Web of Desire (3 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

BOOK: Web of Desire
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‘Do you come here often?’ he asked her. ‘Sorry, that sounds stupid. It’s like saying, what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this.’

‘I’ll bet you say that to all the girls,’ she quipped. ‘Seriously, this is only the second time I’ve been here. I work from home and don’t have a great deal of time for socialising.’

‘No men friends, then?’

‘Not for a couple of years. How about you?’

‘I was in a long-term relationship, but … That was ages ago.’

Mandy enjoyed Gary’s company and decided to see him again. Nothing heavy, she thought, downing her fourth vodka. It would be nice to have him as a friend, someone to meet up with and chat to a couple of times each week and … and have sex? Recalling Paula’s various comments about men, she wondered whether Gary had money. She also wondered whether to keep him hanging around and use him for sex. Her clitoris stirring, emerging from beneath its fleshy hood between her swelling vaginal lips, she imagined Gary making love with her. Was that what she wanted? she wondered as he glanced at his watch.

‘Are you worried about the time?’ she asked him.

‘No, no,’ he replied, smiling at her. ‘Well, I do have an early start in the morning.’

‘Do you want to go?’

‘Not yet.’

‘I thought you might ask me back to your place for coffee. That’s the usual line, isn’t it?’

‘Yes, I suppose it is,’ he said, chuckling as he again checked his watch. ‘But I live with my mother, so … well, it’s not easy.’

‘You could come back to my flat. It’s not exactly a mansion, but I do have a kettle and some coffee.’

‘Well, I … Is it far?’

‘Not really. You don’t have to, Gary. If you want to get home to your mum, that’s OK.’

‘Let’s have coffee at your place,’ he said, finishing his drink. ‘There’s no hurry.’

Leaving the bar, Mandy wondered why he hadn’t been very keen to go back to her place. It seemed odd that he’d wanted to get home to his mother, and she began to think that he might be married. The last thing she’d wanted was to become a married man’s mistress, but she reckoned that it might have its advantages. No strings, no ties … Gary didn’t say much as they walked along the street, which Mandy thought odd. Maybe he did live with his mother, she reflected, opening the door to her flat. Not all men were adulterous bastards, were they?

Filling the kettle as Gary looked up at the kitchen clock, she thought that he was either incredibly shy or didn’t fancy her. She’d made all the moves. She’d done most of the talking, and it had been her idea to go back for coffee. Shuffling his feet and saying nothing, he seemed nervous. Was his wife waiting for him? she wondered, taking the cups into the lounge and indicating for him to sit on the sofa. She thought
asking him whether he was married as he sat down. If she was going to see him again, she wanted to know where she stood.

‘This is a nice place,’ he said, obviously trying to strike up a conversation.

‘It’s dreadful,’ she said, placing the cups on the coffee table and standing in front of him. ‘It’s too small and I hate the area. Anyway, I’m hoping to move soon.’


‘I want a house, not a flat.’ Pushing her hips forward, she wondered whether he’d make a move as he gazed at her naked thighs. ‘Where do you live?’ she asked him. ‘Locally, I suppose?’

‘Not far.’

‘Where is “not far”?’

‘A few streets away. Cannon Road.’

‘Yes, I know it. They’re nice houses, quite big.’

‘It’s OK.’

Sitting in the armchair opposite him, Mandy reckoned that Gary wasn’t interested in her. This was the first man she’d been out with in two years and he wasn’t interested. She’d never come on strong to a man, never made any sexual advances, but she felt that she had to catch up with Paula. The alcohol relaxed her, stripping her of her inhibitions, and she parted her thighs just enough to display the triangular patch of her tight panties hugging her swelling sex lips. She knew that Paula would question her about her evening with Gary and she didn’t want to have to lie. She wanted to say that Gary had taken her in his arms and made love to her, but …

‘Mandy,’ Gary began, glancing at the wall clock.

‘Don’t tell me,’ she sighed. ‘You have to get back to your mother?’

‘Yes. I mean, no …’

Watching as he left the sofa and knelt in front of her, she wasn’t sure what to do as he parted her knees and gazed longingly at her tight panties. This was all rather quick, she thought, wondering whether she’d gone too far with her panty-flashing. Pulling her short skirt up and pressing his face into the damp material of her panties, he breathed in her girl-scent. It was strange that he’d had a sudden change of mind, she thought, as he sucked her outer lips through the white cotton crotch of her panties. And it was strange to think that she was allowing him to do this even though she’d only just met him.

Her clitoris swelling, her juices of desire flowing, Mandy closed her eyes and parted her legs wide. It had been so long since a man had attended her feminine needs. Gary wasn’t so shy after all, she thought happily, as he kissed and licked the creamy-smooth flesh of her inner thighs. Pulling her panties aside and licking the puffy lips of her vulva, he slipped his wet tongue into her sex valley and tasted her lubricious pussy milk. Mandy writhed in the armchair, her breathing fast and shallow as his tongue repeatedly swept over the sensitive tip of her erect clitoris.

She hadn’t realised how much she’d missed sex, until now. After two years of celibacy, she was desperate to feel the hardness of a cock stretching her neglected vaginal sheath open, the smoothness of a swollen knob pressing against her ripe cervix. Was Gary’s cock hard and ready for her pussy? Were his balls full and ready to be drained?

‘I’m coming,’ Mandy breathed shakily as her clitoris swelled and pulsated beneath his snaking tongue. Her vaginal muscles tightening, her womb rhythmically contracting, she let out a rush of breath as her orgasm erupted and shook her young body to
core. Gary thrust two fingers into her sex-wet vaginal duct and massaged her creamy inner flesh, adding to her incredible pleasure as he sucked on her pulsating clitoris. If Paula could see her now, she thought, digging her fingernails into the arms of the chair as she cried out. There’d be no need to lie to her.

Oblivious to her surroundings as her climax gripped her, she imagined Gary’s solid cock driving deep into her sex-hungry pussy, his knob battering her cervix as he pumped out his creamy spunk. He slipped his fingers out of her sated vagina. Teasing the last ripples of orgasm from her solid clitoris with his sweeping tongue, he pressed his mouth to her gaping vaginal entrance and sucked out her orgasmic cream. This was sheer heaven, Mandy thought as she quivered and writhed in the armchair. She’d definitely be seeing Gary again.

She opened her eyes and frowned as he covered her swollen pussy lips with her panties. She gazed at his solid cock which he held in his hand. To her surprise, he began wanking the huge organ. Wasn’t he going to drive his fleshy shaft deep into her tight vagina?

He gasped suddenly and his spunk jetted out, raining over the wet crotch of her panties. Rubbing his purple knob against the cotton material, he tried to sustain his orgasm.

Reckoning that he’d not had sex for so long that he couldn’t hold back, she watched his orgasmic liquid soak into her panties. She’d wanted him inside her, but there’d be other evenings, she thought, as he drained his balls and finally sat back on his heels.

‘That was quick,’ she said, smiling at him.

‘That was amazing,’ he breathed, gazing at her sperm-splashed panties.

‘It was messy,’ she returned with a giggle. ‘I was hoping that you’d—’

‘I have a thing about spunking on panties,’ he cut in. ‘Will you do something for me?’

‘Well, that depends on—.’

‘Don’t take them off. Leave your panties on until I see you again.’

‘Well, I … When will I be seeing you? I’m not going to wear dirty panties for two weeks.’

‘Tomorrow evening, if that’s OK?’ he said, standing and zipping his trousers. ‘I’ll come round here.’

‘I’m not sure whether …’

‘Ring me tomorrow. You have my office number.’

‘What’s your home number?’

‘I don’t have a phone at home. I mean, there is one but … It’s my mother’s phone.’

Leaving the armchair and pulling her skirt down to conceal her sperm-soaked panties, Mandy was now sure that he was married. She also reckoned that his request for her to keep her panties on was rather odd. But she’d enjoyed her orgasm and was looking forward to their next meeting. Watching Gary gulp down his coffee and check his watch again, she decided that she wasn’t bothered about his marital status. She’d enjoyed her evening with him and, if he had a wife waiting at home, that was his problem. Determined to be more like Paula, she led him to the front door and grinned.

‘Bring a bottle of vodka with you,’ she said, opening the door.

‘Yes, yes, I will,’ he breathed, kissing her cheek. ‘Ring me tomorrow, OK?’

‘Yes, I will. Thanks for a lovely evening.’

‘Thank you, Mandy. I’d better go.’

Closing the door, Mandy shook her head and sighed. The first man she’d been out with in two years had wanked and spunked on her panties, and wanted her to keep them on until the following evening.
to the lounge and sipping her cup of cold coffee, she wondered what other peculiar fetishes Gary had. Although the evening hadn’t been at all as she’d expected, she’d enjoyed an amazing orgasm and had watched a man wank and spunk over her panties. It had been different, she mused. And most pleasurable.


after she’d had a shower, Mandy gazed at the sperm-starched panties on the floor in the corner of her bedroom. She’d wear them for Gary that evening, she decided, taking a clean pair from her dressing-table drawer. Fetish or not, there were limits to what she’d do for him. There was no way she was going to wear dirty panties all day just to please a man. Besides, he wouldn’t know that she hadn’t worn them.

Dressed in a miniskirt and T-shirt, she went downstairs and checked her emails. To her amazement, two more potential customers had contacted her asking for quotes. Again sticking to her price, she replied and hoped for the best. The landscape gardener had been happy, and now it was time to get to work on the plumber’s web site. Settling at her desk with a cup of coffee, she hoped that her business was going to take off at long last. Having spent two years promoting her work, she thought that it would be nice to start earning some decent money.

Two years without sex, she mused, recalling Gary sucking on her erect clitoris and bringing her to a massive orgasm. But she still hadn’t had full-blown sex. When Gary turned up that evening, she’d make sure that he pumped his spunk into her tight pussy
than all over her panties. A fuck at last, she thought happily, grabbing the phone as it began to ring.

‘Hi,’ Paula said. ‘How are you?’

‘Hi, Paula. I’m fine. It’s nice to hear from you.’

‘How did you get on with that dishy man last night?’

‘Oh, the usual,’ Mandy replied with a giggle. ‘A few drinks and then an evening of sex.’

‘Lucky you,’ Paula sighed.

‘What did you do last night?’

‘I … I stayed in, for a change. Several men rang me, but I felt like an evening at home. I thought we might go out this evening for a drink?’

‘Oh, er … I’m seeing Gary again this evening. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow evening?’

‘Oh, all right. What about meeting for lunch? I’m free between one and two today, so …’

‘I can’t today, Paula. I’ve got a lot of work to do on a customer’s web site. He’s paid up front, so I’d better get it done today.’

keeping busy. OK, I’ve just had an idea. How about a foursome this evening? We could all meet in the wine bar. You and Gary, and …’

‘He’s coming here for the evening. Sorry, Paula.’

‘That’s OK. Ring me when you’re free.’

‘I will, I promise.’

‘Oh well, enjoy your evening.’

‘I will, thanks.’

‘Don’t wear out that sweet little cunt of yours, will you?’

‘Er … no, no, I won’t.’

Mandy frowned as Paula hung up. She’d sensed jealousy in her voice. Or had it been annoyance? Mandy couldn’t neglect her work or change her plans for the evening just to meet up with Paula. Besides,
girl had said that she had several men on the go so she shouldn’t be short of company. Perhaps she wanted to chase after Gary?
Don’t wear out that sweet little cunt of yours
… Paula’s crude words played on her mind, Yes, she
jealous. Although, with several men phoning her friend and wanting to take her out, Mandy couldn’t understand why.

Beginning work on the plumber’s web site, Mandy reckoned that Paula was lonely. It was all very well having a string of men on the go, but that was no substitute for a decent relationship. Wondering whether she’d be better off in a long-term relationship herself, Mandy again considered Gary’s marital status. In a way, she hoped that he
married. It would be fun to be the other woman for a change, she thought wickedly. Her previous boyfriends had screwed around behind her back, so it would make a nice change to be a married man’s bit on the side.

Working on the computer and imagining Gary’s rock-hard penis slipping into her tight vagina, Mandy felt her young womb contract. His wife would be waiting at home while he drove his cock deep into Mandy’s wet pussy and flooded her sex sheath with his spunk. He might go home and fuck his wife but the woman would have no idea that he’d fucked and spunked in another girl. She forgot about the web-site design, slipped her hand up her short skirt and felt the wetness of her tight panties.

‘God,’ she breathed as the doorbell rang. Dashing through the hall, she checked her hair in the mirror. Her face flushed, her hands trembling, she realised that she was sexually aroused as never before and she’d only been
about Gary. She took a deep breath as the bell rang again. She’d only been thinking about his solid cock driving deep into her tight pussy and … ‘God,’ Mandy murmured again as
clitoris emerged from beneath its pinken hood and called for her intimate attention.

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