Where There's a Will (21 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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Instead, he thought they were incredible, yet he couldn’t apply the same thinking to himself.

“Troy?” Will’s voice was full of an understanding Troy wanted to believe in, if he could just get past his fear. “You know you can tell us about it, but if you don’t want to…”

“You don’t have to, but I think it’d help. You keep tearing yourself up over wanting and needing something you refuse to let yourself have. It’s a conflict that ain’t gonna get any better on its own.”

Troy peeked through his lids at Carlos. There was no judgement in his dark eyes, only an encouraging warmth which served to unthaw Troy’s frozen tongue, whether he thought he was ready or not. Troy swallowed around a lump in his throat then pushed himself up.

“Let me get a drink first.” Then he’d man up. He glanced past Carlos and Will, afraid for reasons he couldn’t name to look either in the eye. “Y’all want something?”

Carlos helped Will up. “Water’d be good.” He headed towards the bathroom with Will right behind him.

Troy took a minute to try to organise his thoughts, which seemed scattered all over the place, and to try to stop his hands from shaking. He shouldn’t be this scared. Will and Carlos wouldn’t ditch him because of his ass-backwards thinking. They might get pissed, but surely they wouldn’t dump him.

“Let me help you.”




Bailey Bradford



Troy bit his lip to keep from yelping in surprise, but he couldn’t stop from jumping. He hadn’t heard Carlos come in to the kitchen, and sure hadn’t been expecting to hear his deep, rough voice so close behind him.

“Yeah, okay.” Troy told himself to get his shit together and stop being a sissy. Maybe Earl hadn’t been wrong, calling him shit like that. He handed the glasses to Carlos.

“You want to go get cleaned up real quick?” Carlos asked, tipping his chin at Troy’s groin.

Troy scratched at a patch of drying cum. “If you don’t mind.” He forced his gaze to Carlos’. “I’m not gonna flake out. I have some fucked up thinking in my head, and I know it.

I don’t want to keep thinking the way I do.”

Carlos nodded as he stepped past Troy to the sink. “We all have some kinda fucked up thinking, don’t we?”

“I do,” Will chimed in as he entered the kitchen. “How could I not, with the family I have?”

Troy thought Will was entitled, and certainly he’d been through a hell of a lot more than Troy. Which just made him a world-class wuss. He went to the bathroom and wet a cloth. Despite being loath to talk, he didn’t dally and was back in the kitchen within a few minutes.

Best to barrel right through, right?
Troy held onto the towel wrapped around his hips.

“So, you see how big I am?” He held one arm out, opening his chest. Carlos and Will eyed him appreciatively and nodded. “Yeah, pretty much always been a big guy, so I didn’t get much shit for being gay. But bottoming?” He sneered. “A guy like me wants to bottom, and it makes me a wuss or whatever. The first time I said I wanted to try it, the guy I was dating laughed so hard he nearly pissed himself. He told me if I took it up the ass, it’d make me less of a man because I didn’t
like a bottom, and even in homosexual relationships, each person had their place. I thought it was a load of shit and told him so.” Troy’s butt burned with remembered pain. “He said okay, and even though he was snitty about it, he said he’d try. I think he did his best to discourage me from ever doing it again.”

“What an asswipe,” Will snapped. “Give me the fucker’s name, I’ll find him!”

Troy shook his head. “Nah, I know he was just a dedicated bottom who liked a hard fucking. I shouldn’t have pushed, and he shouldn’t have gone along with it. We stopped seeing each other not long after. Mostly I found he was right, though. Men looked at me and www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



expected to be topped. Anything other than what they expected tended to freak them out.

There was another guy, about my size, and he seemed to think he was pushing me to do something I didn’t want to. He was getting off on it, I could tell, and I wanted to try it again. I mean”—Troy’s cheeks were on fire—“the guys I fucked sure enjoyed it, so it had to be good.

So I let the guy think I was reluctant, and he made sure to run with his fantasy.”

Will slapped the countertop. “That’s it! I am gonna kick some stupid guys’ asses!”

“Calm down,” Carlos said, pulling Will against him and petting his stomach. He looked at Troy with a wealth of understanding in his dark eyes. “Go on.”

Troy got the feeling Carlos was taking mental notes and likely plotting something not nice at all if he ever met the men Troy was talking about. Which, in one case, would be all right by him.

“Then there was Earl.” Troy could still hear the man’s voice calling him names and degrading him. “Big guy, one of those body builder types. He didn’t use steroids, at least not at first. Maybe he was on them, later. We started off jacking and sucking, both of us saying we weren’t bottoms, but we were attracted to each other. Eventually I offered to let him fuck me. Tried to sound reluctant and all. The first time with him was okay, just, he liked to fuck hard and fast and I thought maybe I’d like something more gentle.”

Now why’d he go and say such a stupid thing? Troy looked anywhere but at his lovers, who he knew liked being fucked harder than he’d want to be. Here he was, a big ol’ guy, and he couldn’t stand taking a hard pounding. “Earl could tell, I guess. He always told me what a pussy I was, a wuss, a weak cunthole.”

There had been more insults, but Carlos’ growl shut Troy up, he was so startled by the sound of it. Then Carlos was there, holding Troy, running sure hands down Troy’s back. Will plastered himself to their sides, and Troy closed his eyes, letting himself soak in the affection of his men.

“Not everyone likes it hard and fast,” Carlos murmured, lips brushing Troy’s ear.

“Especially not if their first few experiences have been bad ones. Took me a while to like it at all, but once someone fucked me the way I wanted, I was hooked.”

“Yeah,” Will said. “And sometimes we have a preference. I don’t like to top much, because there’s nothing quite as mind-blowing as having someone—you or Carlos”—he quickly filled in—“fuck me into oblivion. But there’s plenty more people who switch, and www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



there’s some dedicated tops. You just need to trust your lovers to take care of you now. When you’re ready to do that, we’ll be here.”

Troy surprised himself by not doubting it, not one bit. What was between the three of them was strong, and growing more so every day.

“If you don’t ever want to bottom, you don’t have to,” Carlos rumbled, his hands resting at Troy’s waist. “It’s not a requirement to be with me or Will, right?”

“Right,” Will agreed.

Troy took a deep breath and let it out, then nuzzled his cheek against Carlos’. He cupped Will’s chin and urged him to stand on the tips of his toes. As if knowing Troy’s desire, Carlos bent enough to bring his lips to Will’s, and Troy joined them in a cock-hardening kiss. He opened his eyes and found Carlos looking at him. Troy smiled slightly, knowing Carlos would understand.

“Okay.” He didn’t need to explain anything else.





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Twenty-Four

Will put a hand on his hip and Carlos stepped back enough to let him do his thing.

Within seconds Will was on his knees, slurping and sucking on Troy’s balls.

“Fuck,” Troy panted, his eyes glazing over as he palmed Will’s head. “Yeah baby, just like that. Suck ‘em both in—” he broke off on a moan as his mouth went slack. Carlos moved behind Troy, afraid the bartender would fall over with the way he was shaking.

Between the sounds Troy was making and the sounds Will was making, all wet, hungry noises, Carlos’ cock was ready to go. The tip was already glistening with clear fluid, and his balls were trying awfully hard to snuggle right on up to his body. Carlos reached down and tugged hard enough to make his gut ache. He wasn’t going to risk spurting so soon. Besides, he’d always been the kind who took the time to slowly unwrap a gift. He’d do no less with the gift Troy was giving him.

Carlos pressed his chest to Troy’s back. Troy gasped and jerked, his hips shooting forward. Carlos peered over his shoulder and met Will’s sparkling gaze as he swallowed Troy’s cock down to the root. Will’s lips were stretched thin and glistening with spit, and he looked as if he were sucking on the tastiest treat in the world.

“Please,” Troy rasped, his hands clenching in Will’s hair. Will’s forehead wrinkled as his eyebrows tugged together. Carlos could read the question in his eyes.

“Do it,” he ordered, because he intended to take plenty of time to get Troy ready for them. Better to let him get off since he was coiled so tight, then they’d love on him until he was open and waiting for Carlos’ cock.

Carlos ran his hands up and down Troy’s body a couple of times, loving the tautness of his abs, the way his skin was so warm. Then he found Troy’s nipples just as Troy began grunting, thrusting rapidly into Will’s mouth. Carlos scraped his thumbnails over Troy’s tits then pinched them when Troy gasped.

“You love it, don’t you?” Carlos pinched again and Troy shouted, grabbing at Carlos’

hand with one of his own.




Bailey Bradford



“More!” Troy demanded, and Carlos’, his dick so hard he could barely think, couldn’t stop himself from humping against the firm swell of Troy’s ass. He plucked and pinched Troy’s nipples, compressing the nubs with a good bit of pressure when Troy came. He tightened his arms, clenching his biceps around Troy as the bartender shuddered through his climax.

Will released Troy’s cock with a wet pop and stood, rubbing against Troy’s front. He wound his arms around Troy and as much of Carlos as he could, purring and writhing like a cat being petted. Carlos rewarded the sensual display, reaching past Troy and palming Will’s butt, pulling the younger man even closer. Troy’s hands joined his, and Will squeaked when he was lifted to his toes.

Then Will did his thing and all but climbed up Troy, and it was a good thing Carlos was there, holding Troy steady. Will went after Troy’s mouth and Carlos dipped his head, finding the tender skin beneath Troy’s ear. He worked that spot until Troy’s chest was heaving and he was pushing his butt back, grinding against Carlos’ dick.

“Time to move this into the bedroom.” Carlos peeled himself away from Troy once he was sure Troy was steady. Will stayed latched on, literally, sucking hard on the spot where Troy’s neck and shoulder joined. Carlos herded them into the bedroom, running his hands down Troy’s back to his buttocks, sweat smoothing the path his hands took.

Once inside the room, he stepped around to Troy’s front and pinned Will between them. He nudged Will’s ass with his cock while he leaned in and kissed Troy thoroughly, owning his mouth just as Troy and Will owned his heart. He licked his way over to Will’s mouth then tangled tongues with him, grunting and rubbing his cock into Will’s crease.

The warmth there was tantalising, and Carlos gripped Will’s hips and thrust hard just a few times, enough to heat Will’s ass good. He pushed a hand between Will and Troy and didn’t do more than grab Will’s dick before Will shrieked and came, thick and hot over his hand.

Before Will even finished, Carlos prised him off Troy. He turned Will and pushed him against Troy even as he sunk to his knees. Carlos caught the last jet of cum on his tongue, then he laved Will’s cock and belly, the tops of his thighs, back to his cock, cleaning his lover while Will whimpered and squirmed, still horny, still eager. Carlos smiled around Will’s dick. He did love an enthusiastic man—two, in this case.




Bailey Bradford



He nibbled his way up Will’s stomach to his nipple. Carlos didn’t start soft, not now, biting one nub as Troy pulled the other. Will keened and Carlos glided his hands down and around until he could cup Troy’s ass cheeks in them. He squeezed, gentle at first, then harder when Troy exhaled lustily. Troy brought a hand to Carlos’ ass as well, and without hesitation, pushed a finger into his hole.

“Jesus fucking—” Carlos’ broke off into a garbled sound as he clamped down around Troy’s finger and tried not to come. The dry burn wasn’t bad at all, barely even there since, at that angle and with Will between them, Troy couldn’t get his finger in very deep.

Still, it fed into the want gnawing away at Carlos’ control, and such a thing was unacceptable. Not when he needed to make sure he did nothing to spook or hurt Troy.

The desire to take care of Troy was enough to keep him in check. As good as it felt to have any part of Troy in him, this wasn’t about him. Carlos pulled back and rubbed his cheek against Troy’s, then bent enough to do the same to Will, which got him an armful of warm, horny Will. Carlos scooped Will right up and Troy chuckled as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Carlos turned and laid Will out on the bed. He was a display of wantoness, spreading his legs open wide and bringing his knees up to his chest. Troy groaned and crawled up onto the bed, then stopped and looked at Carlos as if waiting for permission. Carlos palmed Will’s balls with one hand and reached for Troy with the other. He held him by the nape and kissed him until he whimpered with each thrust of tongue, then he eased back and looked into Troy’s eyes.

“Go ahead, he can’t wait much longer.” Will’s pleas were laced with a desperation Carlos recognised. If someone didn’t fuck Will’s ass soon, there’d be hell to pay.

Carlos got the lube and rubbers while Troy laid down and cupped Will’s butt. He raised Will’s hips up and licked him from hole to slit.

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