Where There's a Will (11 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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“Where to?” Carlos asked, his voice thick with need. Will in his little skirt and heels, Troy in his tight jeans and tighter T-shirt—the two men were causing Carlos’ dick to throb with every heartbeat.

“My place,” Troy said. He reached down and cupped Carlos’ dick with one hand and Will’s with the other. The moan the bartender let loose almost had Carlos bending him over the hood of the Jeep. He restrained himself, barely, settling for gripping the back of Troy’s neck and kissing him until Troy whimpered.

“Okay. We’ll follow you, if you got room for all three vehicles at your place.”

Troy snorted. “You mean two and a half. Will’s Mini Cooper doesn’t count as a full sized car.”

“Hey!” Will smacked Troy’s arm. “My car is awesome!”

Carlos chuckled and rubbed Will’s dick through his jock strap, moving his strokes in the opposite direction of Troy’s. “It’s a cute little car. Obviously you aren’t trying to overcompensate.”

Will snorted even as he thrust his hips. “Well, duh! I’m not the one driving a big ol’

truck or a jacked up Jeep!”

Carlos wasn’t going to let the dig pass. He turned Will around, pressing the smaller man against him. Carlos slid his hands up the backs of Will’s thighs, then over the globes of his ass. He pinched each cheek, eliciting a squeal from Will, then he lifted the short skirt and looked at Troy. “I’d say such a comment earned Will a spanking.”

Troy’s eyes gleamed. “I think you’re right. Will knows neither one of us have anything to compensate for.”




Bailey Bradford



Will shuddered against Carlos and arched his back. “Here, do it here!”

Carlos almost laughed at Will’s eagerness. Troy glanced around the parking lot then shrugged. Carlos tipped his chin at Troy, and the bartender delivered a stinging slap to Will’s ass.

“Oh God,” Will moaned, grabbing onto Carlos’ hips. “Again—” he hissed when the second slap landed, followed quickly by two more. Carlos craned his neck and looked down Will’s back to his ass, both cheeks now darkened with handprints. The lights from the parking lot were bright enough that he could see each finger imprint, and the rosy glow left behind.

Carlos stroked over the heated flesh, then scratched his nails over it. Will shivered and pushed his butt against the touch. “Again,” Carlos ordered. Will’s hunger was readily apparent in the way the man was begging with his body. “I want him to feel your hand on his ass all the way to your place.”

Troy didn’t hold back, and the keening sounds Will made set Carlos’ blood on fire. The smaller man writhed and pushed back into each smack, then forward to hump against Carlos’ thigh.

When Will was all but vibrating with need, Carlos slid his hands down to cup Will’s flaming ass. The skin felt hot, swollen in places, and Will’s cock was like an iron spike against Carlos’ thigh. Carlos was pretty close to the edge himself, and when Will whimpered and slid to his knees, Carlos didn’t stop him.

Will looked up, a pleading expression on his face as he fingered Carlos’ zipper. “Go ahead,” Carlos grunted, unfastening the button at his waistband. Will unzipped him and took his cock and balls out. He promptly sucked the dripping head into his mouth. Carlos had to lock his knees to keep from collapsing with all of the wet suction surrounding the tip of his dick.

“Come here,” he told Troy. Troy moved over to his side. Carlos freed Troy’s dick and started jacking him, using the pre-cum leaking from Troy’s slit for lube. Will sucked Carlos’

cock down deep and swallowed, then came off with a slurp and dived down on Troy’s, chasing Carlos’ hand with eager lips.

“Oh fuck,” Troy whimpered, grabbing onto Carlos’ shoulder with one hand. “I won’t last long if you keep sucking me so damn good.”




Bailey Bradford



Will made an approving sound and sucked Troy in to the root. Carlos started to reach for his own dick only to have Will push his hand away. Will proceeded to suck Troy and jack Carlos with an unfaltering rhythm for several strokes. Carlos didn’t try to hold back this time, fucking Will’s hand, eyes darting from Will to Troy then back to his own shaft.

Will pulled off Troy’s dick, switching mouth for hand, and swallowed Carlos’ length again. Carlos about lost his mind as Will’s throat muscles contracted around his tip. Carlos grunted and palmed the back of Will’s head, holding the man still as he pushed in deeper.

Troy’s roar as he came threw Carlos into an unexpected climax. He hadn’t realised how completely his control had slipped until he shouted in surprise, pleasure suffusing his body as he shot down Will’s throat.

Carlos lifted Will up. Together, he and Troy sat Will on the edge of the truck bed. “Hold on,” Carlos ordered before shoving Will’s skirt out of the way. The heels of Will’s shoes clanged against the truck when Carlos fisted Will’s dick, then those heels were digging into Carlos’ back as he sucked Will in deep.

Will hunched over him and Troy pressed up against his side. Carlos figured they were kissing, judging by the sounds the two men made. Troy reached under Carlos’ chin and fondled Will’s balls. Will’s entire body jerked, his cock flooding Carlos’ mouth with cum.

Carlos drank it down, enjoying the bitter flavour and Will’s quivering breaths, punctuated by curses and wordless sounds.

“Should take the edge off enough for us to take our time properly once we’re at your place,” Carlos said several minutes later.

Troy and Will nodded. Troy glanced at Carlos, a question in his eyes that made Carlos’

stomach tingle and tighten. When Troy flicked his gaze down to Will’s ass then back up to Carlos, it was all Carlos could do not to pounce on the bartender. A flush crept up Troy’s face and he looked away quickly. Carlos filed Troy’s inquisitive look away to examine later. Troy wasn’t ready to acknowledge his needs, not yet, but Carlos would help the man get to where he could.

Too many men kept their desires hidden and repressed, afraid they’d be less of a man if they admitted to them, but the exact opposite was true. It took a strong, secure man to acknowledge those secret parts of himself. Carlos would know.

The drive to Troy’s place— a small, older house on the outskirt of town—took about twenty minutes. Carlos took in the well-maintained yard and the sunny yellow paint www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



reflecting the porch light. Troy obviously took care of his place, something Carlos appreciated. He parked behind Troy and Will and got out of his truck.

Will stood by his Mini Cooper, the purple skirt hitched up as he rubbed his butt and grinned. “Wow, it’s been forever, like seriously maybe never, since someone spanked me like I needed them to.”

And there it was, Will’s easy admission that he
something a lot of people wouldn’t own up to. Carlos walked over and hugged the man, delighted by him as much as he was delighted by the challenge of helping Troy reach the same place of acceptance Will had found. His gaze tangled with Troy’s and Carlos gave him a slow, smouldering smile. He had an idea how to begin showing Troy it didn’t make a man weak to admit he had certain needs.

Carlos looked at Will. He thought the man was perceptive enough to know what was coming when Will raised his eyebrows and his full lips rounded on a soft gasp. “You ready for this?”

“Oh, hell yeah.” Will bobbed his head, too, as if Carlos could have missed Will’s eager reply.

It seemed a little too sweet to him, yet Carlos couldn’t stop himself from brushing a kiss across Will’s temple. Will purred and rubbed his head against Carlos’ chest.

And Carlos looked at Troy, who was walking towards them. He waited until Troy stopped, then he cupped Troy’s cock, slid his hand down to his balls, back over the hard length as he looked Troy square in the eyes. “I want this,” Carlos squeezed the steely rod, “in my ass within five minutes, so I suggest you get your door open and get us all to your bedroom.”

Troy’s mouth dropped open, but Carlos barely had time to see it. Who knew Troy could move so fast, he thought, grinning as the bartender grabbed his arm in one hand and Will’s in another and all but dragged them up to his house.


This was turning out better than Will had hoped—and he’d had some pretty damn high hopes! He had thought at first Carlos would only top, which was fine with Will as he didn’t particularly care to top. The idea of seeing Troy fucking Carlos… Jesus, just thinking about it was enough to make Will’s heart skip and stutter! Troy must have liked the idea too, considering how quick he got the door open. Will kicked it shut just as Carlos grabbed Troy www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



and kissed him. Will heard their teeth clack together, and he didn’t waste any time. Carlos had said he wanted Troy to fuck him in under five minutes, and Will meant to make sure his deadline was met.

Will squatted and tugged on Carlos’ booted foot. “Good man,” Will murmured softly so Carlos wouldn’t hear him when the cowboy raised his foot. It took some work and some grunting, but Will got the boot off, then the sock. He tapped Carlos’ other calf, tapped it again harder and Carlos cooperated nicely.

In short order, Will had both men naked from the waist down—except for Carlos’

chaps, because damn the man looked hot in them. Carlos’ skin was darker than either Will or Troy’s, a warm honey brown, and he had a sweet, lean ass with deep divots on the sides and the perfect amount of fuzz over the cheeks. Will’s mouth watered thinking about what he’d like to do to Carlos’ ass.

He might not be big on fucking, but he did love rimming, he just didn’t do it often because it wasn’t something he was willing to do for a quick hook-up. It also wasn’t something he
to do often, since he did actually have a standard. Might be the only one, but it was there. Probably lonely, too.

“Bedroom,” Carlos ordered, and Troy, looking somewhat dazed but very eager, his big cock hard and bobbing against his stomach, grunted and led the way. Will was in hog heaven, ogling both men’s fine asses and long, muscular legs. He took his time behind them, winking at both of them when they checked to see why he was dragging his heels.

“Just enjoying the views, guys.” Will started to take off his skirt and heels, then remembered the way Carlos had used his belt the night before. The skirt could be pushed up and used the same way, so he left it on.
And I kind of like the heels, so…

Will’s rambling train of thought derailed completely when Carlos grabbed him and hefted him back over his shoulder. Will squeaked when his butt was smacked again, and his cock hardened even more as heat spread out from the smacked cheek. He couldn’t resist the temptation to pinch one of Carlos’ flexing buttocks, and didn’t see any reason why he should even try to fight the impulse, so he didn’t. Will made sure to give the soft hair a good tug too.

“You little shit,” Carlos barked, and Will landed on the bed and would have bounced right back off if Carlos hadn’t come down on top of him. Will’s parted lips were obviously an invitation to Carlos, and Will moaned as the other man’s tongue speared into his mouth. Will www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



started to reach for Carlos, only to have the cowboy growl and pin his hands down beside his head.

Will grinned as much as he could when his mouth was being ravaged, and he wound his legs around Carlos’ hips. The heels of his shoes were probably digging into Carlos’ fine ass, but the way he attacked Will’s mouth even more vigorously seemed to imply the guy was liking it.

“Fuck, you two are something else,” Troy muttered. He sounded like he was behind Carlos, then Will’s balls were cupped and rolled, squeezed and pulled before cold liquid splattered behind his sac. Carlos didn’t let up on the kissing, and Will was feeling a little light headed when Troy pushed two fingers inside him. Will keened and jerked his head aside, gasping and undulating as he sought deeper penetration. He knew how good Carlos’ thick cock felt splitting him in two, and as far as he was concerned, Carlos couldn’t get inside him fast enough.

Carlos lifted off him, arching, still holding his hands down. Will watched through blurry vision as Troy slid a condom over Carlos’ dick. Carlos lowered himself again as Troy guided his cock into place.

Will didn’t know where the animalistic sound he made came from, but it roared out of him when Carlos thrust, burying his cock in to the root. Carlos’ balls slapped against Will’s ass and he tightened his legs around the cowboy, holding him in deep.

“Fuck me,” Will begged, mindless with the pleasure flooding up from his rectum.

Carlos chuckled breathlessly and jabbed in deeper. “Gotta give me some room to work,” he said as Will’s head snapped back, his mouth working around words that refused to come.

“In a second,” Will heard Troy say, then Carlos went taut before making a soft, sexy noise.


This had to be a dream, that’s all Troy could figure, because he’d never have thought a man like Carlos would let anyone fuck him. Troy didn’t know what to make of it. Carlos was a strong man, maybe not physically as buff as Troy, but internally, Troy didn’t doubt Carlos knew just who and what he was, and what he believed and all the important stuff Troy still hadn’t figured out about himself.




Bailey Bradford



He’d worried about Carlos wanting to fuck him, had been afraid Carlos would think Troy was less than a man, which was stupid. Troy didn’t think Will was less of a man, just like he didn’t believe it of most of his exes—although there were a few of those who’d been pond scum, or close to it. Yet when it came to himself, Troy hadn’t been able to let go.

The few times he’d tried being fucked, he’d hated it. Well, okay maybe not always.

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