Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6) (18 page)

BOOK: Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6)
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Norvil lashed out and slapped his hand hard across the top of his Boris's head.

'What the fuck do you mean it was dark; I've told you dozens of times you take no fucker near that place!'

Boris rubbed at his forehead
. 'I...'

'So, Elliot knows where we keep the stuff?'

'Perhaps,' Boris mumbled.

'You cretin,

'Elliot won't...'

Norvil snapped up a hand and Boris clamped his mouth closed.

'Don't you dare say he'll keep his
mouth closed
, because we both know that's
That's why we kicked the little bastard into touch in the first place because he had a loose tongue and couldn't be

Boris looked crestfallen. 'I'm sorry, Norv, I didn't think,' he winced as his brother loomed towards him.

Norvil rapped his knuckles on Boris's skull. 'That's always been your bloody problem, you never see past the end of your sodding nose!'

The cabin shook as the bulldozer rumbled across the yard.

'Tell me what to do and I'll sort it,' Boris said as he wiped a hand under his nose.

'You don't get it do you, Boz. The gear in the lockup doesn't belong to us.'

'What do you mean?' Boris asked in confusion.

'We sell it on, you daft prick, we're just a link in a chain and if the filth catch up with Elliot and he grasses us up then the owners of the gear will still want their money.'

'But I thought it was ours, I thought we paid up front?'

'Are you having a laugh there's half a million quid's worth of shit in that lockup and if the police get their mitts on it then we are fucked because I know I don't have that kind of money in the bank and I'm damn sure you don't!'

it, Norv, take a van and clear the place out.'

'And put it where?'

Boris blinked and lowered his head as his brain seized solid like one of the rusting engines in the yard.

Norvil felt like slamming his boot between his brother’s legs, instead he dragged a cigarette from his pocket and sparked an old Zippo. 'Go tonight and load the van.'

Boris snapped his head up and nodded. 'No problem, Norv.'

'I'll try and sort somewhere to keep it.'


'And for fucks sake make sure your mobiles fully charged and as soon as you're loaded you ring me is that clear enough for you?'

'Yeah, yeah, you can rely on me, Norv.'

Norvil flicked the lit cigarette towards his brothers face, Boris ducked as the tab flew over his shoulder.

'But that's just it, I can't trust you can I, Boris?'


'Save your fucking breath you waste of space.'

Boris nodded.



'OK, Med, calm down.'

Lasser could feel the waves of anxiety coming from her as she looked around the room, her eyes wide and fraught with panic.

'Have you tried her phone?'

'Three or four times and it keeps putting me through to her voicemail.'

'Have you checked the wardrobe?'

Medea looked at him in confusion,
'The wardrobe?'

'Come on,' he said. 'Let's take a look.'

Medea followed him out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Once in the spare bedroom he pulled open the door and flicked his way through the few clothes hanging from the rail before lifting out the suitcase.

'What are you doing?' Medea asked, her hands clasped beneath her chin.

Lasser glanced up at her. 'We need to know if she's taken anything with her.'

'But why would she just disappear without saying anything?'

Lifting the case onto the bed, he slid the zip open. Medea stood back chewing on a fingernail, when Lasser tossed the boxed rabbit vibrator onto the bed she felt the colour flush her cheeks.

Rummaging in the side pocket, he pulled out a leather purse and handed it to Medea.

'Take a look, Med.'

'Should we really be doing this, Lasser?'

'Look you went to the shops and when you came back Emma had gone?'

'Well yeah, but...'

'You've tried her phone?'

'I've already told you that.'

Lasser flipped the lid of the suitcase closed. 'Listen, we don't really know why Emma came back here.'

'You know why, she said she wants to move back to the area and she had a couple of job interviews lined up.'

Lasser sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. 'Tell me, has she said anything to you about her life in London?'

Medea held the purse in her right hand, her face burning with apprehension. 'Well yeah, we've talked.'

'Was she seeing anyone?'

'She never said.'

'So, we don't know if she has a boyfriend or partner?'

'Well no, but what's that got to do with anything?'

Lasser frowned. 'Do you think she could have gone to see her father?'

Medea chewed at her bottom lip as the failing sun flashed at the bedroom window. 'She would have told me, she wouldn't have just run from the house without saying anything.'

Slapping his hands on his knees Lasser stood up. 'Check the purse, Med.'

Medea clicked it open and slid out two credit cards and a driving licence.

'Any cash?'


'But her credit cards are there?'


'Right do you know where her father lives?'

'Well yeah, but do you think it’s wise just knocking on his door.'

'If she's there then we solve the puzzle.'

'And if she isn't?' Medea asked the panic rising again.

'One thing at a time, Med, now grab your coat and let's go.'

Five minutes later, they were in the car.



Albie Ross frowned as he listened to the voice on the phone. 'Look, where did you get my number?'

'Donny Elliot.'

Slumping back onto the sofa, he kicked off his trainers, his big toe poked through a hole in his sock. 'How is he?'

'I said he'd given me your number, I didn't say we were friends.'

Albie sniffed. 'Yeah well, Donny doesn't have many mates.'

'So, can we do business?'

'Listen, I don't know you from Adam, I mean, for all I know you could be the filth.'

'You're a cautious man, I like that.'

'I don't really care what you like.'

'You have a brown wheelie bin standing by your front door.'

Albie shot up from his seat and crossed the room in three long strides. 'Are you watching me because if you are...?'

'Lift the lid I've left you a little something.'

'You what?'

'I'll ring back in five.'

'Hang on
,' the phone bleeped and died.

Albie snatched back the curtains and peered out into the gloom, the street was empty apart from half a dozen parked cars and a black dog that trotted past the end of the drive.

Swishing them closed he headed down the hallway and opened the front door. Albie stood on the step and sniffed the air like some wary animal checking for the scent of danger. Then he moved outside and lifted the plastic bin lid. The ASDA carrier bag lay on top of a mound of empty cans and bottles.

Plucking it free he had another quick look left and right before retreating into the house. Closing the door, Albie made his way back to the small lounge and sat back down on the lumpy sofa. Opening the bag, he frowned before pulling out the empty McDonalds burger box and the plastic drinks cup. The brown envelope lay at the bottom and Albie slid it free before dropping the bag onto the floor.

As soon as he opened the envelope his eyes widened in surprise, pulling out the stack of twenty-pound notes he riffled through them, his tongue slid out and licked across his dry lips as he reached five hundred.

Albie looked up as if he expected someone to come crashing through the front window dressed head to toe in black with a gun strapped across their chest. After twenty long seconds he tipped the envelope, the small clear bag dropped into his lap. Picking it up, he gave it a shake, smiling as the white powder slid left to right.

When his phone began to drone, he slid the packet into his pocket before answering the call.

'Mr Ross, what do you say, can we do business

'What did you have in mind?'

As the voice continued to talk, the smile on Albie's face grew wider.



what a pleasant surprise!' James Drake beamed out at her from the doorway of the large bungalow.

'Hello, Mr Drake, I...'

Drake flapped a hand and glanced at Lasser. 'You can drop the
James will do just fine.'

For some unfathomable reason Medea felt a blush creep across her cheeks. 'I...'

'Come in, come in,' he stepped back and ushered them through the door before leading them into the huge kitchen. 'Now then, aren't you going to introduce us?' he smiled at Lasser.

Medea pushed her hair behind her ears. 'This is my partner Lasser.'

Drake thrust out a hand. 'No first name?'

'Lasser will do just fine,' he said as he shook Drakes hand.

'Lasser it is then, now, what can I do for you?'

'We're looking for Emma,' Medea said.

For a couple of seconds a look of sadness flickered across the retired doctor's face. 'Ah so, she
in the area?'

'I'm sorry, Mr...'

he interrupted.

'James,' Medea replied the blush deepening. 'Emma came up from London two days ago and she's been staying at our house.'

'I said as much,' Drake mumbled.

'Excuse me I don't follow,' Lasser said with a frown.

Drake pulled out a chair and sat down. 'One of her ex-colleagues called around earlier today looking for her. I mean, I didn't even know she was up here and...'

'This colleague was it a man or woman?'

Drake blinked up at Lasser. 'He said they used to work for the same graphic design company and he was up here on business.'

Medea looked at Lasser; she could see the look of concern etched on his features, the sight of it made her feel sick.

'Did he leave his name?'

The old man shook his head. 'Well, no and to be honest I didn't ask,' he paused and looked back and forth between Medea and Lasser, 'Look is something the matter?'

Medea rubbed at her arms as if she'd suddenly caught an icy chill. 'I left Emma at the house while I nipped to the shops. I was only gone for half an hour but when I got back she'd vanished.'

Drake smiled nervously. 'That sounds a little

'I've tried her phone and she isn't picking up.'

'Perhaps her battery died?'

'But why would she go in the first place? When I left, she was preparing a salad, we were going to stay in and relax.'

'Well, perhaps she went to call on one of your neighbours...'

Medea shook her head, her long hair swaying. 'The couple next door are away on holiday and besides it still doesn't explain why she would ignore her phone.'

Drake folded his arms and scowled.

'This ex-colleague did he say what he wanted with Emma?' Lasser asked.

'He said she'd told him to look her up if he was ever in the area.'

'And he was here on business?'

'That's what he said.'

'Can you describe him for me, Mr Drake?'

'Look, I don't mean to be rude but don't you think it would be better if we called the police?'

Lasser pulled out his warrant card. 'That'll be me, James.'

Drake's eyes sprang wide. 'I
well he was about thirty and quite tall with short mousey brown hair.'

'What was he wearing?'

Drake pinched the bridge of his nose between finger and thumb. 'Black jeans and a white shirt, oh, and he had these red and grey walking boots on.'

'And did he speak with a southern accent?'

'Well I suppose so, I mean, he definitely wasn't from these parts.'

'Do you know how he got here?'

Drake rubbed a hand across his eyes as if flummoxed by the questions. 'Er, I'm not really sure.'

'He arrived on foot?'

Drake looked towards the kitchen window; a robin was perched on the garden spade he'd left in the flowerbed. Then he snapped his head around and clicked his fingers. 'There was a red Jaguar parked on the street and I know it doesn't belong to any of the neighbours.'

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