. The tough-as-nails vampire had been replaced by a terrified young woman. She looked almost…fragile. “That's never happening again.”

Before Killian could respond and assure her that was definitely not the last kiss they'd be sharing, Sadie shot into the night like a ghost.

“Damn it!” Killian shouted.

Killian heard Ivan coming and realized he was standing outside, naked, with a raging hard-on and a growing case of blue balls. Thankfully, he had enough of his wits about him to jump into the water in an attempt to hide his condition. Ivan came out just as Killian surfaced and swam to the edge of the pool.

“Everything okay up here?” Ivan, gun in hand and wearing only a pair of sweatpants, looked around the rooftop with more than a little curiosity. “I could swear I heard you talking to someone and I got…I don't know…a weird vibe.” He tilted his nose to the air and Killian stilled. “I smell a vampire…and something else.”

“Nope.” Killian swiped his wet hair off his face and perched both arms on the edge. “Just me. I was feeling a little wound up and decided to take a swim before I hit the sack. You didn't shower tonight, did you?”

“No.” Ivan looked around the area suspiciously. “Why?”

“I can smell the club all over you, man.” Killian laughed and swiped water from his eyes, hoping this would satisfy Ivan's curiosity. “Vampire. Humans. Sex. Shit, Ivan. I hate to break it to you, but you stink.”

“Yeah, you're probably right.” Ivan nodded and looked around one last time. He was about to go inside when he snapped his nose to the air and stilled. “I smell blood, and I know that wasn't at the club tonight.” Turning back to Killian, he squatted down and pointed at Killian's face. “What the hell happened to your lip? You're bleeding.”

“I am?” Killian licked his lip and swiped at his mouth. Sure enough, the unmistakable coppery taste of blood bathed his tongue and his fingers came away with a streak of red. “Huh. I bumped the bottom when I dove in,” he lied. “I guess I scraped my lip.” Killian shrugged and waved Ivan off. “No big deal. I'll see you in the morning.”

“No wonder the king wants you to have a two-man security team.” Ivan gave him a doubtful look and rose to his feet. “We leave you alone for a little while and you hurt yourself.”

“Very funny.” Killian laughed as Ivan disappeared into the penthouse. “See you in a few hours.”

Licking his lower lip, Killian looked to the purple and indigo predawn sky in search of Sadie. As he suspected, she was nowhere in sight. Hoisting himself out of the pool, he went inside and dried off, replaying that kiss over and over again in his mind. Kiss? Hell, that didn't cover it. He had never kissed a woman—human, wolf, or whatever—and experienced anything like that.

After a cold shower, Killian settled into the massive king-size bed and stared at the ceiling as golden light from the rising sun streamed into his bedroom. With sleep flirting at the edge of consciousness, one image haunted his mind—the fearful look on Sadie's face just before she flew away. Maybe she was afraid of getting caught by Ivan or breaking the no-fraternizing rule? But deep in his gut he knew that wasn't true. There was something more to it. Because up until that second, Sadie had been just as into it as Killian was. The question was, what had scared her so badly?

Killian made a silent vow to find out so he could put her fears to rest and claim her as his own.

Chapter 5

can't be happening.

Sadie's body hummed with power, making her feel like she was hooked up to some kind of generator. Aside from flying to the underground tunnel entrance in record time, she ran through the old subway channels in the blink of an eye. Sadie had always been fast—but not that fast.

Her fang had scraped his lip. The moment his blood touched her tongue, Sadie's entire world exploded in a cavalcade of light and sound.

Killian's blood memories stormed into her mind like a hurricane, a flash of whirring images. In that split second Sadie glimpsed the werewolf prince's idyllic childhood and his tempestuous adolescence in the wilds of Alaska. She felt the heartbreaking betrayal he had endured from his brother and practically whimpered under the weight of the looming, oppressive future he couldn't escape.

Sadie was left confused and scared by the surprising experience of absorbing Killian's blood memories but her feelings weren't limited to herself. The man was trapped by his birthright and dreaded the notion of taking a mate. The boy had serious commitment issues.

Aside from the unexpected event of absorbing his memories, Sadie's body had been energized by Killian's blood although she'd barely tasted it. If only a few drops of his blood affected her like this, what the hell would happen if she had more than that?

The answer was simple. Nothing good.

Sadie shook her head as if she could shake away the crazy thoughts. What on earth was wrong with her? Lust. That's what. Good old-fashioned, fuck-me-blind lust. When she'd heard someone come out of the penthouse, she fully expected a human. But when the scent of a werewolf filled her head, panic had swamped her.

Until, that is, she set eyes on the preternaturally sexy, naked body that belonged to Killian Bane. His tall, well-muscled form was a gorgeous sight to behold, and she'd been right about what he was hiding under all those clothes. She didn't know what to stop staring at first: his perfectly sculpted legs, the broad chest covered by a dusting of dark hair, or that thick beautiful cock.

She should have flown out of there that instant. Should have grabbed her clothes and hightailed it to anywhere other than that roof with him in all his hot, sexy nakedness. But she couldn't. She quite literally couldn't make herself leave. He was like a magnet, drawing her closer, pulling her into his orbit.

A swirl of need gathered in her belly as she recalled the feel of his lips on hers. Letting out a groan, Sadie fought the unreasonable attraction she had for the arrogant wolf and focused on getting to the Presidium's offices. The feral, predatory look in his eye as he stalked toward her around the pool had made her wet. His long, toned, well-muscled body was taut with desire, and she had been more than a little impressed by the erection the guy was sporting.

An ache throbbed between her legs at the memory of the hard feel of his body pressing against hers. In that moment it hadn't mattered that he was a werewolf. All that mattered was getting closer, and as strange as it was, being naked in his arms felt remarkably

Strong. Powerful. Irresistible.

Every single bit of him drew her in, and she had fooled herself into thinking she had control, that she could handle the situation. Yeah, right. That veil of bullshit had evaporated when she let him kiss her. Because from that moment forward, Sadie knew she'd never get enough. He tasted hot, feral, dangerous, and forbidden, and the effects of that kiss continued to hum through every cell of her body.

Then, of course, there was the blood.

She didn't mean to cut him, and normally she was great at maneuvering kisses when her fangs were out. Hell, she'd kissed plenty of men—and women, for that matter—and never once had she been so sloppy. But when she'd heard Ivan coming and picked up his scent, her instincts for self-preservation had kicked into high gear. She must have scraped Killian with her fangs when she pushed him away. Then when his blood hit her tongue, every one of her senses exploded and went into hyperdrive.

It wasn't the taste of his blood that frightened her, or even the fact that it was forbidden. Hell, not even getting his blood memories was as scary as what had happened next. Nope. What she had felt when his blood rushed through her veins paled in comparison to the shock of what she

Ivan's timing suck any worse?

The deep baritone growl of Killian's voice had ripped into her mind with shocking intensity, and Sadie's entire world had started to spin out of control. Killian had telepathed to her, and since vamps and werewolves could not speak to each other telepathically, that it had happened at all was plain old crazy. Other than mental illness, there was only one reason why she'd be able to hear Killian's voice in her mind. It simply
be possible.


“This can't be happening.” Talking to herself was a sure sign she was losing it, taking a ride on the crazy train. “It was just a fluke—a one-time thing because I tasted his blood. That's all.”

She pressed her hand to the smooth, black panel next to the iron-hinged wooden door and waited not-so-patiently for the entrance to the Presidium's New York office to open. The vampires' central offices provided shelter and a safe haven for all vamps. Just being within these walls made Sadie feel safe. And a little less crazy. After what seemed like an eternity, the antique door swung wide and allowed her access. Letting out a huff of impatience, Sadie made her way quickly through the stone hallway, the sound of her boot heels echoing around her with obnoxious clarity.

Olivia and Doug lived in an apartment at the other end of the Presidium's underground chambers, and with any luck they were preoccupied with baby Emily. While both of them were daywalkers, they still kept vampire hours for the most part, and by now they should be going to bed. The last complication she needed was to involve the czars in this latest development, and she'd already intruded on them last night. She wanted to handle this situation on her own and only involve Olivia if she absolutely had to.

When she came to the intersection of the two grand hallways, Sadie took a left turn beneath the ornate stone arches and made a beeline for Xavier's laboratory. Xavier was their resident genius and inventor. Aside from making the latest and greatest weaponry, he dabbled in chemistry and potions. If anyone could help her find a way out of this mess, it would be him.

Sadie nibbled her thumbnail nervously before banging on the massive steel door. The sun was just coming up and she prayed their resident weapons master and Mr. Fix-It hadn't gone to sleep yet. She was about to pound on the door again when she heard a muffled clicking sound and the double doors opened. Stepping back so she didn't get bowled over, Sadie quickly slipped inside.

The cavernous room looked like a mad scientist's lab. Ancient weapons dangled from the ceiling like some kind of macabre mobile. Assorted experiments were in progress on several tables, but Xavier was nowhere to be seen. She was about to call out to him when a familiar fluttering sound, almost like the wings of a giant butterfly, filled the air.

“Hello, Bella.” Sadie looked toward the ceiling for the Presidium's resident ghost, but so far the Romanian specter wasn't showing herself. She barely revealed herself or spoke to anyone other than Xavier. “I'm here to see Xavier.”

A clicking noise echoed through the room, making Sadie jump. She spun to the right just as a panel along the far wall slid open. A moment later, Xavier flew out in a blur. Sadie let out a sigh of relief as her friend landed on the stool in front of her and threw out his arms in welcome.

“Sadie girl!” Xavier exclaimed. “Get on over here and gimme a hug. I've barely seen you since you started running that dang club.”

Standing on the stool and wearing his usual ensemble of a lab coat, shirt, and slacks, he looked like a miniature Albert Einstein. A shock of white hair stuck up in a thousand different directions, and his wire-rim glasses were perched precariously on the tip of his nose. The vampire's signature hundred-watt smile was gleaming brightly, instantly making her feel better.

Sadie ran over and wrapped him up in a big hug. He may have been small in stature, but Xavier had one of the biggest hearts of anyone she'd ever known. The brilliant man was the closest thing Sadie had to a father, since she'd lost her own so many years ago. She squeezed her eyes shut and fought the flood of tears that threatened to come.

“Hey, now.” Xavier pulled back and patted her arms, looking at her with genuine concern. His pale blue-gray eyes studied her intently, and he pursed his lips together as he gave her the once-over. “What's going on with you, Sadie girl? You seem wired or hopped up or something. I mean you're almost…buzzing. Seriously.”

He gripped her hands tightly in his far smaller ones. “I've never seen you so rattled. What happened?”

“I'm in deep shit.” Sadie swiped at her eyes and released Xavier before pulling up a neighboring stool and sitting down. “And I know that if anyone can help me, it will be you, but I'm going to need you to keep this between us for now.”

“You got it.” Xavier nodded and crossed his heart with one pudgy hand before sitting down. “Your secret is safe with me.” The fluttering noise above them grew louder, and he jutted a thumb toward it. “And with Bella too.” He winked. “She won't say a word. Only speaks Romanian anyway.”

“Thank you, Bella.” Sadie gave a cursory wave toward the ceiling and smiled before turning her attention back to Xavier. “You make a lot of potions and elixirs and stuff, right?”

“Right…” he said slowly. He pushed his glasses up onto his head and clasped his hands in front of him. “I take it you're looking for something specific.”

“Well, I know you've been working on a cure for a werewolf bite.”

“Yes.” Xavier nodded, his expression pensive. “Their saliva is fatal to vampires when delivered through a bite, and with a few more of them now residing in the city, Olivia asked me to work on something just in case. No luck so far, though.” He gestured toward two large tables at the back of the room with bubbling liquids and tubes twining in and out of a scaffold-like structure.

“That's what I've been spending most of my time on lately. The virus that turns a human into a werewolf is a fatal virus for us. It attacks our cells with frightening speed. I haven't even been able to slow it down, let alone stop it.” His expression darkened. “Watching it happen, even under the microscope, is one of the most terrifying things I've witnessed.”

“It's so bizarre.” Sadie shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself once before rising and walking over to the lab tables. As she stared at the equipment, her mind went to the kiss she'd shared with Killian and the euphoric sensations she'd experienced. “How can their saliva from a bite kill us but their blood energize us? I just don't get it.”

“I think it has something to do with the way the virus is introduced into our bodies. The saliva is introduced through a bite, but the blood is ingested. I think that's the difference, but the truth is I just don't know.” Xavier flew over and landed on a stool on the opposite side of the table. He put his glasses back on and pointed at one of the beakers. “I've been looking at both microscopically.”

“Wait a minute.” Sadie pointed at the beaker. “Where are you getting the werewolf blood and saliva for your tests?”

“The prince.” Xavier shrugged.

“Killian donated his blood and saliva to help vampires figure out how to cure a werewolf bite?”

“Yes.” Xavier grinned and pushed his glasses back on his head. “He made one donation about six months ago as a sign of good faith and to assure us that the wolves aren't a threat. In fact, King Heinrich insisted on it. I like him very much,” Xavier said with a smile. “He's progressive and willing to make changes, like Olivia and Doug. Anyway, I'm sure that's the reason the czars didn't put up a fight when Killian decided to stay here in the city.” Xavier's eyes narrowed and he lowered his voice. “Now, why don't you tell me why you're here? Since you obviously haven't suffered a werewolf bite.”

“I did something really stupid.” Sadie puffed a stray hair from her face and stared at Xavier for what felt like forever before finally spitting it out. “I kissed Killian.”

“Ah, I see. I guess it's a good thing that their saliva is only fatal when introduced through a bite.” Xavier's white eyebrows flew up and a look of understanding covered his face. “So, how exactly can I help you with that?”

“You don't seem surprised.”

“I'm not.” Xavier chuckled. “From what the girls tell me, our royal friend has been spending a lot of time buzzing around you at the club. They all figured that it was only a matter of time.”

“Great.” Sadie cringed inwardly, realizing she'd been fooling no one but herself regarding her attraction to Killian. “Kissing him? That's not the I-fucked-up part.”

“I'm listening.”

“I tasted his blood.”

“I see.” Xavier's playful expression evaporated as the weight of her words settled over him. “I'm still not sure why you're here. I'm not a priest, my dear, and this isn't a confessional,” he said, a glimmer of humor returning after a second.

“I think it did something to me—his blood, I mean,” Sadie added quickly. She started pacing around the room, hoping that if she said it all out loud she wouldn't sound as crazy as she felt. “I tasted werewolf blood once before. It was just before the treaty was signed and right after Olivia turned me. We got ambushed by a pack of three wolves, and in those days, it was kill or be killed. Olivia took down two and I got one of them—barely. Anyway, when I tasted
blood, it was definitely supercharged, you know? Made me stronger and I felt kind of invincible for a little while. It's probably what humans feel like when they're on cocaine or something.”

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