When an Omega Snaps (11 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: When an Omega Snaps
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How he wanted to join her. And he meant join with her. His body buried to the hilt within her welcoming sheath, breaking all his promises. Indulging in selfish desire.

Argh. In one swift movement, he dropped her still quivering body onto the blanket, gently of course, and Leo ran to the water. He dove in and let the cold liquid caress his steaming parts.

But the chill water couldn’t solve his problem.

Only Meena could. And only if they were mates.

Chapter Sixteen

I can’t believe he didn’t claim me.

He’d come so close. She was sure of it. Meena blamed her father. It was his fault Leo wouldn’t take that final step. Making Leo promise not to debauch her. What the hell?

Was everyone determined to pussy block her?

At least the raging inferno was down to a dull throb. Her man had come through and given her the tongue lashing of a lifetime. Even better, he didn’t requite a CAT scan to check for brain swelling. Nothing like a trip to the emergency room for a mood killer.

Anyhow, after Leo’s swim, no amount of smiles, boob jiggles, or innuendo would get him to budge. But the good news? He was aroused, which meant he noticed. Noticed and did nothing about it!

She didn’t know if she liked him because he was so determined to respect her or wanted to stake him to the ground and ravage him. Okay, maybe a bit of both.

Despite the taut sexual energy between them, the afternoon passed pleasantly. It turned out they had many things in common, particularly a love of sports, both watching and playing, although their NFL teams were division rivals. It would make for interesting Sundays in the fall.

And yes, she planned to be around when the seasons changed. Just like she intended to be with him for Christmas and make him buy a potted tree because, while she didn’t like artificial pines, she also couldn’t stand the thought of chopping a live one down for decoration. So, every year, she bought a live pine tree, and once Christmas was done, she kept it watered and healthy until spring when she could plant it.

As they lay on the blanket, her head pillowed on his stomach, his fingers lazily threading her hair, he finally asked her. “How did you and your sister get such a reputation? I swear Hayder practically has convulsions when your name is mentioned.”

She shrugged as she stared up at the cloudless blue sky. “My sister and I don’t go out trying to create disasters. Things kind of happen around us.”

“Happen?” He snorted. “Care to rephrase that? From some of the stories I heard, the pair of you are quite the pranksters.”

She laughed. “I guess. But no worse than our male cousins. They just didn’t get caught as often. It doesn’t help that some of our antics backfired. For example, Kenny and Roger put Uncle Gary’s car on his roof, and it’s boys will be boys. Teena and I do it, and we’re grounded for a year and working for our uncle every weekend and all summer. And all because our uncle didn’t get his parking brake fixed. Like we were supposed to know it wouldn’t hold the car. We never expected the car to slide down, tear out the chimney, hit the back deck, and flip into the pool, which caused a mini tsunami and flooded their basement.”

Leo’s body shook, a faint tremor she couldn’t help but feel since she lay on him.

“You getting cold?” she asked.

“No,” he said in a choked voice. “It’s just…” He burst out laughing. “You really aren’t lucky. I’ve done the car thing. Usually it’s no more harmless than paying for a few roof shingles.”

“You, involved in a prank?” She couldn’t stop a melodramatic grab of her heart.

“Aric and Hayder liked to involve me in their shenanigans, whether I agreed or not. They were a little rambunctious during our college days.”

“Only a little?”

“Okay, a lot, but they’ve calmed down.”

“Must be boring for you,” she remarked.

“Boring? No. It’s a relief not to constantly have to keep an eye on them and clean up their messes. It leaves more time to relax and read a good book.”

She made a gagging noise. “Even you sounded bored telling me that. No wonder fate had us meet. You need me, Pookie. Need me to keep you on your toes and give you purpose.”

“A man would have to be nuts to want chaos on a daily basis.”

Turning her head, she grinned at him. “Congratulations on joining the ranks of insanity.”

He shook his head lightly, given it was pillowed on his arm. “You have the utmost faith we’ll end up together. I have to ask, why? Aren’t you worried that you’re in for some celestial joke, given how some of your other ideas turned out?”

A rare moment of sadness turned her lips down. He raised a valid point. It did worry her that her trust and belief that Leo was the one would turn out to be false. What if he couldn’t handle her? What if he ditched her or ran screaming one day? It had happened before, so many times she’d lost count.

But Meena wasn’t a person to live forever what-if-ing. She had faith and refused to give up. “I am worried. I know my history with men. I remember the name-calling and their terror and the restraining orders. Yet, despite all my bad luck, I believe there is a happily ever after out there for me. That you will be that happily ever after. My gut and heart say that you will be the man who can handle me and all my catastrophes.” To herself, she silently added,
And perhaps, one day, despite my flaws, you’ll realize you love me.

Such a serious speech, too serious for her to remain still, especially with Leo regarding her so intently, the pity clear in his blue gaze.

She didn’t want his pity.

I want his love.

To her feet she sprang. It was her turn to sprint for the water, less for a cool off than to hide the tears that trembled.

People all thought her so damned strong. They assumed she didn’t care about the jokes and mishaps. They joined in with her false laughter when yet another boyfriend dumped her.

Some things stung even the happiest of people.

No unhappy thoughts. Snap out of it.
Her kitty tail whipped her mind. Her feline didn’t suffer from any doubts that she was awesome. Live for today, live for the moment, never let fear win.

A motto she lived by.

The coolness of the water helped distract her thoughts. A darting shape made them wander further.

Almost as tempting to a feline as a warm puddle of sunlight.

Off she darted, feet fluttering and arms pulling, chasing after a shadow in order to escape her qualms.

A large shadow paralleled her. A twist of her head and she saw Leo had come to join her.

Out snapped his hands, cupping them in a closed ball.

Had he caught it?

Kicking in the direction of daylight, she popped her head from the water, and he rose as well. He didn’t say anything about her admission. He didn’t offer pity—not even in the form of a kiss!

What he gave her was even better. The normalcy of friendship. “I caught it.”

“No you didn’t.” Of course she argued—with a smile.

“Did too. You’re just jealous.”

Was Leo teasing her? “Damned straight I am, Pookie. Jealous of every woman who eyes your fine body.”

“You’re trying to distract me. It won’t work. I have the fish.” He raised his cupped hands from the water. Liquid streamed. “I think I should win something.”

“Like?” Treading water, she reached out to pull his cupped hands down a bit more. She held them trapped between their bodies. She hovered close, her legs moving in the eggbeater pattern she’d learned as a child when taught how to swim. Doing it in close proximity, enough that she could lean in and brush her lips over his, though, took some maneuvering. But she managed it.

Lips sliding over his, she whispered, “Tell me what you want, Pookie, because I know what I need. I’d like to feel your hands stroking my body. Those rough fingertips, the sign of a man unafraid to work and get dirty, tracing my skin. I want your body pressing against mine, naked, pinning me, making me vulnerable to you. I need”—she sucked at his lower lip—“for you to sink your cock into me. To stroke me, deep and hard. I want it
. From a real man, one who can handle me. And fuck me. And give me what I crave.” She stopped, staring him in the eyes, loving the intentness of his gaze. “I. Want. You.” She tilted her head and struck, teeth nipping the strong column of his neck that hovered above the water.

How low the groan sounded, a deep rumble from within him.

Did he even notice his actions as his arms split and came around her?

She noticed. Popping her cupped hands from the water, just before his squeeze, she crowed, “Aha! Now who’s the better fisherman?”

The rich laughter poured over her in a husky, molasses vibration. She shivered, and she lost a bit of focus as that sensual languor returned. Her hands parted, and with a
—and probably the fishy version of a fuck you—the little fish returned to its home, darting away as fast as it could wiggle.

“Looks like we’re tied,” he said, not at all angry she’d tricked him. Dear God, was that a dimple in his cheek, a small one, but combined with the twinkle in his blue eyes, her heart almost stopped.

“Does that make us both winners?” she asked. They could exchange a prize. A sixty-nine went two ways.

“Tiebreaker. Betcha I can make a bigger splash than you with a cannonball.”

She snorted. “Pookie, you are delusional if you think those tight glutes of yours can spray more water than this ass of mine.”

And so they spent the rest of the afternoon playing. Best damned time she’d had in years. Even better, her accidents didn’t bother Leo one bit. When she tossed a pile of mud at him, hitting him in the chest, he didn’t freak out because the slime she tossed had a leech in it. Nor did he scream as if a brain-eating zombie was after him when she wrestled the bloodsucking critter off his skin.

Although she did feel a little sheepish when he reminded her they had salt in the picnic basket.

Leo could also handle her rambunctious side. A good thing, or she might have really hurt him.

When she saw his bare back as she climbed the rocks for a dive, she jumped on it, only realizing as she soared through the air that she might cause some serious damage.

He barely stumbled as she hit him, and she kissed him when he said rather dryly, “Next time can you at least yell Geronimo?”

Next time?

Hell yeah.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t remain by the pond forever. As afternoon waned, her tummy began to rumble. The picnic basket was bare.

“Feed me,” she growled as she pawed through the empty containers.

Instead of telling her to think of her waistline and getting punched in the face, Leo said, “Me too. Wanna head back? They should be setting up the barbecues soon for dinner.”

Singed meat? He didn’t need to say anymore.

Swapping skin for fur, she led the way back to the main house for the ranch.

Emerging from the woods, she noted cars parked all over the place. While not shy about her nudity, even she wasn’t so brazen as to shift with that many strangers around. Especially considering, if she shifted, Leo might too, and she didn’t want him showing off that gorgeous bod of his.



Darned man obviously wanted her, and yet he held back. Why? Why! WHY!

Frustration, of the mostly sexual kind, refused to stay quiet. Her mental state, however, was quite pleased at how things were progressing. She and Leo were getting to know one another as people. Dare she even say friends?

During the picnic she’d learned so many thing about him, tidbits he’d shared, which, in turn, encouraged her to share what it was like growing up as the less-than-dainty daughter of a true Southern belle.

She’d even broached the subject of her twin sister, who while identical in appearance, was nothing like her in attitude. Teena might be known as trouble but only because her softer nature often screwed her over.

Free the kitties at the shelter because Teena couldn’t stand it that they might get euthanized, and the cat population went haywire to the point that the city had to call in help to capture and spay them.

Get her dress caught in a cab door, have the vehicle pull away, rip the clothes from her, leaving her clad only in panties and bra. Not Teena’s fault she caused a four-car pileup.

Teena was still embarrassed by that incident, and yet Meena was totally envious. She’d only ever caused a three-car pileup on her best day.

She followed Leo’s furry behind around to the back of the rambling ranch, or was that mansion? Hard to tell given the original structure had birthed so many additions over the years it resembled an odd hodgepodge of homes stuck together.

Decades past, the pride had lived within its walls. However, as the modern world took over, and jobs in the country grew sparse, as did social events, many chose to move to the city, taking over the condominium complex downtown to eke out lives in a concrete jungle.

But the pride still kept this symbol of their past, and it was where the clan gathered whenever big functions were planned, and by the looks of things, something big was about to happen.

Slipping into a robe, one of many kept on hooks by the rear entrance—again, one of many in this jigsawed home—she noted the hustle and bustle as people arrived with luggage and boxes. Many also held high plastic-draped hangars, suits and dresses for some fancy shindig.

Turning to Leo, who had just finished belting the massive terry cloth cover-up, she asked, “What’s going on?”

“Family wedding tomorrow.”

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