Voices of Islam (119 page)

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Authors: Vincent J. Cornell

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Hira, 2

History, darkness and, 132 Holy Communion, 140

‘‘Holy war,’’ 205

Hope, servitude and, 169

House of worship, Abraham building of, 1–2

(love), 160

Hubb al-dunya
(worldly desire): ablu- tion and, 19; purification and attach- ment, 23–24

Hudaybiyya Treaty, 242

Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman, on rebellion against ruler, 250

Humanity, prayer posture symbolism, 30

Humankind, Muhammad as epitome, 28

Human perfection, transformation of life and, 56

Humans, Divine inspiration, 63 ‘‘Human shields,’’ 244

Human state, self-purification and, 136

Humility, at Prophet’s tomb, 82 Husayn ibn Ali, 113, 115–17, 122;

‘Ashura and, 111–12 Al-Husayn ibn Ali, 85

(worship), servitude, 168 Ibn ‘Abbas, 32, 48 n.47, 209

Ibn al-Farid, 54

Ibn al-Habib ibn al-Siddiq al-Amghari al-Idrisi al-Hasani, Muhammad, Sidi, 54, 62

Ibn ‘Arabi, Muhyiddin, 23, 157–58,


Ibn ‘Ata,’ Ahmad, 168

Ibn ‘Ata Allah as-Sakandari, 36–38, 39,

40–41, 48 n.46, 49 n.68

Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad, 69, 215, 241 Ibn Jabal, Mu‘adh, 235

Ibn Kathir, 118

Ibn Mas‘ud, 238

Ibn Naqib al-Masri, Ahmad, 16 Ibn Nujaym, 249

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, 206–7, 210–

11, 237

Ibn Qudama, 220, 241

Ibn Rushd, 11, 18, 207–9

Ibn ‘Umar, 237–38

‘Id al-Adha
(Feast of the Sacrifice), 90 Identity: appearance, 28; ‘Ashura and

Shiite communal, 112; ‘Ashura rituals and community, 122; Karbala mourning rituals and social, 119

Idolatry, Wahhabi scholars views, 82 ‘Ikrima, 238

Imam(s): authority to declare combative Jihad, 219–24
See also

Imamate, leadership theory, 114 Imami Shi‘ism, 113

Imperfection, 135

Impurity: purification and ritual prayer, 16–17; as tyranny, 27

India, 120

Infinite, finite and, 152

Inner battle, sale of self to God, 169– 70

Innermost, level.
(innermost) Intention.
See Niyya
(intention) Intercessory prayers, of Prophet, 27 Invisible world,

world), 127

Invocation: Sufi master, 194; Sufi women, 180; transformation, 55

Invocatory formulas.
See Wird

(invocatory formulas)

Iran, 112–13; ‘Ashura rituals and Republic of, 119; ‘Ashura symbolism and rebellion, 112; Buyids, 118;

Shiites and, 112–13

Iranians, Persian elite culture, 120–21 Iraq: Karbala battle, 116; Shiite shires,


Isaac, 1

(night prayers), 14, 20

Ishmael, 21; Abraham and, 1–2


(love), 160–61

Islam: Divine Names and, 158; internal diversity, 112–13; moral responsibility, 134; as form of prayer, 43–44; prayer in, 9–11; relationship with non-Muslims, 231–32; servant- hood, 168; servanthood in, 44; study of, as Jihad, 235–36

Islamic knowledge,
as, 60 Islamic law, Jihad in, 209–15

Islamic learning, spiritual education as, 192

Islamic mysticism, Merton and, 143– 55

Islamist groups, militant, false understanding of Jihad, 224, 244,


Isolation from world.
See Khalwa

(isolation from world) Israfil (Archangel), 32

Ithna’ Shi‘ism, 113

Jabal ‘Ayr, 78

Jabal Sila’, 95

Jacob, Merton and al-‘Alawi, 152 Ja‘far al-Sadiq, 85, 169–70
(to strive hard), 206
(pre-Islamic ignorance):

declaring one’s own rulings as, 248; rebellion against ruler as, 251,

(glory), as Divine Attribute, 159

(beauty): Beloved and, 161–63; Divine Attribute, 26; as Divine Attribute, 159; as divine level of world, 126

Al-Jaza’iri, Abu Bakr ibn, 13

Jerusalem: as direction of prayer, 4, 92; faced in prayer, 22; Muhammad journey, 14

Jesus, 22

Jewish clans, 92–93; Medina indigenous, 79

Jews, Muharram and, 122–23 n.1

(struggle), 205–55; categories of, 206–9; as combative war (
Combative Jihad); defensive, conditions for, 224–26; of

Education (
), 208–13, 233; of the hand, 208–9; in history and law, 209–15; meaning of, 205, 206;

reeducation recommendations, 253; ritual prayer and, 13; against self, 207, 252; of the tongue, 208; of

women, 238

Jihad bi-l-sayf
(struggle by the sword).

Combative war

Jihad in Islam
(al-Buti), 209, 211–12,

219–20, 233

Jili (Sufi master), 19, 33–34 John of the Cross, 140

Joseph, Merton and al-‘Alawi, 152

A Journey Toward the Truth
(al- Yashrutiyya), 176, 190

Joy: Shrine visit and, 108–9; Sufi dance and, 58

Jum‘a, ‘Ali, 125–30

(Friday noon prayer), 35

Ka‘ba: Abraham building of, 1–2; circle about, 2, 21, 22–23, 61;

circumambulation of, 3, 61–62; as

61; direction of prayer, 92;

spiritual significance, 23–28

Karbala, 121; Battle of, 115–17; Husayn massacre, 111; Iran political legitimacy and, 119

Kashf al-Qina’
(Bahuti), 211
Kashf al-Qina‘a
(Tahanui), 220 Kashifi, Husayn Va‘iz, 118 Kashmir, 120

Katamonu, Turkey, 64 Khadija (wife of Prophet), 14
(hidden), level of, 24 Al-Khalil, Ghulam1, 159

(isolation from world), 193– 94

(Ibn al-Farid), 54 Al-Kharaqani, Abu al-Hasan, 162
(secessionists), 115

Al-Khudri, Abu Sa‘id, 68

(sermon), 35; ‘Ashura rituals and, 121

Kitab al Hikam ‘Ata’ illah al-Iskandari, 184


Knowledge, 28

Knowledge of God.
See Ma‘rifa

(knowledge of God)

meaning of, 3

La ilaha illa’llah,
symbolism of, 34 Lamentation.
See Ta‘ziya
(lamentation) Last Days, 88

Last Judgment, pilgrim wearing of

and, 3

Law, union with God and, 151–52 Lead, 141

Leader(s): authority for declaring combative Jihad, 219–24; call to combative Jihad by, 236; duties in combative Jihad, 229; peace-seeking obligation of, 239–40; prohibition of rebellion against, 239, 249–52

Leader, of circle of lovers, 23 Leadership, imamate theory, 114 Leadership, Rules of (
ahkam al-

), 219–20

Lebanon, 112, 186

Legal restrictions, Medina and, 77 Level of the Secret, 24

Life, sacralizing patterns of religions, 136

Light(s): as God, 27–28; heart and metaphysical, 129; kinds of, 129; of

Muhammad, 33–34; primordial,

194; Shiraz shrine, 106; world of,


Hindu doctrine, 132 Lings, Martin, 68, 139–40 Litany, in Sufi practice, 146–47

The Living One.
See Al-Hayy
(The Living One)

Lord of Creation, Muhammad and, 45

Love: Arabic terms for, 160; doctrine of essential, 161–62; level on way to God, 23–24; Rabi‘a mysticism, 177; Sufi Way, 157–69
See also Hubb

Love of God.
See Muhabba
(Love of God)

Love relationships, Arabic terms for, 160

See Hawa

(Sarakhsi), 221

(sects), religious violence and, 157–58

(path), 164 n.1 Madness, 128

Maghribi Muslims, 57

(sunset prayers), 20, 85 Magnification, consecratory.
See Takbir


(beloved), 158; beauty and, 161

Majesty, Divine Attribute, 26 Majesty, as divine level of world, 126 Major impurity, 16

(fear of God), 139

(invisible world), 126 Malik bin Anas, 85, 210, 215
(vassal), worshiper as, 158

(knowledge of God), 67, 139 Marriage.
See Wisal
(union of


Martin, Dale B., 170

Martyr (
), 243–44; Karbala, 116–18; spiritual, 156 n.2; Uhud

graves, 86–88

Mary (Virgin), 31

Al-Masjid al-Aqsa
(Farthest Mosque), 26–27, 47 n.30

Masjid al-Fadikh (Date Wine Mosque), 92–93

Masjid al-Ghamama (Mosque of the Cloud), 90

Al-Masjid al-Haram (Prohibited Mosque), 26–27; prayer direction and, 21–22

Masjid al-Ijaba (Mosque of the Response), 94

Masjid al-Musalla (Mosque of the Outdoor Feast Day Prayers), 90

Al-Masjid al-Nabawi.
Prophet’s Mosque

Masjid al-Raya (Mosque of the Battle Banner), 95

Masjid al-Sajda (Mosque of the Pros- tration), 96


Master–slave relationship, 158–59 Materialists, negation and

remembrance, 63–64 Mawardi, and killing of noncombatants, 244

Mayhem (
): prohibition against, 229–30; as unnatural, 249–50

Mecca, 1, 61; economy, 86; flight to Medina from, 75; as
Hijar Isma‘il,
4 n.3; Muhammad in, and Jihad, 212– 13, 214–15, 222; Muhammad’s war

with, 225, 234

Medina, 4; Arab indigenous clans, 94; as burial place of prophets, 77; economy, 86; graveyard visitation, 84–85; Jewish clans near, 79; modern, 93–94; Muhammad in, and Jihad, 213, 214–15, 222; personal spiritual tour, 75–97; as Prophet’s burial place, 77; secondary visiting sites, 89–97; walls of, 79

Meditation, Merton and al-‘Alawi, 153–54

Mekne`s, Morocco, 54, 56–57, 62,


Men: circles of invocation, 180; spiritually conducive clothing, 29; Sufi women, 172

Merton, Thomas, 143–55

Messengership, 62

Metaphysics, Merton and al-‘Alawi, 150–51

Microcosm of the Macrocosm, 34

(pulpit), Prophet’s, 83

(Nawawi), 211

Minor impurity, 17 Miracle of the rock, 95

(ascension), to Divine and prayer, 42–44

Modern society, values inversion, 137 Monotheism.
See Muwahhid

(monotheism) Moon, 20

Morality: evil vs bad in, 135; society and, 136–37

Moral rectitude, servitude and, 168–69 Moral responsibility, 134–35

Morning prayers, 14

Morocco, ‘Ashura commemoration, 112

Moses, 15, 22

A Moslem Saint of the Twentieth Century
(Lings), 143–55

Mosque(s): communal prayer, 35; connection of, 27; function of, 90; in Medina, 89; of Quba, 79–80; Sufi symbolism, 36 –37
See also
Names listed as Mosque or Masjid

Mosque of
92 Mosque of Quba, 88, 92–93 Mosque of

Mosque of the Friday Prayer, 89 Mosque of the Prophet, 4, 26, 77, 80–

82, 83–84, 86

Mosque of Victory, 95–96 Most hidden heart, 128 Mount Sila’, 92, 95

Mount Uhud, 78; martyrs graves, 86–


Mourning, for Husayn and martyrs of Karbala, 117–18

Mourning rituals: ‘Ashura rituals and, 121–22;
Rawzat al-shuhada’
read- ing, 118–19

(celebration), 56–59 Mu‘awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, 115

Al-Mudawwana al-kubra
(Malik bin Anas), 210

(Love of God), 139 Muhammad: on best forms of Jihad,

206, 252–53; Bilal, 4; clothing of,

28–29; and combative Jihad, 212–

13, 214–15; death and succession,

113–14; on defensive Jihad, 225;
science of, 60; epitome of humankind, 28; Gabriel and, 60; Gabriel instruction of, 14; Ghadir Khum speech, 113–14; Hajj institution of, 2; on indiscriminate killing, 246; from Ishmael family, 1; on killing of noncombatants, 248; on labeling wrongdoers as apostates, 252; Muharram fast and, 122 n.1; as niche, 47 n.35; prayer posture


symbolism, 30; on prisoners of war, 248–49; rapture and uniqueness of, 45; on rebellion against ruler, 251–

52; ritual prayer, 12–14; self reformation of self and, 140; on suicide, 244–45; tomb of, 81–82; on war and peace between Muslims, 240
See also

Muhammadan Essence, 193

Muhammadan rasulullah,
symbolism of, 34

Muhammadan Reality.
See Al-haqiqa al-Muhammadiyya
(Muhammadan Reality)

Muharram: ‘Ashura day of, 111; fast, 122 n.1

Muharram processions, Shiite public mourning, 118

(invisible world), 129

(visible world), 126, 129

(supplicate), 10

(representative of Shaykh), 195

(witnessing), Sufi levels of, 43

Muslim(s): combative Jihad between, 239, 246–47; servitude and, 170–

71; slave and servanthood, 44–45
(desirable acts), 16 Mutilation, 242

(monotheism), 92; Medina and, 75–76; Muhammad, 45

My Journey on the Path of Truth

(Yashrutiyya), 176

Mysterium fascinans,

Mysterium tremendum,

Mystical experiences, 161

Mystical philosophers, oneness of Love and, 162

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