Wait for Dusk (27 page)

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Authors: Jocelynn Drake

BOOK: Wait for Dusk
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The coffeehouse was crowded, with people relaxing at small round tables laden with their coffee and frothy pastries that left me briefly longing for my more humans days when I craved things like sugar, milk, and airy whipped cream. Where coffeehouses in the United States were little dens of caffeine sin, Gerbeaud Cukrászda was a palace dedicated to the ancient art of coffee and decadence.

Danaus and I arrived looking as if we had just survived a fight for our lives. Our clothes were torn, dirty, and splattered with blood. I shoved one hand through my hair, trying vainly to smooth it back and into some semblance of order.

Danaus smiled at me, catching my eye in a nearby mirror. “You look vibrant,” he said in a low voice, causing me to smile as well. He was being far too kind. We both looked a mess and had no business walking into such a civilized setting, but there was nothing that could be done about it. The night was still young, and the longer we remained in Budapest without taking care of this nonsense, the more dangerous it became.

It was tempting to cover us in a light glamour so people wouldn’t notice our disheveled appearances, but I decided that it just wasn’t worth the energy. Instead I turned my attention to scanning the beautiful restaurant for the one that would most likely prove to be Clarion.

He wasn’t hard to spot. At the far end of the room was a man sitting at a table alone with a leather-bound book in one hand. He wore a fashionable suit with a dark blue and gray tie. I had little doubt that this person was Clarion. However, what I did find disturbing was that he wasn’t the only magic user in the room. In fact, a quick scan of the coffeehouse revealed at least seven other magic users of varying power strengths in the room, though none was anywhere near as strong. Apparently, Danaus and I had stumbled upon a favorite watering hole for warlocks and witches. Fabulous. Simply fabulous.

I had known that this very public gathering would be a mix of talking, coercion, and grandstanding, but I didn’t expect that I would be the one outnumbered at this gathering. If I had learned anything in my six centuries, it was that one did not go picking fights with powerful warlocks and witches, and never in their own territory.

Keep your temper and your weapons to yourself,
I warned Danaus as I started to weave my way through the tables toward Clarion.

I can manage it. Can you?
he taunted.

I was going to try, but I had my doubts. Ferko, Rowe, and Nick had all managed to push my buttons that evening. I suspected that Clarion was going to be happy to do the same once we sat down with him. He had every reason to suspect that he had the upper hand in our little game of cat and mouse. Danaus and I were the outsiders, while he was part of something far larger, which was attempting to kill me and my companions.

When we got within a dozen feet of the table, Clarion closed his book and laid it on the table as he turned to face us. He rose smoothly from his chair, running his hands over his jacket as if to brush away any nonexistent wrinkles. He smiled benignly at us while his dark brown eyes twinkled with some ill-concealed laughter, as if he held some secret delight that we did not yet know about.

“Clarion?” I asked as we drew closer.

“You must be Mira and Danaus,” he said in heavily accented English. “Forgive me, but I noticed your entrance. Or rather, your scan of Gerbeaud. I naturally assumed you were looking for me.” He motioned for us to take the two empty seats at his table while he resumed his seat.

“Do you frequently receive visitors here that search for you in such a manner?” I inquired politely as I took a seat opposite him. It was a struggle to ignore the grass stains on my shirt and the tear in my pants near my thigh as I sat across from Clarion in his tidy suit and precise manners.

Picking up the spoon from its place on his saucer, Clarion stirred his coffee a couple times before taking a sip. “Frequently? No. But I am aware of my standing in the community, and I would be the one you were most likely seeking in this place in such a manner.”

I swallowed my next question as a server came over and took Danaus’s coffee order while I waved him off. Rowe and Nick had already pressed me to my breaking point, and I was in no mood to pretend to be human tonight.

“And I also deduced that it would only be natural for you to seek me out following your recent claim on Budapest,” Clarion continued. “Congratulations.”

“So you’ve heard already,” I said, sitting back in my chair.

“Budapest may be a large city, but the supernatural community remains relatively small. Word travels fast,” he said with yet another smug smile.

“I find myself reluctant to agree that the supernatural community is really all that small. Though it’s a bit smaller now,” Danaus interjected in a low voice that brought a smirk to my own lips.

“Since coming to Budapest,” I said, “I’ve noticed that there is a large gathering of nightwalkers here, the Budapest pack was relatively large, and besides yourself there are at least half a dozen magic users in this coffeehouse alone. Not a bad showing for a town of any size.”

“Forgive me, but what do you mean the Budapest pack
relatively large?” Clarion inquired, his hand stilling on his coffee cup.

“My companions and I are in town for a variety of reasons,” I said, brushing some dirt off the leg of my pants. “One of them was related to the disappearance of a nightwalker. After some inquiries, we discovered that members of the local pack killed her. Retribution was meted out tonight and the Budapest pack has been nearly exterminated.”


“The pack has been culled, reduced, eradiated, destroyed,” Danaus supplied.

“And you felt that this action was necessary?” Clarion asked, his brow furrowing as he sat back in his chair.

I shook my head, forcing a frown onto my mouth. “Unfortunately, yes. Pack alpha Ferko refused to cooperate with us, so we had to hunt down anyone who might have been involved with the murder of a poor nightwalker. We had to be sure that her death was avenged. Surely you understand?”

“Naturally,” Clarion replied. “And have you completed your investigation into the matters regarding Budapest?”

“Not quite. Danaus and I have come to Gerbeaud to speak with you regarding a few minor little things.”

Danaus placed his cup of coffee back on its saucer and turned his full attention to the warlock. “Being as you are obviously tuned into the supernatural happenings of Budapest, you should be able to provide us with some valuable information, which will help to shorten our stay within the city. The sooner we can fix matters here, the sooner we can leave.”

“Are you in a hurry to leave? It’s a shame that you’re not enjoying your stay in our beautiful city.”

“My time in Budapest has been entertaining,” I said, “but my presence is needed in Venice with the coven. Once my duties to the coven are completed, Danaus and I hope to return to Budapest for a lengthy stay.”

At that pronouncement, Clarion’s smile wilted slightly, but he caught it quickly as he nodded to me. “Excellent. I’m sure your presence here will have a positive influence on our little community. We tend to be a tight-knit group.”

“So I’ve noticed,” I murmured.

“What can I help you with?”

“The naturi,” Danaus said.

For a moment Clarion looked genuinely confused, but I wasn’t buying it. “I beg your pardon,” he said, sitting up straighter in his chair.

“The naturi. Apparently they’ve infested the city. They’re hunting down nightwalkers and humans within the city,” I clarified, but the warlock continued to shake his head at me.

“This is the first I have heard of it.”

“That’s a shame.” I sighed. “They are dangerous group who are hoping to wipe out all of humanity and nightwalkers in an effort to protect the earth. In Budapest, it appears that the local naturi have rallied around a ruthless naturi by the name of Rowe. He has dark hair, scars, and wears an eye patch. You would definitely know him if you were to meet him.”

“I know I would recall seeing someone by that description, but I have to admit that I have not,” Clarion stated.

I don’t believe him,
Danaus said silently to me.

Nor I. Dead humans or nightwalkers wouldn’t be a particularly bad thing for him.

“Really? Hmm . . . that is strange, because Veyron assured me that you would know where to find the naturi. They were the initial reason for our appearance within Budapest.”

“Veyron directed you to me?” he said a bit stiffly as the last of the amusement was wiped clean from his face.

“You do know Veyron, correct?”

“Of course. He’s a somewhat powerful figure among the nightwalkers. It is only natural that I am aware of him. However, our meetings have been extremely limited. I cannot imagine why he might think that I know where to find this naturi called Rowe.”

“He probably believed that you would be aware of the naturi simply for your own safety,” I said with a wave of my hand. I let my gaze drift away from the warlock to a trolley laden with chocolate confections that smelled heavenly. For a second I wondered if Nick was causing more problems for me. I hadn’t craved food in centuries, but then I hadn’t even been faced with such amazing delights before now. Besides, I was content to let Clarion dangle a little bit.

“What do the naturi have to do with my safety?” the warlock demanded, finally dragging my eyes back to his face.

I lowered my voice to a whisper and leaned in a little bit. “Well, even though you are a warlock, to the naturi you are first and foremost a human. And second, the naturi have a history of singling out blood warlocks for execution.”

“How did you know?” he asked, surprised.

“That you’re a blood warlock?” I finished with a smile. “I can taste it in your powers. It’s quite easy to spot. You have to remember, I’ve been around the block for quite a long time. I’ve had plenty of time to learn a few tricks.”

“And you think the naturi would single me out?” Clarion demanded, starting to sound concerned for the first time.

“Possibly.” I shrugged and then turned my attention to Danaus. “How’s your coffee?”

“Wonderful,” he said, refilling his cup from the small ceramic pot that had been brought to the table. “We’ll have to come back after everything has been settled.”

“About the naturi,” Clarion snapped, drawing my attention back to him.

“Yes, it’s quite possible they might come after you. Judging the energy that is flowing about you, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were drawn to you. You represent not only a power player within the city, but could also prove to be a protector of the humans. You’re a speed bump on the way to their domination of Budapest. They would see you as someone they would need to get rid of.”

“And what about you?” Clarion said gruffly, eager to refocus my attention.

I gave a little laugh as I relaxed in my chair. “Oh, Rowe has special plans regarding my extermination. He’s been trying to kill me for years. I’m sure he’ll get around to it eventually, but right now he’s set his sights on Budapest.”

Clarion drummed his fingers on the table, rattling his spoon on his china cup and saucer. His brow was furrowed as he turned over the selection of information I had carefully dropped into his lap. Some of it was true, but for the most part it was pure fabrication. I was trying to push him into making a rash decision, or at the very least, into confronting Veyron. Either would benefit me.

“I’m afraid that I don’t know anything about the naturi,” Clarion announced after nearly a minute of silence. “However, considering they are nature-based creatures and they are trying to take over Budapest, I would say that your best place to look for them would be Margit Island, which can be reached using Margit Bridge. It’s a beautiful garden park. Recently, there have been a rash of disappearances on the island, but I have not given it much thought. Every city has its occasional murder and floating body.”

“Of course,” I said a bit sarcastically. “Thank you for the suggestion. Danaus and I will look into it this evening. Hopefully, we will be able to rid the city of its naturi problem.”

“That would be a great relief to everyone, I’m sure,” Clarion said, gritting his teeth slightly. “Now, if you will excuse me. The hour grows late and there are a few small items that I need to see to.”

“Actually there is one other matter that you should be able to help with,” I said, laying my hand over his on the table in an effort to keep him from leaping to his feet. “It has to do with a warlock in Budapest that appears to be stirring up some trouble.”

“That . . . that seems . . . unlikely.” Clarion stammered a bit, as if struggling to find the right words.

“I know, but it is true. I thought I would contact you first since you are one of the more powerful warlocks in the region. I thought you might be able to point us in the right direction,” I said.

A patronizing smile lifted the corners of Clarion’s mouth as he sat back in his chair, sliding his hand out from my touch. “You’re looking for me to hand over one of my own kind to you?” he asked, tilting his head.

“Are you going to suddenly act as if there is any true loyalty among warlocks and witches?” I mocked. “Come now. I’ve traveled the world, and everywhere I have visited, the warlocks and witches have adopted a type of to-each-his-own mentality. Are you going to risk your neck for someone else when you’ve done nothing wrong?”

“Maybe things are different in Budapest than the rest of the world,” he suggested, but again I wasn’t buying it. Things were extremely different in Budapest from the rest of the world, but I was willing to bet that the warlock/witch community wasn’t.

“Well, I thought you might help me. If not, I am more than content to contact Ryan in London,” I said. Dropping the name of the extremely powerful and dangerous warlock that was the head of Themis caused Danaus to softly rattle his cup and saucer together. “He’s been more than happy to help me in the past, and I’m sure that he would be able to ferret out the culprit in short order.”

Danaus said in a warning voice in my head.

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