Where There's a Will (4 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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The guy grinned at him then reached down to stroke his own cock and Carlos’ brain went on hiatus, at least the part of it not focused on sex.

“Care to help me out with him? What’s y’all’s names, anyways?”

This, from Troy, and it was surprising enough of an offer that Carlos was able to look up at the bartender. The man really was hot, and Carlos, who’d had a long drought even if it was self-imposed, wondered if he hadn’t had a stroke or something and was even now hallucinating.

“Carlos,” he rasped, just in case this was, in fact, reality. His drought may have been self-imposed, but he was hoping he was fixing to experience a flood.

“Will,” the smaller man said, stepping forward, releasing his cock. “And I think,
maybe I’ve found two men to give me what I need for the night. What do you say, Carlos?”

Will leaned over the bar and, bold as brass, cupped Carlos’ dick through his jeans.




Bailey Bradford



“Ohhhh,” Will moaned, squeezing Carlos’ length and making Carlos have to lock his knees or risk falling to them. He hadn’t been touched there by anyone other than himself in too long.

Will looked over his shoulder and waved at Troy with his other hand. “Troy! Come check this out! Cowboy Carlos is fucking hung!”

Carlos’ cheeks burned but he couldn’t deny the swell of pride he felt. And the other swell, lower down, which was even now being groped as Will scooted over. Troy bent over the bar and whistled.

“Hey Carlos, you’re packing some major meat in there.” Troy’s hand joined Will’s and Carlos had to reach out and grab the bar to keep himself upright. Troy came over the bar and gripped Carlos’ shoulder while sliding his other hand down further until he cupped Carlos’

balls. Carlos couldn’t stop the shudder from going through him, but he bit his cheek hard to keep from whimpering. Troy’s eyes crinkled at the outer edges and the handsome bartender leaned closer and asked, “Can I kiss you, cowboy?”

Whether it was because he was skittish or what, Carlos didn’t know, but he doubted Troy latched lips with every trick. The man was eyeing his mouth hungrily, and Will’s hand had somehow ended up inside Carlos’ boxers, stroking skin. Carlos was putty and he knew it. Troy’s mouth landed on his just as moist breath gusted over Carlos’ groin. Carlos opened his mouth to maybe protest, or at least ask for a bit more of a private place, but as soon as his lips parted Troy’s tongue speared in and started laying claim.

Carlos moved without thinking about it, clamping his hands to Troy’s shoulders. A slight struggle followed, both men wanting the lead, and Carlos finally snarled, pushing the bartender back, likely pinning Will against the bottom of the bar, but he wasn’t giving Troy control. Carlos growled into the kiss, pulling Troy forward just enough to shove him back against the bar again and set him straight on who was in control. Now, anyway.

Troy’s big body tensed then seemed to relax as he stopped fighting the kiss. Carlos swept in, tasting every inch of the man’s mouth, then added a nip to Troy’s tongue for good measure. Troy wore a dazed expression as he reached up and touched his lips, staring at Carlos as if he were something special.

Carlos almost immediately felt hands on his dick again. He glanced down and saw Will beaming up at him. “That was so fucking hot, watching you two battle it out. Now can someone fuck me?”




Bailey Bradford



Carlos nodded. Someone was getting fucked, he just wasn’t sure who was doing who.

Or when they were doing it.

“Martine!” Troy yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth. “Come watch the bar!”

Okay, so they were doing it now. Carlos watched Martine stalk up to the bar.

“Fine, but I want extra breaks the rest of the month.” Martine glared at Carlos as if he’d done something wrong.

Carlos was damn glad he didn’t have to put up with the little diva. He would have glared back at the kid, but it’d have been like kicking a puppy and Carlos just couldn’t do it.

Well, puppies were cuter, but the gist of it was sorta the same.

Troy considered Martine’s demand. “How about I give you my tips over this coming weekend?”

Martine brightened considerably and Carlos wondered if that hadn’t been the kid’s sole concern in the first place—money. Maybe the mighty green was why he’d been eyeing Troy?

Carlos looked at Troy, nope. The man was just hot, and so was Will, and Carlos was kind of feeling like he didn’t fit in but he sure wasn’t pointing it out.

Martine made shooing motions with his hands. “Go on, get, shoo. Take your time. I want details, though!” he added.

Troy held out a hand to Will while looking at Carlos. “Ready for us, cowboy?”

“Will you shout yee-haw while you fuck me?” Will asked.

Carlos nearly tripped at that. “Yes,” he said nodding at Troy, then he frowned at Will.

“And hell no, but if you’re good I’ll leave my hat and boots on.”

Will’s shout of “Yee-haw” and his eager tugging at Troy’s hand and Carlos’ once Will grabbed it should have been funny, but instead it warmed Carlos even as it added fuel to the fire of his need. Troy’s amused smirk was another ember, too. It burned and settled in Carlos’ groin, making his dick so hard he was almost afraid to take a deep breath.

He followed Troy and Will into the back room, or maybe it was a storage room. Carlos didn’t really care as long as there was some sort of privacy. Tucked in a corner was a large desk, just right for bending someone over or laying them out on, maybe even both if Carlos could figure out a way to do it. Then Troy locked the door, and Carlos found himself the recipient of two eager, horny gazes, and he hoped to hell he remembered what to do with two men at the same time.




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Will grinned and shoved his pants down, tilting his hips forward. “Well, Cowboy Carlos, why don’t you show me what you got?”

Carlos narrowed his eyes at the challenge. He’d show Will what he had, all right.





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Five

“How long do we have?”

Troy tore his gaze away from Will’s leaking cock to look at Carlos. He struggled to form a coherent thought, and managed to grunt out, “Maybe thirty minutes.” The cowboy nodded and pointed at him.

“Strip.” Carlos looked at Will. “You too. And get down on your hands and knees. We’ll both show you what we got.”

Will’s breathless whimper was almost drowned out as he jerked his shirt over his head.

Troy ogled the creamy smooth skin, the ridged knots of Will’s spine, and the plump globes of his ass as Will shoved his pants down.

“Sometime soon,” Carlos added, and Troy realised the cowboy was talking to him.

Troy whipped off his shirt and tossed it over his shoulder. “There’s a bowl with the stuff we’ll need on the shelf to your right,” he told Carlos.

Will’s giggle made Troy’s dick even harder. The smaller man hit him with a wide-eyed, knowing gaze. “Do this often, do ya?”

“Not with three,” Troy answered as he bent to pull off his shoes. Carlos had taken out a handful of supplies. He dropped them on the floor as Will sank to his knees. “Haven’t been fucking around as much lately, anyway. Bosses want to make this a classier place.”

Will snorted and Carlos narrowed his eyes. “You gonna get in trouble for this?”

Troy shrugged and stood up, fisting his cock. “Maybe, if Martine goes yapping.”

Carlos frowned. “That boy seemed a bit jealous.”

“Why wouldn’t he be?” Will piped up. He turned eager eyes to Troy, devouring him visually and warming Troy’s skin like a warm tongue had stroked over his entire body. “I mean, look at this guy.” Will dropped to his hands, his lithe muscles rippling. He peered over his shoulder at Carlos and gasped. “What’re you doing? You gonna smack my ass with that?”

Troy’s gaze shot to Carlos. A sliver of trepidation went through him when he saw that the cowboy had removed his belt and was now running the worn leather through his hand.




Bailey Bradford



Carlos’ smile didn’t ease Troy’s trepidation none, either. “Nope. Now you just hush and put your mouth to good use on ol’ Troy there.”

annihilated the trepidation and replaced it with a surge of arousal so strong it made Troy’s legs quiver.

Carlos flicked the belt in the air towards Troy. “Can’t decide which of you I want to fuck. Maybe both.”

“Jesus,” Troy muttered as his hole clenched. It’d been a long time since he’d been fucked—there were a damn sight more bottoms hanging around The Xxchange than tops, and anyway, Troy had never trusted his ass to just any man. But there was something about the cowboy, some steel running through his dark eyes that had Troy sinking to his knees and reaching for Will’s head. He wasn’t gentle, knowing Will wouldn’t care for being treated like he was breakable, not right now at least. Right now was for dirty, hard fucking, and all of them knew it.

Troy buried his fingers in Will’s hair and jerked, and the moan that left Will’s lips, the hot need in his eyes, about burnt Troy up on the spot. Will’s lips parted, and Troy’s cock was enveloped in slick, suctioning warmth. “Yeah, baby,” Troy murmured, his entire body going tight as Will sucked his dick right down. “Want me to fuck your face?” Better to ask than to slam home and wind up getting bitten.

Will rolled his eyes and snorted, which, yeah, that was something else to feel, Troy thought, his hips jabbing forward in reaction to the sensation. Will muttered something that might have been, “Duh, dumbass,” but it was really hard to understand him when his mouth was full of dick. Still, Troy thought, from the way Will was glaring at him, it was probably what the little shit had said. So Troy did, pulling Will’s hair tighter to get a good grip, then he backed out and shoved his cock right back in, until the head breached Will’s throat.

The sound Will made was eclipsed by the whimper Troy let loose, which wasn’t as loud as Carlos’ words of approval. “That’s it, boys, put on a little show for me while I get Will’s ass ready.”

Will made a high pitched sound and arched his back, taking Troy even deeper. When he swallowed, Troy’s eyes crossed and his vision blurred, but only until he made out the dark-ish form kneeling behind Will. Troy blinked rapidly, desperate not to miss a moment of this, and was rewarded by the sight of Carlos unzipping his jeans. The cowboy shoved down www.total-e-bound.com



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his boxers and pulled out a thick, long dick. Just seeing it caused the same fluttering and eager need in Troy’s ass. No doubt about it, the cowboy was fucking hung.

Troy pulled his hips back and pushed in a little harder, his mind half on his own pleasure and half on watching Carlos. “You oughta see him, Will. Got a dick so big it’s gonna split your ass in two, baby.”

The sharp breath Will took through his nostrils and the way he tried to look behind him, his big eyes rolling all over like a crazy cartoon character, would have made Troy laugh if Will hadn’t also just swallowed around his dick. Troy groaned and fought to keep his eyes open as he gave in just a little, pulling back and slamming in with a bit more force, then doing it again, harder, faster, fed by Will’s moans and the pleasure building up in his own balls.

Carlos didn’t say a word, just hummed in what sounded like approval as Troy started chasing his release. He wanted to wait on the cowboy, but the prospect of doing so wasn’t looking likely.


So far, it was fucking perfection—literally, Will thought. Troy had his head gripped so hard Will couldn’t move it. All he could do was take the big cock as it was shoved into his mouth, into his throat, over and over, and goddamnit, how’d Troy know rough was what Will liked?

Usually it took a while for Will’s kinks to come out. Sure, he was a slut, but he wasn’t always the most vocal about what he wanted once everyone was naked. And what the hell was Carlos going to do with that belt? Will’s butt clenched—he thought he might not mind a swat or three across his ass, but he wasn’t too sure about those swats coming at the end of a belt.

Then he heard Troy’s comment about Carlos’ dick and Will waggled his butt, his mind shooting away from thoughts of the belt to thoughts of how much he wanted Carlos’ big cock inside him.

Troy grunted and shoved in deeper, and Will, good man that he was, swallowed rapidly as he swirled his tongue over the fat vein running along the underside of Troy’s shaft.

“Fuck,” Troy all but squealed, and nearly jerked Will baldheaded as he thrust deeper.

Will was about to sputter, in need of a breath, when Troy withdrew and started back in www.total-e-bound.com



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again. He surprised Will, not going to deep, but increasing the speed of his thrusts to short, rapid jabs. Carlos’ hands spreading his ass cheeks made Will purr with pleasure, which in turn dragged another high pitched sound from Troy, along with more frantic thrusting. Then without so much as a warning swipe, Carlos speared a finger into Will.

Will’s back bowed and he fairly howled, delighted at the dual invasion. Troy’s cock filled his throat once more as Carlos’ finger sunk deep, knuckle grazing against Will’s gland.

Fucking yes!
If it hadn’t meant spitting out Troy’s dick, Will would have shouted it.

“Take me,” Troy whimpered.

Will looked up to find Troy’s fine features creased by the strain of impending release.

Hoping to ward it off for just a few more minutes, Will scraped his teeth up Troy’s dick.

Which might have been a mistake, considering the shout Troy let loose and the way his big body convulsed.

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