When an Omega Snaps (12 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: When an Omega Snaps
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“How come I didn’t hear about it?”

He shrugged. “It was kind of last minute.”

“Am I invited?” And yes, despite his claim it was a family wedding, she felt as though she should ask, given her current ban from some functions within certain branches of the family.

His lips twitched. “As far as I know, you’re expected to go. So try and behave between now and tomorrow.”

“Maybe you should stick close to keep me out of trouble.”

“I doubt anyone’s capable of doing that.”

“Good point. But I still think you should stick close.”

“And why is that?”

“Because if I’ve got to wear a dress, then I’m not wearing any panties.”

How she loved his soft rumbled, “Vex!”

Tucking her into his side, he navigated them through the people milling around, for the most part ignoring their nods and hellos. An omega on a mission. He led them to a set of stairs that took them past the second floor and onto a third. The hall, with its oriental-patterned runner, provided a quiet respite from the uproar below.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Lucky for you, I scored us a suite.”

Us? As in both of them? The door on the end proved their destination, and he flung it open to display a cozy sitting area and one kick-ass bed.

One. Bed.

Fist pump. “Pookie, you are da bomb!”

“Am I going to fear the answer if I ask why?”

She rolled her eyes. “For having the forethought to get us the room with like the sturdiest looking bed ever.”

“Who says we’re both sleeping in it?”

“Me, of course.”

“Only if you’re good. So do your best while I pop out for a bit. You should find some clothes and stuff in the bathroom.”

“Where are you going?”

“To locate my own clothing and make sure they’ve got enough food for me. Someone helped me work up quite the appetite. It shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be back in thirty minutes or so.”

With a wink in her direction, he left.

She smiled and hugged herself. What a wonderful day so far.

After all the attention Leo had shown her, and the way he was acting now, she had a feeling her gut was right. He was the one.

But he’d left.

So what? He promised to come back. She hoped he did. Nothing sucked worse than waiting on an empty stomach for a date that never showed.

Car troubles indeed. The blatant lie from the date that stood her up totally justified her use of sugar in his gas tank.

No need to plan anything evil for Leo. Leo would come back.

He’s my mate.

Or would be soon. She didn’t think she could handle this whole respect thing much longer. Either he’d have to bend his morals to ease her desire, or he’d have to claim her and still ease her desires. One way or another, forget about waiting.

The massive bed drew her eyes. Made of thick, sturdy pine logs, it screamed rustic, tough enough to handle just about anything. It also relayed another message if he chose this room.
I think he might be done waiting as well.

Was tonight the night?

Did he intend to mate her?

Minutes ticked by as she stood staring stupidly in space, daydreaming of her liger. More specifically on that mattress covered in soft blue bamboo sheets.

Leo will be coming back soon.

Time to get her ass moving.

Popping into the bathroom, she noted a hanger on the hook behind the door, its contents shrouded in a zippered plastic bag. First, though, a shower. Shampoo and soap beckoned, as did the razor she pulled from a fresh pack. The hot water sluiced the remnants of the pond from her skin, leaving her fresh and clean.

Good enough for a certain liger to eat.

Towel drying, she peeked around to see what she had to work with. Much like a hotel, the bathroom boasted a hair dryer and some basic hair products, meaning she managed to somewhat create a presentable do. A very high ponytail that would swing like a whip if she danced. Given she could hear the distant thump of music as someone DJ’d some tunes, dinner would be followed by dancing.

I wonder if I can get Pookie to dance with me again.

She emerged from the bathroom with the garment bag in hand and placed it on the bed. Yanking down the zipper, she giggled to see a familiar dress. Someone had packed the same short dress she’d worn when she and Leo had made out in the change room of the clothing shop. How providential that it was the one brought for her to wear tonight. Even odder, it came with a bra but no panties. She dumped out the bag and shook it. She even returned to the bathroom to look but returned empty-handed.

Leo’s influence?

Surely not her Pookie. However, she couldn’t help a spurt of heat at the thought he might have had a hand in making sure she was bare bottomed under the loose skirt.

Locating her purse on the dresser, she returned to the bathroom and shut the door because the last thing she needed while applying eye liner was to be startled. She managed a quick tune-up to her face. A light eye liner to darken her eyes, mascara—applied twice because the first time she clumped them shut—lip-gloss, cherry flavored because that was Leo’s favorite fruit.

As she smoothed the dress over her body, skimming her hands over her hips, she couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

It has been just over thirty minutes. She’d eyeballed the clock on the nightstand before coming into the bathroom. She’d spent at least five minutes in here but hadn’t heard anyone enter the room during that time. Leo wasn’t there. Disappointment crept up on her, waiting to pounce. Her lioness snarled it back into submission.

She should wait a little longer before allowing herself to believe he hadn’t come.  Perhaps he’d gotten delayed, or…


Cowardice wasn’t her thing. And she was hungry. Either Leo kept his word or didn’t. Hiding in the bathroom would change nothing. Out she charged, only to hit a brick wall.

She reeled back, not only because she’d smacked into Leo’s chest. She mentally reeled.

He came back.

That more than anything shook her off balance, and she went over—
someone yell timber

She didn’t fall alone.

Her flailing hand caught Leo’s shirt, her foot somehow tangled around his ankle—totally accidental, really—and together they hit the floor. Although, somehow, she ended on top of him. The man had rolled his body at the last moment so he took the brunt of the fall.

What have I done?
How badly had she squashed him?
Please don’t let him cry.

She hated it when they cried.

“You okay, Vex?”

He lived! She raised her head and beamed his way. “You’re not screaming.”

He arched a brow. “Why would I be?”

“We hit the floor kind of hard.”

“Hard is right,” he grumbled. “But not in the way you think.”

Surely he didn’t imply… She squirmed into a better position to check—
we have confirmation of an impressive erection.

He sucked in a breath.

Dammit, had he lied about her injuring him? “Are you hurt, Pookie?”

“I am hurting bad, Vex. Want to kiss it better?” His wink had her lips twitching.

“I am beginning to think I misjudged you.”

“Misjudged me how?” Rolling her to the side, Leo got to his feet and then hauled her up.

“You are much more wicked than I gave you credit for.” She grinned. “That is so freaking awesome.”

“Not as awesome as you in that dress, Vex.” His appreciate sweep of her appearance brought a heat to her skin that made her want to trip him and land atop him again. She doubted she’d ever tire of his appreciation of her plentiful curves.

His speculative gaze, though, was nothing compared to her greedy perusal of him. Yummy.

Dressed in form-fitting jeans and a deep purple shirt that brought out the dark highlights in his hair, he looked good enough to eat, and she was suddenly famished—for him.

She pounced. He remained standing, having caught her enthusiastic bounce. He was also more than ready and willing for the hot smooch she planted on him.

Lip-gloss be damned. She smeared it all over his mouth as she tasted the wonderful virility that was all Leo.

She could have kissed him all night. Screw the barbecue and festivities. She had everything she needed right here. With him.

Alas, he apparently didn’t want to miss the party because he pulled back.

“We should get moving. We’re expected.”

“Being late is fashionable.”

“Being late also means we only get dinner scraps.”

“Good point. We should hustle.” She didn’t protest when he placed her back on the floor.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” He stared at her bare toes.

“What about my toes?”

“Aren’t they missing something?”

“Did you change your mind about having me dig them into your back as you give me oral?”

One tic under the eye? Check. She was getting to him.

“I meant they’re missing those.” He stared pointedly at some heels by the door.

She sighed. Loudly. “You mean I have to wear shoes too?”

“This is a semi-formal function.”

“You are way too serious, Pookie.

“I resent being called too serious. I’m just as carefree as the next guy.”

She snorted as she slipped on her heels. “Prove it.”

“I didn’t wear a tie.”

“Bah. I’m not wearing any underwear,” she announced as she sashayed past him into the hall.

It wasn’t the smack on her ass that had her stumbling but rather his claim of, “Neither am I.”

Chapter Seventeen

As Meena skipped down the stairs, Leo thumped after her. Her panty announcement wasn’t unexpected. After all, he’d told Luna quite specifically not to pack any when she brought her some clothes. But now, watching Meena bounce, so much of her legs exposed, he wished he’d made her wear them. That skirt was awfully short.

Too short.

Too accessible.

And the bed was getting farther away.

Exactly why had they left the room?

Oh yeah, food. If they had any hope of surviving the night, they should eat. He didn’t want her lacking for energy later.

Not that he planned any debauchery.

Why not?

Because tonight wasn’t about them sneaking off and stealing kisses among other things. This evening’s celebration was a precursor to a couple’s new life. A party with friends and family before the seriousness on the morrow.

A wedding. Blech.

Like any proper-minded male, Leo dreaded weddings like every other man. But in this instance, he’d make an exception, for Meena. He knew she’d enjoy the ceremony. He just wondered what kind of catastrophe to expect.

Exiting onto the main level, he could have laughed at the reaction Vex wrought. It seemed his date for the night was well known.

“Meena!” Squealed in a happy high pitch.

“Meena!” uttered with reedy panic by someone who bolted.

Since her admission that afternoon, Leo felt even more attuned to her than before. He noted the slight stiffening of her back as the callous asshat hurt her feelings.

It seemed cousin Marco had yet to forgive her for hitting him in the face with a hockey puck a year or so before she’d gotten banned. And yes, Leo knew the story. Everyone did. Marco could hold a grudge, but how well could he take a punch? They’d soon find out because Leo planned to teach his cousin forgiveness later.

First, he snared Meena’s hand and strutted with her to the lineup of long tables covered with platters of food.

They’d arrived early enough to get some choice pickings. Times two. The folks handling the barbecue made sure to pile his plate with a few burgers, the patties thick and juicy.

Leo found a seat, a pair of chairs actually, but having a spare one available didn’t stop him from yanking Meena onto his lap, the ominous groan of the chair be damned.

It seemed he wasn’t the only one to hear the threat of the unhappy seat. “Pookie, we’re going to end up on the ground. We’re too big to both sit in this chair. I’ll just sit in the one beside it.”

“Fuck the chair. You’re staying on my lap.”

“But why?”

“Because I like it.” He loved it when he managed to surprise her. The shape of her mouth so evocative.

Before she could ask another stupid question, he stuffed a roasted potato bite in her mouth. She nipped his finger in the process then smiled.

“Yummy. Again.”

He gave her a crisp cherry tomato. The purse of her lips before she sucked it in mesmerized.

There was no more question after that of not sharing the seat. They fed each other, and if the occasional passerby who chuckled or snickered happened to trip over his size-fifteen feet, not his fault. A man needed to sometimes stretch his long legs.

The buzzing voices of the pride, and those who’d traveled in at a moment’s notice, rose in a hum around them. Leo didn’t pay it much mind. He was more intent on the woman in his lap, who watched the action around her with parted lips. He could see and sense her happiness as people wandered over to say hello. Even Great Aunt Cecily, “Who must have finally forgiven me for pulling all the wires out of her bras so they wouldn’t poke me when she grabbed me in a bear hug.”

Alas, they couldn’t remain on their own for the entire evening. As third man on the totem when it came to pride matters, it was no surprise at one point to see Hayder beckoning Leo.

“I gotta go see what he wants,” he said, setting Meena on her feet. “I’ll try and not be long. How about I snag us some drinks on my way back?”

He left her with a kiss on the lips and a slap of the ass. Hey, the damned thing was made for smacking.

He wasn’t gone long. Really, not long, but it proved enough time for Meena to find trouble.

Or, in this case, cause it.

Time to pull an omega.

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