Where There's a Will (5 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Where There's a Will
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“God…” Troy shoved in and back out, in and out. “Damn—it!”

Carlos’ low, rough chuckle sent a shiver down Will’s back as his hole was stretched wider. He wriggled his hips, hoping Carlos would get the message to hurry up and fuck him.

His eagerness—okay, unspoken demand, but whatever—got him a smack on his ass that was a tad more pain than pleasure, and Will loved it, his eyes closing as he moaned.

“Be still, you’ll get it when you get it,” Carlos ordered. But he stretched Will more, inserting at least another digit. “Don’t think you understand how big this is.”

Something hot and hard slapped Will’s ass, and yeah, it felt pretty damn big. Will tightened his lips around Troy’s cock and wished to hell he could reach down and grab his own dick, because he was hurting to come. Then the feel of something smooth yet rough slipping around his middle had Will’s eyes opening. Carlos’ weight pressed against his back and the bigger man whispered in Will’s ear, “Gonna ride you like a pony.”

Pony? What the fuck? Can’t I be a stallion or something…bigger?
Will’s indignation died down when Carlos’ weight left him and something cinched tight around Will’s belly.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Troy rasped. “He’s got his belt around you, gawd…”

Will about came, thinking of what Carlos was doing to him. He really
mean to ride him like a…a…whatever!

“Hurry up,” Troy pleaded, for Carlos, Will guessed. He wondered what Carlos did, if he’d sent Troy a melting look or something, because Troy’s hips slowed and his grip loosened as he stuttered out, “Sorry, I just…I’m gonna come, soon.”




Bailey Bradford



“Have some self-control,” Carlos said, in such a serious and demanding tone, Will almost forgot he had a dick in his mouth, which wouldn’t have been good for Troy had Will managed to snap out a
Yes, sir!

Then Will’s brain bubbled and had a meltdown, because Carlos’ spread his cheeks and slid his cock—and damn, it was big and thick!—right into Will’s ass.

“Guh!” Will shook as Carlos pushed all the way home, his balls slapping Will’s, the soft denim and metal teeth of Carlos’ zipper rubbing against the back of Will’s thighs. How he managed to hear Troy’s gulp over the roaring of the pulse in his ears was beyond Will’s comprehension, but the erotic tension slammed into him just as Carlos and Troy both withdrew and thrust in him again.
, he thought, as the belt around his middle tightened, Carlos obviously jerking it hard, pulling Will back.

“That’s right, give it up for me,” Carlos murmured, and Will figured he’d give up everything if he could just come already. Carlos fucked him hard and fast, none of the taking it slow and getting to know you crap, which was great since it always tended to irritate Will.

And Troy did the same, although his thrusts were shallower, erratic, and the sounds falling from his lips signalled his soon to arrive climax.

Carlos slammed in harder, pulling back on the belt and forcing the air from Will’s lungs. Troy made a guttural sound and his cock swelled in Will’s mouth, cum spewing forth at the same time Carlos’ dick rubbed over Will’s gland. Will’s arms shook, his legs shook, he struggled to swallow and couldn’t, not fast enough. Spunk dribbled from his mouth, down his chin as Troy pumped away in his mouth.

Will’s dick was leaking, his excitement so great he felt like his chest might burst, right along with his balls if he didn’t get some relief. Carlos’ thick cock splitting him open over and over was killing him in the best way possible, shooting darts of ecstasy up from inside his ass throughout his body.

“Please,” he begged,
oh God, I begged?
But he needed…between the two men, with cum dripping from the corner of his mouth, and his ass being pummelled, he absolutely needed to come!

Which was why he might have actually shed a tear or two of joy when Carlos ground against him and spoke to Troy. “When you get your head back on right, get down there and suck him off.”





Bailey Bradford



Carlos could tell Troy wasn’t exactly eager to flop down on the floor, but if Will could get on his hands and knees, then Troy could put up with a bit of dirt, couldn’t he?

Troy hesitated, watching as Carlos fucked Will, revelling in the way the man’s tight little ass clamped around his dick. Enjoying the view was okay, for a minute or two. Carlos could understand wanting to watch the show. Actually, Carlos was kind of impressed with himself—he hadn’t known he had all this still in him. And the belt, well, he’d always liked using his belt, on waists and hands, feet and—it just depended on how rough his partner or partners wanted to play.

Carlos growled as he withdrew then rammed back in, grinding against Will’s ass when he jerked the man back. It felt so good, a warm, willing body opening for him, taking what he was giving, even begging for more, which Will was doing, sure enough, whimpers and pleas for more and now and harder coming out with each of the man’s exhalations.

“How rough you like it?” he asked Will, reaching beneath the smaller man and finding a taut nipple. “Like this?” Carlos pinched, and when Will merely shook his head, he added a sharp twist. Will bucked beneath him and whined.

“Harder!” Will screamed, and Carlos grinned, giving the little guy harder in more ways than one. Hips slamming against Will’s ass, Carlos tormented Will’s nipple. Troy cursed and the next thing Carlos knew, the bartender was scooching underneath Will, his fingers pushing at Carlos’. Carlos tightened his grip. He was running this show.

Troy got the message and must have gone for Will’s other tit, probably was sucking his dick, too, because Will went wild, shouting and bucking, arching and jerking, his ass contracting and clamping down around Carlos’ cock in a rhythmic manner.
Oh yeah,
someone’s pleasure’s coming.

Carlos released Will’s nipple and gripped the belt again with both hands. He angled his hips just so and pushed in, quick forceful thrusts. Will keened, his inner muscles pulsing. The smaller man shivered and tossed his head, crying out again, and Carlos gritted his teeth as he forced back his own orgasm. He had plans for a certain bartender’s ass, and after fucking Will through his climax, and seeing Troy come before Will, Carlos was pretty damn sure he could get his rocks off quick enough for Troy to get back to his job, and probably even get Troy and Will both off again.





Bailey Bradford


Chapter Six

Troy swallowed Will’s cum, catching every drop, moaning at the flavour and the way the man shuddered above him. Some of the thrusts—either Carlos slamming into Will’s ass or Will’s own jerks—rubbed the leather belt over Troy’s shoulder, and it…it made him ache, deep down in his core.

And he knew, in the ominous way one does when they don’t want their darkest desires known, he
Carlos was aware of his ache, even as Carlos fucked a wailing Will through his orgasm.

The edge of the belt rubbed over the outer curve of Troy’s shoulder again, dragging and scraping his already sensitive skin. Troy gasped and let Will’s softening dick slip from his lips. Will whimpered and kind of collapsed on his side, gasping, looking utterly melted.

Troy’s eyes locked onto the belt, the abraded skin above and below it. His traitorous cock began to harden, and Troy, half-afraid to look at Carlos lest the man see and confirm his need, breathed slowly, his cock pinned uncomfortably between him and the floor. He hadn’t meant to lie on the damn floor, but once he’d decided to follow Carlos’ order, his eagerness had trumped his concern over what might be coating the floor. Probably he was being too uptight about it, there was a regular cleaning crew, and Troy and his bartenders swept and mopped every night.

But still. Troy realised he was trying to think about anything other than the sound he’d just heard, the wet slurp of a condom being tugged off. Yet he couldn’t keep from looking, and wasn’t surprised to see Carlos hadn’t yet come. The man’s dick looked huge and Troy’s ass clenched involuntarily.

He didn’t think that thing would fit where he thought Carlos was intending to put it.

Troy hadn’t bottomed in…well, in too long to remember, and it must not have been any good back then because the memory was beyond vague, tinged with disappointment.

Carlos caught him looking, and for some strange reason, Troy’s cheeks warmed. What the hell was he blushing for? He was as far from an inexperienced, naïve virgin as he could possibly get. It wasn’t like this was his first threesome, either. He’d had more than he could www.total-e-bound.com



Bailey Bradford



count right off the bat. So there was no reason for him to be so damned stupid about everything.

“On your knees,” Carlos said as he turned to face Troy completely.

Troy gulped and tensed, his body wanting to obey but his mind cringing. “I don’t bottom,” he stuttered out, another word ripped from him unwillingly. “Much.”
Oh God damn
Troy closed his eyes and struggled to tie his tongue in a knot before it could help form any more shit he wasn’t sure he wanted to share.

He heard Carlos’ boots scuff the floor, heard Will’s breathing slow, deepen, heard the smaller man shift, could feel Will staring as surely as he felt Carlos watching him. The footsteps were so close, yet still Troy was startled when his back was stroked from shoulder to flank. His eyes shot open just as Carlos brought his hand back up to Troy’s shoulder and tugged. Troy peered over his shoulder at the cowboy, and something about Carlos’ crooked grin loosened the knot of fear that had coalesced in Troy’s chest.

“Ain’t gonna fuck you,” Carlos said and Troy didn’t know whether he was more disappointed than relieved. “This time,” Carlos added, and Troy shuddered at the promise he heard in his rough voice.

“Oh, man,” Will muttered, and Troy looked at the man rather than let himself think about the way Carlos’ promise made him feel almost giddy. Will’s eyes sparkled with delight or, for all Troy knew, insanity—the guy was just so fucking
and damned if Will’s dick wasn’t perking up again!
What the hell kind of libido did this guy have?

“On your knees,” Carlos repeated before Troy could ask Will if he’d popped a handful of Viagra.

Troy found himself moving, pushing himself up, Carlos’ hand no longer tugging, but just holding on, reassuring Troy in a way he shouldn’t have been able to. When Troy’s cock bounced against his stomach, Will made a sound close to a squeal and scrambled to his hands and knees.

Troy held out a hand to stop him, figuring the way Will’s eyes had zeroed in on his cock, the way Will licked his lips, meant Will wanted to blow him again. “The floor—” The rest of that sentence shattered, a gasp tearing up Troy’s throat as Carlos pressed his chest to Troy’s back. Carlos’ cock wedged perfectly between Troy’s ass cheeks, hot, thick, so hard the cowboy had to be hurting from it, yet his breathing was slow, his touch sure. Then he bit, right along the spot where the belt had rubbed Troy’s shoulder.




Bailey Bradford



It wasn’t pleasure or pain. Troy didn’t know what the fuck it was. Too much, maybe, because it felt like every nerve ending in his body was swelling, shivering, sending out warm spikes of arousal. Each one tore through him so hard it burned. His back arched, and his mind spun. Will had Troy’s cock in hand, was stroking it, and Carlos nipped the same spot again, growling this time so Troy felt it as well as heard it.

“Oh fuck!” Troy gasped and reached behind him, finding Carlos’ lean hips, shoving his hands under denim and cotton until he could grab onto some skin. The man was warm, hot against his back, and his cock seared a path between Troy’s cheeks as the cowboy thrust.

Troy’s asshole twitched, a need he hadn’t felt in years—or at least not acknowledged—

lighting up the tender ring of muscles.

White-hot pleasure shot up from his ass hole when Carlos’ cockhead nudged it. Troy jerked and panted, his vision swimming. He moved one hand from Carlos’ hip when moist suction surrounded his cock. Troy reached out, down, not even thinking about what he wanted but knowing as soon as he wedged his fingers under the strip of leather around Will’s waist, he’d found what he’d been searching for.

And maybe in more ways than one. The thought was almost enough to knock him out of the oragasmic sensations engulfing him. As if he knew Troy’s thoughts, Carlos dragged his teeth over Troy’s shoulder, up his neck and around to his nape, where he bit with enough force to crush every coherent thought Troy had.

Troy tried to scream, didn’t have the breath for it, so what came out was more like a sob.

“Good, you’re doin’ good,” Carlos rumbled in his ear, and a warmth suffused Troy, one he didn’t quite know the reason for. He arched his lower back, hoping for another one of those nudges against his hole. Carlos’ dark chuckle sent goose bumps over his skin. Will chose that moment to deep throat him, swallowing around Troy’s tip and setting off another round of pebbled skin. Troy tossed his head to the side, swamped by sensations so intense he didn’t know if he could handle more.

Then it came, the press to his hole, except it wasn’t Carlos’ dick. Smaller, slick, it slid right into Troy’s ass, stimulating muscles that hadn’t been touched for far too long. Troy shook and shouted, his head slamming back against Carlos’ shoulder, his dick buried in Will’s mouth. He tried to grind against the finger, but Carlos pulled it out then teased at the wrinkled skin.




Bailey Bradford



“Please,” Troy begged, his eyes burning, his skin burning, especially
, where Carlos kept gently rubbing over his hole.

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